Criminal Minds: We all saw, on the Season 2 Criminal Minds DVDs, that this site is one of the places the Criminal Minds' writers visit. Let's use this post to show our support for the writers of our favourite show.
***When you post, please include your location (city/state/province/country, whatever you're comfortable with)--I think it would be cool for the writers to see!***
You all do a great job and none of the enjoyment that we have from the show would be possible without you.
Good luck.
We appreciate all you do to bring us this great program. We are behind you all the way, cheering you on!
All of us loyal CM fans will be here waiting for you when the strike is resolved.
Best wishes and good luck!
Coming from Chicago, where my father is a Union Rep, I was always taught NEVER cross a picket line when the demands are acceptable. This is my upbringing. I wish I could be out there with all of you carrying a sign helping you get exactly what you want, which is by no means an absurd request.
I have to wonder if people realize that without writers, there would be no show?
So writers, I support you. Here's to hoping no one crosses that picket line till an agreement is made!
Lee :)
From Dayton, Ohio, and the plethora of fans at Wright State Uniersity, WE ARE BEHIND YOU 100%!!! BEST OF LUCK! We love you all. Thank you so much for all you've done with this most wonderful show!
I think the Criminal Minds writers should get everything they desire (contract-wise, of course). They not only write a terrific, intelligent show but take the fans into consideration and treat us as intelligent viewers. They never write down to us, and often include tidbits that usually only true fans would recognize. Criminal Minds wouldn't be the show it is without the great job they do.
Best Wishes and all my hopes for a successful end to your strike. You are so talented and CM would never be the wonderful show that we all enjoy if not for all of you.
You are so great and so appreciated by everyone who watches the show. I hope you are all alright. I know this must be very hard on all of you.
We are blessed to have a wonderful group of writers on CM; you deserve everything that is being asked for on your behalf.
As a member of a union myself (fortunately, my Local has never had to strike), I support you all. Hopefully, there will a speedy and FAIR resolution to this situation. Good luck!
Know we are behind you every step of the way. If those of us who lived closer could, we'd be out there with you just to show our support.
As someone who (a) hopes to one day write for a living (b) has the common sense God gave a monkey and (c) enjoys the hell out of this show, I fully support our wonderful writing team. It should never ever be forgotten that without writers there is no story and without a story, there is no show. Guys and gals, please know that your fans are wholeheartedly behind you. We want our show to be on all year, but we support you doing whatever you have to do to ensure that you're given the respect you're due.
Though I might disagree with what you do to the characters on the show now and again... I agree with your right to earn a decent living.
Your creativity is definitely undervalued.
Best of luck to all of you!
I applaud the writers for taking this step. With new technology in effect then the old contracts need to be updated to reflect those technologies. Everyone is entitled to their fair share. I like many others hope this doesn't last long, but I am also prepared for it to go as long as it takes to get these issues resolved.
Best wishes and good luck.
You are the single reason anyone in any studio has a job to start with. Without you then there is nothing. I hope the powers that be get off their egos and do what is right so that you can go back to doing what you do best which is write.
It really makes me mad that you have been forced to step away from your computers and walk the pavement carrying signs just to be paid a fair sum. Best of luck.
All the way up here in Canada, I'm blessed to be able to view the fruits of your talents twice a week. It wouldn't happen without your intelligent, thoughtful writing. Best of luck and I'll keep the snow here for you. It's no fun picketing in the snow :)
New tech for content is a no brainer. I watch the internet and buy episodes on itunes all the time. Of course you should be paid for it. No brainer. Good Luck. We all love and respect you so much!
I agree with the reasons for the stricke & hope it can be sorted out quickly
Thnk you for an amazing show :)
Ditto everything that has already been said. I'm in the UK but I have the utmost respect for all the writers on CM. I'm thinking of them, and their colleagues across the USA at this time, and I've got my fingers crossed for a swift and fair outcome to this strike.
I read the issues that you are striking over and it boggles my mind that you are asking for so little and are being forced to fight over it at all. I would love to see those high priced worthless, money grubbing execs try to write a script. It would be aweful.
The CM writers are great and they have my support.
