Criminal Minds: A letter from Debra J. Fisher to the fans of Criminal Minds:
Friday, April 3rd
To the Criminal Minds Fanatics and Fandom beyond:
Luckily, I had the opportunity to tell some of you personally last night after the chat with Paget, but I wanted to extend that same courtesy to all the Fanatics that were unable to attend.
After four seasons and 12 episodes of Criminal Minds, I've made a decision to move on to other projects. This decision was not made easily or without sadness, but I want all of you to know -- I have never had a writing experience like this before. I attribute that to an amazing group of people, the fans.
I am so happy that I was fortunate enough to work with such a wonderful writing staff, talented actors and the most hardworking, unflappable crew. The support you have shown to all of us and our creative endeavors is beyond anything I have ever been a part of. Please don't worry, I won't be far from the blog and will still be available for chats. Don't look at this as an ending; it's only a new beginning. For all of us...
From the bottom of my heart, thank you.
Deb Fisher