Monday, June 20, 2011


Criminal Minds: Thomas Gibson, Aaron Hotchner on Criminal Minds, has signed a new contract!! Criminal Minds has their entire cast back together! A great day for fans!!


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Blimey Limey said...

Thanks!! I'll make a note of that and flick through the channels to see what's available when I'm there. I'll be starting in the Pacific time zone, before heading into Mountain (I think I've finally worked out Arizona - ha!) and then back to Pacific.

Love the fact there's a channel called A&E - that's what we call the ER over here (i.e. Accident & Emergency). I suppose it's quite apt they show CM, what with all the murders and crazed unsubs eh?

Teresa H. said...

ION is not cable so it's definitely free. But a lot of places should have A&E, it's available on the next step up.

gubegirl said...

Hi, Guys. Appts/errands all day. Just ck'in' in.

Will be winin' and scrappin' tonite so should be good:) Thanks for asking, Velandra.

Will be scrapbooking my son-in-law's homecoming pics where he gets to see the baby for the first time (he was in Afghan X 7 mos, she was 6 mos old when he got to see her in person) so that we be fun. What a great moment that was!

May catch a late nite CM rerun if there is one, or later watch the DVR'd part 1 finale of The Voice. That's if I have not WINED too much...; being abit of a litewt, it doesn't take much, but, hey, I am always up for a good time:)

Have a good nite everybody.

Pat said...


Yeah, I know just what you mean about your crying jags. It'll get better but I still have them now and again when I think of him. The hardest part for me was opening the door at the beginning and having no one to happily greet me. The cat never did that but now that Chase has gone he does come to the door when I come home. I'm thinking of you gf.

Elevenses said...

Blimey L, hope you have a great trip in 26 days. If you're sniffing out cinnamon rolls already, I don't blame you. Gotta be hard!

Is it September yet?? No?? Damn.

Elle - i never felt drawn to the character; felt her eyes did not have the kindness the others' did, but this is rather wishy washy on my part, hardly rational and hardly constructive. Although to be fair, she was part of a season that was overwhelmingly focused on one cahracter, Gideon. Maybe if she had stuck around when the rest got the chance to develop, she would have been ok. I understood her anger and confusion towards Hotch - she didn't know he was the one wiping the blood off her wall. She wanted an outlet for the anger that comes with someone violating your private space and threatening your life. Hotch as the boss was an incidental and perhaps easy target. Hotch was rather snappy in Haunted, wasn't he. Elle had to leave because the integrity of her work was compromised - that to me was sad, not her lashing out at the others. We are not always capable of being in a good mood even when no one puts a bullet in us. So i don't begrudge her her anger. People watching had a hard time dealing with her accusation of Hotch because for many the 'bloody wall' scene is one of their most enduring/endearing Hotch scenes, one of the first ones to reveal the man behind the mask.

Have left my comment on Rossi on the other thread.

JJ - i agree with those that say her becoming a profiler negates somewhat the essential quality of earlier role and its importance. It should have been enough - for most of us, and for her, it was. Studio execs had other ideas, but they shouldn't still be dictating characterisation, eh? Obviously they don't have the foggiest :-)

Teresa, i meant slicing up the dude - right/left, top/bottom :-D such unsub-like tendencies. Forgive me, TgfTG (and his missus)!

(haven't proof read this comment - so forgive the errors)

Elevenses said...

For all tg fans, do check out 'selected shorts' - just search for 'lewis robinson seeing the world' and check out the podfeed. Even if you're not fans, enjoy the lovely stories!

mfj1311 said...

OH THANK GOD! SWEET T HAS A CONTRACT AND I CAN LOOK FORWARD TO ANOTHER MAGNIFICENT SEASON OF CRIMINAL MINDS. Congratulations Thomas, I adore you; I’m very happy that you’ll be back for more Criminal Minds. All the best and God Bless! Mary J.

sf81387 said...

Was never a big fan of Elle. She was too high strung for my taste and I prefer Rossi over Gideon so I'd rather he not resurface either.

Season 7 premiere date is September 21, 2011. : )

CMFAN11 said...

Heck yea! i'll mark sept 21st on my calendar..hopefully we'll be able to watch episodes online by then.

I also agree w/u sf81387

I was never really attached to her character either and I like rossi waaay better. I just thought it'd be intersting to see how she turned out since leaving the BAU

BTW as far as speaking about characters you really gotta hand it 2 prentiss for coming back after doyle instead of leaving like elle.

Afterall, her expierence was a million times worse than elle's in my opinion.

Teresa H. said...

Am a much bigger fan of JM than Mandy P.. I think that's why I like Rossi more than Gideon. There was too much focus on Gideon when MP was the lead. Two big egos IMHO.
Have no real connection to Elle, liked her well enough at the time but just have more of a sense of team with Emily.
Long story short; have no real desire to see either of them back.
Oh Elevenses my friend, where has your obsession taken you? I much prefer my TG/Hotch whole. So if needs must I'll have to give him to you. :)Please accept this as a peace offering and turn yourself in for rehab. Lots of mixed metaphors here I know but it's late, some more Cab. Sauv. has kicked in and I have a long day tomorrow.

Velandra said...

I do hope we get to see a bit of Anderson this season. I must admit I have a tiny crush on him, I love a man who can take orders :)

Blimey Limey said...

I definitely prefer Prentiss to Elle, maybe in part that's because Prentiss has been on the show a lot longer? I still maintain Elle had a lot of potentially interesting backstory to develop - I wonder if the writers had ideas about where this would go, but obviously never got to use them??

I've thought about if when Elle walked out she severed all ties with the rest of the team, or whether she still has any contact. I'd be surprised if she's mentioned (other than during a reference to a long-ago case) after so long - although you never know.

As for Gideon... I personally liked the character at the time, but I'm now used to *and like* Rossi so wouldn't want to see JM leave and MP return. I hope there's more Rossi next season, we still don't know much about him and it's a shame to see JM's acting talents going to waste.

@ Velandra:
pmsl at your comment about Agent Anderson - I reckon that's one man who'd get henpecked almost to death by the ladies, but has even worse luck than Reid in that department. So henpecking would probably be a dream come true for him - haha!

@ Elevenses:
No cinnamon roll dreams so far! Just weird recurring stuff like turning up after a ten hour flight to collect the car at the airport and I find I've forgotten the paper part of my driving license - and even though I've got the photocard they won't give me the car! So I then have to get a bus to the hotel, but it's my old school bus from back in the day and is full of shady-looking people who keep eyeing up my suitcase!

"Ooooooh, that rubber room looks cosy..."

gubegirl said...

Blimey: thought I would tantalise (sp!) you with the fact that I made homemade cinnamon rolls for my GF's daughter who has been receiving chemo for two months for a rare bone cancer. Her fave food is cin. buns so I told my friend to keep telling Julia whenever she was feeling down and so sick (she could not eat for over two wks and had a food bag - yuck!) that soon she would be home and that I would be bringing her the rolls.

Finally, after almost 3 weeks at home (nearly 3 mos. since she started rec'ing treatment), she decided she had enuf of an appetite for them, so I made her two pans yesterday. I printed the baking instructions out for her so that she could have them "fresh & hot, right from the oven."

I just rec'd an e-mail from her going on and on about how she made one pan last nite and had some with her dinner and could hardly wait to get out of bed this AM to have her tea with another cinny-num.

She froze the other pan to have this wkend when her dad returns from work travel.

Warms my heart, really, and this baking thing: Ladies, if you are not doing it already, I am telling you, it's never too late to start: you will never be sorry to have learned and it's great for making people happy and giving you great memories to boot! SO-O-O worth it...the guys kinda like it, too...:)

I would totally bake DOZENS of cinny-nums if we could have new epis like, RIGHT NOW! Forget S-6, I am so ready for S-7, I can hardly wait!

I never was crazy about Elle, but I wouldn't mind seeing her again in a guest spot. Loved Gideon but got really mad when he left (the way he just stood the show up) but those bad feelings have diminished and I could honestly say, he would make a nice guest star. Think it is unlikely he would be invited back, but hey, it's not Ed running the show anymore, so you never know.

Hope that Reid's mom is not seriously ill, wouldn't mind a wrap-up of the H.A. storyline if it's not too dramatic and happy to see Jane Lynch: she makes the perfect mom for Reid - don't you think?

Hope your trip is fun and not as eventful as your nightmares are, Blimey...:)

Have a great nite, y'all.

Teresa H. said...

Blimey, (long post alert)
I agree with you about Joe. I would love to learn more about Rossi. There's a fine line: JM does a good job of portraying this enigmatic character about whom we are curious; we know he's been married a few times and has probably had quite a few lovers and there are others who would like to be; he knows his way around the FBI and feels very confident in his ability to get what he wants; I think it's this that makes him such a good sounding board for Hotch; but I want to see something more of the man who knows how expensive monogrammed shirts are. Even little glimpses would be good, or use the experienced player that we have been led believe he is. That said I did not like the scene in the last ep. with JJ. That made no sense, it seemed like he was going behind Hotch's back. Of course we know why it was done and that at the same time explains things and makes it worse.
I really liked it in The Uncanny Valley where in some ways he stepped in to fill the mentor role that Gideon played to Reid. After Reid had put that psychiatrist in his place Rossi said something like "good job Agent Reid" (not and exact quote). This was a subtle way of acknowledging that there was no need to call him Doctor Reid as Gideon had felt was needed. Then we saw Reid go back to playing chess and it seemed like he had moved on. This mentoring felt so much more believable than what followed in S6 with Seaver which was far from subtle. Then he was great in Penelope where he acted tough with Garcia and helped the team figure out why she was being targeted.
Joe has played a wide range of characters and it was disappointing in S6 to see him so underused and just spouting out tired lines.
So yes please. More Rossi. Use this good actor to tell good stories.

Pat said...

@ Theresa H

I totally agree with you about Rossi's role as mentor to Reid in Uncanny Valley. At the end it was like he was saying, you don't need the title doctor. You're a good agent. That was a really nice moment and from his response, I don't think Reid often gets that feeling. I liked at the end where he seemed to be mentoring the young man in the park over chess, like Gideon did with him. I'd love to see more of that kind of thing in season 7.

Blimey Limey said...

Moooooaaaaarrr Rossi and moooooaaaaarrr Sergio next season - perhaps they ended up sharing Rossi's place?? Actually, I reckon the small, dark furry one (Sergio, not Rossi) ended up at Garcia's place.

@ Teresa H:

I reckon there's some sort of history between Rossi & Strauss. I could be imagining things, but there seems to be a certain tension between the pair of them. I know she's not Mrs Popular, but the others don't seem to have *that* type of tension with her, they just seem to dislike her. And, I'm pretty much sure Rossi always calls her Erin? If that's to wind her up, why would he want to wind her up?? Hmmm, I reckon they have "history", shall we say...

@ Gubegirl:

That's fab about your friend's daughter feeling well enough to eat the yummies you made. Hope she continues to make a good recovery.