Best wishes on a quick and just resolution to your strike. Anyone who enjoys CM knows that it is the writing that makes the show stand out. You are all so wonderfully talented and generous to the fans. I am so happy to see Ed and Shemar came out in support of you all today. They know the score. Without you they have nothing to say on screen.
I'm from France, the country of STRIKES!!!!!!!GOGOGOGOGO!!!!!!
We are all behind you!!!!!
CM rules because of you and the wonderful work you all do and you deserve to be fairly compensated for your talent and labor.
All your fans here in Germany are also 100% behind you and we, too, hope that this strike will help you assert your claims.
Good luck!
You are our writers and we are your fans. You have our loyalty, faith and best wishes.
Canada loves Criminal Minds. I would be the first one to buy the episodes if they were offered on Itunes and the thought that you would not make any money from that makes me ill.
Go Writers! xoxoxo
From Woodbridge, VA (a suburb of Washington, DC)!
I hope you get everything you are asking for plus HUGE amounts of respect. Without you writers, we wouldn't have a show to watch.
Good luck *fingers crossed*
Cheers and best wishes from Michigan. You have my support!!!
I would rather watch a rerun than have you get screwed on your contract. Stick it out and stick it to them. They need to realize that what YOU do lines their pockets.
Syracuse, NY
Don't give up or give in and don't ever forget that CM fans treasure all of you. You write the scripts that make magic for us every week. We stand in your debt!
I'm proud of you and proud of the show you have created. I love CM and it is one of my very favorite shows ever. Stick together and we'll stick with you.
Anything worth having is worth fighting for!
A wonderful writer once wrote that. You are all wonderful writers. LDSK, Poison, FK1, NWO 2, Revelations, Distress, etc.
We loves your words!
Best of Luck from California.
The writers are the brains behind the success of any show. All the amazingness and wonder has come from your minds; I and all the other fans that loyally follow CM each week are eternally greatful for all that you do.
We are all behind you, and will be there when you reture. Good luck!!!
Hugs from Spain!
The fact that you guys have to strike just to get what you deserve is really upsetting, and while all of us are disappointed about what this does to our shows, I think we're all more disappointed that you, the writers, aren't getting paid for what you do!
I hope a good, fair compromise is reached soon so that everyone is happy and satisfied! Good luck, we're all here for you!
i hope you get everything you want and dont come back to work until you DO!
CM fans stand behind the CM writers and you can put that on your signs and walk with them. You always have the thanks of CM fans and we hope that you get everything that you deserve. CM is great because you are great. That can go on a sign too.
Just wanted to drop a note to the CM writers--we love the show, and we have a great amount of respect for what you do!
Good luck with the strike--I hope you get what you want and get back on the job soon. :)
We'll be loyally waiting!
I'd rather watch repeats than have you get stiffed. Your repeats are better than anything else on tv anyway. CBS are jerks to let this happen.
You strike.....we'll wait for new shows. NP. You're worth waiting for. Best wishes.
Santrise from Atlanta, Ga, USA
I no longer reside in the state of California anymore due to my mothers illness. I don't quite understand all what is going on and what cause the strike and anger upon the writers but I know its must be worth it. I wish I could support you guys.I know the workers of CRIMINAL MINDS and other writers will be back with what they deserve. I believe you deserve better and the nation should recgonize your talents and efforts that you fantastic people do on a daily basis. To some I know its never easy but to others its a breeze but still when something you do with love and passion and or with great energy is being taken for granted I believe it is time to take a stand and stand for what is right. GO WITH YOUR STRIKE!!!!
I'm all for this strike and I wish y'all the absolute best out of it.
Hang in there guys. You deserve a fair shake. We're with you all the way!
Lee again! Wanted to say I'm in Orlando although I said "being from Chicago"..that is my hometown. I live in Orlando now.
By the way HUGE KUDOS goes out to Ed and Shemar today. I hope the other cast and crew members get out there and picket this week!!!
I'll watch repeats as long as it takes! (but only Criminal Minds ones - the rest of TV I plan to boycott entirely - take that! Kerpow! That'll show 'em)
Love from a gal in Indiana with a slightly inflated sense of her own importance. . .
