Criminal Minds writers Erica Messer and Deb Fisher (the gruesome twosome) will be joining us in the Criminal Minds chat room this Sunday at 4pm est. to discuss Criminal Minds and the writing process. These seasoned writers have long and impressive resumes and have been a writing team for many years on Criminal Minds, Charmed, O.C. and Alias. Deb joined us last week and those of you who were there already know she is a funny and open person. I have spoken with Erica and she is exactly the same way and I look forward to all of you getting to meet Erica and getting to know both of these fantastic writers better.
I just want to thank you for thinking about those of us who don't live in the USA
Thanks a lot!
I'll be able to make it. Looking forward to it!
Yay! Deb and Erica: 2 of the coolest people on Earth! I hope I can make the chat, but I most likely will be at work (go figure). We'll see.
Yay, Deb's coming back! And somebody new too! Very exciting!
Sunday chat...will do my very best to make it...
Can I have the new password in case I can get in pleeeeeeez?
Exciting news. I couldn't make the last one.
Oooh.....and yes. This is me RSVP-ing.
thanks for organising this for a time we can make!
Can I have the password please?
could i have the password too? and pretty please, someone tell me what time this would be for berlin? (or tell me what city would be est? LA, denver, chicago or NY - then i figure it out myself..
Thank you for setting this up Jill! I'll definitely be attending. Thank you so much!
Katze, 4pm EST is 11pm Bucharest, Romania. I think that would make it 10pm in Germany.
Heya guys and gals!
I shall probably be able to make it, as it's Sunday, so yay!!! Can't wait! :D
Hi Jill,
hope I can make it.
Could you send me the password? To be on the safe side... ;-)
@katze - Have a look at www.zeitzonen.de. I'll always check the chat times there.
Think it works for non-Germans, too - it's pretty easy to navigate.
CU sindee
Hey, I think Ill be able to make it (for once, yay). I've always wanted to take part in the talks :D.
Same name on forum :D
kimmie aka sweet toad
Oh I hope I can manage it, cause I'm on duty this weekend...so if you changed the passwort from last Sunday again, I need the passwort again *g*
@katze: in Berlin it will be at 22.00 hrs
Fantastic! The first chat with Deb was wonderful.
Jill, I don't have a Google/Blogger identity and I'm reluctant to post my email address here, but I'm the same Tamara who attended the last two chats with the writers. Could you please email me the new password? Thanks.
And a big thank you to Deb and Erica for joining us!
Sunday!!!! RATS!!!! I can't be here! :( I have cantata practice at 4:30! :( :(
Hopefully I'll be able to attend, the chance to chat with the writer is very exciting! Please send me the password :)
Yeah this is great news. I missed the first chat but I can be there for this one. Thanks.
Count me in--I'll be there!!
Thanks for arranging this, Jill.
Lori Stewart
I'll most likely be able to make it. Shall make time if I can't. =]
*my RSVP*
Me too please!
Woo! I will definitely make an appearance.
New chat pleeeeease? (:0)
This is Palais, RSVPing.
Thanks, Jill.
Yay Deb's coming back. Looks like we didn't scare her to bad. =)hehehe
Count me and miramax both in please.
I've just realized I didn't ask for the new password.
I'm assuming that the moderators are all coming but if that is not the case then please email me and let me know. Thanks. :)
Okay, I'm officially hooked!
Please send me the password for Sunday's chat.
Oops! I guess THIS is the place to regisger.
As I said further up, I'm not feeling all that well, but I'd love to have the option of joining the chat.
A Euro friendly chat is cool!
I'm sooo there!
I've been wanting to join in on the chats for awhile now and should be able to make this one. Can I have the password please? Not sure if you can email it through the blogger id (first time I've used it) but my name is the same in the forum as well. Thanks!
I'll be there. Send the password to me please..
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