I totally agree about the whole baking thing - it's quite theraputic and "buys" a lot of goodwill from people too! I've still got some frozen pumpkin in the freezer - must root out that recipe - so might make a spiced pumpkin cake for my department after I've next been to the supermarket.

I puzzled about "tantalise" for a couple of minutes, as it looked correct to me - then realiZed you'd used an S instead of a "zed" - haha!! ;-))

Vaguely reminds me of a conversation I had with my Dad about a month ago. He was doing the Dad thing and warning me about safety abroad (hello - we live in a country full of loonies!!!). It went something like:

Dad: Keep all your stuff hidden out of sight when you're driving between hotels.
Me: Yeah, yeah - all the junk will be in the trunk.
Dad: Trunk?
Me: (rolls eyes) In the boot.
Dad: Can't you call it a boot?
Me: (rolls eyes again) No, a boot is a wheel clamp.
Dad: Really?
Me: A Denver boot isn't something you'd wear on your feet when bagging a fourteener.
Dad: (looks really confused and wanders off).

Bless him...

Velandra said...

I love the idea of Rossi and Strauss having a history. He does call her Erin and to call a superior by their first name and speak to her the way he does...... gets the imagination going doesn't it? I would love to see the writers take that idea and drop us some hints here and there. Wasn't it JJ who told Garcia the no fraternization rule was put in place b/c of Rossi...

Blimey Limey said...

@ Velandra:

Exactly! Those are the things which rang bells with me. Great minds think alike. ;-))

If they did ever have a relationship (of sorts) I reckon he dumped her and has got some juicy gossip about her he could spread, hence he gets away with calling her Erin and not taking any crap off her.

Ooooh yes, methinks we need some BAU scandal next season.

**Smutty little mind goes into overdrive**

sf81387 said...

I think they have a history, but I don't think it's a sexual history, but a professional one. They were both probably young, up and coming agents at the same time and while she jumped on the track to top leadership within the FBI, perhaps even leaving some of her footprints all over him, he jumped on the track to forming the BAU, probably with her being one of the ones battling against him the whole way.

Well, that would be the kind of history I'd make them have if I were King because I'm guessing there is no real history that's even been thought of yet.

Teresa H. said...

Yes, I certainly believe they have some kind of history. Not sure if it was romantic/sexual or just two ambitious agents coming up at the same time and being very competitive with each other. They do leave us wondering. It could probably go either way.
I was thinking today about how great it was that a show which I love so much is on TV practically every night of the week. Not a bad deal.
Good Friday night everybody. Hope you have fun plans for the holiday weekend. A Cape Cod beach is in my future.

Velandra said...

Theresa H. : in this case there is never too much of a good thing. There was a all day CM marathon on A&E.... I was in heaven my husband was not. Can't win em all though can you :) Have fun in the Cape, my husband and I are planning to bring our son there next week . It will be his first trip to the beach.

Blimey Limey said...

@ sf81387:

I was basing my speculation on Rossi seemingly being a bit of a player back in the day!

Strauss often seems quite edgy around him too. Even if they never had any relationship of sorts, he may have something on her that she's desperate to keep secret?

Scandal of ANY nature would be good!!

@ Teresa H & Velandra:

I google imaged Cape Cod - it looks absolutely beautiful! The complete opposite to my "local" beach which is about an hour's drive away and about as revolting as you can get.

For me to get to beaches like that I'd have to go to the far north of Scotland, the beaches there are stunning and generally not very crowded.

As for the weekend - the sun is shining which means catching up on gardening, washing, cleaning, getting quotes from painters (some external work needs doing on the mansion...) and all the other boring things I can't spread over next weekend as I'm out and about all weekend.

Another weird dream last night: I got hideously sunburnt in Death Valley as I forgot to use the factor 30 suncream I've especially bought, even though it was in my bag the whole time. (I don't burn, but am not going to take *any* chances). Then it rained and the landscape changed so I couldn't find my car.

**Wanders off to find some breakfast...**

CMFAN11 said...

So the new episode is called "It takes a village". And it involves a European international criminal that probably involves prentiss somehow. I'm stoked!

gubegirl said...

Blimey: A quick newsflash:

Cinnamon rolls are spam. You heard me, cinnamon rolls are spam. (See other thread.)

I think our talking off-topic about upbeat stuff has gotten the goat of a recent newbie and I'm trying not to take this personally. Maybe because I abhor the taste/texture of REAL spam.....a-a-g-g-g-h-h-h! I am more bothered by this than I should be?! LOL

Teresa H, Pat, Velandra, your thoughts?

Geez, I never knew.

Haven't felt like joining in today but I find this so curious, I just had to jump in and ask you guys' opinion:)

P.S. Where did all the other Morgan people go???

Velandra said...

Gubegirl:It is mysterious that they all just vanished isn't it? Maybe they're being held hostage by a crazed Morgan loving unsub? I'm going to agree w/ u on the spam.... Yuk but I'll talk cinn. rolls all day long. I agree on the almost not posting. Why w/ some people does the fact that u don't agree have to turn neg. and name calling ensue? Oh well not sure about all of u but i prefer this thread to the other at the moment. Everytime I post something it gets turned into something neg. I think I'll just stay over here and talk of lovely things such as cinn. buns and boots/ trunks :) and our lovely men and women of CM. I still call first dibs on Anderson..... lol

Velandra said...

P.S. Gubegirl: don't let it get to you. I know it's easier said than done b/c it's getting me quite upset as well but we are all better than that and need not stoop to their level.

Teresa H. said...

Hi guys,
I have not been on the other thread in a few days. Just went there to check out what was happening. Is it all the same person? I didn't read all the posts and even if I did I wouldn't be able to analyze writing styles to say one way or the other. It certainly seemed like someone trying to provoke. I know I started to engage someone about a week ago who initially seemed genuine if a bit rude but then I felt like I had been had. I just hope she/they don't come over here.
Hopefully she/they will tire of the game if no one else enagages.
Have to admit to being a little confused about the spam reference. Sorry if I'm being naive.
Really like what we've got here.
Elevenses, where are you? Miss you.

Elevenses said...

Hey my lovely friends, how are you all? Looks like the rude person/people are/were back? God, yes, best not to engage with them. I did it, too, Teresa, but it really is not worth it. All it does is leave you with a bitter taste in your mouth. I prefer not to live like that, but if those other people think that's their way of life, so be it. It used to happen all the time with Nadal/Federer fans and it was disgusting, especially considering how nice the players themselves are. But at least that is competitive sports - this is a bunch of actors who get along with each other and love each other (at least they say they do). It seems that some of us are incapable to liking someone and talking about them without insulting someone else. We just need to continue talking about our Rossi, Prentiss, JJ, Garcia, Morgan, Hotch and Reid!

Just been feeling a bit low, Tersa - things fine now though! Missed you, too! TGfTG :-)

Elevenses said...

Gah, Teresa* - sorry for the hideous typo above!

Elevenses said...

Blimey, the convo with your Dad made me laugh so hard! Dads, they come from the same school no matter which part of the world they come from, that much i'm sure of.

Gubegirl, i haven't watch a Minds epi in god knows how long! I'm gonna take your advice and do some bakin'. And i think all those people who are needlessly acerbic need to have someone baking for them - that uplifting, rejuvinating aroma should do the trick, don't you think?

gubegirl said...

Velandra: Let's just keep reminding ea. other: Don't engage. Walk away. It makes them furious but if we do it long enuf, they will leave. Trying to reason with them does not good because they are looking for an argument...let's not give it to them.

Teresa H: you would have to read the other thread and more posts to have caught it but apparently reading here of my post yesterday or the day before about baking my friend's daughter (cancer-chemo patient) some homemade cinnamon rolls and an anonymous on the other thread referred to my mention of cinnamon rolls as spam, partly in defense of their off-topic post. Kinda funny, and I had to tell Blimey (the baker from the other side of the pond!) to check it out.

My feelings are not hurt. I wish I could bake for you all - we would have a lovely coffee/tea klatsch
(sp?) and talk CM til the cows come home!

Elevenses: Ditto for you, inc. in the above and I am ironing tonite to either some Lifetime chic s--- or a Billy Crystal/Lisa Kudrow/Robert Duvall movie (looks decent) because there are no CMs:

There are some things that just GO together and that's ironing, Bailey's (mudslides over ice tonite because it's been 84 F in sunny today) and sev hours of CM.

I think if the Morgan mania resumes, I shall have to come up with some new names for myself as I rip them to shreds (like I just advised us all NOT to do.) What do you think of geekgirl?or geekfreak?
"my brain's on music" or
"I should be dancin'...yeah..."
take your pick, they all fit...:)

My ironing awaits. So do my Mudslides. Have a good nite, y'all.

Elevenses said...

Someone called your cinnamon roll posts spam, Gubegirl? Wow, unbelievable! I'm staying away from that thread. I mean why impose something ugly on myself when i can be here, eh?

Pat said...

I read that about your spam cinnamon rolls on the other thread gubegirl. I totally didn't get that gf.

Tonight a marathon on A&E, ahh Uncanny Valley, one of my favorites is on. One of my few Reid fixes of the last couple of seasons. Get that ironing board ready gubegirl.

Blimey Limey said...

Good morning, y'all...

Well, it took a bit of puzzling, but I've worked out the spam** references. What a (insert appropriate adjective) person. And VERY insulting to Erica Messer after she gave up her time for a long and informative chat last weekend, not to mention a young woman with a serious illness. Remember, what goes around comes around...

Wonder if Jill is preparing to "Morgan" the posts?!?!

** They used to make us eat spam fritters at the second primary school I attended after we'd moved down south. Coupled with the equally noxious gypsy tart it truly was the meal from hell.

I'm much preferring this thread. We talk CM, cinnamon rolls and all manner of random stuff which keeps me amused on weekends such as this when I have loads of mundane chores to do.

I'd seen the 7.01 episode title on a spoiler site somewhere (can't remember which one) and the European villain had an Irish-sounding name, so that would tie in with Valhalla and Prentiss's return I'd assume. They're throwing us just enough bones to whet the appetite, but nothing too blatant. I'm sure we'll get a few more over the next couple of months - hence I'll be tuning in over the summer on the painfully slow netbook - which I dreamt last night that I'd left at home and only realised once I was on the plane!!!

Most of the weird dreams involve the car - I get like this 2-3 weeks before going abroad if I'll have to drive on the "wrong" side of the road. It's stupid really as after ten minutes of hyperventilating and total fear I'm fine - and in the US it's far better as you don't have the hassle of trying to find the gearstick and handbrake with your right hand like you do in mainland Europe.

A friend works in travel insurance and they got a particularly horrific case a few years back. An English family of four had arrived in Florida to do the Disneyworld thing, got their car, pulled straight out of the lot at the airport... onto the wrong side of the road and straight into the path of one of those massive big rigs. The thought makes me go cold. No music for 24 hours and anyone watching must think I'm a psycho because I verbalise - aloud - what I'm doing and what I'm going to do. I'd rather not kill myself and I certainly don't want to take others with me.