You all do a great job. We'll hang in and wait for this to be over. Good luck. Boston, MA
You writers have lots of nerve wanting to actually be fairly paid for your work. To pay you a fair wage the Mouse at Disney might have to give up one of his many homes and jets. lol.
You gals and guys are gold. We love you in New Mexico! Go Writers!
I am so glad that Shemar Moore and Ed Bernero walked the line with all of you today and I hope that all the cast and crew will do the same thing in the very near future. Stay strong. Don't settle for less than you deserve. New media is going to be a huge money maker.
Without the great scripts, it wouldn't matter how good the acting and directing were, the programme (from that spelling you probably guess I'm in the UK) wouldn't be a fraction as good as it is. You're the foundations of a great show and you deserve to get the credit.
I sincerely hope a fair solution is negotiated soon. Good luck to you all.
Writers are everything. Good and best wishes.
Texas stands tall with all of you. Good luck to all the writers of Criminal Minds.
100% support from all the gals in Mu Dorm!
jersey loves the writers of CM.
The news on the internet seems very biased against your strike but anyone with half a brain realizes that you have legitimate reasons to be out on strike. I hope that everything works out very well for all of you.
Good Luck.
My husband is a member of a union and we know how hard striking can be. There is so much uncertainty and worry. I hope that you all stay confident. It will all work out well and you'll be back soon.
The writers of CM deserve to be compensated properly for new media and don't give up on the raise in dvds. You deserve more.
from Arlington, Massachusetts. I wish all the writers good luck and I support and am behind you 100%.
Keep up the good work. ;-)
Good Luck from Austin, TX.
I love watching CM and CSI and I hate that we may have half a season but I hate the idea of the writers getting half a paycheck even more. I wish them all good luck.
I don't work for free and I would not want them to work for free. The internet and "new media" are going to be gold mines for the big corps and they know it. I don't think our writers should work for free for anyone.
Lima, Ohio
I love the stories you provide us each week. They are entertaining and intriguing. I hope you get all your asking for. You deserver it.
Fair pay for exc. work seems fair to me. Stay strong. We're all behind you. CM rules because of you and made it into the top ten several times already this season because of you.
From one union member to another, I understand what it's like to have to fight to get the pay you deserve. Good luck and I hope you all will be able to reach an agreement.
Solidarity Forever!
Detroit, Michigan
the writers of CM are tops they should get everything that they are asking for its only right.
btw i'm a Philly girl.
Greetings from Finland! I wish you best luck and hope everything will work out soon. We all love CM and realize there wouldn't be CM without you!
Solidarity forever.
Keep your chins up, remember the big picture, and know that we support you. Even us up in Canada.
Best of luck to you all. As a writer myself, I understand and support your struggle.
You guys are amazing, and I hope you acheive what you want for your contracts.
Here's hoping everything works out, and you can go back to writing, which both you and we love so much.
Best wishes from Mission Viejo CA!
We are boycotting the "Mouse" until the strike is over. Disney was started by a man with talent and a dream. The people running the show trying to screw you have forgotten that executives are never the ones who create the profit. The writers are. Best wishes for a short and well fought strike from North Dakota.
We're a union family and unions stick together. Hang tough and strong.
Get your union to post the names of any scabs so we can be sure to never support any work they ever do.
You are great writers and I really want to thank all of you for the great two years of episodes that I have seen. You are all wonderful and so kind to the fans. You are a special group and I wish you all the best.
Total support from all lovers of CM. You are our writers and care about what happens to you and to your families.
I really sympathize with the plight of the writers. They deserve a fair cut from the sale of dvds and internet media. I truly hope they get what common sense would tell anyone they are entitled to receive. CM writers entertain me and I feel for them right now. I can't begin to imagine how difficult this must be for them.
I support the writer's strike! You bet your bottom dollar, the Exec.Producers get paid for DVD and Internet showings and so should the writers.
I'm right here in Los Angeles of course, amongst the writers who are striking. For someone like myself who has worked on many televsion shows, especially Criminal Minds (multiple times), I truly hope the writers get everything they are asking for!
I've had the pleasure of meeting several writers for Criminal Minds and they're are very talented. If money is being made off of internet media, they shouls get a piece of it. It's only fair.
Good luck to all the writers, and I hope to be back on the show very soon!
