You are walking down the street one day and happen upon Criminal Minds filming an episode. You are invited by the cast and crew to stay and watch the filming. What a wonderful opportunity. The catch is that you are only allowed to ask one actor one question. Only one question. Tell me whether your question is for Mandy Patinkin, Thomas Gibson, Shemar Moore, Matthew Gray Gubler, A.J. Cook, Kirsten Vangsness or Paget Brewster and what that question would be? :)
My question would be for Mandy and it would be whether he will stay with the show for the whole six years we have heard he signed for. We worry he will leave like he did from Chicago Hope.
I would ask Matthew gray gubler if he liked crackers with asparagus and cream cheese..... i don't know why i would ask him that.......
I would ask TG if it is hard for him to be so serious and non smiley on the show since he obviously has such a wonderful sense of humor.
Matthew: Are you really so funny in person because you seem like a hoot?
I would ask any of the cast what their hopes and fears for their character were.
Is that cheating? *G*
I would ask Thomas Gibson how he managed to be such a serious character and cope with not smiling as much as he should
I would ask Shemar if he knows that it is alright to be handsome and talented at the same time becuase in an interview he said he doesn't want people to care about his looks.
Allie: Your question has sent chills down my spine. I would be crushed if he ever left and my friends and I have worried about the same thing and it comes up often in conversation. I would ask MMG if being aroung seasoned pros like MP, SM and TG has been a positive influence on him. Is he taking the op to learn from them?
I would ask Kirsten if she realises how much the fans love her
I would walk right past the actors to the first camera man I could find and ask him what it is like to work with this cast?
Matthew: want to go get coffee :)
I would ask Shemar "Which is it, Wild World or Moonshadow" because I heard he likes Cat Stevens. :)
I would ask Kirsten what her favorite episode has been so far and does she know we love Garcia.
I would ask Mandy if he is happy doing the show if the words could even come out of my mouth since I would be so nervous and then I would ask where the bathroom was because I would instantly have to use it. :)
I know I'd be all tongue-tied, so I'd ask where I could find the writers and then I'd ask which one of them is obsessed with Britain's royal family.
I'd be asking MGG if he realizes we have dinner reservations in an hour? LOL
Lee :)
I'll ask Matthew: Want to hang out and go for coffee? I'll pay.LOL.
lin - that is so funny! I can't believe I didn't even notice until someone pointed it out.
I would ask Kirsten if she knows what a role model she is to young women like myself.
I would ask Gibson and Patinkin how they like working together again and then faint on the spot!
I'd have to also walk right past the actors, straight to the writers/producers and ask if they could write me into the show, lol. Hey, it's a tough world out here!
Hey, Nebula -- I didn't catch the Spencer thing until they named his father William. That plus Garcia's obsession in the CIA ep pretty much confirmed it.
I'm not sure if it's realistic to ask MGG a serious question as I'm not sure he has a serious bone in his body. But still, I'd ask him if he has plans for more short film production and direction. And I'd be utterly transfixed if he smiled at me, which he'd probably do since it's his default facial expression.
I would be unable to speak. Do you think they understand blabber? I would ask Shemar if he is dating anyone special now and would he let me buy him dinner and then I would ask for a paramedic to bring me some oxygen.
I would ask MGG if he and Spencer would be friends if they were to ever meet. They just seem so different.
Wait, I am having a shallow moment....
Shemar Moore... Boxers or briefs?
Shallow momentes are the best sometimes Liza!
Lee :)
I think I'd ask Mandy if he's ever sing on the show. We've seen him cook and dance a little in Fischer King but I'd think it'd be great if he sang, even if it was just quietly to himself as he was walking around his home or his office.
I'd ask Matthew if he'll sign to the same 6 year agreement Mandy did.
(I really want him and his character to stay on the show as long as possible.)
I would tell Andrea Cook that I love her work and ask her if she is enjoying her role as JJ.
I would ask MGG if I could take him clothes shopping and out to dinner and then maybe dancing and then talking till the wee hours or I would just tell him that I really enjoy the show and I think he is great.
What are your plans for tonight, baby?
I would ask Shemar if it was a big adjustment being on a drama tv series after a soap opera?
I would ask Gubler if he'd do a magic trick and then ask him to marry me!
I would ask Mandy what his favorite episode has been so far?
