Thursday, June 24, 2010


BY: Lea Sabau

I want to see more of the steadfast, caring friend that Emily Prentiss is to everyone on the team. I want to see more of the excellent profiling skills Emily Prentiss brings to the BAU. I want to see her kicking down doors and I want to see her cracking cases.

I want to see Emily doing it all, because she does it better than anyone else. I simply want more of Emily Prentiss, not less. Less Emily Prentiss on screen would be a disaster. This team would lose its balance and to me it would make the show completely unwatchable.

I am not sure in what bubble CBS execs must live in not to see all these sensational things we see. I’m not sure these people even watch the show to have a clue the kind of damage they are doing. What I am sure of is that Paget Brewster and AJ Cook do not deserve this treatment. And for me the support goes to the actresses.

I haven’t had the honor to meet Paget Brewster. I wish I will be that lucky one day because I would like to thank her in person for being the amazing person that she is.

I would like, however, to share the little indirect experience I have had and the joy of creating a special project for her has brought to my life.

When I joined the CMF message board, I noticed the lack of Emily Prentiss fan art.

One day, I decided to embark on a special project for Paget Brewster. That special project was a custom calendar. I simply wanted to make something special for my favorite actress. This great, unassuming, down to earth, hard working, incredibly talented and funny actress, who was far from being the fans’ favorite and deserved so much more.

It was such a small thing but the sheer joy and excitement with which she received my project, was overwhelming. Her kindness and generosity in thanking me has touched my heart like nothing before, and it is something I will always treasure.

It pains me greatly to see such a great person receive such an unfair treatment from CBS. They should thank the stars for the privilege of having Paget Brewster on their show. But instead, ungrateful as ever, CBS has proven they never value true character. It’s sad to see and it’s not something I wish to endorse.

I’m not good with words, I never was. I started writing this about 10 times trying to find the perfect words to do justice to such an incredible actress. Needless to say I failed. This is why I thought I’d use the image and the quote above to illustrate my point. Nothing better than the words of the woman herself to make a point.

This is what it boils down to…the strength and elegance of a fantastic character that would be severely missed on the screen if her presence is reduced.