Canada certainly does love CM and all of its members. From up here, almost as far east as you can go in little ole PEI (the tiny little island that shows up as a speck on maps, sometimes labelled....haha!), we're wishing you all the best and are behind you in everything you do.
It was really nice to see Ed and Shemar out there on the line as well, glad to know the others are supporting you guys in your hard time as well. That gains a lot of respect in my books.
I love your show and appreciate all your talent and hard work.
I'll be boycotting all unscripted programming for the duration of the strike, and sending postcards to the networks to tell them that.
Hang tight and make the suits give you your due. We'll be right here when you get back.
All the best,
I hope the strike is a short one for everyone's sake. I worry about the office people and the writers. The "show runners" that haven't walked away should be ashamed. The best and fastest way to end this strike quickly is a total and complete stop to all production.
I don't watch reality tv and even those who like it will sicken fast of it when it is the only thing on the tube. There needs to stop being a product for the networks to sell to the advertisers and then they will go run back to negotiating and hopefully this time it will be a fair and honest negotiation and not more of their low ball crap. The fastest way to have this happen is for everyone to walk. Shut all the shows down.
Anyone who owns a computer or an Ipod knows where the future is. We are a mobile and a quick fix society. Reading that they aren't sure if they will make a profit from new media is beyond absurd.
I support the writers of CM. I support all writers everywhere. I have a hard time writing a term paper for school and I know a tv or movie script is much more complicated. I think all writers are talented people and they should be paid a fair and decent wage for their work.
Tina Elliott
Corinth, MS
Someone moaned last night about "Lost". I was shocked at how many people don't understand what this strike is really about. I don't want to enjoy a show that has been written by slaves and this is the same thing.
I don't work for free. I want overtime pay when it is deserved. I want to have all the benefits I am entitled to for me and my family. I want the same thing for all the writers.
Good Luck and God Bless.
I totally am into what you guys are calling new media. I really must be missing what this strike is over because this new media is all over the place. I keep reading that the writers aren't being paid for it but isn't that a copyright issue? I support the strike but I am not sure I understand it.
It boggles my mind that people don't give the writers the recognition that they so deserve. The television characters that we love are the product not just the actors, but the writers who give them the story to tell.
Week after week you supply us with great stories and characters that we welcome into our homes.
If one of your pickets were up here in Toronto I would make sure to buy you some coffee (be thankful you are in California... there was snow here yesturday)
Here's hopeing that this gets resolved very soon.
You all rock.
I don't understand why they won't give you what you ask for, since without your creative genius, they would have nothing to air.
Thank you for all your hard work
Keren from Philly, PA
I support the writers of Criminal Minds.
We've been blessed with great writers working on CM and they have all my prayers and best wishes. They are the foundation that makes the show and I send all of them my sincere appreciation.
I always look to see in preview info who the writer is for our next episode. I never have done that with any other show. I feel like I know our writers. I know their individual writing styles. I feel so much sympathy for them right now. Nobody should have to strike to be treated as valuable. I always think CM writers are valuable.
I felt pride seeing the picture of Ed and Shemar on the picket line. I really am so impressed with everyone associated with Criminal Minds. It is the best show on tv. Love you writers!
Thank you for all you do for CM! I support you guys and all the writers out there right now on the picket lines! I hope the issues are resolved soon and you guys get the recognition and financial compensation that you deserve.
Best wishes,
Ambra Bridges
Radford, VA
I am furious over the crap that came out of Michael Eisner's (Walt Disney Co Chief Executive) mouth yesterday!
1. "I've seen stupid strikes, I've seen less stupid strikes ... This is a stupid strike,"
2. It's a waste of their time," Eisner said. "[The studios] have nothing to give. They don't know what to give."
Who the hell does he think he is talking to! Does he think viewers are stupid? I am sure he knew what the issues were and didn't find them to be "stupid" when he signed his new multie BILLION dollar contract last year. I bet he gets a healthy slice of the new media pie! You can take that and put it in the bank.
Viewers aren't stupid. They know what this strike is about and I personally hope he rots. Nobody should ever, in any line of work, work for free. That is called charity which a great thing but it is not usually your job. Work for free. What an interestly "stupid" idea.
