Criminal Minds: Joe Mantegna, David Rossi on Criminal Minds, moved up a spot on this week's AHOF Top Ten Actors. :)
"Charlie Sheen, Joe Mantegna and Mark Harmon again dominate the Top 10 in TV. David Caruso, William Peterson and Gary Sinise continuing the triple play for CBS."
The Top 10 Actors of the Week (ending August 3, 2008)
1. Charlie Sheen (Two and a Half Men)
2. Joe Mantegna (Criminal Minds)
3. Mark Harmon (NCIS)
4. David Caruso (CSI-Miami)
5. William Petersen (CSI)
6. Gary Sinise (CSI-NY)
7. Hugh Dillon (Flashpoint)
8. Julia Louis-Dryfus (The New Adv of Old Christine)
9. Hugh Laurie (House)
10. Christopher Meloni (Law and Order SVU)