Kirsten Vangsness (Garcia on Criminal Minds) has updated her CBS blog. Go and check it out. Since you can't comment there feel free to comment here and maybe she will come by again and get to see your responses. She is awesome. :)
Kirsten: I am sure that Paget Brewster is a wonderful person and a great actess and our comments about Emily Prentiss are not any type of personal attack on her as a person. The writers are just not giving us enough yet to like her very much. Her character is cold, aloof and snarky so far. She joined the show at a time when the fans had bonded with the present cast and instead of having her ease her way in what we received instead was her face plastered everywhere in both the media and center stage in major episode scenes. Both of those things would be fine if they could just maybe make her character a warmer person. They came close in the bar scene in "The Big Game" but her comment about compartmentalizing better than most in "Revelations" made many of us take another step back. We are trying. :) Jill
I am totally willing to give Paget Brewster's character a chance, but she needs to be warmer. But on that note, I could see her human side come out when she asked JJ to accompany her on the interview in Revelations I thought she was being friendly toward JJ - it seemed, in my opinion, that Prentiss was trying to include JJ in the search so that she would feel helpful and not so guilty. I just hope that the writers can make her warmer with each episode!
And btw - great job Kirsten!! I love your portrayal of Garcia - top notch!
Only two entries in and already I can forsee this will be one of my daily checked pages.
Consider it bookmarked.
Kirsten: Nothing personal against Ms. Brewster but her character lacks warmth. Your character of Garcia is three dimensional and we love her. She is warm, caring, loving, a great friend, a caring human being and you play her beautifully. We love you Kirsten.
Kirsten: Paget sounds like a really cool person and I'm sure she's very nice. Perhaps you've read some of our stuff here and think we're referring to Paget. Well, I think most of us here know the difference between an actress and her part.
I've watched CM from the very first episode (and btw, have loved Garcia from the first--she rocks! And I love you, too because you do such a fantabulous job as Garcia.) and I loved Elle and I miss her.
So, not only do I have to deal, in the show, with a favoured character doing what Elle did, I then had to deal with a character being forced upon us. A character that I honestly think was unneccessary to the show (imho). I think the eps between Elle's leaving and Morticia's first ep proved that amply.
Morticia is a little too perfect and she got her job by dishonest means (she may have said she didn't use her parents' influence but I don't have to believe her.) She's not a very warm person and her attitude is one of superiority to her coworkers. And if that's not the intent of the character then obviously, there's miscommunication going on.
I'll be honest, there's not much they could do, short of a personality transplant, that would make me warm to Morticia.
But please, rest assured, I have no issues with Paget Brewster as a person. It's her character I can't stand and that's more the writers' faults than anything.
We are so glad that you are blogging Kirsten. Can't wait to see what you have to say next.
I'm sure Paget is a very nice person. But the character is not a particularly appealing one. I really like Elle and was disappointed by how she was written out.
And the team worked well without another character.
I'd like to see a little more emotion from Prentiss - maybe see her make a mistake or something. She just seems cold - but that's the writers not the actress.
Oh, and BTW - OMG hats off to van der Beek! what an amazing performance.
I really just wanted to tell you that I have enjoyed you as Garcia for the two episodes I have watched. I watched because we were watching the Super Bowl and my husband left the tv on and we both loved it so we googled and found this blog which led us to your blog and now I am rambling so I will just say we really like the show and we plan to keep watching it. I feel so connected to the show from the welcome I have gotten here.
Kirsten: I love you new blog. I think it is going to be really cool and I will check it out often.
OK, I've ALWAYS adored Paget and felt totally alone in my admiration for her. I was, however, in the interest of full disclosure, slower to fall in love with Garcia. But you folks, this blog, singlehandedly turned me on to her charm and style. She's like popcorn and now I can't get enough. She's adorable and zesty and I find myself, more and more, wanting to do interesting things with my hair and sighing in utter boredom as I look at my dull outfits. A smart girl, no, A REALLY SMART girl with a sense of humor and a flair for fashion and a heart as big as the great outdoors--yeah, duh, Jen, what took you so long to notice the obvious? Must have been Gideon's brooding that distracted me. I do love a moody man with a lot on his mind! Any way, thanks to DNY and all you folks for your exquisite and impeccable taste and for showing me the light!