Anyway, on a cheerier note, I'll be able to be my own Source next season as I've just upped my broadband to considerably fatter levels AND for £5 less per month. I phoned my provider and said "Give me a better service for fewer quid or I'm leaving" (not quite as blunt, but that was the gist) - so they did! Marvellous stuff! I'll be having a Breaking Bad frenzy when I get back, before CM starts - did you track down BB in Target, Gubegirl?

@ Elevenses:
My Dad's a funny bloke, often without trying. He's extremely intelligent, but cannot get his head around the fact that in the US the same word can mean something completely different to what it does here, or that there's a different word for the same item. Imagine his reaction when I said I was going to load up the trunk with chips** and water before heading out into the boonies!!!

** In the UK:
Crisps = Chips.
Chips = Thick-cut fries.
Fries = Thin-cut fries, like at Maccy D's.

Right, I'm off to enjoy the decent weather (sunny, low 20s/70s and humidity below 50%) and make my garden look tidy - apparently the rain returns in the week. Urgh!

Have a good day, y'all...

Teresa H. said...

Good Sunday morning. May leave early for the Cape because the weather here in Mass. is not supposed to stay good today so let's do it while we can. In some ways I'm with MGG who has said something like the beach being great if it weren't for the sun and the sand, I like it in small doses but my friend would bake (herself, not cinnamon rolls or EC) all day there.
Wanted to get this done before I left. Yes, Velandra let's try to ignore the crazies, at least those particular crazies, our nuttiness is totally different. The psychiatrists, I'm sure, will agree with us that we're in different league :) :).
Hey, Elevenses hope you're feeling better.
Thanks, gubegirl for the clarification on the spam. I was afraid you were using some code with Blimey to battle with the posters on the other thread and I might have completely missed the point. Does happen from time to time.

Velandra said...

Goodmorning everyone I have yet to have my coffee but I had to comment on just a few things.

Elevenses: it's good to have you back.

Blimey: spam fritters? and what in the world are gypsy tarts? I love the name!

Gubegirl : I am attempting a apple pie from scratch today... It is my first . Please everyone wish me luck that it comes out edible :)

Theresa H.:I'm from mass too, small world isn't it. Have fun at the beach I hope the weather holds for you.

As for the cinn bun spam poster maybe we'll get a 4th of July miracle (do they have those?) and they will be gone.

Does anyone know if the A&E CM marathon in still on today or is it special programming b/c of the holiday? Have a great day everyone

gubegirl said...

Velandra: Try my mom's oil pastry recipe - it is foolproof and takes much work out of pie-making:

Sift together:
2 1/4 cups of flour
1 tsp salt
1 tsp sugar (optional)
Pour 2.3 c canola or veggie oil in glass pyrex meas. cup
Add 1/3 cup of milk on top of oil

DO NOT STIR. Add to dry ingred and mix just well enuf to wet all the dry. Proceed to roll out dough.

Bake just as any other apple pie recipe. (Don't forget the little dabs of cold butter atop the apples before covering with the top crust. YUM.

Have a great day, y'all.

May your life have some cinny-num in it---NOT spam.

gubegirl said...


That would be 2/3 cup NOT 2.3!

This is enuf pastry to fit a 9" pan, double crust. I use handi or glad wrap to roll the crust out; you can roll your dough on it and use it to flip the top crust onto the top after you have filled your bottom crust and added those little dabs of cold butter:)

And Jill: I woul totally make you cinnamon rolls, too, GF. Feel better, take care of yourself and know that we all care!

Blimey Limey said...

"Keep calm and carry on", right ladies?!

No new CM scoop?
Anyone for a spot of random speculation?

Will we ever see the inside of Reid's apartment?

Will Sergio go into a cat sulk when his Momma returns?

Erm... Someone else can continue the list!

@ Velandra:

Good luck with the pie! Was it a mile high version a la Gubegirl's??

Spam fritters:

Vile in extremis. We had to eat school produced versions of them back in the day. Urgh! I'm feeling distinctly queasy at the mere thought of them.

Gypsy tart is a revolting, sickly sweet open pie-like concoction. In 14 years of living in Kent I never once met a local who actually liked the stuff! There's recipes online if you really want to inflict it on yourself.

My chores are done, so the rest of the weekend is mine. Desperate Housewives finale here tonight! ;-))

And... The Killing starts with a double bill on Thursday night. Definitely giving that one a go...

sf81387 said...

Anyone for a spot of random speculation?

I'm hoping things will be better, but not really expecting anything to change. I've found that I enjoy things more if I have low expectations. It leaves lots of room to pleasantly surprised.

And... The Killing starts with a double bill on Thursday night. Definitely giving that one a go...

I watched that and I enjoyed it quite a bit, with the exception of the final episode. I haven't decided if I'll tune in for Season 2 yet.

Velandra said...

Ok here goes:
Did Reid ever learn to play the keyboard he bought? And if so will we ever get to see him play it?

Will we see Kevin more than once before the season finale or will he just run around eating cupcakes and vanish mysteriously before we catch a glimpse?

A bit more seriouly will Hotch finally get to deal w/ his grief and guilt over Hailey?

Was just flipping channels and saw a movie called The Brothers w/ none other than our own SM sporting a flat top circa 1991. He was looking quite good I must admit. :)

Velandra said...

Gubegirl : it's been such a hectic day I forgot to thank you for the recipe.... Thank you very much.

Teresa H. said...

Beach Report: Lots of sand, some sun. Perhaps MGG would half like it.
Speculation: ( some foolish)
Will we ever get to see MGG barechested? Even when he was in the pool that time he was fully clothed and in the episode where he was exposed to Anthrax he reminded Morgan that if he stuck around he was going to see him naked, Derek balked and we were denied the opportunity too.
Will we ever find out about Rossi and Strauss? Hope we will see some of their interactions.
Will we ever see Rossi on a date?
Hope we see more of Reid's growth under the tutelage both of Rossi and Hotch. Don't want him to change too much, let him show his genius, even if it means spouting facts but perhaps a bit more confident in that knowledge as his strength.
Love the interactions with him and Morgan/big brother. Love it when he gives it back too, as in the finale when he joked that Derek should work out more.
DEfinitely want to see Hotch deal with his grief/guilt.
OK dinner time.

Teresa H. said...

Simpsons rerun on at the moment. Great fun listening to Joe M. as Fat Tony. He seems to be having so much fum with it.

gubegirl said...

A-a-h-h-h, finally, the meal is done, kitchen cleaned up, company gone and I am watching Uncanny Valley on A&E. It's 8:30 PM PST and I believe there is another one at 9, if I last til 10. Pretty tuckered out about now.

Can't wait to see Reid go off on the unsub's Dr. dad. Oh, my, that was one of the best Reid rants ever!

Teresa H.:
Re: MGG being barechested, mmmm.... Maybe not. Saw him in a tank top a few years ago in a silly RV movie, can't remember the movie, he was a real goofball in it, but, as best I can tell, hasn't put on much weight since.

He looks good in his clothes: model good. Has a super face, great head of hair. But until he hits the gym with Morgan for a year or so, I am recommending we don't ask for that:)

Of course, if anyone would ever listen to me, they would pack our boy up and send him my way for some fattening up. Who better to take on a task like this, she asks?

I would feed him the way I do my lean-mean 19 y.o., try and send him off to the gym and the trainer with my kid also, but then sev times a week, drag him to yoga with me. (Won't make him, don't want that... he might blow out his knee again...)

Adam Levine (recently coach for The Voice and frontman for Maroon 5 recently did an ad/promotion for prostate cancer, wearing nothing but his birthday suit, is one very lean machine but does yoga almost daily and has a great physique -nice muscle definition. (google this - I am sure you will agree.)

So, whaddya say? We kidnap the "kid", start feeding him well and working on him to "re-model" our handsome geek? Come on, you guys, help me out and I'll let you visit...LOL

Have a good nite, y'all.

Elevenses said...

Gubegirl, Teresa, I was whizzing through your posts and a few things leapt up and bit me on my nose — cake, pastry, shirtless Gube...sorry (looks around dazedly), where was I? (I read Gubegirl's 'he looks good in his clothes' as 'he looks good in clothes' which was hilarious.) I don't mind seeing him without his shirt; don't quite care if he has well-toned muscles or not. I'm not fussy that way :-) I think he'd look even more vulnerable, though, and some of us would want to hug him to death (Gubegirl, I'm looking right at ya). I was thinking of our handsome doctor this morning while listening to 'sympathy for the devil' and I thought I'd like to have my Reid of '100' back — strong, quietly determined, fiercely loyal and confident without losing his special boyish charm or endearing vulnerability. I think it's time for us to see him explore some complex unsub puzzles instead of being tied down by a headache storyline that never really went anywhere and seems to have little hope of reversing trend in S7.

I've decided to rewatch Minds concentrating on a partic character per watch (while I try to ignore hotch for some time — famous last words).

Blimey — "Keep Calm and Call Hotch'" saw this on tumblr (saw a version w/ Garcia as well) the other day. My dad's hotch-like frowny and has a sense of humour to match ("so dry it's dusty" to quote tg). Re the eternal crisps-chips binary, those of us who are neither from that side of the pond nor from this side are doomed to a schizophrenic, hyphenated existence of sorts :-)

Velandra /Teresa — thanks, it's good to be back, but I'll be a little less visible (although will be checking once a day to catch up with my friends/fellow Mindfreaks/lunatics). I think I nearly lost my mind to Minds; lost all sense of moderation/proportion and nearly stopped being functional. I think that was (partly) why I was feeling the way I was (although symptom or cause I don't know). Forgot I had a life beyond CM. Currently going (hungrily) through a pile of unread books (on Llosa's 'Bad Girl' now).

Sf - I like your philosophy of low expectations; that's why I want S7 to surprise me (not shock me out of my senses with rank bad BTS drama).

A happy 4th of July to those on that partic side of the pond (or on the other side of Bond, as I like to put it)! Fireworks!!!

Here's to therapeutic baking and good thoughts....

PS: Why is it that most of us want to address tg as 'mr gibson' (self included) — is it a reverse manifestation of our *cough*lust-related*cough* guilt?

Teresa H. said...

I hear you. Not trying to drag you back in by this post. Kudos to you for seeking balance.
what noble plans you have for MGG!!
hey, a fellow Bay Stater
I'm also in sf81387's camp of not too high expectations. It's fun to speculate here but really I'm in a wait and see mode.
Seeing another Joe M. vehicle later today, Cars 2. Helping a friend who is a July 4th baby, JM fan and lover of the first Cars movie, celebrate her birthday.

Elevenses said...

Oh you're not dragging me back here, Teresa! i think we all know what the extremes feel like, don't we. Just a few days ago all that tg madness....god we were a wreck!

gubegirl said...

Oh, my, I certainly do enjoy this "intimate" posting site. No crazies, loonies or nutters...just us fanatics....oh, yeah.

