Criminal Minds: Lola Glaudini, previously Elle Greenaway on Criminal Minds, guest starred in this week's episode of Law & Order: Criminal Intent (episode title was Lonelyville) starring Chris Noth and Alicia Witt. Photos and episode info courtesy of usanetwork.com
I saw it and it was so great to see Lola again. She played a crooked attorney. Loved it!
Lola looked so different on the show. I was shocked because I did not realize she was going to be on and I usually only watch the Vincent D'Onofrio episodes but watched the Chris Noth one because I was bored and there was Lola. It was thrilling.
I'm so sad that I missed it but thank you for giving me the info so maybe I can catch her on it when it repeats. The pics are awesome.
They film Criminal Intent in NY so I bet this was a good guest location for her. She looks so different. I will keep my eyes open for the episode. I would really like to see Lola again. She is such a great actress.
I saw the preview and meant to post it on the message board but forget. I am so sorry. I set my tivo so I wouldn't miss it and she was great. She was the opposite of Elle. It was cool seeing her play an unsub. Her part wasn't very big but it was good. She played a lesbian, crooked lawyer who swindles and blackmails married men who cheat on their spouses by manipulating her girlfriend.
Thank you so much for posting these pictures. I miss having Lola on our show and I get google alerts for her but this never came to me through google.
Do you know when it will repeat. I know the Law and Order shows repeat on several different channels. If anyone has tivo could they find out when it will air again.
I caught it and she was wonderful. Sooooo not Elle. I liked her as a baddie!
I loved it too. The scene when she was in the bed and Noth said that he would flip her over because since she wasn't his wife there was no way he was going to stay in the missionary position was hysterical. And then they flipped and you saw Lola's face. A long way away from playing Elle. It was great.
Very cool seeing her again. I never watched that show before but I loved it and not just because "Elle" was on it. I am going to give it a try this season and Lola was perfect.
I am so bummed that I missed it.
Lola playing a psycho wack was cool. I caught it and it was great seeing her again. Now if we could just get her to guest star on CM I would be a happy man.
She really does look great.
Colleen- I get google alerts for her too and I also did not get one on this. I also get aol and msn alerts for Lola and nada on this from them either. This sucks. I can't believe I did not get to see her.
Thanks for posting this for us. There has to be a way to see this episode. I appreciate the 411.
Sorry you guys missed her. As someone else said she only had a small part but she was awesome in it.
Lola rocked! Loved it! Want her back on CM!
She looks so different in these pictures and on loci than when she was on cm. I wasn't her biggest fan but it was nice seeing her on loci. I always watch loci so when she came on I did a double take and just smiled that it was her.
It's was kinda strange seeing her play a part other than Elle. I thought she was good but I kept thinking about her as Elle. It was a really small part and I am surprised that she took the part at all.
Damn it. I missed it too. Sucks.
~~~~~I just looked and USANETWORK is airing it again tonight~~~~
Paulette, thanks for letting us know.
I'm one of the Elle fans that had a lot of trouble letting her go. It would be nice to see Lola again.
Thanks for this. I will making sure to catch it tonight. It'll be great to see Lola again. I loved her on Criminal Minds and hated she left.
Look at her! She looks grand.Thanks for posting it. It will be a long time till I get to see the episode but I will remember to watch it when it does come to this area.
I have it saved on tivo to watch again. She was great.
I love it when actors and actresses that I know and like make guest appearances on other shows I like. I also like crossovers. It is a small business I think and if you are patient you usually see someone you like again.
She was very good on LOCI. I wish she had been on a VDO night. I would have had my two favorites in the same episode. Noth was okay in this one but VDO is better imho. Lola did well but I would never think for a moment that she isn't a great actress.
very cool.
Great episode of Criminal Intent. She was great. I love Chris Noth.
It was a total surprise when the episode started and an awesome blast!
Love Lola!!
Very cool news on Lola. I'll find a way to see it. Thanks for posting it and the pics of her are really nice to see.
Am I the only person who starts humming the Barry Manilow song in their head when they see a pic of Lola? Her name was Lola. She was a showgirl....?
Great news. I'll catch her later tonight. Thanks.
Thanks for letting me know. It is playing here tonight. Thanks.
I got to see it and wow she was definately not Elle. She was really good as a sluggy lesbian backmailing thug.
Lola was great! LOCI is great and I think she did great.
She was great and the new bit of weight makes her look human instead of a skeleton. She played evil very well and curled her lip in a wonderful sneer at the end.
It took me only a few seconds to get past remembering she was Elle and believe she was Lee. What a great part she had and I did not think it was a small one. She was the mastermind. It was very good and she makes a great evil character.
Lola rocked!
Lola is bed with a man is something we never saw on CM. LOL!
I hope this means she is going to be working again. She must have taken some time off after having her baby. I agree that she did look great with the few extra pounds on her. She looked wonderful.
Didn't even recognize her at first but when I did it was real nice to see her acting again. I hope she ends up doing a new series.
I missed it! :(
Caught it on repeat. I wish they did with Criminal Minds what they do with the Law and Order shows. If you miss it then you can watch it on another channel within the next few days. It's cool and Lola was very good. What a bitch she was.
It was great. She was definately not anything at all like Elle which was great to watch. She has a good range.
When I saw her name in the opening credits I was hoping that she had joined the show. It would be interesting to see her star again on a episodic show.
A friend taped it for me and I will get to see it tonight! Yeah!
She was a real bad ass on the show and it was a kick to see it.
Lola was great and I was so happy but surprised to see her play a bad guy. I would love to see her do a movie or a new tv series.
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