OK, I just went to read Kirsten's blog and now I totally want to be her new best friend forever which, of course, would such a great frigging treat for her. I'm sure she doesn't know enough stressed, working mothers in grad school who have harmless girl crushes on fictional tv characters. Oh, sigh...all my real friends seem so...sedate now, by comparsion. She's reason enough for me to figure out how my TiVo works. You know, the TiVo I've had for a year now and haven't investigated and missed a whole season of The Sopranos because I couldn't be bothered to read the book. For Garcia, though, I'll overcome my technophobe ways and figure it out.
Kirsten: I love Garcia and after reading your blog I can see you both share the same soul. Thanks for being you and we love you.
Kirsten: I've been a great fan of yours since the beginning of Season 2, when I first discovered Criminal Minds. I then bought the first Season on DVD and fell in love with the show all over again, your character being one of my favorites. I think you're a fantastic actress and you seem like a truly interesting and likeable person, as well.
I'm glad to hear that Paget is a cool person and a good friend. For some reason, although Paget was lucky enough to win a part in a major hit show, her luck with the both the writers and stylists has been unfortunately poor. I have no idea why they write Emily as such a cold, rather strange person. It looked at the beginning like she was being set up to be kind of a "female Reid" with obscure knowledge and a problem relating to people. Now she seems to be building solid skills in the BAU, but TPTB are still marketing her has an odd duck/cold fish. The whole "Wow, you're weird!" moment on Wednesday didn't help gain Prentiss any fans.
As I've been known to say, it'll be easier to like Emily when she grows a personality. They have a quality actress; now they need to figure out what to do with her. You must know that our calling Prentiss "Morticia" has to do with her dead black hair and red lipstick. Paget is a lovely woman and despite my staunch feminism and support of alternatives of feminine beauty, I think giving Emily a softer, less wooden appearance would help a lot in making the character more approachable. You know, like Garcia!
I looked at Kirsten's blog the other day and wished there was a place to voice my applause at her performance as Garcia and to let her know I thought the blog was a great idea. I hope she does read this and I hope she knows she has a huge fan base.
Anoher great entry...
I think its remarkable that Kirsten (and maybe the others) noticed that PB is not as much loved as the other chars. ;-)
I wish I could discuss with you about this matter, but I will have to wait another year or two until the translation is done. *heavily stomping on the ground*
My full admiration to everyone creating a blog, which is a lot of work I'm sure. (That's for both of you - Jill and Kirsten...)
CU sindee
This is just all very cool.
Well whether she visits here or not I do want to say to you or her that I enjoy the show very much. I think it is one of best in a long time. I also want to say that I love your Blog Jill. I do not often comment and I know it drives you nuts but you know how shy I am so I am sorry.
Well speaking solely for myself thank you for all the nice words about the blog. :)
Ditto about this blog and Kirsten's. Both are totally bitchin. I rarely comment, but I always read. Keep up the good work, and Jill I love the pics. A lot.
I second what Lisa just said.
I would tell Kirsten that it took me some time to warm up to Garcia. About 15 seconds. Thanks for being so great.
I would love to see Matthews long coat! Shemar stole the coffee..hilarious! Sounds like a really good time.
Lee :)
I would ask her if she preferes tv to performing in the theater.
I would tell her that I think she is beautiful and talented and perfect and as a mom raising a teenager who wants to go into the business but is not a size 2 she is an inspiration to young women.
I think maybe she forgot us Jill.
Garcia rules the show. Reid owns my heart but Garcia rules the show. Kissing her finger and then his nose. Such a sweet scene. Kisses Kirsten.
Hey Kirsten: Love the show and love your character! I am an actor here in LA, and tomake money I've done some background work. I've been on Criminal Minds once, on the "North Mammon" episode and it was a lot of fun. The people of this blog have kind of "adopted" me as their "rising star". I thought it was so cool that they did that. I've been working really hard here and I just signed with a commercial agent and I'll be shooting my first independent short film next weekend. I'm a go getter! I was just wondering if you had any advice for me or words of wisdome. Anything positive helps! Thanks so much.
Hi Kirsten! Love Garcia!
I forgot -- one of my very favorite parts about "Revelations" was when they talked about their being seven members on the BAU team. Seven. The first season, we were a little shaky about JJ and Garcia, whether they were "real" team members or just side characters/helpers. This year there's no doubt about it any more. I'm so glad the PTB have come around to thinking the way we've thought all along. There are Seven!
I just checked Kirsten's new entry and have to say that i really like her blog so far. I hope she will write more in the next time and I will for sure check her blog as often as I can!
Greetings from Germany, bye Claudi
Bookmarked it. Will check it out.
Kirsten: What has been your favorite episode so far?
hooray for actor blog goodness! I hope she will keep updating this through the upcoming season.
jacqui #203
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