Blimey: When do you leave, woman??? Have missed your departure date and thought you already in cinnamon roll territory. (Nah, 'cause then you'd be headed to SD...:) Re: BB: they 1 & 2 pack for $29.95 were GONE (damn) but I got S-1 for $19.95. Have not opened it yet but maybe later this wk. Want to hit the other two Targets to see if they have the 2 pack first.

Can't wait to hear how much you love The Killing. It is so not like anything I have ever seen and I get goose bumps as soon as I say that. I love Holden, tho' it would appear he is a tad skeezy but, hey he is a tall skinny guy (NOT as skinny as MGG, but who is??:) with a great head of hair (albeit sometimes abit greasy) he has a sensitivity about him and you can tell is falling for his female partner who is the most complex person...think she should be a man because I never know what she is going to do...she must have a male brain in that female body but she is 100% detective-who-won't-quit. Love that show and cannot wait for it to resume. Kinda like even more than I cannot wait for Dexter to start again.
or CM, of course:)

Velandra: how did the pie come out? Did you get to try the oil pastry recipe? Save it for future if not, because it is FOOL-PROOF, always yummy and so much easier than working with shortening or butter.

Teresa: Did not realize you guys were in Mass. til just yesterday. Lived in CT for 7 years in between my Cali time and LOVED New England...esp the seasons, foliage. Miss it so much in the fall.

Eleven (ses) but I still know you as 11!)
You are right, I would hug our boy to death, with or without his shirt on, prob'ly more without because he would look even more little-boy-ish! Truly want to adopt him and have him draw pics for me while I cook for him... Keep reading your books, GF, but you can afford the time to ck in here because right now there are so few of us, talk-time now is time-manageable! You won't be skimming thru all the nasty just need to be prepared to see recipes, disgust for real spam and the !@%&$#? Blimey's dad says...hah!

Have agreat 4th everyone, and you too, OTOSiders (that would be on the other....)

Hey, my old boss from Hatfield, Herts e-mailed me today (1st time since C'mas) with a Happy 4th greeting. Thought of you, BL!

If you are reading this, Jill, hope you are feeling well and that you have a wonderful day. Thanks for letting us "pen-pals" share our girl talk here (usu about CM men!)

What should we call ourselves: penpals is not right but "fellow bloggers" doesn't work for me and we can't be lumped in with all the other Fanatics during this dry, down time and after all we have been thru! Think on it, LMK; I'll bet Blimey will be the first to name us but I will be needing the Urban Dictionary to figure it out...:)

Velandra said...

Hope everyone is having a good 4th and Blimey since it's not a holiday for you I hope your having a great day.

Gubegirl: I will def. help you w/ your plan to fatten up MGG just remember you promised to let me visit :) as for the pie let's just say it looked delicious though how it actually tasted only the floor will know. I set it on a towel on the counter to cool as I don't have a cooling rack and my son (18 mo) decided to pull the towel off the counter. His expression was so cute I couldn't be mad. I plan to try again later this week.

Elevenses: it'll be nice to see you whenever you pop in :)

Am I the only one that saw SM and his flat top yesterday?It was quite a sight though after getting used to it quite a nice sight.

Blimey Limey said...

Ha! Hope y'all across the Pond (of the American persuasion) are having a fabulous time celebrating getting away from those darn Limeys!!! ;-))

@ Elevenses:

"Keep calm and call Hotch" - Ha! That's fabulous. I'd love to see the "Keep calm and call Garcia" version hung up in her lair next season - any chance of that little request getting through to Erica Messer? I'm not joking either!!

@ sf81387:

Actually - I agree. Expect very little and then you won't be disappointed. Hopefully we'll be proved wrong and season 7 will be amazing - although it could be argued anything would be amazing after last season.

I'm definitely going to give The Killing a go, although I'll have to record a fair bit of it while I'm away. Still peeved I missed the Danish version a few months back on BBC4. Watching paint dry is usually more interesting than anything on that channel, so I rarely check the listings.

@ Velandra:

Cheers, although my day has been somewhat hectic. Would love to be relaxing and watching the fireworks! Hope you're having a gud 'un!

@ Gubegirl:

Twenty days to go! I'm like a kid at Christmas. Earlier I phoned the first hotel I'm staying at (in Las Vegas, but a few miles north of the madness so it's easier to get out of town) to ask for a room on the quiet side away from the freeway - been consulting Trip Advisor.

I mentioned my plan to my Dad when I spoke to him last week (he's like a non potty mouth version of Justin's Dad in case you'd not noticed). Brace yourselves:

Dad: So *why* are you ringing them?
Me: I don't want to listen to big rigs all night.
Dad: Big rigs?
Me: Lorries, but on steroids.
Dad: It's next to a motorway?
Me: No, it's next to a freeway.
Dad: What's the difference?
Me: About 5000 miles.
Dad: (obviously remembering the trunk/boot conversation) Will they understand you?
Me: As long as I don't ask them if there's complimentary crisps in the room...

And so on - hopefully I'll pick up some random words & phrases on my travels to mess with his head even more! ;-))

MGG definitely needs fattening up - don't think he's quite as skinny as he was, but still needs a few good dinners! Agreed about Adam Levine's ad; nice bod - but he's got too many tattoos for my taste.

Our collective name. Hmmmm... maybe something to do with nutters? But AmericaniZed! ;-))

Right, it's now Tuesday so I'm off for some kip. Laters, y'all...

gubegirl said...

Velandra: I'm going to hold you to that promise, GF, when someone thinks we're the unsubs as we tote away the slight but handsome one...:)

So sorry about your pie...and after all that work but I know what you mean: how can you be mad at a toddler? Next time, try TWO pot holders...:)

Blimey: Re:your dad: hope you know I did not mean for one minute he had a potty mouth just good for funnies...and I could not resist alluding to it here as yet another one of the "spam" examples!

Re: Adam: OMG-WAY too many tattoos! Lovely, luver-ly bod that Levine lad has, but even one is too much for this old-fashioned woman. Will not be applying for his adoption (he's a year or two older than MGG I think) anytime soon...could not have a son with tats!

No offense anyone; just me:)

His music is luverly tho' also...Don't Ever Leave This Bed is esp. it out if you have not already heard it and he was WONDERFUL with Javier doing a duet on The Voice finale last week. Wow!

Velandra: when are you avail? We have mucho work to do before the hiatus is over and MGG claims to be too busy to go on the infamous "Gubegirl Diet and Workout Plan." Hah! Will we lure him with Starbucks and cashews or do you have some other plan up your sleeve that will entice him to come oh-so compliantly (like he was in his right mind(s) or something...I hate to have to muscle the poor kid....

Elevenses said...

Oh my dear girls, you are the funniest, nuttiest people you know? My Minds diet (read obsessive overeating) has meant that i now burn food when i cook. Out of practice. Remember the Lockhorns? I'm beginning to look and feel like Loretta. No, maybe i'm beg. to look like one of the Beatles, as one of my GFs so succinctly put. Short-hair-growing phase. Can anything be worse? Gah.

Blimey, your impending adventure sounds a bit like the hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy :-) The girls from the other side of Bond better watch out!

I'm going to keep my eyes peeled for The Killing but in my part of the world i may have to wait for my future grandkids to grow up before i can hope to get my hands on it (unless i find my own 'source'). Yes, we could def. write to Erica about a 'keep calm and call garcia' poster (maybe in Morgan's office, too, eh?), while i keep the hotch version under my mattress.

Fattening up the Gube! I'd like to apply for that job, too, please. And please could we do that for tg, too?

Would Morgan's house have smashed-down walls? Rem. he said he liked breaking down walls? And maybe a Halloween honey under the bed ;0)

Eleven (etc) x

gubegirl said...

You should be asking your Trip Advisor which side of the tracks
Gube's parents live, in case he's still around during his break. Ck it out, GF, ck it out! If he is, call me and Velandra ASAP, we'll be on our way, slithering up to the back door on our bellies, trying not to slosh the Starbucks after we have eaten all the cashews. (Try not to get a visual on that....:)

TRY and find the Killing! Will you have the same prob as Blimey as far as a U.S. DVD not working? Don't forget, the Danish did the first one (not exactly the same but ours is based on theirs.)
Re: Morgan: I think it's more like there would be a Halloween honey waiting for him IN his bed and Clooney UNDER the bed, where the pooch goes during thunder...
Re: MGG: I seriously doubt that Velandra and I will need your help as there is no way the poor guy can fight off both of us, unless of course, you want to post yourself nearby to be the lookout. You could pose as papparrazi getting the scoop? Not sure if I want to see those pics in the local paper,but since it's Vegas, prob'ly not much chance of it being big enuf news to make the paper....unless of course, MGG's fam gets the cops involved...
You are welcome to work on fattening TG ITMW; I'm sure Blimey will be happy to provide you w/ EC and I'll send along a mile-high and I'm sure you will be welcomed with open arms:)

Is there a "Keep Calm...Call Morgan" poster? That's the one I want...all these mag covers have more than proven to me that he's the kick down doors...some a--, whatever. No wonder the Anonymous on the other thread said she would do anything for him....forgive my digressing.

Watching ion now with the epi with the guy on drugs in the pharmacy and Reid was shot in the leg in prev. epi and is on crutches, "Are you in pain?" asks Garcia and Reid responds, "only when it hurts...which is most of the time" and helps himself to some cookies she brought in. She yanks them away from him and says they're for Hotch. Reid complains he got shot in the leg and doesn't even get a cookie! Then they start discussing Hotch's state of mind after being stabbed by Foyet; Reid states that Hotch didn't even blink. Garcia asks Reid how he's doing and he says he doesn't know, but then says "But I'm a blinker," as he sucks on his tootsie pop. Why can't we go back to these good ones? I am always amazed to go back and watch these as I see things I don't remember, laugh and cry like I was watching for the first time....sigh.......

Elevenses said...

Potential fallout of 'keep calm and call hotch' advice.

Eleven: Beep Beep Beep Beep….

Hotch: Hotchner

Eleven: Ahhh ummmm ermmm ehhh eeehhhh (while hormones do crazy dance around fire in belly and ovaries implode)…..

Hotch: Hello? Hello? Beep beep beeeeeeeeeeeeeeee……(stares at phone for a whole 20 seconds)

(Frowning, Hotch calls Morgan)

Hotch: Morgan, I think we may have a lunatic on the loose, or dead, somewhere on the other side of the world. I got an international call. Maybe we should call the CIA?

Morgan: Why do you think she (?) is dead?

Hotch: I heard a strange high-pitched voice mumbling and squealing, then a very loud thud and then a crash.

Morgan: If she (??) is dead, why are you calling me?

Hotch: Excuse me?

Morgan: Call Emily.

Hotch: Oh right, I'll call Prentiss.

(Eleven blows kisses in the general direction of the BAU and in the specific direction of Hotch from her lavender-painted hell.)

