Criminal Minds: Here is the big Criminal Minds announcement that we have all been waiting for from Ed Bernero:
"We are very excited to
tell you all that Joe Mantegna is officially joining
the cast of Criminal Minds. Thanks for hanging with
us, everyone. Ed Bernero"
1 – 200 of 408 Newer› Newest»Yes! He will totally fit in with the cast, I am so excited about this.
I've seen Joe Mantegna in a multitude of roles that makes me believe that he can pull this off without harming the show.
Awesome choice.
I am so excited. Awesome choice. So exciting!
Oh this is going to rock!
I checked out IMDB, to see if there was anything I have seen he was in, and there isnt! Guess I will need to get ahold of something he was in, to see what he was like! (Or just wait until he appears on CM!)
Love2Teach, he was in the Simpsons as FAT TONY: The gangstar guy.LOL.
I've always enjoyed Joe Mantegna in movies and shows I've seen him in. I think he's a great addition to an already wonderful cast.
Now...we just need to see what the character is going to be like!! (*lol* I'm not greedy. Not at all. *g*)
Wishing Joe all the best with his new job! *G*
And Ed, thank you, yet again, for keeping us up to date--we love you and everyone else involved in making CM the great show it is.
Awesome! Not someone I would have thought of, but a great choice. Way to go, Ed!
Joe Mantegna is a wonderful choice. The season is going to be so freakin great.
Awesome Ed!!!!!
Joe Mantegna is a great actor. Wonderful choice and a really exciting beginning for my weekend!
Great job Ed!!
What a great choice! I really like his work.
Way to go CM!
I like it. I'm REALLY excited now. Thanks for letting us know!
Mantegna is a great choice. I didn't even think of him. Well done Ed. Well done CBS. Thanks Ed for the info!!
Okay. This actor I really can see fitting in with our cast. I am really happy with him. Worth the wait in my book.
It comes on for ever. His resume is unreal. Great pick!
Good job Ed and thanks for letting us know.
You did a really great job. He is wonderful. I remember him in Joan of Arcadia. He was great!!!
very exciting news. thanks.
Awesome choice. He is experienced and versatile. He also has a look about him. He looks like he could be on our team.
I hope you know we appreciate the news!
I loved Joe as Will Girardi in Joan of Arcadia! He's a great actor and I think can do a great job in CM.
I knew we all should have just "chilled" and let Ed and the rest at CM do their usual great jobs!
Very good. Now we have a full cast and the season is only a month away. It is all good!! Thank you Ed. You are gold.
Great choice! He's a fabulous actor and should fit into the show very well. I totally approve!
Great actor you picked. Do him proud and write him one hell of a great character to play. We know you are doing that right now.
I am pumped now. Did not even have this guy on my radar. He is a great choice. Very well done Ed. Very good. Thanks.
Great character actor with a great voice.
Great job!
I am so excited! I love Joe Mantegna!
Ed, you are a genius!
I cannot wait for season three!
Your note was short and sweet and full of great news. You packed a lot of relief for us in your small note. I'm excited about Mantegna joining our cast. I hope they are too.
Team CM rules in the fall!
Great job!
Great actor!
We are ready now for Season 3. Thank you Mr. Bernero
Ed thank you SO much for the exclusive. I can't say he is my favorite but I am pleased to see some diversity added to the cast. I'll be watching no matter what though!!!
Lee :)
I am thrilled with the choice. Joe Mantegna is seasoned with experience and will fit right in very well.
Great job Ed and thanks!
Thanks Ed.
Thanks for telling us so we didn't have to read it in the press. They are always so negative and this a really positive thing.
You all did a great job signing a great actor. Take the rest of the night off and then start writing him a really wonderful character that we can embrace with open arms.
Hugs to all!
You were the man. You found a really great addition for our CM family. I hope he knows how lucky he is. I feel lucky that we have him joining our team. Well done Sir!
Ed- Thanks so much for taking your time until you found the perfect actor for the show. Joe Mantegna is really great. I think we are all going to enjoy watching him every week. I hope the cast and crew are as happy as we are!
Thank you for letting us know about your decision.
Bravo and thanks Ed!
You did great Ed. I have seen him in quite a few things. He is really good. Thanks for all you do for us!
Joe Mantegna has always been a wee bit more than just "David Mamet's favorite actor." But even that was enough to recommend him.
It's going to be terrific!
Thank you Ed!
