Criminal Minds: A letter from Holly Harold to the fans of Criminal Minds:
Friday, April 4th
To our Criminal Minds Fanatics and Fandom – a group I’ve had the great pleasure to meet both in cyberspace and in person – thank you. Thank you for your enthusiasm, thank you for your intelligent, honest and unflagging devotion to a show we all work so hard to produce, and most of all, thank you for your amazing support. As you know, for the first three seasons of CM, I was one of you – a fan. To have moved this year onto the writing staff of a show I so enjoyed and admired was honestly a dream come true, and I am only sorry that I won’t be continuing with CM next season. Being a part of this extraordinary team – the amazingly talented cast, the hardest working and most professional crew I’ve ever seen, and of course the unbelievable writing staff – has been a privilege and a pleasure.
Holly Harold