Criminal Minds: No matter what your feelings are towards Mandy the character of Jason Gideon has been a major part of Criminal Minds for two seasons. As we get ready to say goodbye to Jason Gideon I would like to know what your favorite Jason Gideon scene or moment was and why?
For me it was the scene from Plain Sight when he layed down on the victim's mattress and tried to picture how she felt and what she was thinking. It was typical Gideon and it was brilliant.
I think mine is from "Somebody's Watching" when Reid and Gideon were in the art gallery and the young sort of "different" young lady was flirting with him and he became so incredibly uncomfortable and basically had to yank Reid away from the starlet so he could flee the art gallery. I was laughing so hard at his awkwarness and it was soooo Gideon.
Ah I can't narrow them down to one. I love his fatherly scenes with Reid. I love them all and just can't pick.
Hmm...tough one. I think I'll go with when he found Reid at the bar in Jones. "You're not that hard to profile." I just think it's a nice moment between them - a father/son moment. That's what I'll miss the most with him gone.
It was such a small thing but my fav is his kissing the crying little boy in "Plain Sight". It was such a small moment but it was what Gideon was all about in my mind. He wanted to help victims. I loved it.
"Popular Kids" when he is talking to Spencer Reid about nightmares. It actually made me cry.
When he had tears running down his face whilst watching Sara Jean's son play the cello in "Riding the Lightning" I was struck by the enormity of his compassion and that is one of my best remembrances of Gideon.
I share Ruth's opinion. All I could think of while Gideon was talking to Reid about his own and Reid's nightmares in that scene was how horribly difficult it must be to have so many bad memories in your mind like Gideon has. So much history with victims and unsubs. I felt terrible for them both but Gideon's compassion and love for Reid was so real and so out there for us to see. Great episode and scene.
NWO 1 for me. His scenes with Frank in the dinner.
The hug that Gideon gives to Sara Jean from "Riding de Lighting".
I could feel the Gideon's sadness.
My favorite is when he's looking at the birds while on a stakeout, and he smiled. It made me smile too. It was a lightheartening moment.
"Ashes" when he calls Morgan and basically tells him that Hotch is going to freak out and that he has to stop him. The father reaching out to his kids and knowing them so well that he could predict their reactions.
Watching him dancing and swaying to the music as he cooked dinner in Fisher King One. I didn't know that side of him until that scene and I loved it.
Gideon sitting on the bench during the the end of the episode with Garcia and talking to the little girl that was saved..again. He was trying so hard to hold himself together to talk with her and you could see the pain on his face.
"Lessons, Learned" when he is going head to head with the terrorist is the ultimate Gideon to me. When I write, I describe Gideon as being able "to look into your soul." LL is an example of that.
P.S. Thank you, Shemar! ;)
He scene on the plane, I can't remember the episode name, when he is concerned that Garcia will think he has a crush on her because he had already sent her a gift and Hotchner had also sent her flowers from Gideon. When the others smiled and laughed at him. The look on his face was great and when he said "well I guess not". I liked that scene.
I am sure I will think of others after I write this but the first one that came to mind was the beginning of "Legacy" when Gideon was in his office with Hotch and they were watching Chaplin. Both of them were smiling and it's a side you don't get to see too often.
Profiler, Profiled when he says to Hotch....don't we all have secrets.
nwo 2 and the pain on his face as he trys to get frank not to hurt sarah, his collage friend who he has just brought flowers for and then his distress as he talks to hotch on the phone in the saem episode.pure magic and so wonderfully played by mandy
I just started watching the show maybe 3 weeks ago, but the best for me was the episode where Shemar refuses to leave the woman that's sitting in her car on top of the garage while they're trying to remove the bomb from underneath. At the end of the show when they're on their plane coming back home, Shemar goes to sit across from Gideon and says that he heard that he was worried about him, and Gideon dispassionately says that he was and that he thought Shemar did do the right thing. It just showed to me the personal connection between the two characters and really why we love Gideon so much.