I know you writers work really hard. Thank you for all the great episodes that you have written. I enjoy all of them. I would rather have half a season than have you be f-ed out of one penny you are entitled to recieve and I respect all of your efforts. You have the support of myself and my husband.
Shenika & Edward Cantor of Ohio.
They say they don't want to give up a percentage of this new media because they aren't sure if it will even make them any money. If you are giving up a percentage then how can you lose? If it makes money then the writers get paid and if it doesn't then they don't get paid. All my support and great thanks for all you have accomplished with the show so far.
I support the writers with ever fiber of my being. I am just worried about the grips, lighting people and the support staff. Is there anything we can do for them? Could we take up a money fund or something? I would help with that!
And what about the writers who make little like the PAs? If they need money we can help!
We could divert the funds we five send to the MS fund for a few months and send it to them. I worry. Call me and let me know. I could take up a collection at the hospital for them.
Karen- I was thinking the same thing. The news today says that many networks are letting the support people go this week. If there is a way to help support them financially during this stoppage then we have the means to pull it off if we all do it together.
Someone let me know. I can skip eating out for a few months to put food on their tables.
I send my prayers. I don't have much money. Poor college student but I think my parents would allow me to send $20 or $30 to help out. Morally what is happening to the writers makes me sick.
Please let me know too. Allie: Use the money I donated this week for that please. MS is a great cause but it can wait a few months or hopefully only weeks. I don't want anyone associated with the show to lose their homes or worry about the basic necessities. That would bring me to tears.
Oh, I could setup a fund bucket in my dorm. We all love the show so much!
God Bless and keep our writers well. They have served us so faithfully and so well. It brings me to tears just thinking about these talented men and women having to walk a picket line. It breaks my heart.
A pox on anyone who crosses their picket lines. A pox.
As a fan from Norway, I'd like to say that even though the unions are politicized to death here, I heartily support you all in your efforts.
We, as fans, may not understand all the technicalities involved, but the characters, stories - worlds, even - that you create for our enjoyment, these things make us feel like we know you - and we support you 100%! I'd personally rather have six months of reruns than have you lot go back to unfair contracts!
Kudos to Ed and Shemar for picketing for the writers!
Best of luck on the picket lines!
When I first heard about this whole situation, I was flabbergasted that this was even an issue. You're all absolutely doing the right thing & I think the fan base is completely behind you guys to get what you deserve. You're just as important part of the show as the actors and you've always done a wonderful job at it.
Good luck & fight on!
I feel like we know our writers personally. They have been so open with us and so caring to think of all of us. I hope that they honestly do know that we are with them in spirit and in prayer.
If I could send them one message it would be this: You are our heroes and we think so much of all of you. We have no idea what you are feeling right now but we will always stand behind CM's writers. You have us with you even in your darkest day. Always. CM fans stick together with each other and with you ALWAYS!
I felt guilty watching the show last night thinking about the writer being on strike. I really feel bad.
I support the writers and wish them a swift end to this strike.
If I have to turn off my tv to help them then I will.
I wish I understood more about what is meant by this phrase being used, "new media".
I support our people!
Devon in Avon.
Thank you for CM. I hope we don't lose the rest of the season. I hope you are able to end your strike soon and get back to where you belong at your computers writing for all of us.
We all love you!
Are the younger actors and actresses also lending their support? Do we know if they also walked the line?
I wish I was there to bring them cookies or pizzas like the fans of other shows have done. Could we order them from abroad with a credit card and have them delivered or is that just stupid?
100% support from me too! Rock their pocketbooks and maybe they will put a few more pennies in yours. Four cents??? I thought it was a typo when I read that.
I won't watch the show anyone if they fire the producers like the news is saying is going to happen. I just won't watch another episode of anything. My family will just unplug the tv first.
I am a union person myself and I respect and applaud all that you are fighting for. Good Luck.
Best wishes and good luck to all the writers of all the shows and movies.
Lisa Doterson
Miami, FL
New Mexico stands with the writers of CM.
Hoping it works out well for all of you!
I just want to say that I'm in full support of the writers. You guys deserve to get what you're asking for and I hope you get it. I'll also be joining in the boycott of dvd sales for the duration of the strike. Thank you for making this show wonderful and good luck.
