Criminal Minds episode "Jones" airs on Wed. Feb 28th. "A case involving a serial killer believed to be copying Jack the Ripper takes Gideon to New Orleans after three victims are found with their throats cut. Once thought to have been killed in Hurricane Katrina, the discovery of a fourth victim in the French Quarter confirms the murderer is still alive. All the evidence and files had been lost in the flood, so the only clue the team has is the word "Jones" that the lead detective wrote on the wall just before he drowned. Meanwhile, Reid meets up with an old rival as he continues to struggle with the aftermath of being held hostage". Starring Mandy Patinkin, Matthew Gray Gubler, Thomas Gibson, Shemar Moore, Kirsten Vangsness, A.J. Cook and Paget Brewster. Episode info from cbs.com and screencap courtesy of slashgirl.
This sounds wonderful. I am counting the days. I love this show. I am buying my tv guide tomorrow and I got the Gibson article. Thanks for the heads up on that. I would never have known and you know I love him.
I am primed and pumped for this new show. Come on Wednesday.
It is what I look forward to every week.
Lee :)
I can't wait for this episode. I hope the drug storyline concludes before the break.
Me too. I really want to meet Mandy Patinkin though. I heard he is very encouraging to aspiring actors and gives great advice!
I hope that Jones means more than the snip in cbs's description. It also has a drug meaning. It could be a signal that we are going to get resolution.
It sounds great. I am so glad that I was forced into watching the super bowl or I never would have found this show and you people.
I am so pumped for this show! Both the main story line and Reid's whatever problem sound fantastic.
Me too, if I didn't watch the superbowl show, I probably would never have watched the show like I do now. It's one of my favorite shows now. I don't know why I didn't watch before.
I bought the Feb. 19 TV Guide. Is that the right one? I didn't see anything on MGG! Did I miss it?
b.j. - Good catch with the double meaning of "Jones"!
Another connection could be with the existence of Reid's rival - as in the phrase "keeping up with the Joneses".
Can't wait till Wednesday! :D
no the tv guide needs to be the 26th
I have a feeling this is going to be a great episode. The description sounds great. Thanks for posting it.
It sounds really great. How many more days????
I live for Wednesdays now
I'm buying my TV Guide the second I get out of work tonight, I can't wait to see the article. I am so stoked about each ep these days. Okay, I hate Reid being in trouble, but OMG they've got me "Jonesing" to tune in like never before. Definitely good catch on the double meaning, B.J., I've been looking at the title for weeks and never caught it.
I have to wait until Thursday this week to see it (see those of us watching Canadian TV aren't always so lucky, they're moving it all over the place).
I'm thrilled to see the bit about Reid's rival, he mentioned in an interview months ago and I'd been waiting for it to pop up, thenwith the drug storyline I was afraid they were going to hold off until next year.
Maybe someday my fingers will learn to spell right and put in allthe spaces. Bad fingers, bad fingers.
LoraLee: It is not for sale yet.
Yips. Sounds great. Count me in on watching. Not that I ever miss a show. LOL.
Sounds like we are getting another winner. I just can't wait till Wed.
LL: I don't think you can buy it for a few more days. This new episode looks like it is going to be a seat of the chair episode. Goody.
MGG TV Guide is out today in Ohio -- Rob Lowe and Callista Flockhart are on the cover. *Very* nice pictures inside!
Is it wrong that I just looked up all the meanings of the word Jones? Am I a Criminal Minds junkie like my husband says that I am?
Yes, Shira, I'm afraid you're addicted ... and if you find yourself googling "Death", you're a total Reid girl.
Resistance is futile. You might as well accept it.
But look at the bright side -- you're in *very* good company here!
I forgot -- when you get your TV Guide, read the letters to the editor in the front. Several about CM -- one person hated it, but apparently they got a *lot* of mail about the cover only having 4 team members instead of all seven. They definitely got the message!
This episode sounds amazing...as always. I too hope that there is some sort of resolution to Reid's "issues" with this episode. The previews looked really good too :)
sounds like an awsome episode XD
I can't wait either! Wednesday can't come soon enough for me! Fortunately, I can rewatch episodes until then!
I bought 23 copies today. Can I get a loan from someone? :)
Jill, you are so dedicated! They looked at me like I was a nut and I only bought four!
You bought how many? *bats eyelashes at Jill*
Looking forward to this episode - I am torn between enjoying the new snarky Reid and wanting cute Reid back.
I'm afraid the drug problem won't be resolved soon. Because we have not seen a lot about it. It's just begining ! I love the way Reid is becoming. He is growing !
So I can't wait for the next episode ...
ohh.. cant wait to see the newt episode and Spence's rival and i have been trying to find who is his rival and if he is better looking...lol and the whole Jack the Killer thing seems so kewl... cant wait....only five days.....
I really liked the episode. It gave us the Reid stuff but also gave us back a story other than the Reid stuff. Does that make any sense to anyone but me?
Totally makes sense to me.
I think it is going to be a tell all episode because we do not have many left and I think we will get a sense of the storyline's shelf life from watching Jones. Then we can know if we end the season with Reid still hurting.
I rewatched it again and it is so sad. Poor Reid. Matthew is doing such a great job with this story.
This episode sounds great. I am looking forward to it because it sounds like it has a strong story.
It sounds so good and the night before we get a repeat as well which just means we get a great week!
Lets start the clock: Only 4 days and some change till the next episode.
Got my hands on TG's aricle. Bought the tv guide. Checked the CMF Blog. Now I am ready for my new episode.
I think this is going to be one of our best episodes yet. :)
I can't wait -- although what MGG said in his TV Guide interview makes me all angsty.
I also read that TV Guide article, and let me tell ya, when he said that it freaked me out. I think that Reid is going to have a severe breakdown.
Just got off chat with one of my other groups, and am dragging my "Equalizer" friends in by the truckload. Some will tune in just to shut me up, but as we've seen from the SB show, once they see it they stick around!
I love this whole season.
Wow...this sounds like another "don't want to misser" episode! Hope I have right keys in order on my VCR this week.
You mean there are episodes you CAN miss?
So does this mean only Gideon is going? or do they bring the whole team? i'm tired of gideon always being the one affected or the one getting the clues or being asked by the unsub for something (no Way Out) i think there should be more Morgan and Hotch.. and more Reid.. in a good light.
Our poor sweet Reid! :(
Ohhh I LOVE stories set in New Orleans! I can't express how excited I am now. *squee*
Well, I hope we get lots of 'spoilers' (seriously, I do - I'm the kind of person who has tor ead the end of a book first to make sure it has a happy ending!) We start S2 on Friday, and I have my Sky+ set up to series link so I'll never forget to record it (as if I could) and I can't wait to see the second part of 'The Fisher King'.
that picture just makes you want to give Reid a big hug.
jacqui #236
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