I love the character of Penelope Garcia on Criminal Minds. Kirsten Vangsness does such a splendid job of bringing this character to life. I wish we had more scenes with Garcia in them. Her scenes with Derek Morgan played by Shemar Moore are incredible. :)
ya gotta love garcia
If someone doesn't we'll make 'em love her!
Or she'll do it herself!
There is no ? that she rules the BAU.
I love the banter between Garcia and Morgan on the phone calls. She rules!
Hi Garcia.
Does anyone know what designer makes Garcia's red glasses?
She is so hip.
They are the highlight og the show to me. I love their scenes.
Garcia is the best.
Yay! I love Garcia, she's the 'light' to the shows 'dark'.
Jemma #46
I hope she comes out of her office more often in season 3. Poor girl has always to sit in front of her computer screens.
Sabine #46
Garcia is great she lightens up the show bring so hu,or to it
Jessica #28
I look forward to the friendly banter between Garcia and Morgan each week. I just love when she answers the phone.
jacqui #52
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