Criminal Minds: On August 10, 2007 Edward Allen Bernero, Executive Producer of Criminal Minds, announced on this blog that Joe Mantegna was joining the cast of Criminal Minds. His announcement was posted on this blog several days before CBS made their official announcement. Today we finally get to see Mr. Mantegna on Criminal Minds.
Can you post this for me? "We are very excited to
tell you all that Joe Mantegna is officially joining
the cast of Criminal Minds. Thanks for hanging with
us, everyone. Ed Bernero"
It is going to be interesting to see how he fits in with the other actors.
I'm looking forward to seeing him try to fill Mandy's shoes. Good luck to him. I hope it works. I really do.
I've enjoyed just having the six team members.
Not having a loving feeling about this but I am willing to give him a chance. Not that we have much choice.
It could go either way. Either really great or really bad. I hope it adds to the show.
It is strange reading all the articles today and Ed's interviews. He used to say the same wonderful things about Mandy. Lets hope he has better luck with Joe.
Good luck and best wishes to him. I hope he does a great job.
One day till we see if he has what it takes.
Anxiously awaiting the new episode.
Rossi had better be nice to the other team mates or else. lol. It will be okay. How bad could he be? Maybe he will blow us away with how good he is!
Counting the hours till he new episode. I hope they don't strike. I love have new episodes back to back without a break.
He is a good actor and I think we will be pleasantly surprised by what he adds to the show. New blood can be really good.
I wish they had waiting but how bad could he be? He was nominated for an Emmy and that means he has some talent. The next few episodes will clue us in.
I think it is going to be really great. I'm going to like learning about another character. I think it is going to be fun.
A+ for effort if nothing else.
The episode sounds real interesting.
What a mess all that was. Mandy leaving and all the rumors about his replacement. This guy wasn't one of my choices but I think they just had to sign someone. Maybe he won't be bad.
I just can't seem to get excited about him. The things we are ready now just sound so fake.
Well now that we have seen an episode with Mantegna we know what a big mistake this was. Sorry Ed.
It seems like just yesterday that we were reading this for the first time. We've had so much happen on the show.
Now that we've seen Rossi I'm still not sure but I'm very curious and ready to see more.
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