I have not seen him that I know of but the excitement in the comments I have read makes me very excited. It sounds like you did very well.
Joe Mantegna has been in some wonderful projects. I guess we are going to be talking about him all weekend and that is great with me. It was about time we had some really good news. Thanks for delivering it to us Ed. You are just the best and we adore you.
I am happy and excited too. I thank you too Ed.
Criminal Minds starring Thomas Gibson, Shemar Moore, Paget Brewster, A.J. Cook, Matthew Gray Gubler, Kirsten Vangsness and Joe Mantegna.
I like it. It looks good to me.
Great job Ed. We love all of you.
Great news. Thanks Ed.
Thanks for the weekend present Ed.
I think he has done some voice roles. Am I wrong? He was really good in Arcadia. This feels right. I didn't want someone new this season but now that it is done I must admit it feels good.
Terrific! Great choice. And he has a solid work history.
Great news and thanks once again to Mr. Bernero!
Worth the pins and needles wait this month. You really did a great job Ed. Thanks.
This is rocking news! I am excited! I am going to email all my friends and let them know. Hey thanks Ed.
I like him. He is good. Thank you for the news and for finding someone really qualified.
Did you explain to him what a contract is and means? We have to laugh about it now Ed. It is over and we have a new beginning.
Mantegna is great. Wow. We got a heavy hitter. I need to practice spelling his name. lol.
Thanks Ed.
Bravos and claps for the leader of CM on this news. Very nice and nice for the fans to know it first. Our thanks and prayers for you and all with the show.
I'm not going to say that I don't wish we had waited till next season but I like this actor so I will roll with it. My boyfriend thinks it is wonderful. He might be right this time. Thanks to Mr. Bernero for his devotion to the CM fans.
Mr. Bernero,
Thank you for the new member of the cast. Can we bribe you to tell us something about the character he will be playing or would that be pushing the candy too close to the kids?
This is really cool. Great choice! I have never met Mr. Mantegna. Hopefully I will get to if i am lucky enough to get back on the set!
Interesting choice. I am going to have to run to Blockbusters and see if they have anything he has been in. I am not sure I know him. If you guys are happy then I am happy.
Thank you so much for letting us know about this, Mr. Bernero. I'm very excited -- I loved Joe Mantegna in Joan of Arcadia, and I'm sure I'll love him just as much on Criminal Minds.
Thanks Ed!
Thanks again Ed. Welcome to Joe Mantegna.
Totally great choice. He is outstanding. Thanks.
Thank you Mr. Bernero for sharing this with all of us. We love the show and for some of us it was a tense time. I bet it was very tense for you. I hope this choice makes you smile.
I am elated by this announcement. Wonderful.
Great choice! I love the diversity and experience of this cast.
This is like adopting a child. We are adopting him into our CM family. Very nice. It feels good. It feels like we can put the past behind us and just start clean. I like that. We'll always have the memory of Gideon but now we have somebody new to learn about.
Ed, If his character wears two wedding bands and you don't explain it this time I am not going to be happy. I am joking. Now that Gideon is gone could we beg you to tell us the reason for the rings? Jill asked on the set but won't tell us what the answer was. Please.
I agree with Elizabeth about the diversity. I love it.
Great addition to our beloved cast. Thanks Ed and Jill.
Clapping for you Ed. You did a great job. Kiss the cast for us and tell them to be nice to the new guy. No newbie pranks. Keep your eyes on the Gube. He's a prankster and we don't want to scare Joe off. Very fine job and thank you for the news.
Ed, I hope Mr. Mantegna thanks G-d in his prayers tonight for this opportunity. He is joining a quality cast on a quality show. He is going to have the best writing staff in the world writing for him. I hope he appreciates this blessing. We are blessed by having you as our friend and we are very grateful and very loyal.
i thank joe mantegna is a gret choice.i no he will pull it off. i am very excited he will be on the show.can,t waite tell the season starts.
Oh yes please Ed. Please tell us about the rings. Jill has been a pickle and won't share what she knows about it with us.
I like Joe Mantegna. This is a really good choice. Thank you for telling us so quickly.
I have seen him in a few things and he is great. I don't think he was on anyone's list in any of our groups. Was he?
I am pleased and thank you so much.
Well done Ed!
Great choice! I think you knocked it out of the field Ed. We haven't all agreed on anyone up to now but the vibe is good with this actor.
