Criminal Minds: Melanie, a fan of Criminal Minds who lives in Germany, sent me this email & asked me to post it in hopes that other Criminal Minds fans in Germany would call their local networks and ask that they air the Criminal Minds episodes that are being dropped:
Hi Jill, The german fandom is really upset, 'cause the tv station, that is airing criminal minds, they won't be airing from 2x14 including 2x18. They say, it's because protection of minors, so they aren't able to show that particular episodes on sunday at 9.15 pm. But in the first season and in season two there were things much heavier. And this tv station repeats the episodes on mondays very late, times from 11.15 pm till 11.45 pm. I'm trying to activate the german fans, that they will call this tv station or send them mails that we can see those episodes on monday nights. So, I'm asking for an own topic, 'cause I don't know any huge kind of message board in Germany. Over a good friend of mine we have more than 1.000 students, who are criminal minds fans, who will be mailing and calling this tv station. Regards, Melanie
Talk about censorship. I am trying to figure out what it is in those episodes that is different than anything else in the other episodes. What could their problem be with them?
That sucks. If someone has an email address for the network there then we can all email them.
4 episodes! That's a bunch of nerve. Hope it gets resolved and sorry they are so far behind us in episodes.
thank you so much!
the network is called Sat.1
here is a link for contact formular for sending emails
They need your full name and address. The german fans are thankful for every email, that the network gets.
For the german fans, if you want to call them, please use the following phone number
0049 89 9507-10
I'm sick of people saying CM is too violent. It is so less violent than most of the dramas on tv today.
Censorship really does suck! They even censored the speeches this year at the Academy awards. What's next? Burning books!
anonymous was me, Melanie, I sent this email to Jill, hoping, that she can do something for the german criminal minds fandom and so she did. I'm so thankful, I don't know what to say. She's the best.
that is to bad they have so much censorship going on. hope it gets better.
Yeah, that's why they dropped "North Mammon", too - censorship. Bad thing.
I think, they should move CM to a later air date, if they "think" it's not good to show it at 9.15 p.m..
I suggested that in my email and pointed out that fans cannot follow the background stories of the show and therefore might loose their interest and finally stop watching.
And here's the link again:
Hope it works if you copy the 6 lines without any spaces into the address line of your browser...
Thanks for helping.
CU sindee
You missed North Mammon? I just do not understand this. The vioence on all of the CSI shows is twice as bad as that on CM.
I will be happy to comment on their website for all of you!
If you miss too many episodes in a row you will miss so much. Some of the episodes bleed into the next episodes. I'm sorry they are going this to all of you.
I'll add commenting on their website to my strike calls that I am making this afternoon.
Hell. We thought CBS was bad! Well they are but even they wouldn't pull something like this.
hey I'm a Criminal Minds-fan from Germany. I've already contacted Sat 1 . but I only got the "we are sorry but we have to act like this because of a law for legal protection for children and young persons"...please help us, so that they perhaps air the episodes at a later time! here the link again for contact to sat 1: http://www.sat1.de/service/content/00305/?kontakt_dir=Sat.1%20Fernsehen&gs_id=155220229147152207233167190194180180184174181162113230198215163147216164¶m1=Sat.1%20Fernsehen¶m2=Criminal%20Minds thanks a lot!!!!
I just checked the Sat.1 schedule and they have listed "Big Game" and "Revelations" to air dec.23 and "Fear and Loathing" one week later. I don't know if they are going to stick to the order afterwards or what about North Mammon. Sat.1 is known to screw up the order.
Also their response about child protection law gets me confused. As far as I know those episodes already aired on a German payTV station...
So lets keep on writing and hope they react.
what? so ein schrott!
i hope they dont mess up the dvd sets like that. german tv stations *censoredbymyself*
That sucks! I hope they reconsider so you guys get to see all the episodes. I'm so sick of the "we have to protect the kids" line being used as a justification for censorship. It's the job of the parents to "censor" what their kids watch, or at least it should be!
I really agree! It is up to parents to know and approve what their kids are watching and not the government or some network exec.
I just looked back into the archives and those were great episodes. This is really a raw deal for you all. It sounds like they have really made their minds up from what has been posted. I'm so sorry for you.
the german fans still need your support. I also heard this information, that 2x14 will be aired on december 23rd, but I can't find any kind of official confirmation from the network. So I appeal to you to help us, 'cause the network isn't reacting. Me and my friend we try all we can to force them to a statement or whatever, but we need so many more people outside! So if you can, please use the link, which you find below and email them!
Thank you so much!
hey mel! i was just very confused, cause my name is also mel and i am also from germany! so i was like "hey, i never said that!" can you please contact me?? we have to do something!
my email(please don´t delet this,jill)
Today I finally got an answer - after sending my email nearly one week ago - and they confirmed that "Big Game" and "Revelations" will be on air the 23rd of December.
They are also looking for a better timeslot for the so far cancelled episodes.
CU sindee
I just got that information too, the recently dropped episodes will be aired on mondays, where they ususally have the reruns.
So, I just wanted to say thank you for your appreciation and your support.
That is wonderful news!
Criminal Minds friends in Germany: If you have satellite tv, ATV (Austrian tv station) showed episode 2.14 last week. Today (13th December, 8:15 p.m.) they will broadcast ep. 2.15! Apparently Austria is not that strict with censorship. I'm proud of that!
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