For me it was in the first episode when Morgan's claiming that their Unit Chief on the verge of a nervous breakdown. And then Gideon runs into the room behind him says 'they don't call them anymore' and runs out again thats the first time he made me laugh.
"Revelations" and the scene with Garcia watching Reid on the monitor while holding Gideon's hand. They were sharing their terror and fear with other. I loved that scene and I loved Gideon in it.
NWO Two watching him try to buy the flowers for Sarah and it being so hard for him. Such a simple thing for the normal person to do but Gideon has a hard time with the mundane real world things. He is so involved in his job and the little things most people can do in the real world are so foreign to him. I loved how he was trying so hard to get it right. Gideon has been a great character. He will sorely be missed by me and my friends.
This is such an easy one for me. My favorite Gideon moment was him trying to stay cool and collected while talking to Garcia in No Way Out Two. He needed her as a sounding board and he was so freaked out but he tried to slap himself together to explain things to her so she could help him. LOVED IT!
Begging Sara Jean to let him save her life in Riding the Lightning.
I liked the look on Gideon's face when he agreed to allow Reid to board the train in "Derailed". He was really worried and you could feel it but he was going to trust Reid. I liked the father trying to have confidence in his son angle of it.
The entire episode of NWO2 does it for me. Gideon was so freakin great in that episode. He showed every emotion and I loved it and him.
Kissing the baby to calm him as he crept past him in Plain Sight. It was a great Gideon moment - real tenderness at a time of tension.
And hanging up repeatedly on the unsub in Broken Mirror. That was a good crazy ole Gideon moment.
Gideon's reaction in The Fisher King Part One when the unsub invaded his private space. The cabin was his get away place. I think it was the one place he could leave it all behind him and be peaceful. He was trying not to lose it in that scene but he was losing it. I thought it was a golden scene.
I really am struggling to narrow it down to just one. Gideon has been such a huge part of the series from its inception. I think it might have to be his telling Morgan..."what he said that I said is what I said."
The scenes with Gideon and Hotch talking in "Psychodrama" are golden to me. The mutual respect they hold for each other has been amazing.
Derailed: The horrible look of fear on Gideon's face when he thought that Reid had been shot. That look really stuck with me. I can still see it in my memory. Gideon is a once in a lifetime type character.
All of Gideon's scenes have been great but probably my favorite ones are the ones with him and Hotchner. They know each other so well and the trust they hold in each other has been great to watch.
In FK-1 when Hotchner went to Gideon's office to check on him. You knew he was doing it because he knew Gideon was holding on to his sanity with a string. That was a great scene.
I would be forced to pick his scenes in "Riding the Lightning" with Sarah Jean. The horror he felt on letting her die could be seen all over his face. It was so sad and so moving.
Gideon has served us well for two seasons and I for one am going to miss him.
LocilocoI like the scene between Gideon and Hotch on the bench at the end of Distress, I thought they were going to talk about Reid's problems, and instead they have a moment for themselves.
I will miss Gideon/Mandy, but I do not think the show will suffer overmuch. The team will go on!
There are so many but the scene in "What Fresh Hell" when he's taking Billie out of the attic and he stops to give her the dog toy he'd been carrying with him to give her is very touching. It showed his compassion for the victims, especially children.
There are so many to choose from. It is almost impossible.
Gideon giving Reid the football tickets for his birthday and explaining to him what they were. Encouraging him to ask JJ to go with him. That was a cool scene.
I'm not a fan of shipping on the show but I liked the dad in him trying to help his pseudo son to advance socially.
I can do this in two words: Legacy and Chaplin.
I think I will pick "Lessons Learned" because he was brilliant all the way through the episode. I can't dissect it to one scene. Sorry.
Oh I so agree with Renee! I thought Gideon and Hotchner watching Chaplin in the opening scene was wonderful. The honest joy that was on Gideon's face was great.
Hard. I like so many Gideon scenes. I thought he was particularly wonderful in "No Way Out Two". No matter how beaten down he was emotionally he just kept going. The scene with him begging for Sarah's life broke my heart. It was that wonderful.
