Every March or April the studios work with the producers and actors to pick the categories and episodes that will be submitted to the Academy of Television Arts & Sciences for Emmy consideration. I am really hopeful that this year Criminal Minds racks up many well deserved awards. If you were the person who decided which episode was submitted for each actor which episode would it be and why? :)
I don't know much about the Emmys (we don't have them over here) but if anybody should be singled out for an award, my vote goes to MGG for Revelations as he was a heartbreaking combination of scared and brave and was always totally believable.
The whole cast did a great job, but a TV show hasn't haunted me like that for a long while and I think most of that was due to MGG's performance.
I'm going to be a bit off everyone else on this MGG thing. I was absolutley moved to tears my his performance the other night in Fear and Loathing when he had the dialouge at the end with Morgan. I beleive that is without doubt an Emmy award winning moment for him. I was not as impressed with the Superbowl Episodes, although of course he did wonderful, he just did outstanding the other night!
Lee :)
Like Nebula, MGG for "Revelations". The best episode of the two seasons I've ever seen until now.
I know nobody is going to be shocked that I am selecting an episode for Mandy. If I tried to answer this question prior to the last several shows I would have had a hard time narrowing down to one episode. This last month has made it really easy for me. I would submit "No Way Out" for Mandy. His scenes with Keith Carradine in the dinner were wonderful. I think there is something to be said for seasoned professionals going one on one with each other and Mandy and Keith played off of each other so beautifully that I cannot imagine anyone not being impressed and voting for him to get an emmy. Also I think Carradine deserves one for guest actor. :)
Profiler Profiled because I am a big Shemar Moore fan!!! :)
A.J. should send North Mammon. She was really good and it was the first time she had a big part. She was really good.
"Profiler, Profiled" for Shemar Moore. He showed a wide range of emotions in this episode and it was really his feature episode. Loved it.
I thought Kirsten's parts in Fisher King were outstanding. She really ran the whole range of emotions -- from her rage when all her computers were down to her absolute shame when she had to tell Gideon how the unsub accessed their personal information. She was really outstanding.
I agree with Lin that it would be Kirsten and definately for Fisher King. I think that two part series was the most screentime she has had and she showed us her talent. But she was also very good in the last two parter. Hard to make a decision. :(
I am going to suggest MGG but for The Big Game. I really liked that episode and thought he was great. Of course it was the first Criminal Minds episode I had ever seen so I do not have many episodes to pick from.
Given the eps we've had so far this season, I think MGG should submit Revelations, Mandy Patinkin, No Way Out, and Shemar Moore, Profiler, Profiled.
And while I think Thomas Gibson was wonderful in both The Perfect Storm and Psychodrama, they weren't really Hotch focused, not the same way the eps I mentioned were for those characters. I know we only have, what, 6 eps left in the season...but I'd love to have a Hotch-centric ep that focuses on him as much as the eps above did for those actors. Is that really too much to ask? *G* But if I had to choose one for TG, from what we've had, then I'd go with Psychodrama.
This is hard. The season has been very MGG heavy so I am sure that he will be nominated. I would suggest Lola for FK2. Her scenes with her dad were very good. I also think Andrea was very good in Mammon so I am picking two. Sue me!
I'm so bad at choosing. Definitely not my forte. I think that Revelations was pivotal to the series, and MGG's acting was truly phenomenal. There are so many other great eps like the others mentioned here, but I'm so blown away by that one that I hope the Emmy folks would be, too.
I agree w. slashgirl that Hotch definately needs his own ep. But I am so sick of Haley! Either get into the marriage issues and deal with them or do an ep that has more to do with his past and how it's made him who he is. And I'd be so happy to see him smile!
I go for "North Mammon"
There A.J reminded me why I love her so much!
She was awsome!!
They should submit Fisher King 2 for the Emmy award for Best Drama. It was a great episode and everyone had an equal part in that one.
I would choose Revelations =)
I'd love to raise THE FISHER KING(both two parts). I know my view might be a bit extreme...but considering the victims are mostly women, they should find a way to unite and taking care of each other.