Eleven (etc)

Elevenses said...

Gubegirl, I was exaggerating — i'm pretty sure i could procure it online. Thanks for the recommendation!

Re MGG - i could make do with pinching his cheeks while you and Velandra do all the hugging and the fattening up. And i shall be happy to click a few — crazy as we are, we might be able to get Nat Geo to publish them considering it would most likely be (very very) wild life photography. Thank you for your mile-high and Blimey's EC and i'll take Teresa with me if the open arms get a lil much for lil me (refer to post above...and that was just a phone call).

You can make your own Call Morgan poster. Why don't you give it a try on photoshop? Then i shall call you Morgan's Halloween Honey (MHH and MGG went up the hill.........).

Eleven (etc)

Anonymous said...

OK Elevenses I suppose I'm willing to share TG's open arms with you. BTW it's very generous of you to be prepard to share with me. You women have very funny creative minds (CM). When the BAU comes to question me on what befell MGG I promise to reveal nothing of these conversations. At least not until I've been exposed to Morgan's hot body, Rossi's gorgeous eyes and have been well and truly Hotchalanched.
Watched the S5 opener last night. OH, to see poor Hotch so vulnerable but earlier so strong as he told Foyet he wasn't afraid of him. Paid close attn. to the what Foyet was saying to Hotch as he stabbed him. He seemed to be making clear that the stabbing was not a sustitute for rape but the pleasure he was getting from what he was doing certainly seemed sexual.
Loved Reid in this episode. The long hair. Taking charge with the doctor and keeping him focused on people he might have operated on in order to track down the unsub.
I've started posting on the other thread, trying not the engage the provacteur(s). It may just get too boring and I may give up but I just don't want to give her/them the complete run of this blog.
We'll see how it goes.
Now I better get ready for work.

Teresa H. said...

I can't believe it. After all that work I mess up again.
In case you're wondering, that last post was mine.

Pat said...

Ha ha BL, you made me laugh with your conversation with your dad after the boot/trunk incident. I nursed for 29 years and had this English doctor come to me once and ask for a torch. I stood there looking completely idiotic, I'm sure, while visions of some man in shorts running in slow motion carrying the Olympic flame to the music from Chariots of Fire flashed through my mind. Finally, when I think he thought I was a complete imbecile (which at times is not too far off the mark), he reached behind me on the shelf, grabbed a flashlight and said, "Never mind."

Since you guys don't seem need any help with the kidnapping plot it appears, I'd be willing to work for glimpses, cook, tend to any injuries he might sustain, though I'm sure you'd be gentle with our boy. Whatever you need, I'm there.

Hmm, gubegirl, a name for the nutters. I'll have to think on that. You've given me a challenge.

gubegirl said...

How about we are the "TCMZs" (TrueCM Zealots.) Could be "TZs" for short.

Others may fall into the "RF" category: (Random Fans; those who post occas and wander off.)Note: these people are generally harmless.

Then the crazies, loonies and nutters can be ref to as "FFTMs"(Faux Fan/Trouble Makers.) As indicated, they are out to wreak havoc, cause hard feelings, kill any fun we're having and get Jill & other admin. to kick them off here. We could shorten this to FF but I'm certain they would jump to the conclusion we are using foul language....maybe "TMs?"

Have I left anyone out? Any other category needed?

Must get some work done.


Blimey: Maybe we should you be consulting with your dad on this serious subject?:)

Pat said...

gubegirl, the TZ's sound like a great name and I would be proud to be a member in good standing.

But did you have to mention work!!!

Velandra said...

Gubegirl: I'm avail. As soon as your ready :) love the plan though you will have to supply the Starbucks as they are few and far out here. If that doesn't work we can always tempt him out w/ a trail of your tasty treats? From
There I think we're home free. Oh just the thought of him w/ a few extra lbs on him .... Well you get my point. Though maybe we should have a few of us in the wings in case he makes a run for it.....

Velandra said...

Gubegirl: I think that's a perfect name!

Blimey Limey said...

A few days have passed, I need a new bit of scoop. Any news on Sergio's contract being renewed?!

However, my Source has educated me as to how EXACTLY to locate various TV goodies... and another member of his department has shown me another "location", shall we say? Needless to say I'll be in t'other side of the Pond TV heaven in September...

Oh yes, am liking the name - but dread to think what my Dad would have come up with! I might have to introduce him to the concept of biscuits & gravy at some point - bearing in mind that over here a biscuit is a plain cookie like a Graham Cracker or similar - haha!

@ Gubegirl:

I initially typed he's the English of equivalent of Justin's Dad, but thought I'd better clarify that he's only the occasional minor potty mouth!

I've got six full days in Vegas, but will be out of town exploring for four of them - the other two will be spent lurking around trying to avoid drunk Limeys (including Z-list celebs behaving badly, according to another of my sources). I'm doing the cheesy Caesars Palace thing on my final night before flying back to the probably rain-soaked dirty little island! ;-)) And btw, they understood me just fine when I phoned the hotel and were very pleasant & helpful. No big rig lullaby for me, hopefully.

@ Elevenses:

Loved the NOT keeping calm and calling Hotch phone call! I'm deadly serious when I say I'd love to see the "Keep calm and phone Garcia" in her lair next season. Am hoping Jill will pass on the message/request with some suitable grovelling on my behalf (pretty please, grovel, smarm, etc, etc...).

@ Velandra:

Bad news about the pie - second time lucky eh? Let us know how you get on.

@ Pat:

Made me larrrrrf. Flashlight is one of the better known ones over here, as well as a few others commonly heard on TV/in movies - like sidewalk, chips, gas (as in petrol) and numerous others which have fallen out of my brain as Wednesday is minutes away.

Goodnight, y'all...

CMFAN11 said...

I guess I fall in the RF category. Lol thank you college education lol. I will catch up w/ y'all hardcore fanatics once the first ep airs it's called "It takes a village" and will involve a European international criminal and starts filming tomorrow. Yay! I'm excited. I can't wait for prentisses return. The team is lacking w/ just one badass ( Morgan) and only 1 team member w/ a sense of humor (Garcia)
Emily fits both categories ( assault rifle/ flash and bang grenade and " I have the magic ingredient, it's called splenda") anyone remember that awesome witty line?

gubegirl said...

CMFan11: cont. to write in an intelligible, non-challenging but informed manner, and we'll consider you a TZ!

Won't we, ladies?

Consider yourself the token male at this point, altho' we will happily open our doors for others of the opposite sex if/when an intelligent one shows up here wanting to talk about the a particular epi, the characters w/o bashing either team member OR TZ, well, hey, like I said: you are welcome. In case you haven't noticed, we love men:) Altho' there is a very good chance many of us are old enuf to be your mother...Hah! (There are a few regulars like heyva & Karen who are close in age to you: college students=high-teens, early 20's?)

We've enjoyed your posts, love the advance info/spoilers and hope to have future convos. And who knows, you might dazzle some future GF with one of our famous recipes! LOL.

Have a good nite, ladies. And man:)

CMFAN11 said...

Haha that's awesome gubegirl. I'll gladly be the token male lol, and yes I am planning on taking up cooking so I'll definitely look out for some good recipes ( which I'm sure all that we're posted were) lol

Karen said...

Hey gubegirl (and everyone else)! Sorry I havn't posted in a while, work has been kicking my butt because of the holiday. I usually come home and read the posts of the day then go straight to bed haha. But you are right, I am almost 22.

cmfan11: where did (or do) you go to school??

This probably going to be random, but I would like to share my dream from the other night. It's vaguely relevant I promise! After I read the posts about MGG I had a dream that MGG was my boyfriend. We went to some random concert and he gave me a piggyback ride. That's all I remember but needless to say it was the best dream ever!

Karen said...

Hey gubegirl (and everyone else)! Sorry I havn't posted in a while, work has been kicking my butt because of the holiday. I usually come home and read the posts of the day then go straight to bed haha. But you are right, I am almost 22.

cmfan11: where did (or do) you go to school??

This probably going to be random, but I would like to share my dream from the other night. It's vaguely relevant I promise! After I read the posts about MGG I had a dream that MGG was my boyfriend. We went to some random concert and he gave me a piggyback ride. That's all I remember but needless to say it was the best dream ever!

CMFAN11 said...

In TX, that's all I'll say tho bc I'm very leary abt how much info I give out online lol. Too many high profile gov websites have gotten hacked and I'm not having it lol

Can we get prentiss a date (mention of at least, don't need another character arc involving a former bf or a sin 2 win weekend. She needs a break after all her covert hiding and immersion back into a cover identity and running from the IRA who agrees w/ me? I say Guam or costa rica for a week lol

Karen said...

Ya I understand. Sweet! I used to live in Texas. I go to school in Florida.

And yes I agree, Prentiss should have a date. I'd say Guam. Although I dont if she'll do too much dating after the whole Doyle thing.

Karen said...

Ya I understand. Sweet! I used to live in Texas. I go to school in Florida.

And yes I agree, Prentiss should have a date. I'd say Guam. Although I dont if she'll do too much dating after the whole Doyle thing.

Karen said...

I'm sorry guys. I don't know why my posts keep double posting. My internet is being stupid.

gubegirl said...

Karen: your ears must have been burning, GF, we haven't heard from you in at least a week or more, I'll bet! And lo' and behold, I intro you to CMFan11, and up you pop! That's pretty cool, when you think about it - next thing you know, we'll be finishing each others' sentences! Haha!

MGG giving you a piggy back ride??? That would have to be AFTER he has spent the year working out with Morgan, hanging out at my place on the wkends to be properly "fattened up" with some hi-caloric cooking/baking and practicing yoga with me on Sun. AMs! That would be after our proposed kidnapping of him, if you have been reading the long weekend's posts:)

There is no way MGG is piggy-backing any normal size adult, even female anytime soon, but, hey, if my 19 y.o. go from being scrawny to being buff, MGG can, too! (Somehow, I think he would rather push a drawing pencil, but we're going to TRY....!!!

But a girl can always dream, and I have to say that is a very cool dream and I will do my very best to see that our boy has the strength to do it, just for you, Karen! (After you get an in-road for the soundtrack - Blimey is prepping for her US vacation and abit too busy to get up to speed and I am still sitting here with a list of great music that's pages long!

CMFan11: I'm with you, buddy, most of our team need dates, vacations, lovers, whatever. They need a life and I'm all for it. They don't have to show all the gory details, our imaginations will deal with that (look what they do already!!) but except for Garcia and JJ, they are all WAY overdue for something good to happen to them in their personal lives.

Have a good nite, y'all.

Karen said...

Speaking of music! I was watching I love you Beth Cooper today and Let it Be Me by Ray LaMontange started playing in the movie. I had an instant CM scene flash in my mind haha.

I think I'm going to have to send out more emails. I definitely should have heard something by now if they were going to answer. I think I need a new approach. Maybe come at them like a ninja, all unexpected!

Elevenses said...

