Saturday, December 15, 2007


Criminal Minds: Kirsten Vangsness, Penelope Garcia on Criminal Minds, and Oanh Ly, Criminal Minds writer of "Distress" and "Identity", picketing and showing support at Sony. It was bring an actor friend to the line day. Kirsten and Oahn are so talented and we need them to go back to work. Please email CBS and Disney today! :)

** There is a comment from Gina Garcia Sharp in the comment section. Hi Gina! Thanks for letting us know who everyone in the picture is and thanks for supporting the writers! **


Anonymous said...

Hi Oahn & Kirsten! We support you 100%!

Anonymous said...

Oahn- Great job on Identity!

Kirsten- Great...always!

The ladies rule on CM!

Anonymous said...

Great sign Oahn. Great shades KV. You both rock.

Anonymous said...

CM fans are with you all in solidarity. We're working hard to do our part. Great choice of friends!

Anonymous said...

Lady Kirsten! Lady Oahn! Go gals! Criminal Minds love you all!

Anonymous said...

Way to show support for the writers Kirsten.

Anonymous said...

Loved Distress, Identity, Lucky and Penelope. You are both wonderful. I made my phone calls today. More tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Kirsten for your show of support!

Thanks Oanh Ly for your great writing!

Too bad all of your talents are going to waste because of some bean counter. We want you all back at work and soon!

Anonymous said...

I love Oanh's poster! And Kirsten looks her fabulous self.

When will CBS and Disney learn where, ultimately, the money comes from that's in their pockets?

I guess we'll have to keep telling them.

Madelyn Glymour said...

Good for you, Kirsten. And Oahn, I loved both of your episodes, and I really hope that you get the money you deserve for them.


Phoenix said...

Thanks Kirsten for supporting the writers! It takes a whole TEAM of people to make a great show like Criminal Minds.

It's PAST TIME for the AMPTP to get the band back together and go back to doing what you all do so well! Hang in there. We want to see the rest of the season!

Anonymous said...

We have the coolest cast and writers. Thanks for supporting the writers Kirsten.

Anonymous said...

Girl Power!!!!


Anonymous said...

Way to go,Kirsten and Oahn!!!!! We're behind you all the way!

Anonymous said...

Awesome that you're supporting your writers Kirsten.

Oahn, you're first two episodes were great. I can't wait to see what your third is like. I bet it will be wonderful.

Anonymous said...

That is so cool Rock on ladies

Elizabeth said...

A great writer and a great actress - let's hope they are both back to work very soon.

And how nice to see Kirsten supporting the writers. Solidarity counts.

Unknown said...

The ladies on the show are absolutely fantastic - in every single way!
Great to see that the actors and actresses support the writers.
The fans are behind you as well!

Ztivokreb said...

We support you all the way!

Anonymous said...

Bravo for standing with the writers. A wonderful writer and a wonderful actress together like they should be. Awesome!

Anonymous said...

Hi friends!
Guess what? That's me, Gina Garcia Sharp in the back row with the hat on!
Phinny Kiyomura is on the left-he was on "The Big Game" and the guy all the way to the right is Dean Lemont-Agent Green!

Criminal Minds Fan said...

GINA!! Hi Gina! That's so great of you to come out with your friends to support the writers. Once a part of team CM always a part of team CM.

Great group pic! Great show of support.

Anonymous said...

Great seeing that SAG is supporting the WGA! What a great group picture. Thanks to all the actors who showed up to support Oahn Ly!

Oahn- Keep up the fight!

Anonymous said...

Criminal Minds' extended family is great. Love the sign that Oahn is holding.

Anonymous said...

Great to hear from you, Gina! I hope you'll be able to make comments in the future on less negative subject matter. Thanks for supporting our show and the writers.

sindee said...

It's so great to see how they all hold together.

Greetings to y'all.
CU sindee

Anonymous said...

Oahn, Kirsten AND Gina! Three great ladies. It's great to see Kirsten and Gina there supporting the writers.

Although, yanno? I'd really rather see them on TV--so I hope the AMPTP gets their butt in gear and gets back to the table ASAP!!

Anonymous said...

I bet this group of friends want the strike over as much as us fans do. Great to see Kirsten & Gina in the same pic with Oahn. Support!

Anonymous said...

We're behind all of you and you have 100% of our support and prayers.

The CEOs are nuts to be doing this.

Anonymous said...

This is a great show of support from so many writers. Love it!

Anonymous said...

Hi Gina & Kirsten. Thank you for going and bringing your friends to support Oahn. That's totally cool of all of you.

Anonymous said...

..Ok Kirsten, Can I walk with you and hold the sign for look great....and can anyone tell me where gina garcia sharp is now...thanks,WildGoose

Anonymous said...

Kirtsen, Oahn, and Gina in one picture--that ALMOST makes it worthwhile!

I hope you are all back to work soon! Go WGA--we love our writers!

Anonymous said...

That was sooo cool thanx Oahn and Kirsten we love you

Anonymous said...

What a wonderfully motley group of wga supporters. Love it. So nice to see Gina again. Next time I hope she takes her hat off. We would have recognized her ourselves but he face it covered.


Elizabeth Bear said...

Hang tough out there, guys. We support you.

Shawn said...

Good to see SAG and the WGA working together.

Great to know our actors have such class.

Anonymous said...

I love seeing the cast out supporting their writers. Kirsten looks great (as always *g*). Hope to see more pics of our peeps.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad to see Kirsten's still out there showing her support 100%. I wish I could be there to be picketing right along with all of you, to help out the cause.

Phoenix said...

Great pic! Great to see all the support for the writers!

I also loved the picture of Ed and all the boxes of pencils!

I hope they "get the point"! *g*

Anonymous said...

Great job on the eppy! It was great. (My kitty that I named Reid, even woke up just as it came on, so he can see how great it was to!)

Anonymous said...

Kudos to the actors for supporting the writers. Good for you, Kirsten!

Anonymous said...

We love all of our CM writers and are behind you all the way!

I think of you all every day and send up a little prayer and lots of good wishes for a settlement.

I would walk the line with you if I were there.

Kirsten -- you're making us so proud. Thank you for being out there with the writers. You are AWESOME! And we love you too!

Anonymous said...

Support & Spirit! I love it. Thanks to Kirsten, Gina and their friends for being with Oahn Ly and all the writers.

We need a deal for the writers. I am going to get really cranky when we run out of episodes!

Anonymous said...

Great to see the writers getting your support. Kirsten and Gina are awesomeness!

Anonymous said...

CBS needs to get their crap together and settle this strike so you can all go back to work.

Anonymous said...

Great photo from great people. Way to show solidarity.

We are with you in spirit!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Oh HI Gina!!! We've missed seeing you. Hope you are doing well. Kirsten we missed seeing more of you last night. You bring something to the team that is hard to live without week to week. Oanh it is also wonderful to see you outside the script!

Lee <3

Anonymous said...

100 percent support! Great to see Kirsten and Gina there doing their part.

Anonymous said...

You're all so wonderful to lend your support and to be there with Oahn! Good for all of you. Great people.

Anonymous said...

Sending love and support to everyone effected by the strike. Thanks Kirsten for supporting the writers and for bringing Gina to say hello to us. We miss her visits!

LoraLee said...

Love your work, Ladies. Hope to see you off the picket lines and back in the studio quickly.

Anonymous said...

Solidarity is very nice to see!

Anonymous said...

Well done Kirsten on supporting the strike. Love you in the show.