Going to bed happy tonight. Love the show and all my friends on the blog. Thank you Ed and thank you to all my friends who have been so great to me since I became hooked on the show. I don't ask so many newbie questions anymore. I appreciate all the care you all have shown me. You are all so nice.
I'm clapping. Nicely done. Great casting and incredibly well delivered to the fans first. You are pure gold.
Exciting news! If anyone ever questions why you are so successful all you have to do is remind them of how you handled yourself during this crap feast we all just lived through. You are a true leader and guiding force as Kirsten would say.
You just take my breath away with your fan loyalty and professionalism. I frankly would have accepted anyone that you recommended. Lucky for me that I also like this actor. I have become so jaded with the news and the magazine articles. If I had heard the same name from them before I heard it from you then I would have disliked it just on principle.
Thank you for caring about us and send all our best wishes to all the wonderful people you work with. We care about all of them.
Great news Ed. Thanks.
Okay. I don't know this actor but I am open to him.
Awesome choice! Hugs Ed!
Who is going to break the news to Stacy that the great banner she made for the message board is now in need of reworking? lol
Thank you as always Ed for your graciousness and for the great news.
Great pick!!
Congrats on your newest cast member Ed. I hope he lives up to your level of excellence.
Mantegna is an interesting choice. I don't love it and I don't hate it. I need to see it before I make my mind up. I hope that is okay to say. I love the show and will of course continue watching. I do thank you though Ed for the news.
anon said:
Who is going to break the news to Stacy that the great banner she made for the message board is now in need of reworking? lol
*heh* Stacy already knows.
Besides, I won't be able to change it until after I get caps of JM after his first ep airs, I don't want to use non CM pics if I can help it. If they keep the credits consistent, then I'll just get a cap where it shows the whole team and work with that. *G*
Well it seems that all is going to settle down and be well on the show again. This has been a really sucky time. It seems like it has been going on forever. It is so nice to not have to think about Mandygate anymore. I just want the new season to hurry up and start. Out with the old bath water and in with the new. Ed, you are just a slice of pizza with all the toppings. I'm on a diet so that is high praise. I am up so past my bed time but wanted to share this good news with all my bloggy friends. Night guys and gals.
Poor Stacy. I like the new banner. Can you archive it or something?
Mr. B., Thanks so much. I am really just so new to the show and I feel so happy to be a part of all this friendship and I love the show.
Jill, please forgive me for all the emails earlier. I didn't read the blog before I started asking my questions about Empty Planet. I didn't know how busy you probably are. Sorry.
Ed, Really good choice. Mr. Mantegna is going to be wonderful. Thanks for giving us the exclusive and being so inclusive.
Okay now I need to go to bed too. I am posting in rhyme. That is never good.
It is so funny. You are going to bed and I have only just woken up. The whole world loves the show in all time zones.
I like this choice. It is good news from you Ed. Thank you.
Very pleasant news Ed.
We need to give him a real chance with open minds. It is important.
P.S. Thank you, Shemar! ;)
Nice to turn the computer on and see exciting news.
Thank you Ed.
Thanks Ed. We will hang with you anytime and twice on Wednesdays.
Thank you Ed.
Can I reserve my opinion until I see him in an episode? I do not know who he is. I don't think I have seen him act.
Lovely choice Ed.
He was great in "The Godfather 3". He knows how to play tough characters. Very cool.
Nice. Real nice choice. Not somebody I would have thought of but that is why I am not an Executive Producer. I think he was in the Godfather movie. I think he was also in the Simpsons. That is a pretty good indication that he can adapt and has range. I'm cool with him. Thanks Ed. Thanks for all you do for us.
I'm glad this is at rest now. Can't wait for the new season!!!!
I was talking to my mom, sister and grandma who came up from out of state tonight about how I'm excited for Criminal Minds to start again. yippeeee!!!
I almost spewed my coffee onto the computer when I opened up the blog. I love him. This is wonderful news. I should remember to always have my coffee before reading the blog. Wonderful. I am very pleased. Very relieved that it did not turn out to be some of the other names we heard. Well done Mr. Bernero. Well done CBS and whoever else owns you. I can't keep it straight.
Fat Tony is coming to CMland. Okie dokie with me. Slap a gun on him and lets see what he is made of.
Thanks Ed for the news. He is going to be really good.
Sweet. Love it.
Mantegna's experience is a definate plus. I'll give him a go.
Awesome actor with so much experience. You did very well Ed.