I think the little moments with Gideon are the best. The glance or the few words thrown in to make his point. He can saw so much in just a word thrown here and there. I can't pick.
Pardon the typo. I meant say!
The one I remember best, because it was an up moment for him was when Gideon walked away after "beating" Adrian Bale in "Won't Get Fooled Again".
I wanted to cheer for him.
Gideon holding Elle's hand in Fisher King Two. That was so special.
What was the episode where he called his son. First he discussed his to do list before he died and then Hotch talked him into reaching out to his son. I loved that.
I love the scene in Jones at the end when Gideon is talking to Reid about what Gideon has gone through while with the BAU. They're both teary eyed. That scene gets to me every time.
I also like the Yoda scene and the look on Gideons face. hehehee
All of them and especially the ones where is with Hotchner. I loved their give and take.
I agree, it is hard to just pick one thing.
One no one has mentioned,in Empty Planet, when the professor has just been shot and he is with her, stroking her face, telling her to look at him, "let me see your eyes" was sweet--he was comforting her until the EMTs could get there.
Anything w. Gideon and Reid. Gideon being both a father figure and a mentor, and trying to allow Reid to grow up, while being concerned and sometimes downright terrified.
Everyone has already most of my favorites. I loved him in FK1 cooking and then dancing around with that lady. That was a side to him we had not seen before.
Most of my favorite scenes have already been posted. I too, find it hard to pick just one scene or epi that is my favorite.
I will say, being a total Morgan fan, the way he supported Morgan through Profiler Profiled was great. He even spoke to Hotch about being objective when Morgan's secrets were coming out.
Thank you Mr. P for such wonderful acting in S1&2!
for me it was Revelation's when it looked like Reid was dead and Gideon was in the bathroom pacing the floor saying you did everything you could you had to stop the video. I know I cried cause I thought he might be dead also. Trish
We both liked the same one. I loved that scene. It was so Gideon and so intense.
Riding the Lightning when he watched her being executed. I will never forget that scene. Damn Gideon was a great character.
The scenes of him sitting in the hospital while Elle was in surgery. It reminded me of a parent being there for his child. I love Fisher King Two.
Chaplin scene!
I hate looking back at the "good ol' times"
Makes me feel like I will miss Gideon...and I don't like the feeling.
I'm afraid I will miss him because Reid will miss him....father&son scenes always made my heart beat faster.
For me there are way too many to mention. I just loved his "fatherly" way!! But one that stands out is in LDSK in the jet at the end talking to Reid, telling him how proud he was.
Im such a sentimental fool!!!
"No matter what your feelings are towards Mandy"? My God! What the hell is wrong with people? Think about this for just a moment. Why did you love the character of Gideon so much? His intensity? His passion? Was it how you could feel the degree of emotion put into every scene? Was it that the part was played so well that you would forget for an hour that you were watching a man playing a part? Do you honestly think you would have felt a thing if Mandy, the person, had not allowed the part, and it's horrors, inside his own head? Walk a mile in Gideon's shoes and tell me that you wouldn't have to get away from it too! There was not one single scene he did not put his heart into, even when it was obviously too much to carry anymore. I thank him for all of them. Personally I couldn't be happier that Mandy has gone back to singing. C-Minds will go on without him, and maybe we will get to see him smile again. Tink~
Well said, tink!
I've got so many favorites it's tough to choose, but I love the end of Fisher King 2, where he's looking down at Elle. There's just something indescribable about the way he looks at her.
Well, evidently I can't call myself a CM fan because I had no idea Gideon was leaving. This is the first I heard of it. I think the guy is so intense it's crazy. I love the show so when I say crazy I don't mean that in a bad way....he's crazy intense, mega intense. Anyway, love the skinny nerdy guy...too sexy for his own good. I will say this, I like Reid's personal story. I'm rather drawn to him because of it.
Sorry if my comment doesn't live up to the normal fan comments. I'm still trying to digest the fact that Gideon is leaving.
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