Criminal Minds: Please join the moderators in wishing a very Happy Birthday to Matthew Gray Gubler, pictured on the set of Criminal Minds! Matthew is a wonderful man and we'll be posting many more pics of him and sharing some wonderful stories about him later in this trip diary. For now, Happy Birthday, Matthew!
Hope you have a "killer" of a birthday! ;-) Do something wonderful for yourself and have a great time. You deserve it!
Best Wishes!
Happy Birthday, Matthew!
Joyeux anniversaire Gube!
Have a wonderful birthday, Matthew. Good wishes from Australia. Come visit us downunder soon.
Happy Birthday Matthew! I hope you have a fantastic day!
Bestest wishes,
happy birthday MGG!
hope you have a gubtastic day.
Herzlichen Glückwunsch from Germany. Hope you are spending a wonderful day !!!
CU sindee
Happy Birthday, Matthew!! Hope you have a great day!!
Feliz Cumpleanos!
Matthew: Happy Birthday. I hope you have a great time today. Lots of cake and presents.
Happy Birthday MGG!!!
We Love You!
A very happy birthday to you!
Have a wonderful day and I hope this year brings you everything you wish for.
Matthew Gray Gubler! May you have the best freakin' birthday! Hope you're in Vegas and I get to see you!
Happy Birthday!!! :)
Happy Birthday, Matthew! Hope you have a great time and get loads of presents, a big cake, an amazing party and friendly and loving people around you.
Happy Birthday, Matthew! Hope you have a wonderful time!
Happy Birthday!
Happy birthday Matthew!
I wish you all the luck and happiness in this world.
Happy, Happy Birthday Matthew.
Happy birthday Matthew and have a good one!
Happy Birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy Birthday dear Matthew! Happy Birthday to you!
(sorry if my singing wasn't that good ;-) it is 7am )
Best wishes from Germany!
Have a wonderfull day!
Happiest Birthday Wishes!
It's all about the Gube today! :)
Happy Birthday Man!
All the best Matthew! Hope your day is perfect.
Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday Dear Matthew! Happy Birthday to you!
Better for me to write it to you than to sing it to you.
Happy Birthday, Matthew!
happy birthday matthew.wish you all the best
¡Feliz cumpleaños Matthew! Que la vida te de siempre lo mejor.
¡Te queremos!
Happy Birthday, Matthew!!! Hope you'll have a wonderful birthday. :)
Greetings from Malaysia!
Happy Birthday Matthew! :)
Have a totally tubular birthday!
Best wishes,
P.S. Pisceans unite! XD
Happy Birthday Matthew!!!
We love you!
Greetings from France :)
Hope you have the best birthday yet! :)
Best wishes and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
Happy Birthday!
Všechno nejlepší!
Have a great day and all the best.
Happy Birthday Matthew!
Wishing you all that you desire :)
Happy birthday, Matthew!
I hope that you have a wonderful day today - not just with good wishes, cake, and presents, but also with the reminder that you are loved and appreciated by so many friends and fans around the world, including me!
All the best to you today and always.
Happy Birthday !!
I wish that your birthday goes the way you want it to. I wish you the best.Have a wonderful birthday.
Take care,
A very Happy Birtday to Matthew.
Hope you have a wonderful birthday matthew
wishing you all the best .
thank you for all you do
Happy Birthday, Matthew!
I hope you have a fantastic day.
Best wishes from Germany,
Happy Birthday Matthew. Hope you have a lovely day.
(The best people are born in March!)
Happy Birthday Matthew, best wishes, love!
Happy Birthday Matthew.
Be good, and if you can't be good, don't get caught. ^_^
Happy Birthday Matthew!!!! Hope you have a wonderful day!!
Happy Birthday Matthew! Hope you have a great day and lots of cake!
Nova Scotia, Canada
Happy Birthday Matthew! I hope you have a great day! :)
Happy Birthday, Matthew!
"The secret of life is enjoying the passage of time." (James Taylor - Secret O' Life)
Hope your day is made of awesome!
Hope you have a geektastic birthday!
Yom Huledet Sameach
...and a few more exclamation points!!!!!!
rock on
Happy Birthday Matthew!!!!!
I hope you don't have to work today but get the chance to spend your birthday with friends and family. Happy Birthday.
Happy Birthday!
I wish on you some nice pranks, some great cake and a really loud Happy Birthday song.
I hope you have a swell birthday! Enjoy it anyway you can and continue being "Guber-y". ;]
Bon anniversaire!
Feliz(Happy) Cumpleanos(Birthday) Matthew!
Hope it is a good one!!!!!
A very Happy Birthday to ya!
You totally rock. I am sending you some cyber cake. Happy Birthday! Enjoy your special day. You help make every wednesday night special for me.
Here's hoping for a very happy birthday for the Gube!
Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Happy Birthday!
Keep wearing those socks babe. You're the best. H-B.
Happy Birthday Matthew!!! Hope it's a great one and the coming year brings you all that you desire! Once again, thank you for your kindness to the committee while we visited with you. Have a wonderful, wonderful day!!!!!!!
Feliz Aniversário, Matthew. May your birthday be wonderful.
Best wishes from Brazil.
Thais Afonso
Happy Birthday MGG.
Hope it is a great day and year for you. Hugs from Denmark.
Happy Birthday Matthew!! Make your wish and blow out the candles!
Happy Birthday!!! You're always my favourite! Kisses from Italy
Happy birthday Mr. Gubler,
Wish you a fantastic, gubleristic day !
Hope you will get some post from France soon.
MGGFan / Carine
Happy, happy birthday, Matthew!
