Criminal Minds: The BAU receives a candy dish full of M&Ms from a grateful survivor and it is placed in the conference room. At the end of the day the bowl is still half full but all the green ones have been eaten. Which Criminal Minds character ate all the green M&Ms and why are they your suspect?
Garcia ate all the greenies. She is a vegetarian and she likes her greens!
I agree that it's Garcia. Green probably goes with whatever she was wearing that day.
Have you seen the ads for the M&Ms that you can have personalized? ("Trevor Forever"...) Garcia would be all over that one.
No it would be Reid. He would do something quirky like that. He probably knows all the different ingrediants in the different food colorings and likes green's formula better. lol.
I think it was Dr. Spencer Reid. He seems like the type to pick out all the kind that he likes and leave the rest for the others.
ummm I thought you are supposed to eat the brown ones since chocolate in naturally brown. lol I agree with Lauren and Jen Garcia has her name written all over this one. Maybe the clue will be her nail polish =)
i totally think it would be hotchner! i think under than stern exterior he'd have a little quirk like that which nobody knows about.
or reid, but for some reason i don't see him being that picky. he seems to snack on anything!
I'm also going with Garcia. I can see her picking them all out and taking them to her tech cave. There would be a little pile of them amongst her fun stuff on her desk.
Morgan would do it as a joke to see if anyone noticed they had been green robbed. He has a really funny side to him.
Garcia-Green Ones!
Prentiss- Red
Morgan-Whatever he happens to grab.
Reid- Yellow
Hotch- Whatever he happens to grab.
This has Morgan written all over it. He would sooo do it as a joke and then probably hide them in Reid sachel or desk.
I think it would be Garcia and Morgan together as a joke to see if anyone noticed. And if the team didn't then lets just say there will be a small pile of green M&M's on each of their desks. :)
Totally Garcia, she is the sexual innuedndo one after all. I think I spelled that wrong, but you get the point.
Lee :)
I vote for Reid. It just seems like a Reid thing to do.
I'm thinking either Garcia or Reid. Garcia lokes bright colors and can't resist the girly green ones. I can also picture Reid going shuffling through them with his cute eyebrows arched up grabbing the green ones.
hotch because he thinks green is like healthy.
I think it'd be Garcia, and maybe it matched her nail polish that day.
Way back when I was in college, in the early 80's, everyone said that green M&Ms made you horny and that if you sucked all the color of the red M&Ms you could make a wish and it would come true! lol
So with that in mind . . .
Garcia - red, and she would make her wish that her flirtation with Morgan would turn into more than a flirtation; and she would secretly feed Morgan the green ones, so that . . . you know!
Since green M&Ms are suppose to put you in the mood, I say it was Morgan so he can get his "thang" on.
JJ would eat them and then feign innocence as everyone would most likely suspect Garcia or Reid.
I can also picture JJ doing it. When no one's in the round table room, she sneaks in, looks around, then picks out all the green ones and scurries away.
No one would suspect her.
But I can also picture Reid doing it, sitting there and picking out all the greens with a look on his face like "I hope no one sees this."
I think Reid took them all. He hasnt eaten them yet, but has them stored away for Earth Day.
Great ideas so many of you had. I like the one about JJ taking them. I think she has a really fun streak to her. She takes them and for days afterwards all the BAU members start finding green m & m candies hidden in their things. Some in Hotch's jacket pocket, Reid's bag, under Garcia's keyboard. It would be a hoot.
They use the green ones to spell out bitch at Strauss's doorway.
I think Gubler would insist on Reid being the thief because he would have read do really cool things with them. Hiding them is a definate possibility. Or.....he tries to push Prentiss and Morgan together by sending them to Prentiss "from" Morgan with a poem.
Garcia goes green!
I like the Strauss idea but nay. I think Morgan just picks them out and eats them. I think he just likes them best. Everyone does know that they are the tastiest.
Hotch did it to distract everyone from all the yuk going on. Plus he just likes them. lol
Emily takes them and everyday Morgan finds one on his desk but doesn't know who is leaving them for him.
But I like the Reid one someone else said too. That would be ultra cool.
Garcia would pick them out. lol.
She is too cool.
I think that sounds like a Reid thing to do. Emily prefers the blue ones, JJ likes red, Morgan likes to eat a whole handful at once, and Hotch refuses to eat them because they're bad for him. Garcia likes the green ones, but she'd never pick them all out, because that would be unfair to all the other colours - she'd take equal numbers of each and make patterns with them on her desk.
i think it was garcia who ate the green m /m.s
It would be Hotch. I think we all think of him as being so professional and straight laced but I bet his has a playful side.
Reid, of course. Then he will lock himself in the bathroom and smile at himself in the mirror because his tongue is all green...a genius can be such a baby sometimes...
As soon as I saw the title I thought "Reid". He's still so childlike in so many ways, it totally reminds me of something he would do. He'll also probably have some random jargon about why the green ones are superior and how the green dyes used to color the candies are the least harmful to your health, or that they have the lowest probability of being choked on or some random thing.
But definitely Reid.
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