Didn't the last strike last 22 weeks and you didn't get a good deal then?
Don't give up this time. We'll be here when you get back to work. Don't settle for less than you want because you think your show will lose it's audience.
Viewers know what is at stake for all of you. The media doesn't accurately reflect the great lengths you all went to to avert this strike. I hope they do. Bravo for standing up for what is right!
Big corporations need to make money but so do their workers. You shouldn't work for free. That is not what you deserve or we want. Close it down and wait it out. Walk with pride because we are very proud of all of you.
The thought that I spent $49 to buy season two and the writers got four cents for the episodes on it that they wrote makes me what to wretch.
Brazil loves CM too and stands ready to unite its fan club to help in all ways possible.
I'm so confused that I feel foolish.
Ed and Shemar are on the picket line but how is the show filming if the Producers have signed the Pencils Down pledge?
Editing requires writing or at the least cutting in final production. Isn't that what we are reading? How then are they honoring the pledge?
Has production stopped as it should? I hope the production company is standing truly behind all of you.
Here is an idea for a CM picket chant you guys can say that has a message from the fans:
Our fans will wait for season four
Close the doors or pay us more!
That is cool. Here's mine:
Writers could write on their signs-
We know a bad deal. We haven't lost our "minds"!
Someone was asking what new media means. I think it means Itunes and being able to watch entire episodes free on the web but I am honestly not that sure myself.
I'n not trying to be snarky but as nice as it was to see Ed and Shemar's pics yest on the web I am asking myself why the entire cast isn't out walking like the casts of other shows are. SAG has as much to gain as you writers. Infact you are doing their work for them. Whatever you get paves the way for what they will get.
I support you and think you have been handed a very raw deal. I take that back. You were handed no deal at all. That sucks.
Members of sag have to go to work and honor their contracts or they can be fired. The whole damn thing is one big confusing pile of mess.
Writers are the backbone of CM and the most under appreciated people in the entertainment business. I support the CM writers.
Close down production until Disney ponies up the bucks.
I like what J wrote on her other blog: Support does mean support.
Close it down. Fade to black. Hit them hard and fast. Hurt their wallets and they will come back on their bellies to the table. They are all about the money. Fans of CM aren't going anywhere. You come back and we'll come back.
My deepest concern and honest best wishes to all of you writers. Bless you all and try to find some comfort in knowing that fans love all of you.
Could someone please explain to me what the logic would be behind the production companies closing down filming on scripts that have already been written. How does that benefit the striking writers?
Greetings from Germany, NRW.
Without your creative genius they
have nothing. CM is the best show
on TV. I love you writers and thank
you for all you have written.
Fight on and good luck.
as someone who had dreams of being a writer for a show when I was younger, I'm behind you guys 100%.
Here's hoping the Idiots In Charge will find an acceptable resolution sooner rather than later.
Best wishes!
I always learn so much about the show I'm on when I read stuff about it:)
Hey, that shot of the "Penelope" episode is of Garcia's apartment!
That face thing on the the wall is like an old fashioned electronic, surge-er, facial thingy. Next weeks is the beginning of the two parts of it.
I don't know how soon you will be seeing it because it looks like they are going to be alternating repeats and new episodes because of the strike. It's horribly sad at work. I went and walked at the Disney gate yesterday (I wore a giant red petticoat and an apron) and will be out at studios again today. Jimmy Kimmel came and brought everyone burritos. Seriously. The crew are scared and making plans to start different jobs and move in with their parents and back other towns (because Hollywood is shut down right now) and such. We have eight more days. That's all the scripts we have. Then no more stories. That's half of the season. And it's the same for all the shows. Every camera operator, costumer, everyone- out of a job. I'm so sad about it and I though y'all should know and I would give you my special edition that I didn't put on CBS.
I will try not to only post when I do "strike talk" but I'm surprisingly shy sometimes:)
You can call Touchstone and let them know your peeved. If you are. Which I am. I think they are a great company and they employ lovely folks, I just take issue with them about this. It's all so complicated. And icky. And I want it to work out. Soon.
hug a tree or something,
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