Happy Birthday Gube!!
Love and laughter for you!
Love Reid.
In the name of all your French fans, I wish you a happy birthday and full of happiness! Kisses .... CINDY
Happy birthday, Matthew!!!! Hope you have a great day and a great year :)
Have a great birthday, Matthew!
Best wishes from a fan from Costa Rica
XOXOXOXO from me too!
Happy Birthday.
Très bon anniversaire Matthew !!
happy bityhday matthew
Happy Birthday Matthew! Hope its a rocking day!
Happy Birthday Sexy Socks.
Happy Birthday and many happy days ahead for you from your special friends in Fortaleza.
Happy Birthday Gube!!!!
MGG: Happy Birthday! xoxo
Happy Birthday to my fav CM guy!
You're aging great bud
Happy Birthday Matthew!!!!
Wish you a fantastic, gubleristic day !
Happy Birthday!
I'll add my Happy Birthday to the rest. Have a wonderfully Gublerish day today and everyday.
Happy Birthday to you Matthew.
Have a very happy and joyous birthday, Matthew!!
May it be filled with love, laughter, family,presents,cake, and loads of inspired whimsy!!!!
I'll pop one open in your honour when I'm home from work. A healthy and happy birthday wish from me to you.
Matthew, Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We love you Gube!
Happy Birthday!
Looking forward to your next chat!
Cake today for you!
Happy Birthday Matthew Gray Gubler
Happy Birthday, Matthew! I hope you had fun day! Best wishes!
Happy Birthday Matthew from across the pond in England! [:
meg xx
Happy Birthday, Gube! Hope your birthday wishes come true :)
Happy Birthday.
From Tampa too.
Happy B-D MGG.
Happy Birthday, Matthew. :)
Bithday love from Lydia!
and hugs!
happy birthday matthew! I hope you have a wonderful day. :-)
Best whishes from Italy!
Happy birthday Matthew!!!
Thank you for making Reid so real and touching for all of us.
You're doing an amazing job, numerous fans are moved beyond words by Reid (and by you of course).
I wish you all the happiness in the world.
Best wishes from France (where your french fans love you very much).
Happy Birthday!!
Germany loves GUBLER!!
Happy Birthday Matthew. Hope you get a cake WITHOUT trick candles and have a lot of fun.
You're so terrific as Reid. I love how you play him. You're a treat and I hope you get lots of treats for your birthday.
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday Matthew! Hope the day is the best one ever.
I hope they don't make you share a birthday cake with Paget. You both deserve your own BIG cakes! Happy Birthday.
Happy Birthday. You rock our world.
Happy Birthday Matthew!
Hope it is everything you want and more!
Happy Birthday!!!!!!!
I thought about wrapping all your fans in a birthday box for you to open but we would not all fit inside. Hope you have a b-in birthday!
Matthew! Happy Birthday! Root Beer Cake 4 U!
happy birthday matthew. I hope, you have an awesome one.
hope you have a wonderful birthday and your next year brings many great things!
Happy Birtday from France !
We loves you, Matthew and your Spencer Reid !!
Best wishes !
Hey Matthew
Happy Birthday greetings from Canada.
Love you up here in the great white north. Have a great day!
Happy Birthday, Gube!
You are a great actor, director, artist, joker, magician and I'm certain a wonderful person and I would love to meet you some day because I believe you are one in a million. Not because of your trademark hair or mismatched socks, as you may believe by reading this blog - all that's just fun and doesn't matter to us true fans.
You are wonderful as Reid and as genuine and sensitive as anyone playing such a complex character could possibly be.
I have nearly knocked my husband down racing to the TV, Wed. nites at 9 after returning from my yoga class where during the final meditation, I dream about how great watching Cri-Mi will be. I will never tell him that you are the main reason for that since you are young enough to be my son, but that is just how good you and that show are and how much I love it!
I hope you get to spend your birthday off-hours with someone special because you truly deserve it.
Love you, Matthew, you are going places, just don't leave us anytime soon...
Happy, Happy Birthday Matthew!
All the best,
ps. Hello to all at Criminal Minds Fanatic, too.
Dear Matthew:
You have such a wonderful and creative spirit, I have no doubt that this day has been fantastic for you! Absolute best wishes from one artist to another!
Happy Birthday Matthew!
Have a fantastic birthday, Matthew! Take some time to celebrate being you.
Happy Birthday!!!
Mucho Happy Birthday Matthew!!
Best wishes!!
Lisa & Trina <3
Happy birthday, Gube! <3
Happy birthday, Matthew. I hope it's a great one, and I hope the next year is filled with good times and good fortunes.
Happy Birthday Matthew!! Hope it was the best!!
Happy Birthday Matthew. You're totally cool.
Happy Birthday Matthew. Thanks for making the recent set trip such a blast. I hope your special day was exactly that. Enjoy your cake!
Alles Gute zum Geburtstag!
(Happy Birthday in German!)
Hope you have a great birthday!
Happy Birthday Matthew!You do an amazing job bringing us Reid each week...you remind me alot of my brother (in a good way)...hope you have a great day!
Happy Birthday Gube!! :D
Happy Belated! Hope it was a good one and that your fellow cast members didn't give you too much grief.
Happy belated birthday Matthew! Hope you had a great day and enjoyed your cookies!
Happy Birthday Matthew! Hope
your day is full of surprises,
and you have the most awesome
day ever!
Happy Belated, Birthday, Matthew!
A very happy belated birthday, Matthew! Reid was one of the main reasons I started watching Criminal Minds. And thanks for being so close to your fans!
Happy Belated Birthday, Matt. I wish you many more happy returns.
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