Jill - our prayers are with you.... Thank you, too, for allowing us to monkey about on your lovely blog. We've made friends and (usually) have a good time talking about our favourite show and its amazing cast. Warmest wishes to you....

Gubegirl - TZ is great! But maybe we could give it a little twist and call ourselves the Teazes? Really, we have all devolved, completely, and it feels wonderful!

CMFan11 - my part-namesake. Hmm, I'm still closer to 25 than I am to tg's age, which is unfortunate really - big missed opportunity (big sigh) yeah right ;-)

Teresa, my girl, you seriously want to be at the business end of a Hotchalanche? Or has the meaning of the word changed to something more like, say, 'Hotchalaunch' (LaunchSelfAtHotch')? And of course I'll share him with you, but as I'd probs be very dead by then (blowing kisses from my LavHell), would you be comfy sharing aforementioned open arms with a corpse? (heee heee haaa haaa - maniacal laughter)

Hello to all of you!

PS: I have the Minds theme (pre S6) as my ring tone; so I miss several calls when I'm home because I think it's the old episodes playing on my laptop.

Eleven (etc)

Teresa H. said...

Good morning TZ's. Eleven I just meant it would finally take a Hotchalanche to make me give up the names of the crazies who kidnapped MGG.
Guys if you do please don't fatten him up too much. I was watching him last night in what I think was ep 2 of S5 and looking at those long delicate fingers and that lovely face framed by the long hair, would hate to see him become brawny. Just be careful is all I'm saying.
Don't worry gubegirl I'm still primarly in competition with Elevenses for Hotch/TG.

Velandra said...

I didn't realize we where all giving up our ages last night.... I believe in a bit of mystery so all I'll say is I'm on the very low side of the 30's :).
Karen: I lived in Tampa awhile back and I loved it! Probably one of my fav. places I've ever lived.
Blimey: I love the things your dad says. Everytime I read them it puts a smile on my face. Always looking forward to the next installment.
Gubegirl: it would be great if you and Karen could get the music project going. I for one would LOVE a CM soundtrack.
Cmfan11: thanks for the heads up on 7.1 I can't wait for sep.21!
Teresa: don't worry I think gubegirl is just planning to put a little meat on his bones and make sure he's nice and healthy. I know what you mean I was watching 5.1 the other night and he looked amazing. I loved the long hair and purplish rings around his eyes, always making it look like he got too little sleep. I like to think he's up at night reading poetry and loses track of time.

sf81387 said...

A few days have passed, I need a new bit of scoop. Any news on Sergio's contract being renewed?!

No news about Sergio, but there are these fresh tidbits of information about the upcoming season:

Episode 7.02 of Criminal Minds will be called "Proof" and will involve a man who has a disturbing fixation on his brothers wife.

What did JJ whisper to Hotch at the end of "Lauren" on Criminal Minds? — Brooke Pierson, via Twitter

ADAM: Like I'd tell you! But I'm betting that the secret will be revealed this season, given that executive producer Erica Messer is planning to further explore the Hotch and JJ of it all. "There is a relationship there — especially having shared this secret — that we think is worth exploring," Messer says. "It's nothing romantic, but there's definitely a bond that these two have... that doesn't come along very often."

CMFAN11 said...

Spoiler alert!

According to we will FINALLY figure out what JJ said 2 hotch behind the hospital doors. There will also be a hotch/JJ arc but it's NOT romantic. They are the glue that holds the team together afterall. Also I'd like 2 see JJ and will get married.

Don't get me wrong although I'm very traditional and conservative I understand JJ is a modern woman and I'm open minded and don't judge the way people live their life because we all come from different walks of life. I just think it'd be nice 2 see a wedding on the beach w/ the team in it because that'd be an extremely positive moment we rarely get 2 see.

Anyone agree? My mind is going crazy w/ ideas for S7 because I'm so excited for it lol

CMFAN11 said...

Ugh SF you beat me 2 the punch lol

sf81387 said...

I've always liked the Hotch/JJ relationship. She seems to be the only one who truly gets him and he always had so much respect for her and her opinions and they always worked so well together. She was his right arm most days. I'd like to see it explored a bit more deeply and am happy that it won't be in a romantic way. That would be a bit on the creepy side.

However, I won't wait with baited breath for it to ever really happen. The showrunners are known for talking up a great season that never materializes.

CMFAN11 said...

I also hope Garcia goes back to her computer.

JJ briefs the team more often than not

And lastly, that prentiss's role isn't downsized because she got such a big arc last season


gubegirl said...

Velandra: I must have been watching the same epi(s) because the last two nites on ion, are from S-5 and Reid was looking damn good, despite having really long hair. And really dark circles. And still really skinny. But good, really good:)

We just need to fatten him a tad bit and get him strong enuf to survive all the hugging we want to do to him. I would hate to crack his ribs when I finally do get to hug him nor do I want you to pinch those cheeks so hard that his oh-so-fine bone structure gets messed up. Shemar prob'ly calls him "pretty boy" in real life as well because he looks better than most of those A & F models, don't you think?

CMFan11: I agree with all that you are hoping for for S-7. In addition, I want to "meet" one of Rossi's former wives, see Morgan, Prentiss and Reid have a date (or, at least hear about it but I would rather have a peek:) and Hotch deal with some of the emotional maybe back to the therapist and let us get to see a little head-shrinking and learn more about his childhood. Wouldn't mind seeing that brother of his again...cutie-patootie!

I wouldn't think that PB would have agreed to come back for less after the shabby treatment she got last year so I seriously doubt they'll be trimming or minimizing her role. But we do need to see Doyle go down...
during/after we get to see how the team accepts her "life" (NOT death!)

I would love to get that soundtrack thing going...I wonder if they will go back to using some estab. artists' or cont with that self-produced stuff they were using toward the end? Anyone know? Have any thoughts? Did you like it?

I have nothing listed for Valhalla, Hanley Waters or Big Sea. But I sure did love hearing "Shattered" by the Stones in the finale, oh, yeah...

Blimey Limey said...

Oooooh, nice bit of semi-spoiler ahoy. Thanking you both muchly, sf81387 & CMFAN11!

I'm looking forward to Hotch and JJ's... relationship which isn't a relationship, as well as how the rest of the team react when they learn Prentiss is very much alive and kicking.

@ Gubegirl & CMFAN11:

I also agree with the idea of seeing snippets of the team's personal lives outside the BAU. Just the occasional scene, we can fill in the rest. But definitely not in a soap opera style - that would have heavy cringe potential.

@ Velandra:

Haha! Trying to think of any other randoms my Dad's come out with recently. Bear in mind he's never been out of Europe and doesn't watch much TV so he only speaks Limey (and a bit of German). He was horrified to find out rental cars in the US are all automatic, for some strange reason! Although he was very impressed that on my last visit it had cost me under £25 to fill up the car (instead of the £65+ it costs here - ouch).

@ Gubegirl:

The Killing starts tomorrow - big trailers showing during every ad break on Channel 4 this week. It certainly looks promising. The Danish version is available on UK Amazon but isn't cheap - assuming the US version lives up to expectation I'll wait until the original goes from ££££ to ££!

Thursday's nearly here and I need my beauty sleep (I know, it's hard to believe). Laters, y'all...

sf81387 said...

I wouldn't think that PB would have agreed to come back for less after the shabby treatment she got last year so I seriously doubt they'll be trimming or minimizing her role.

According to Paget she didn't agree to anything, she was forced to come back so I would imagine she's back under whatever terms she agreed to before she left and I doubt any of those terms elaborated on the amount of screen-time she'd be getting.

However, I don't see why she'd be used any less than she was before or any differntly than she was before. : )

I wonder if we could get a new discussion thread or have this one moved to the top of the blog so it's not so hard to fine. Please and thank you. : )

CMFAN11 said...

I just hope PB makes the decision, by herself to come back 2 S8 (God willing there is one) lol

Because afterall I don't think us fans can handle another S6 worrying about who stays and goes.

also eventhough she was forced to come back I'd think that it wasn't that hard of a decision to make bc she loves the cast & crew so much and it's a well paying job, that she'll have as long as the writers do their part.

I want to learn more about JJ's, Garcia's, And Hotch's past. Rossi's 2 bc there is alot we don't kno about them compared 2 the other few.

Hell I know more about seaver bc her past was forced into the script than I do about JJ.


Teresa H. said...

Good to see you posting and thanks to you and CMFAN11 for the info.
Would be happy to see that exploration of the JJ/Hotch relationship but who knows how deep they'll go.
I know what you mean about having to scroll down to get to this thread but I'm a little nervous that if another one is opened up at the top the provocateurs will take over.
I'm not even thinking about S8, let's see what they do with this one first. And I always thought that JJ got married. Possible I got the wrong end of the stick. Happens sometime :).
Re: Reid/MGG I guess I like the intellectual look, certainly on our favourite ex model.

Velandra said...

I'm watching Corazon for the first time (I was so fed up when they first ran it I didn't watch) I figured I'd see what I had missed..... not much apparently. I can't wait to see where they go w/ Hotch/JJ this season ( not romantically of course). It would be nice to see Hotch open up to someone and they have always had a bond.

Teresa: I don't think JJ/Will ever got married. They both got rings when Henry was born w/ his birthstone. Is that maybe what your thinking of?

Gubegirl: whenever I think of music on CM The Funeral by Band of Horses from the closing scene of Revelations always comes to mind. It gave me chills just watching Reid Wrestle emotionaly w/ the fact that he had just shot Tobias, that song playing in the background. Though the self produced music from Coda was beautiful. I'd have to say I like established music better.

sf & cmfan11: thanks for the spoilers. I'm guardedly hopeful for S7
Excuse any typos I'm sure there are a few :)

CMFAN11 said...

Yes velandara is correct. JJ & Will aren't married but did exchange rings w/ theirs & henrys birthstone on it.

My opinion was it'd just be nice 2 see a wedding with Garcia & prentiss as bridesmaids and the men in the team as groomsmen. Because it'd be great 2 see a positive moment with the whole team because we don't see that very often. I'd also like 2 see snippets with the team hanging out in DC, the girls like EM mentioned bc she talked about seeing more of them this season. And it'd be awesome 2 see the team have a dinner for thanksgiving or Christmas and have a great time w/ a good fitting quote since their already so close.

Just my opinion. Feel free 2 give me some more ideas or suggestions to explore since y'all are pretty good at it.

Elevenses said...

Hello, all! Thanks for the JJ/Hotch spoilers, SF and CMF11, but like SF i'm not holding my breath. Cautiously optimistic maybe (lord i sound like an equity research analyst). I love those two together - and actually laughed out loud when Jordan spoke to Hotch about taking JJ for granted. Heh. "what will we do when you go on your mat. leave?!" "gas" "it does get better Hotch" "i know it's never perfect" (i'm misquoting epically i'm sure, but you know the scenes i'm talking about).

Can you ladies and man believe Jill/mods had to remove comments from tg's birthday thread??!! I mean, really?? Who ARE these people?