My Favorite Character is Aaron
'Hotch' Hotchner. I Loved him
in LDSK. He done a Terrific job
of playing the guy with the gun
and for giving Reid the idea that
he had a gun on his leg. I thought
Thomas done one heck of a job on
I would assume Lola will submit an episode and I think it should be The Boogeyman. She was so good as Elle in the cat and mouse game she played with Hotch. Poor thing was so tormented. I think she did a great job showing us how conflicted Elle was.
MGG Revelation, no surprise.
I would go with first choice: Profiler, Profiled
Second choice: Sex, Birth, Death. Proflier, Profiled because of Shemar Moore's proformance and I am a big fan of his. Sex, Birth, Death because it deals with someone trying not to become a murder. I found that to be one of the most interesting show yet and hopefully the show will deal with those people who know something wrong and seek help. I think for sure someone needs to give Shemar an award for his proformance thought, for real!! MGG is good too and probably will get some awards soon too.
I think it is hard to single out any one episode and any one actor. The great thing about this show is that the team is the star rather than any individual. Can they all get one?
I forgot about Sex, Birth, Death for MGG..that was also an absolutley outstanding performance on his part!
"LDSK" "Natural Born Killer", and "The Tribe" were my favorites of Season 1, and probably the ones I would be submitted. From season 2 I'd probably choose, "Sex, Birth and Death", "Profiler Profiled", R"evalations" and I really liked "Empty Planet"..so I'd include that too^^
The ones they do choose, have to be from season 1 right? Isn't that how it works?
As much as I like "Criminal Minds" I don't think they will be nominated for an Emmy. They are considered a procedural tv-series and they don't get many awards.
Emmy as Oscar, doesn't really have any relevance for quality anyway.
You have a great page by the way :)
Swedish: I think the press are the ones that labeled the show a "procedural tv-series" and slowly but surely even they are coming around. I would like to think that an actor's performance and not a label used to describe a show is what makes the difference. Maybe I am a wishful thinker but the show is great, the actors stellar and I think this year will be our year. :)
I do agree it might take the show a tad longer to be recognized with an award but I think the individual performances have been very well received by the viewing audience and the media at large.
I would send in a tape from "No Way Out" for Mandy Patinkin and "Revelations" for Matthew Gubler.
For the women: A.J. Cook I would do Mammon for sure. Who knew she could act so well before that episode. She was top notch and now I adore her.
For the men: Revelations for MGG, No way Out for MP, Profiler Profiled for my man Shemar, Fisher King Two for TG.
For the show: Any of them far beats anything else on tv.
Hell I forgot Lola. I would send in FK2 for her. I miss Elle. Am I the only one bothered by the fact that she is never mentioned. Never. Her name has not been mentioned even in passing in any episode since Lola left. Sorry but she did a great job and deserves an award also.
I agree with Jill--I am a huge Mandy fan, so I am going to go with No Way Out for all the reasons Jill stated and Lessons Learned because I loved what he did with the terrorist in Guantanimo.
Also in Lessons Learned . . . . . SPOILER ALERT FOR THOSE WHO HAVEN'T SEEN THE EPISODE . . . . . . . . . .
there was a great Hotch scene when he learned that Hailey and Jack were supposed to be at the same shopping mall that the terrorists were to attack--his battle with himself between his duty to the job and his duty to his family was heart wrenching. Thankfully he chose call Hailey to see where she was--I don't think I could have respected his character anymore if he hadn't called them.
I would have to go with the Gube for Revelations and also Fear and loathing.
It's really hard for me to watch/read/play/listen to something and come out of it feeling anything other than "Hm... I think Ill have a pop-tart."
So the fact that he made ME cry and I did feel so bad for him and a little scared when he "died" TO me that makes him a hell of an actor.
I hope Emily Prentiss gets a chance to do a bit more soon - I feel that we haven't seen an opportunity for Paget to shine yet. maybe some more focus on her would be good.
Kirsten for FK2. I know she was great throughout the whole episode but the scene I liked the best was when Hotch made it clear that he was thanking EVERYONE for their hard work and you knew he was letting Garcia off of the hook and the expression of relief that Garcia had really stuck with me. I was scared she would be fired. So I think that Kirsten should get an Emmy for that episode.
