One of the things we fans were hoping for from the airing of "The Big Game" was an influx of new Criminal Minds fans. Judging by the emails I have received, and am still receiving, the show has accomplished that goal. I truly welcome all the show's newest fans and I hope you will not only tune in tomorrow for "Revelations" but continue to watch Criminal Minds from now on. It is a wonderful show and you have only had a taste of it. The best is yet to come. As I have explained to the many of you I have had the time to email back, and most stores are still selling the Criminal Minds: Season One DVDs. Not only will you have all of the Season One episodes but the extras included are priceless.
I need help from my friends and fellow veteran fans. I want every email I have received to be answered as soon as possible but I am drowning. While the majority of the emails are from newbies asking general questions there are also dozens that are asking specific questions about both the show and the actors. Answering these emails, while a pleasure, is also requiring more time than I have. Help. I need help. If you can take the time to answer even just five or ten of these for me in a quick manner please let me know. I think it is very important to answer them quickly so they do not lose their new found interest in the show after they watch "Revelations" tomorrow evening. I thank you all in advance for any help you can give. :)
The lovely Jason Gideon drawing is from our wonderful friend Joey.
This blog has single-handedly made me a devoted fan of this show. I only wish I could participate in commenting on the blog and in the Yahoo group more frequently because the level of my interest in this Best Show On Television is not accurately reflected by my actions. The questions and comments are insightful, provocative, thoughtful, funny, and captivating--just like the show itself. Keep up the good work and thanks for all you do for the show and for us fans.
You know I'll help you out as much as possible! I don't mind answering emails...just let me know!
forward some to me - you know what areas I know best! *g*
very talented, wish I could draw like that.....beautiful pic, thanks for sharing
I'll do a couple - just send them on.
i'd love to help if you need me :)
ohh_spit {at} yahoo {dot} ca
Jill: I answered all the ones you sent me last night. Do you want me to forward to you my responses? Let me know. I can do another 20 if you need me too. Let me know. Allie
I wish I could volunteer to do more but I am teaching back to back classes tonight. I only have one left from those you already sent me and I promise to do it now. Some of these were hard to answer. How in the world did people come up with such detailed questions from watching only one episode? Good for them. I love the idea of intelligent fans joining our ranks. Face it, we are all special. Love ya sweetie. I will try to call you tomorrow.
Hey there, Jill.
I'd be glad to help, so just send me a bunch of mails and I'll answer them for you. you'll find my email adress on lj.
Thank you again for the warm welcome on your blog. My wife and I actually watched the show because it came on after the game but we really liked. I am so glad she googled and found this blog. Thank you for answering her questions. I hope we did not seem stupid to you since you already know all about the show.
Hi Jill,
I am having surgery in the morning so will be out of commission till Thursday morning probably but would love to help if that is not too late! Let me know.
Lee :)
I can handle a few a day from my office. Love to help you in any way possible. You have done so much for us! me a few!
That last message noted as "anonymous" was from me (Joyce Frazier)! I hit the wrong button.
I'll help--I don't mind answering e-mails. I've seen every episode at least twice (including Sunday's (I watched it again last night!!))
Beautiful drawing of our man!
Lee, here's wishing you a speedy recovery from your surgery. Can we send Gideon, Hotch, Morgan, or Reid over to assist in your recovery??
Hey Jill - I am swamped until Thursday, but could try and respond to email then. I don't know all that much about the show because I am new to it this year, butif there are some you think I can answer, send them my way and I will answer them on Thursday!
Jill... if I could help you, you know I would, but I'm sorry I am sadly lacking in this subject.
Congratulations though on having such a successful blog here and may you and all the Criminal Minds fans and the Criminal Minds crew go from strength to strength
lotsa luv ann xxxx
Oh Lori...I would love the follow up care of a doctor..Dr. Spencer Reid that is! :)
I'm game -- shoot me a few!
Thank you all for the offers of help. My little worker bees who volunteered last night have also taken on some more today. I answered about 40 myself today and I will separate the rest and shoot them off to you guys later tonight. Thanks. :)
Hello! I've only seen season 1 (except for Fisher King), because I live in Australia and season 2 hasne't aired yet - so I can't really answer questions about s2, but would be happy to help out with questions relating to s1 or characters. Shoot me an email at if you need my help :)
Like patch_tank I've only watched S1, but if possible I'd like to help of course - maybe there are mails from Germany... ;-)
Think you've got my email from the Yahoo group.
CU sindee
Thanks to everyone who offered their help and those who gave it. I bet there are more tomorrow after tonight's episode and those of you who offered and have not done any yet can expect some to show up in your emails. Nothing as good as teamwork. Thank you all so very much for your offers and your friendship. :)
Jill: Would love to help - you can contact me through the forum if you want :) I am sure that there will be lots more questions after last night!!
Jill, it's incredible that people found you and your blog so quickly after viewing only one ep! that's surely a testement to the type of audience this show attracts.
I wish I could help w. the e-mail, but my brainy still no worky and I'm probably the last person who should be providing info. Except "Reid is cute. Reid is the smartest person in the Universe (except when he's charging after an unsub by himself....). Reid belongs to Jan L...."
Love to answer a few, (long long story)
Sorry I was too late to help
I always love when a fandom grows. it's fun sharing your fandom love with other people. I like helping other people appreciate such wonderful television.
jacqui #196
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