Teresa, thanks for the clarification re hotchalanche. Obviously i have a one-track mind and cannot think beyond the open arms. I need help (koop's strange love plays in the background).

I love long-haired Reid, short-haired Reid, dark-circled Reid, bearded Reid, lavender Reid and oh my god purple-scraved Reid. I rest my case.

Corazon is one of my least favourite 42mins of Minds. Utterly mindless and i'm sure the background score gave me an ulcer.

Eleven (etc) x

Teresa H. said...

Just watched "100". Still breaks my heart after multiple viewings.
Before I had just watched a rerun of an ep from another favourite show, MI5 on PBS (Blimey in the UK I think it's call Spooks which here is a prejorative term. Another show with a strong team vibe.
One of the leads in the first 2 or 3 seasons was Matthew McFaydean, I love him too, just not quite as much as TG. (Eleven by any chance is he one of your favourites?) Anyway,they quoted Nietzsche, the line about looking into the abyss. I said to my housemate that I thought the same quote was on CM at some point. Well of course it's on "100".
Not sure what this coincidence means. But I think there's some positive message in there about continuing to watch these favourite shows repeatedly and obsessively. I'll definitely never forget that quote now.

Elevenses said...

Ohhhhh the new pics on this blog ... oh my ... groovy ...(you get the point).

Teresa, let's just say i stopped watching Spooks when he left, but wasn't as obsessed with the show as i am w/ CM. This is moving into x-files territory (did you like David Duchovny btw?).

Oh those pics at the top (is that a full beard i see on tg? is it? is it? i LIKE) ... oh my ... the pics ... the pics. (necesito un cafe desesperadamente - probs the only sentence i know in the language)

Eleven (demented, etc)

Teresa H. said...

I wasn't sure if I saw a beard or if it was a trick of the light. Looks good on TG would not work on Hotch of course.
So much fun to see those pictures though.
Sort of liked David D. Liked how he looked, liked Mulder but was not sure about D's personality. With TG and Matthew it's more all round.

Elevenses said...

Are we checking this blog at the same time?! (or all the time?)

Agree on DD - liked him muchly as Mulder but then it fizzled out pretty quickly. Now that i think about it, liked GA/Scully more.

Maybe Hotch is falling apart :-D look at that casual t-shirt. Only the frown gives him away, although here's what i think of the frown (among other things)...

Joe = may look like Rodin's thinker but is actually sleeping (oi wake up)

Shemar = teacher's told him off (for looking good enough to eat/distracting the other students)

Paget = interested and HOT (figuratively and metaphorically)

Kirsten = bored to tears (just look at those walls just LOOK at them - yawn)

AJ = a bit subdued / scared? (does an unsub get too close in S701?)

Matthew = amused (ha! I'd like to read what he's reading)

Thomas = Hotch (unless he is actually sharing jokes with the Gube - surreptitiously - and that's why the latter is amused)

sf81387 said...

Can you ladies and man believe Jill/mods had to remove comments from tg's birthday thread??!! I mean, really?? Who ARE these people?

Unfortunately for Shemar Moore and the majority of his fans, there are a few very passionate fans out there that have attached themselves to him and have made it their mission in life to declare Thomas Gibson the enemy.

It all started when they ran that poll about the men leaving and it quickly became so lopsided, which is silly, but hey, people who would spam a blog and an actor who's done nothing negative to anyone ever are in a word......SILLY.

I've seen this type of behavior before in other fandoms and you always have the few who can't just enjoy what they enjoy about the show without trashing what other people enjoy. It seems they aren't having a good time unless they are spoiling the good time for everyone else. It's unfortunate, but it seems that all fandoms get dragged down by the riff-raff eventually.

CMFAN11 said...

I wonder if in ep 7.01 JJ is having family issues with the team after the secret about prentiss comes out? I'm stoked PB will be in the premiere, I wonder how they'll do the second episode and if there will be a few months gap in between the first & second episode.

2 things:

1. I wouldn't be surprised if in the first episode there is a break in time or something from A) the season finale and then B) when the team finds out about prentiss and lastly C) when they kill Doyle.

2. This is very random but one thing I really like about CM is that it respects people from all walks of life. ( unlike law & order svu who takes shots at religious and conservative people). Eventhough I think only prentiss and Rossi are the only religious team members ( there catholic I think) if another is please feel free to correct me. It's still nice 2 see diversity and respect throughout the team.

gubegirl said...

Wow, I stay away the better part of a day and Whoa! We get new pics! Whoo-hoo! And some dif topics of convo...

Before I forget, something that struck me the other day & I know nothing of: do some of you know something about Jill's health? I do not tweet & maybe you learned something? Pls clue me in because I care & am concerned.

Jill or whomever posted the pics: TY! Loving seeing our guys in real-life form: how do you like seeing them all casual like on purpose?) except for MGG, who sits there smirking in his character shirt and tie! (His hair is still 'Reid-mussy' tho') And TG with sev days' growth: loving it. He will def shave before filming starts because Hotch would NEVER sport whiskies like that! Hah!

Good to see AJ there with them, thank God she is back. Re: her presenting cases: as long as no one else takes that job FT, I am OK with those duties being shared, albeit abit weird, and as far as I'm concerned, she has ALWAYS been a profiler, whether she was trained to be or had it written in her job description or not; kinda like when she explained her job to Jordan, and commented that there was more profiling to it than the others realized, but she spoke as if she kept it on the down.

Garcia needs to stay cute and techie. Away from mikes and the head of the table:)

I like that MGG and TG are sitting side by side; wonder if that was after their good time funnin' in MC?

Notice the sodas: it is hotter than Hades here: we have humidity (like 64% when it's normally 34) and we wimpy Cali people are pi--ing and moaning like crazy because we are not used to it. If you don't get your hot cuppa early, you def don't want one by 10 must ice it to get your caffeine fix:) I say that as I down my last few swallows of lukewarm's shortly after 9 AM and the beads of perspiration are forming on my forehead as I type...

Elevenses: Oh, my, TG DOES indeed need a tad fattening up...he is looking almost as frail as his trusty side-kick/our fave baby boy next to him. No prob, there shall be plenty of EC, mile-high to go around and I'll sit them down with fresh loaf of French bread with butter in the eves...that would be before any
Hotch-a-lanches or hugging sessions begin...Who is bringing the red wine??)

Never went back to ck the b'day posts. What exactly happened there? Did that group of Morgan luv'rs (prob'ly 1 person!) go bonkers on TG's card? Unbelievable that some people are so immature and downright mean..they must adhere to the belief that negative att'n is better than no att'n at all....they never grew up.

Watched Corazon again last nite. Or maybe I should say, I tried. OMG, way worse than I remember! So contrived & phony compared to prev years' work, & not even MGG's great acting could redeem it. Was a good excuse to sit down with my bowl of buttered popcorn but almost fell asleep as soon I finished the popcorn!

Let's keep all crossed & hope that Season 7 is as awesome as we need it to least we have all the right players...

Have a great day, folks.
You, too, Jill:)

sf81387 said...

According to Matt Mitovich Season 7 picks up 4 months after the season finale and apparently some of the team members are going to look different so maybe that explains the beard TG appears to be sporting.

Criminal Minds | Fans of the CBS crime drama are champing at the bit, waiting to see how “dead” Prentiss is pulled back into the BAU. The good news is that you won’t have to wait beyond the Sept. 21 season premiere to find out. I have been told that the producers are playing in “real time,” so four months will have passed when the action picks back up, and that the Prentiss story will be visited upon ASAP in the season opener. Here’s one other curious bit of intel: My source also says that “some of the team members will look different” when Minds returns. What, did Shemar Moore pack on 70 lbs. over the summer? Is there a hair color Kirsten Vangsness’ Garcia hasn’t tried yet? Hmmm….

Morgan is religious, but I don't think we've ever been privvy to what his personal choice of religion is. I get the feeling Hotch is probably Agnostic and Reid just keeps his mind open to all of it and has read and memorized all the different "good books". I don't know about JJ and Garcia, but Garcia's "Everything Happens for a Reason" philosophy seems to suggest a faith in something larger and JJ's appointing of Godparents for Henry would suggest the child was Baptised so she most likely supports some demonination of Christianity.

sf81387 said...

Notice the sodas: it is hotter than Hades here: we have humidity (like 64% when it's normally 34) and we wimpy Cali people are pi--ing and moaning like crazy because we are not used to it.

You mean it's 85 degrees? ; )

It's been miserable hot here with temps in the triple digits for weeks and no rain. It was 100 degrees at 11 AM. I hate to think how high it's going to climb today. If TG is looking thin blame it on the heat in this part of the country. The last thing you want to do when it is this hot is eat. :b

Teresa H. said...

gubegirl you can always count on me for some red wine and given the company I'll try to do better than my usual plonk.
Hotch with a beard hmmmmmmm....? Not sure about that.
I imagine though that for those read throughs they do not have to be in full "costume". Or maybe they do, some of you probably know better than I.
I notice we've slipped even further down the blog and while it's a bit of a pain getting here it feels like our own little hidden corner.

sf81387 said...

None of them look as though they're in costume so I'm going to guess that they show up for the table reads in their normal clothes.

Maybe since all of the BAU members supposedly took the summer off from catching bad guys Hotch took Jack to some secluded cabin in the woods for some fishing and bonding and just hasn't shaved yet because he's kind of enjoying being unkempt for a change.

Dayne (the CM Make-up Man) tweeted that he did TG's make-up yesterday. Maybe we should tweet the guy and ask him if the beard stayed or went or if it was part of the make-up job. ; )

sf81387 said...

Oh and I also really like Reid's hair short. I hope he keeps it that way. This was after watching "Corazon" last night and then flipping over to sob through "100" and noticing the striking difference the hair makes in Reid's appearance.

I liked "Corazon" or I should say it was one of the few in Season 6 that I didn't mind watching again. : )

CMFAN11 said...

Thanks so much for filling in the spots I missed in my post SF. I agree with your whole paragraph concerning the team's religious beliefs. I think it's awesome they show that part of the team, but at the same time are respectful toward the viewers and are classy enough 2 respect everyone and not have a political agenda behind each episode.

Also SF does that mean prentiss will already be back? Or will the team find out in ep 7.01? And what about Doyle? Lol and lastly will JJ keep that long hair? Lol she looks beautiful with it lol so I had 2 ask

sf81387 said...

I got the impression from the Erica Messer chat and the spoilers that I've read that Morgan is going to find out Prentiss is alive so no she won't already be back in the first episode, but will be returning in that episode. I'm assuming JJ will already be back if it's been 4 months since that conversation with Rossi and that we'll get some quick mention of Seaver moving on to wherever it is she moved on to. I also got the impression that Doyle will probably be a mere footnote in Emily's return so hopefully that means he's already dead or somebody kills him within the first 10 minutes.

Of course that could just be wishful thinking on my part. I'd rather the time be spent on the team reacting to Emily being alive and her coming back into the fold then spend the time watching Emily play cat and mouse with Doyle again. Been there, done that, don't care to see any more of it.

