Criminal Minds: Guest stars: Jane Lynch (Diana Reid) and Remy Thorne (young Spencer Reid) on the set of Criminal Minds. I love the picture of Remy with Matthew Gray Gubler. So sweet. Wonderful performances by both performers in "Revelations".
i know people are going to be mad at me, but that first picture of MGG reminds me of Michael Jackson. He has the same expression that MJ has had. I not saying they look alike, but look at his mouth. I'm so sorry, but it just does. It must be the distance the picture taken and the lighten. Sorry
No you are right. It does look JUST like Michael Jackson, its terrifying honestly. What is up with that? Not my favorite picture by a long shot. LOL. But that little boy couldn't have been cuter.
Lee :)
These are great. I respect the other ladies opinions but I love them. It was such a great episode.
This was a great episode, and one of my (many) goals is to be a guest star on this show!!!
Thanks for posting these. They both were great with MGG.
I am sorry but I do not see the Michael Jackson thing. I really like these pictures. It is great to see pictures of the guest stars. Thanks for posting.
Thanks for posting these. All great actors.
Remy is sweet looking like Matthew. How cute they look together.
Sorry Blue and Lee but I do not see what you see. I really think these are wonderful pics. I think they are both incredible actors and I with Maura that Remy and Matthew look adorable together. :)
Great pics. Thanks.
I didn't say they look bad or anything. I'm just saying he looks a little like Mike. it the expression and his mouth. I just wished he had smiled. It very nice to see the main characters and guest pose together. Sorry.
Nothing to be sorry about Blue. All opinions are always welcome here. I just don't see it but it could just be me since I like MGG so much and dislike Jackson so much. Maybe my mind just won't let itself go there. I hope you are having a great weekend. Jill :)
Love em. Thanks for posting them.
Lynch is beautiful. Never really noticed it. I like her with her hair long. The pics are great. I like seeing pics of them when they are not infront of the camera. It adds dimension to them.
Jane Lynch looks sooo different as the younger Diana. I was wondering how they were going to do those earlier flashbacks. I was expecting a lot of "gauzy" camera stuff, when all they needed was make up and the somewhat bizarre (IMO) Rapunzelesque long blonde hair. Not what I was expecting, esp. when older Diana has dark hair.
Remy is so adorable. If I had a child (and the world should be grateful I never did!), I'd want him to be just like Remy and grow up to be just like MGG or Reid (I love them both!).
Okay, enuf squee. Love the pickies.
They really look alike.
Wow, what great pics! It's really cool to see the "two Spencers" together. They really do look alike.
Great work, Awesome Blogger!
What Jill, you mean you don't LOVE Michael Jackson, what gives? Just kidding. Yeah I saw these pics about a month ago and the first words outta my mouth were "oh gosh he looks like MJ". Either that or a mannequin. Either way you know I don't care, I'll take MGG in any capacity you can deliver him!!! Whoo hoo!!!
It could just be the light, but MGG's thumbs are kind of odd in that photo . . .
But I thought the little boy was great and a real cutie.
Great casting. Great pictures. Great Gubes.
I love these pics. The little boy could be MGG's little brother. Looks just like him.
The pics are great! I think it is MGGs square jaw (chiseled features) that is Jacksonesque--especially since he isn't smiling in the picture.
I think the picture is cute...but I agree that MGG looks strangely like Michael Jackson...
That frog on the TV- I so have it! lol
LOL...I'm amused by Matthew's serious face in that first picture. bad timing with the camera, no doubt.
jacqui #208
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