Mr Mantegna, WELCOME ABOARD!!! You are jumping in the boat right in the middle of a storm, but the water are calming down, now, and I am sure you will bring the sun back.
Mr Brennero, you can go to sleep a bit, now, everything will be fine, you will see... we (20 billion of us AT LEAST!) are waiting, and we will never let our show down!
PS. Mr. New Character, please, be very gentle with sweet dr. Reid!
I am going to have to learn how to spell his name. Could you give his character an easy name to type. It would help us old folks out. Joshing you. I like your selection. I know his work and he should work out very well.
What is the new character's name? Do we know yet? I know you know Ed but I was wondering if we know yet. Are you allowed to tell us?
Thank you for the news and for picking so wisely.
Love Joe Mantegna and so happy that he is on board. Thanks Ed for letting us know asap. The new season is going to be amazing!
Love Joe Mantegna and so happy that he is on board. Thanks Ed for letting us know asap. The new season is going to be amazing!
I'm glad it's settled and it seems like a lot of people are happy.
I agree with them that this feels like a decent fit.
Thank you for the news.
I have seen Joe Mantegna on very few occasions.
I wish the three season with impatience.
OK, I was like - Joe Who?
But I looked him up on imdb and now I'm like - ah, Joe from CM... ;-D
I haven't seen any movies with him, but it seems he will fit very well in our team. I wonder if he will get Gideon's casual look or the smart Hotch look...
Ed, thanks again for keeping us up to date that fast. Did you tell Joe what kind of *freaky* fandom he's joining?? *gg*
Jill, thanks for sharing your new knowledge with us.
CU sindee
I have never heard of him here in the UK, what has he done before
Yea!!! He is awesome. I think he will be a great fit. This will definitely lessen the blow a bit of losing Gideon. How perfect. Thanks.
Great news. He was great in Joan of Arcadia. I vaguely remember the Godfather movies but they were all good. Thanks for the news.
This is nice news which is exciting. Thank you to Ed.
Ed says they are excited about him so would be impossible for me to not be. I wish him well on the show.
Thanks Ed. Good choice.
Great news. Thanks Ed.
Thanks to Ed and to Jill for passing us this information. I am going to have to learn how to properly pronounce his name and type it. I can do that.
Congrats Ed and thanks again.
This is a tad bit fun I must admit. I didn't want a new character but now that it has happened it is surprising me how excited I really am about it. I wish the man all great luck.
Congrats to everyone involved with the show. Good job it would seem on picking a winner.
Oh that is a really interesting choice!! I barely know his work but that is fine. Congrats to him for landing a great job. Thanks again to Ed.
Nicely done and graciously delivered to us. Very nice. Exciting selection.
Thank you Ed.
I don't know his work so I will have to wait.
Fat Tony!
Very cool!
Someone mentioned that Joe Mantegna was in the movie, Baby's Day Out. He was and it was a hoot! Those of you who haven't seen the movie should check it out--a funny movie to watch on a Saturday afernoon. He played a bumbling gangster and his facial expressions and antics made me laugh out loud.
He has played such a wide spectrum of characters, from the funny, to scary, to caring. He is a great choice, with lots of range.
I am so looking forward to learning about his character next season!
Best wishes to Mr. Mantegna on his new job. Break a leg...not really, I think that is an expression.
Thank you Mr. Bernero. Welcome Joe.
Thanks Ed,
The test of his ability is going to be how he does with his first phone call with Garcia. If his character can hold his own with our special lady then he is golden in my book.
Well done as already stated numerous times. We appreciate the news very much.
He has a dark and smolderly look to him. That is going to be really good to have a new actor after all. Who knew!
I am going to keep my mind open to this new person but I am still really sad about all this. I'm sorry.
This had to be a really hard search but I like this actor. I think you did really well Ed. I am looking forward to the season finally starting and our first look at the new guy.
It seems Ed has pulled the summer out of the garbage can and given us someone to look forward to. For that I am thankful. I like good news much better than bad.
***** Has anyone told the TV Guide yet so they can start bashing and downing the new choice. You aren't a part of team CM unless TV Guide slams the crap out of you******
A very warm welcome to Joe to the Cm team, season 3 is going to be great. Now we have a lot of diversity on the show!
Thankyou Ed for being the wonderful person that you are and keeping us constantly updated with good news, you are the best:):):):)
I ditto all the thanks Ed. You are our special blogging friend. I hope you are happy with this choice. I don't really know him but that will change during the new season. It is good news because now you can back to the business of producing the show and away from all the speculation and dirty crap MP left you with. I wish you all the best of everything.
