Many of us enjoy the quotes used on Criminal Minds so I decided to pick a quote and ask the following: Which character or actor could you see saying this quote and why? Your choices are of course: Mandy Patinkin, Jason Gideon, Matthew Gray Gubler, Dr. Spencer Reid, Shemar Moore, Derek Morgan, Thomas Gibson, Aaron Hotchner, A.J. Cook, J.J., Kirsten Vangsness, Garcia, Paget Brewster or Emily Prentiss. :)
I think MGG would say this quote. He is so carefree and unique. I could see him playing in the rain.
Definately Derek Morgan. He was the victim of sexual molestation as a young teen and instead of using that as an excuse to not accomplish his goals he turned it around and let that guide him into being such a compassionate child advocate. He looked past the horror of the community center and helped the kids instead of focusing on his molester who ran the center. He straightened his act up and became a passionate profiler. He is also having fun in his personal life and not letting his past hold him back.
Allie: I agree that MGG would play in the rain but KV would jump in the puddles so she has my vote for the quote. She seems like the type of person who tries to look past the clouds to see the light.
I think Kirsten or Thomas would say it in real life, while as for the characters? Garcia, maybe Reid if it were appropriate to the situation.
If it's in real life, I could see MGG saying this because of his attitude and his personality.
But, if it were for the show, I would definately pick Penny Garcia to say this 'cause it seems like something her character would say.
I think it sounds like something JJ might say, or maybe Garcia.
I would say either Hotchner or Gideon. I can hear them both saying it actually. They both have the personality to say this. :)
I am going to go with Shemar. He is very close with his mom who has MS but he is being so proactive. Fundraising and helping her maintain a positive energy. I think he is a person who could say this quote and mean it.
I think in real life I could hear Mandy saying it. He has battled depression and cancer and I think he knows his passions and priorities even more now because of those things.
As far as picking a character who would say it I am going with J.J. and frankly I have no clue why I am picking her but when I read the quote I immediately thought of her. :)
I see Garcia saying this quote, and not just b/c she's a free spirited individual. She may not have a lot of field experience, but I believe her compassion is born of some difficulties in her personal history. She didn't just become her wonderful self w/o overcoming some type of adversity!
I really do like that quote; it's been one of my favorites for awhile. For some reason, though, I just don't see a guy saying it. Just seems like more of a chick thing. So that leaves Kirsten, AJ, and Paget.
Well, I'm not going to go w. Kirsten b/c I already said Garcia, and I don't want to be boring. I don't know Paget as an actress, but interviews don't make me think she's a dancing in the rain sort of woman, although I could be wrong. But AJ is pretty established as a fun person (right Roxie?), and she seems like the "silver lining" sort of girl.
So AJ? Get out there in the rain and shake your booty!
I agree with what b.j. said. I can see morgan making that statement. And what b.j. said, I couldn't have said it better. good one b.j.
I know I break the rules...lol but I see Elle calling up Reid,(after hearing what had happened to him), and saying to him, "life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass...it's about getting out there and dancing in the rain" (hopefully she's on her way to her anger management class, right after her AA meeting)
Wow, that's pretty difficult...
(... mostly because I do not know the right words in English.)
I would choose Garcia to say it, because I think, she's the most positive thinking person of the team (Which doesn't mean the others are "negative"...) - and I can "see" her happily dancing in the rain in a pretty, pink dress...
CU sindee
@Jill - I think, that's a great "game" and I'm looking forward to some new "quotes".
I can hear Garcia saying it to Reid after this last episode. I can also see her jumping in the puddle and asking him to come jump with her.
Garcia definitely - wearing red rubber boots and looking for the puddle!
Even though he is not my favorite character I love when Gideon says the quotes on the show because he is like the father person but I can hear Garcia saying this quote which would be nice since she has never said a quote on the show and hey what is up with that. So hey yeah I go with Garcia.
Hard question because the characters whose back stories we know have had crappy childhoods and have done well in spite. I say we wait a few epis till we see if Reid kicks the drug problem and then he says the quote.
Cue some sad Macy Gray song and you pan out to see them all on the plane taking Reid to a drug rehab place and the quote is said by Hotchner.
I am new to this show so I do not know the characters enough to answer but Matthew Gubler is great so lets let him say it.
What a fun game! I think JJ would say this. She talks about how she needed to get out of her small town and so she DID..she worked really hard and made it. So I can see this being a good philosophy for her!
Lee :)
I would like to hear one of the Producers say this quote. I think it would be so great to have a non character do it but only just this once.
I can totally hear Gideon saying the quote, but actually doing it?
To me, I can see Garcia out there jumping her heart out in outrageous rain boots!
I think that for the characters, JJ would say it because she doesn't seem like the kind of person to wallow, or Derek because of his past. The actor/actress I would have to say KV or MGG. Maybe even AJ.
I do agree with Jill--I can see/hear Mandy saying the quote--I think it is something he has embraced in his life after his bouts with depression and cancer. He says he is into yoga and meditation now.
I could hear KV or Garcia saying it.
I can see Kirsten as well as Garcia saying this quote :)
I can hear Hotch saying it.
I think I could hear Paget saying it because she just keeps moving on no matter what.
This is something Garcia would say.
This is Mandy quote.
i can see JJ saying it or Garcia. I can see Garcia for the obvios reason, her qild colourful personality. I can see JJ saying it since she came out of a small town and made her big city dreams come true..
I'd have to go with Kirsten for this. she is definitely the "dancing in the rain" type. so is Garcia. so, I'd just have to go with her all around for this.
jacqui #211
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