We could ask Kirsten if Garcia ever got Princess William's phone number. I love this screencap. That was such a funny scene with her trying to find out the Princess's phone number. Poor Garcia!
I would actually ask Kirsten if she is enjoying acting in a weekly series?
Matthew, your place or mine?
I'd ask Shemar if being successsful in primetime is vastly different from being on a successful soap? Then I'd introduce that beautiful chocolate man to my beautiful chocolate very single sister. I'm happily married but I'd definitely like to welcome him to my family!
I would ask Paget if it was hard to join a cast that already had been working together for over a year?
I'd probably ask where the writers were so I could go have a little talk with them about Hotch's backstory.
Barring that, I'd ask TG how it feels having Hotch be the other child genius on the show (I've worked it out and for Hotch to have done what they've said he's done, with the time references they've given? He would've been 11, or even younger, when he started college.)
Hey, I'm not obsessed, I'm detail oriented. :D
I would ask, no beg, Mandy to say the line. That one fabulous line from Princess Bride.
....beaming up and going back a few months...Lola, let me see your watch? What kind is it, cause it is way to cool. I need an fbi watch for my emelda marcos watch collection.
I'd ask AJ what she thought of JJ becoming Reid's girl and marrying him.
I would ask any one of them if the press's negative articles on the show has bothered them? They have bothered me and if I worked as hard as these exceptional actors do it would bother me.
I would ask Shemar if he does his own stunts. I know he's pretty athletic. Morgan has done some neat flying leap/tackles on suspects.
I would ask Shemar Moore this....."Will you marry me?" LOL!
Uuuh, that's a difficult one...
I think I'd ask the person in charge (don't know who this is on a set...) if I could just sit there and watch the cast playing - the whole day long...
CU sindee
This was a Brillinat idea.
My question for the GUBE (Matthew Gray Gubler) is, if he would start to like working in more movies?
I just rented RV last night.
he was in it for like, a second.
which broke my heart,
because hes oh-so pleasureable to look at.
Thanks a lot
IF coherent words would come out of my mouth, I would ask Mandy to dance with me and sing in my ear! Of course, then I would go weak at the knees, break out in a cold sweat, and have to leave the room!
LOL slashgirl - but details are important. *G*
and lin - when they have a pair of unsubs called Beatrice and Eugenie, or a plague of crazed corgis, then we will know it is an obsession too far.
Oh -- forgot one! I would ask Kirsten is all the endearments she uses when she picks up the phone are scripted or if she invents some on the fly. The time she called Hotch "my liege" I about fell off my chair laughing!
I would ask Shemar if he does any martial arts, as he looks super fit and is very good at fighting with people.
FOR HOTCH: Would you hire me to be your Secretary??? Since I still do shorthand, you can dictate to me!
I would walk right up to MP and say: "My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die" just to let him know we all love him to pieces.
hmmm... since i am a total Matthew Gray Gubler fan i would ask him a questiom. THe question would be if he could come to my birthday party...that would be kewl..eh starting a new year with such a hottie near ya....lol too much sugar...
Paget Brewster: Don't you want to kill the powers that be for making your character...a little off-putting, shall we say, to the fan base. I, of course, think that husky voice rocks and can do no wrong. Then I'd ask if she and KV want to hang out and order a pizza while drinking beer and watching Top Chef or something equally mindless while reading fashion magazines and doing each other's nails. It's been a loonnnnnnng time since I was in college and I feel the need for a girl's night in.
I would walk up to the Producers and thank them for such a wonderful show.
I would tell Thomas that I really liked the article about him and that I think he is a great actor and then I would ask him if he is happy doing the show.
chelsea said... my question would befor matthew gray gubler why do you do drugs i have done them befor but it is not for you please don't do them ???????????
I would say to the first cast member that I saw: The show is great. Could I meet the writers because I admire them so much.
I likely wouldn't be able to speak much of anything......hah. I'm sure I'd get like, 7th-grade girly and just stand there and blush....and stare. And no, I haven't been in middle school for many a year now. ;-)
One question? Wow, that's a tough one. Probably:
Can I move in? *G* Or.......
Can I stay the day/month/year/eternity and watch?
I'd ask Matthew if he realized how hilarious he was.
my question would be for Matthew. I would ask him just how many socks he owns.
jacqui #227
Well...if I could actually talk...I would ask Matthew if he would let Morgan and Garcia take Spencer clothes shopping...
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