Exciting choice.
I am tickled pink by this choice. Great job Ed and CBS.
"Thanks for hanging with
us, everyone."
NO. Thank you for hanging with us Ed. You are one of a kind. Pure gold as far as we are concerned.
Welcome and good luck wishes to Joe Mantegna. We are a hard audience who expects quality but we are very loyal and devoted. If you do your very best then you will have a fan base you might not be used to. We are incredibly devoted and protective of our show. But we are a friendly lot.
Awesome news. We were due so good news. Thanks Ed. You did really good.
I meant to say some. I can't spell so good in english. Sorry for being stupid.
Ed- Thanks so much. Great job
Jill- Thanks so much for being our go between and keeping us accurately informed.
Debbie- Your English is wonderful. You are not stupid.
Thumbs up Ed from Chile.
You converted me. Are you happy now? I didn't want a new person but the excitement is contagious. It does seem fun to have someone new. I can like him and still miss Mandy at the same time.
Spain joins Chile in giving Ed the thumbs up.
Congrats to Mr. Mantegna, Ed, the cast and crew, CBS and Disney for getting the job done and doing it so well. Bravo.
Never even thought of him as a choice but it is a good one. Ed, we thank you and appreciate you so much.
Very nice!
You really thought outside the box with this and it is a great surprise. Never even thought of him as a possible replacement. Great job.
Thank you as well for delivering the news.
Awesome. Thanks.
Thanks Ed. What is the new character's name?
We love the show in India and you have our good wishes Mr. Bernero and our support for the show.
Mantegna is a great actor. I am wildly excited about this news.
Thanks Ed.
Ah, he has been added to the message board so now we have seven again. Very good. A new beginning.
He has a wide range of experience. I like that. I really do. Thank you Mr. Bernero.
He was great in Baby's Day Out. He is really good at comedy. He was a great villian in the Godfather movie. This is going to be interesting.
I need to go rent some of his movies. I am so happy we know have closure to our previous mess. This is nice.
Ed, You rock the world. You are so incredibly considerate of all of us and you never leave us out or let us down. I like Joe Mantegna and I am excited about a great season three.
In the end it all worked out well for the show. I'm happy about that.
I want to know all about him. We need to start a fact sheet on him on the message board. Good news for the show is a welcome relief. I am so sick of all the bad press. Maybe things will go our way in the press now. It has been hell reading the horrible articles written since Mandy left. I want Auseillo to be our next unsub so we can torture him like he has tortured us.
Thank you for not hiring a white bread cookie cutter clone. Diversity is always a welcome thing.
I think that everyone's said anything I could possibly say.
So, I'll just raise a glass and say, "Here's to season Three."
I wish Joe Mantegna all the best with his new job. He is a c selection and I know he will be happy with his new cast mates. Please tell him to be respectful of our existing stars. We love them very much and we want them to be happy and have peace of mind. Thank you.
I think this choice is perfect. He looks very charismatic.
Anonymous said...
I want to know all about him. We need to start a fact sheet on him on the message board. Good news for the show is a welcome relief. I am so sick of all the bad press. Maybe things will go our way in the press now. It has been hell reading the horrible articles written since Mandy left. I want Auseillo to be our next unsub so we can torture him like he has tortured us.
LOL. I think all the writers would line up to write that episode. Too bad we don't have the Super Bowl episode this year. That show would be a ratings trend setter.
Thank you Ed. You are the best.
Love the news. Pretty great choice.
Wonderful Ed. Thank you so much. We know he is a wonderful choice.
What a wondeful actor you picked. I am so caught off guard by this choice. Never saw it coming. Great news and thank you so much Ed. Thank you for everything.
I think it is a wonderful choice Ed.
I will never believe the crap I am now reading on the web. They obviously don't watch our show or they would know that it is of the highest quality and stands out over all other shows. This is our day to share with you.
Jill: I have the feeling you were forced to post about the press due to all the emails we have sent you. Sorry but it makes us go nuts.
Ed, Thank you for the news. It is a wonderful choice and we back it completely.
Welcome to Joe Mantegna.
Wallace, let it wash off your back honey. I have a few years on you and I am telling you that this always happens and there is nothing you can do about it. Don't let it bother you.
Wonderful casting. Wonderful news. Ed you own our hearts.