Shemar Moore for "Profiler, Profiled." He was exceptional in "Fear and Loathing," too. James an de Beek was amazing and deserves recognition also. I never expected such extraordinary work from Dawson and a soap actor.
Fisher King 2 was the first full CM ep I ever saw, and it has really stuck with me. I'd go for that one for Gubler's performance and for the whole cast.
I think they all could hand in the Fisher King and win awards. Everyone did so well in those two episodes. They always do well. You know what I mean. Better than the always do.
Mandy was great in Lessons Learned. Totally had no idea what Gideon was doing with the time thing tricking that terrorist. I think that could win it for him.
I suppose Paget Brewster could send that one in as well. She had a large part in that episode.
For the show I would send in The Big Game. Loved it
I agree with those who suggest MGG for Revelations - he was so wonderful and sad. I also think that Guest Star nominee should go to James VDB for the same episode. He was great! The way he was able to change his voice and facial expressions was both freaky and brilliant.
But..Shemar in Profiler, Profiled was fab too. Such a handsomly talented gent =)
I would have to agree with Lee. I too was bawling at the end of Fear and Loathing. So instead of going with the obvious, I would choose this episode for MGG.
I am reading these comments and thinking about all the fun we had together trying to figure out the Fisher King mystery. As much fun as it was I hope they do not give us another cliffhanger this season. I am not sure I could take it. I think I would have to send the FK in for the emmy committee.
No Way Out for MP
Revelations for MGG
North Mammon for AJ
Profiler, Profiled for SM
Fisher King 2 for TG
Fisher King 2 for KV
You know, Fisher Kind Part 2 is the ONLY episode I don't have on DVD or Tivo..it makes me crazy!!!!!!
Lee :(
Actually I think Revelations could be sent in for all of them. Seriously think about it. Who did not give a great performace in this episode? They all did.
umm..this is hard..but since i am a Gube fan .. i have to go with Spencer and i would have to go with the Fear and Loathing and how he is confused and emotional...especailly the ending was amazing... i just wanted to hug him....
I think there is no doubt Gubler will win something this year but maybe just supporting actor in a drama. It is more likely that someone of Patinkin's reputation and caliber would win for best actor.
Lessons learned for our man Mandy. I think I would have to agree that if Paget were to apply she should also use that episode. I was going to pick No Way Out because I loved it soooooooo much but the intensity was higher for me actually in Lessons. Shemar wins it with Profiler and AJ excelled in Mammon. Thomas is great in every episode but needs one with more airtime to submit but he could go with FK2 and Lady Garcia is a shoe in with FK2.
I must be stupid because I can seriously not narrow it down for them. I find something wonderful in every show that I have seen but then I have only seen just a handful so far. Can I watch a few more episodes and then come back and answer the question? It is a really good show and I really like it here. This is fun.
The award goes to my main man in life after my husband SHEMAR MOORE for Profiler, Profiled. He was perfect and then some!!
The Emmy goes to the fantastic writers because without them we would be watching crap instead of cutting edge tv.
I don't know who will get the emmys because they all deserve it so much but when they win I hope the nasty stinkin press has to eat dirt and stop being so critical.
Heck with dirt Belinda they should have to eat mud. I am sick to death of hearing how some other show or other is better than ours. I am a lurker here and never have posted but I really had to on this one. Mandy deserves the Emmy for any of the episodes. You do not have to have a large part in an episode to be wonderful and he always shines. Always.
It goes to Mandy because he is the backbone of the show. He is the reason most people started watching it to start with. No Way Out will win it for him.
The Emmy goes to the writers because they are aces.
I am going to say AJ in Revelations. She acted her tush off!
I would say that I liked Hotch in Revelations as well as MGG. Mandy has a really good role in each episode so I don't know. Shemar in PP. Kirsten and Matt for FK2 (loved the scenes with Jane) and then Matt again for Fear and Loathing, I cried like a toddler. Oh and for fairness-sake, Lola in the Elle fanning episode (sorry don't know the name) and to be nice, Prentiss was good in Distress. Oh and if it was unclear, I don't know how the Emmys work:):):)
didn't those nominations just now come out? this show deserves so much more recognition than it's getting. it's a shame shows like this tend not to get that kind of thing.
jacqui #224
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