The above picture of Mandy Patinkin as Jason Gideon, Paget Brewster as Emily Prentiss and Thomas Gibson as Aaron Hotchner on Criminal Minds episode "Ashes and Dust" is copyrighted by Cliff Lipson/CBS and reproduced on this blog with their expressed permission.
Criminal Minds: Once the meeting Mandy Patinkin problem was taken care of I was able to go back into the studio and continue watching the cast and crew shoot the remaining scenes of "Ashes and Dust". During a set change I had my first real conversation with Thomas Gibson. Thomas had been on the set since very early in the morning and was obviously tired but he was gracious, kind and very funny. He asked me a lot of questions about the blog and admitted that he has not been all over the internet but was actually starting to wet his feet. A friend of his from college had produced a student film decades ago and someone had sent him the link to it on Youtube. He watched the video and it encouraged him to reconnect with the friend he hadn't spoken to in so long. He commented on how amazing the internet is. I told him that I was having a wonderful day and would be returning the next day to meet Mandy. I told him that there was a box of gifts and letters in his trailor from our group. I knew he did not have much time before they were going to call him back onto the set so I pulled out of my bag the things I most wanted him to sign which he did graciously. When he found out there were more things needing his signature he promised to make more time for me in the morning. He talked about his wife and children and how much he was looking forward to the hiatus. Hiatus is a word you hear all over the studio right now. They are all ready for a break from working such long days. We spoke for a few more minutes and then the set was ready and they resumed filming. Watching Thomas Gibson at work is a treat. It is watching the best of the best giving his best take after take after take.
I was watching the filming when Andrew Wilder (I will DEFINATELY be talking about him some more soon) walked over with a gentleman he wanted me to meet. One of the two guest stars in "Ashes and Dust" is Sean O'Bryan. Sean is amazing and I will be talking about him tomorrow as well. :)
This man is obviously such a class human being. I am so impressed with him.
I'm glad that the actors are going to get a break. They will come back in the next episodes all fresh and squeaky clean.
Although, hiatus is kind of sad for us viewers....
I'm glad you got to meet all of these people Jill and that they were so nice to you. The actors on this show are definitely people I want to model myself after. Hopefully I'll be able to work with them one day too.
I agree with audro that hiatus time is sad for us but if they did not have a break the writers and actors would burn out and then our show would surely suffer. We will all just have to suffer together as a group and find ways to keep each other busy.
I hate the H word but yes it is a must. I have liked and respected Thomas Gibson for a very long time. I think he is doing a great job as Hotch.
Exploring the net is kind of like diving into the ocean...and you can most definitely drown. On the other hand, you can also find things like this blog that can turn you into something resembling a kitten happily batting at a ball of string for hours on end.
Whenever I see Thomas Gibson's face, that one line from Singin' in the Rain pops into my head: "Dignity; always dignity." (For real, though, not the way Gene Kelly says it in the film.) He's got grace and charm coming out his ears... and fingertips, and toes. Every movement, every Hotch-scowl is so purposeful; it could also be his portrayal of Hotch's self-control, but I have a feeling it's just the way he is.
They're all very special people to take time out of their hectic schedules to make time for their fans. Special people, wonderful show.
Wow Jill, you are so lucky! And huge huge kudos to you for not just dying on the spot, you met such amazing people, and Im so glad they were kind and gracious towards you!
You are so lucky meeting all "our stars".
They are all so nice and friendly, although having such a hard day to cope with.
Think it's very interesting to see TG turning from such a "funny" person into this oh so "serious" Hotch - who we all love so much (some of us a bit more than others... ;-))
CU sindee
I'm really enjoying the little glimpses of the working life of the show.
If TG has discovered youtube, can more parodies be far behind? ;-)
Thomas seems like a really great guy and it's good to know that he's so nice. *G*
As for hiatus? I can SO relate. Once I get back to work (at an elementary school) we'll definitely be couting down the days until our "hiatus" which starts in June. We even keep a little countdown going on the whiteboard in the staff room.... Yeah, we're worse than the kids!
Look forward to more, Jill, as always.
What a very lovely person he sounds like. I wish him well in discovering the web -- there is so much interesting stuff to find. But may his children never discover and inflict him with Cartoonnetwork.com, Postopia.com, or the dreaded Disney! (Probably too late, though!)
Thomas Gibson is a great representative for southern charm!
Despite his external appearance, “Hotch” is a very complex character. Kudos to TG for his portrayal. Supervisors are universal but seldom are their mental dilemmas portrayed on the screen. The characters are often very one sided e.g. “the mean boss” and “the inept boss”.
In law enforcement, unit supervisors are often like parents, who must let the children try new things and make mistakes on their own (and some mistakes are deadly). It does not stop him from worrying about the employees just like his own kids. At the same time politics plays a major role in some agencies and it can eat away at one’s resolve to do the right thing. “Hotch” struggles with these things making him a great character to try and figure out.
Thanks TG for the work you do.
What a versatile fellow, and kudos to whomever had the foresight to cast the former "Greg Montgomery" as this amazing character!
Hiatus means something totally different for the fans. It's several months of reruns and wondering what's gonna happen from the cliffhanger. Ugh! But I definitely understand the actors wanting to take a break. They do deserve it.
Sounds like another fine human being indeed. Class, character, charm, and good looks. What more can you ask for?
And yes, I too can understand the love of hiatus. I'm currently counting the days until my own from university.....haha. It'll sure be nice to get 4 months off in another few weeks!
Maybe we could all compromise and they could just make a few more episodes a season. Just a few!
I loved watching Gibson on Dharma & Greg so when he was cast on CM I was like "hey! thats Greg!!! awesome!" He's is one talented actor and he seems like such a nice person in real life too. Its so nice to see that these people have such great attitudes and are people to model ourselves after like Kris said!
I can't imagine how tired they must get and I know MP would leave if he did not have down time to do other things but repeat season sucks.
Thomas sounds like such a lovely person and I am so glad you got to spend a bit of time with him.
And hurrah for Thomas discovering the internet!
He should google his own name. He would be shocked to see how many items there are on the internet about him. He sounds like a sweet man. We already knew he could act.
I hope Kris gets to work with TG. Great role model for him to learn from.
I would expect that all the main actors would have a thing or two of value to teach a brand new actor. Good luck to the young man and I love hearing about TG.
Thomas sounds like such a down to earth family man. I love that about him.
Way to go Thomas!!!!!
You are Number 1 all the way
around. Keep up the GREAT
I love him as Aaron Hotchner but I also really loved Dharma and Greg. Just got the dvds. He is really good at his craft.
Thomas Gibson is an awesome actor.
Always have loved TG and I like Hotch but want some smiling.
I have never googled Thomas Gibson but I bet there would have to be millions of mentions. He has been around a long time.
Fun story about he connected with his friend from school. It is great that it has sparked his internet interest.
He sounds like such a nice man. I am glad you got to talk with him.
Argh Thomas is amazing!
The actors all desrve a break... but torture for us! =]
I can't imagine the thrill of meeting Thomas Gibson. My brain can't even go there.
Thomas sounds like a great person. He's so gracious and classy. I really like the work he does. :)
I can't imagine just how amazing it would've been to watch him working. wow.
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