Tuesday, June 22, 2010


By: Blair Burney

AJ Cook is the kind of woman I'd like to be when I am older. I want to be strong, to be classy, to preservere, to be humorous, to be loving to everyone, and to inspirate, just like she has been. No matter what the circumstance, I have never heard about her freaking out and causing a scene. She has a good head on her shoulders and just pushes forward, not back.

As a person entering into college in a couple of months, I find it dire and crucial to have a positive role model in mind. That person for me is AJ. Her modesty, and her down-to-earth, laid-back personality are both shocking and highly admirable. Kris' post just emphasizes how real AJ is. She's a person, and doesn't believe that she's a step higher than someone else.

So, as AJ has given to me as a person and an actress, I give back as a die-hard fan. I will continue to support her and to appreciate her, whatever comes her way.

I can think of no better inspiration than Andrea Joy Cook.