Season 3 is going to be the best yet. It is all so exciting Ed!
Thanks Ed!
Hey folks, let's keep this thread on topic--and that's about Joe Mantengna joining the cast.
Please try not to comment on the press; as Jill said in her post, the best thing to do is ignore them. Commenting on them just gives them more attention than they deserve.
Oh, and to the anon who posted:
I want Auseillo to be our next unsub so we can torture him like he has tortured us.
That's a brillaint idea. Hmm. Maybe take it a bit further--they have an ep where there's an unsub stalking and killing all the nasty tv critics. *G* Maybe they could even get some of the "real" ones to guest star. *heh*
Cheers Stacy but nobody would want the unsub caught.
I do like the idea of Joe Mantegna. He has experience and range and I think he will add to our show in a wonderful way.
Thank you Ed and thank you to all the people who worked hard to get this wonderful actor for the show.
I'm never leaving town again. I miss all the news when I am gone. This is very good news. He was wonderful in Joan of Arcadia.
Awesome news. How many days till season three? Too Many.
The only person that loves "Criminal Minds" more than the fans is Edward A. Bernero.
Thank you Ed for giving us such great news.
Joe Mantegna is perfect for the show.
I don't post here very often but feel like this is one of those times I can't sit on the sidelines as a spectator. I think Joe Mantegna is a fantastic addition to the cast. I'm looking forward to seeing his chararcter develope and how he interacts with the other characters this season. It's gonna be a great one!! GREAT CHOICE!!!!!!
I am a lurker too but I also feel the desire to jump in with praise for such a wonderful selection. This gifted actor is going to be a great addition to our cast and I look forward to a long and happy viewing relationship with him.
You did a great job Ed by picking him and keeping it under wraps until you were ready to announce him. We love you from here to the moon and back. Thanks.
I'm very happy with Mantegna joining us.
Thanks Ed. Wise choice. A big hitter like Joe Mantegna can only add to the show.
The question used to be who would win in a chess game beween Gideon and Reid. Turns out you would be the winner. You played this beautifully. You never made a mistake or took a wrong turn. You said you would keep the show's fans in the loop and you never broke your word or betrayed their trust. You didn't leak anything and you put the show and its fans first. I think everyone knows who the master chess player is now! You were the only one that realized that fans matter more than the press. A news article lasts a day but a loyal fan stays forever. Well done Ed. The good will you have built with your fans is probably unequaled in all of television today. Congrats to you and your show.
This is going to be wonderful!
Thanks Ed.
Great freakin casting job Ed. You did great!
I don't know this guy but I really like how he was presented to us. That is good enough for me. He has my vote of confidence on your word alone Ed.
You just keep blessing us and blessing us. I hope you feel appreciated. I hope that we do enough to warrant your attention and time. I will make sure my entire campus is watching the show when school starts.
Great choice. Didn't see it coming. I like that we were surprised.
Sometimes it is ALL about the presentation. I don't know this actor well enough to render an opinion but I agree with David about how utterly well you presented him to us. It does inspire loyalty and I would not miss Season 3 if the show running against it was nothing but naked women. (I won't lie and say that I wouldn't tivo the other show)
If you and CBS keep this up I might have to give in and start watching the commercials.
I like your choice. I also wish to add my thanks to those who posted before me.
Congrats Ed.
Joe Mantegna has just what we need for the show. Experience and talent. Exciting days ahead for our show.
I was hoping that you would take one of us up on our offer to volunteer for the job but I like your choice. XOXOXOXO
This is very exciting news. Joe Mantegna is a wonderful actor, and I have enjoyed him in everything that I have seen him in, most especially Joan of Arcadia.
Kudos to you Ed for finding someone so wonderful!
I broke into a big smile when I went into the yahoo group and saw the wonderful news. Thank you Ed for telling us and thanks to Jill for posting it in all of our groups.
Thanks Ed. We kicked Lost's ass and this season we are going to kick that Grey's Anatomy wanna be show straight off the air and onto dvd. We're going to watch the ratings soar and watch the critics eat piles of dirt and mud.
Stacy: If they write that episode I will walk the streets of NY making sure every tv is tuned onto CBS for the show. Too funny!
Great choice. Looking forward to seeing him in action.
Mantegna is impressive. I am so happy to welcome him to the show. Good job Ed.
Season Three can't get here quick enough for me. I hope the new member is happy. We are happy for him and the show.
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