Velandra said...

I agree w/ sf I hope that they move quickly from the Doyle storyline. I'm eager to see how the team will react to Prentiss being alive and that Hotch/JJ knew. That being said I hope it's not dragged out or too over the top. I'm most eagerly awaiting them getting back to the cases and some good ole profiling. Can't wait to see the team working together again. On a different note I like TG with a bit of facial hair ( not that awful mustache) I think he looks incredibly sexy. Don't worry elevenses and Teresa he's still yours. I still prefer MGG w/ his long hair to his short. I think S5 his hair was at it's best.
Cmfan11: I wouldn't mind seeing JJ/Will get married as long as it wasn't the main focus of the ep. and not too over the top ;)

Velandra said...

Gubegirl: oh the things I would do for 64% humidity.

CMFAN11 said...

honestly I kinda liked the cat and mouse, but 2 episodes is enough and there's no reason to repeat.

I'm extremely eager 2 c how the team reacts to hotch/jj lying to them and also that prentiss isn't dead.

I hope the first 10-15 minutes concentrate on getting prentiss back and killing doyle. and the rest of the episode is them reacting to it and solving the case at hand. It's an extremely good setup for a great episode I just hope the writers used it in the right way.

Velandara: I agree if JJ and Will were to get married I wouldn't like it to be the main focus of the episode.

It'll be cool to see how they've changed over the past 4 months. I hope the S6 dvd set contains an extra on the lauren episode with PB talking about it like she did about demonology I'm curious to see what she thinks about her exit(same for AJ cook and JJ's exit)

Once this doyle saga is finally over then all will be right in CM world again. Thank you Jesus!

Lastly, I hope the writers realize it should be prentiss to take care of doyle and NO ONE ELSE. She deserves it, although since she might still have feelings for him since she kept the gimmel ring that might not boad well with her mental state.

O and the writers better remeber her scar it would be a nice continuation in writing if they briefly showed it in an episode.

gubegirl said...

sf, Teresa H, Velandra: MGG looks great with his long hair and I have to admit I like it...I just think it makes him look younger and he already looks very young (like 25 instead of 31.) The short 'do ages him abit and when it's not too mussy (boy-band look!) that's my fave of all his many 'dos over the past 6 years.

I want to know that Doyle is dead early on, and I would still love for Prentiss to be the one to get him, Morgan being my 2nd choice, but I do not want it to be dwelled upon. I am far more curious to watch the team's individual and collective reaction to learning that Prentiss is alive and the fallout thereafter. Think it will make for some great scenes...this is bigger than Haley's death which, in my thinking, was never dealt with, and still needs dealing with. Hotch tried to put it behind him and get back to work and I want to see or learn about the grief that he must have felt/still feels over it all.

Scruffy look is sexy, but not Hotch.
Hope this is not the change TPTB are alluding to.

Makes more sense to me that Prentiss would be the one with a major change: she likely would have made some substantial alterations to her appearance while in hiding, to avoid being detected, right?

CMFan11: Would like to see JJ get married, more so than just hear about it. The team could attend and it would not need to take more than a few comments intermixed with their daily work (girls sharing abit of girl talk about rings, dress, etc. very briefly) maybe an epi or two before then, leading up to an epi that would end with them all attending the actual ceremony, without anymore ado. Appropriate also since they have been together so long, had a child, etc. Could be a very nice touch and I would like it see it.

sf and Velandra: It is 86 degrees and has been 64% humidity for the past sev. days which is very unusual for so. Cali. Like I said, we are wimpy here....:)

Nothing like CT where we lived in the 90's and the temps AND the humidity would be in the high 80's and sometimes 90's -

A-A-A-G-G-H-H! I remember our house was on the market and our well dried up! Not a good sales feature...I called a swimming pool company out and under cover of darkness, they filled the well for me. Oh, the good ol' days...

No one know anything about Jill's health? Am anxious to hear.

No one wants to talk about the birthday card bashers? Need to get my heart pumping abit in this heat:)

Ok, going for the iced chai, like right now...

zagi said...

sf81387 said...

" Morgan is religious, but I don't think we've ever been privvy to what his personal choice of religion is. I get the feeling Hotch is probably Agnostic and Reid just keeps his mind open to all of it and has read and memorized all the different "good books". I don't know about JJ and Garcia, but Garcia's "Everything Happens for a Reason" philosophy seems to suggest a faith in something larger and JJ's appointing of Godparents for Henry would suggest the child was Baptised so she most likely supports some demonination of Christianity."

I`m not sure that Morgan is religious. In the episode "Lucky" he said his mother took him and his sisters to church every sunday. But later in the episode it was clear that he lost his faith because of what Buford did to him. He went to church to pray for the first time since his childhood, at the end of "Lucky". But at the end of "Penelope" when Rossi asked him how it was going with his faith Morgan answered "day to day". So at least back then he was still working on getting his faith back.

CMFAN11 said...

@ Gubegirl: I bet prentiss has substantially changed her apperance. I'm ready to see what she looks like in S7 considering she had the most reason to change while she went into hiding. I'm ready 2 see promo pics for 7.01 so I can see finally.

I could see hotch with some scruff. He's looked the same for 6 years. And he's the only one on the team except Rossi who hasn't changed their look. Change is good TG lol embrace it lol. I hope JJ is still confident and tougher like she was in " Lauren"

Lastly, dear prentiss please stay away from your past life as a spy from now on lol although that's an awesome job I can't deal w/ the team breaking up again lol. So stick w/ the BAU family. I wish we would've learned about Tsia and clyde. I'm sure they have interesting skeletons in their closet since there spy's.

Well Clyde at least since Tsia bit the dust. Ugh Doyle, why do u gotta take out pretty brilliant women all the time lol

Blimey Limey said...

Am loving the "back to school" style piccies at the top of the blog. Keep 'em coming...

Am also loving all the scoop which seems to be flooding in - wonder who'll be looking different? Perhaps TG's face fuzz is for a reason and Hotch will be sporting the 70s porn star moustache look? I'd sell half my liver to see that in episode 1!

Anyone want to buy half a liver???

@ Teresa H:

Ah yes, Spooks. My Mum is heavily addicted, but I've never got into it. Probably because it's made in England - haha! US crime shows are so much better than our stuff.

@ Gubegirl:

I'm most enamoured with The Killing - Channel 4 screened the first two episodes this evening. Good acting, good filming & directing, nicely addictive plot. I filled my belly with tea and half a slab of random German chocolate (containing William's Pear liquer - yum!) which I brought back from Munich last November and forgot about until I found it lurking at the back of a kitchen cupboard.

According to my Mum, she'd heard BBC4 were going to show the original version in Danish with English subtitles, so she didn't bother watching it. The occasional subtitle is OK, but not for multiple episodes. Although I do need to learn some basic Danish by November and it just ain't happening!

As for fattening up the two skinny gents, I've got a spare couple of inches of junk from *my* trunk I'm more than willing to donate. It'll go while I'm roadtripping - so it's a limited time offer - sf81387 is right about going off your grub when it's hot. Plus, I won't be consuming any of my ultimate downfall - chocolate. Firstly, it would instantly melt. Secondly, I'm not a fan of American chocolate (holds up white flag and cowers in a corner).

And... y'all's turning into Limeys, what with all this grumbling about the weather?! That's our national sport, btw. By the end of the month you'll have ditched the java in favour of the wonder that is tea, become obsessed with crisps, see nothing abnormal about mixing metric & imperial measures... I could go on! ;-))

Don't mind heat but loathe humidity. Unfortunately we usually have over 50% humidity so when the temperature does decide to go above mid-20s/mid-70s it gets sticky. Last weekend the temperature was higher than I mentioned, but the 35% humidity and light breeze meant it was lovely for two whole days. Now the rain is back AND a colleague posted photos on facebook of a funnel cloud forming this evening over the town we both live in. Yeah, I'm geeking out again.

Right y'all - it's Thursday, I'm off for some shut-eye.
Enjoy the rest of Wednesday...

Blimey Limey said...

p.s. I like this thread - we're out of the way AND away from the nutters. What more could our brand of sane madness (hmmmm...) require?!

Teresa H. said...

Great to see Jayne Atkinson smiling at the top of the blog.
The only reason I would watch the DVDs of S6 would be for the special features. I especially like the bloopers. I assume someone will put them up on YouTube.

gubegirl said...

I'm loving being here by ourselves, guys, I could hang here for a LONG time even if it's abit more work to get here:)

sf, pls do NOT ask for a new thread just yet! Jill, do you hear me???
She didn't mean it!

So nice to be able to speak/joke in peace!

O-o-o-h does it appear that Jane Lynch is already on the set? Does that mean we get to see the Reid situ sooner in addition to having the Prentiss' return early on? Wow! I like it, I love JL - she makes a perfect mom for Reid and looks like she could be! (much more than myself:) Don't think she cooks much, tho', Reid, so come hither, your skinny geekness...

Blimey: I love the way you titled that with the "piccies:" they def look like they are "back to school!" How cute is that?

Not surprised you liked the Killing. Think the US version is turning out to be just as good if not better than the original Danish. Which one did you see, the American, right??

CMFan11: I'm ready to embrace. Like NOW. Do not want to wait til Sept!

Going for the iced coffee now so I can continue to keep my energy level UP. But Blimey has made me want chocolate and I have none. That would mean I have to resort to a spoonful of Nutella - works pretty well for a quick-fix:)

Have a good rest of the nite, TZs.

gubegirl said...

OMG: just went back to look after reading Teresa's post and see that IS
Jayne A. and NOT Jane Lynch! That's what I get for STF (scrolling too fast) and not paying close att'n! I "saw" Jane, my mind is on Reid, naturally, and raced to the thread to see what you guys are talking about now! You can tell where my head is at and I really need that coffee fast!

Oh, well, there is no way Reid looks like JA and JL does not look like JA except they are both blonde!

And right now, so am I! Duh!

No offense, you guys, if any of you are:) It's just a saying...(she takes off her blonde wig and goes back to the kitchen...)

Teresa H. said...

Jill, Thank you for letting us hang out here and wander around in our crazy minds.
I hope you're feeling well

Velandra said...

I too am enjoying having this blog to ourselves. We can be a bit looney w/o anyone (except Jill/Mods knowing). I love watching JA she iis so good at being bad.... I love to hate her. The pics are great. It's so nice seeing everyone back together. MGG posted a particularly adorable one of himself on Twitter. I'm watching The Uncanny Valley right now and I mist admit that of all CM eps this one really gave me the creeps. Though I love MGG in this ep.

sf81387 said...

I`m not sure that Morgan is religious. In the episode "Lucky" he said his mother took him and his sisters to church every sunday. But later in the episode it was clear that he lost his faith because of what Buford did to him. He went to church to pray for the first time since his childhood, at the end of "Lucky".

Only a person with a strong religious faith would feel as angry at an betrayed by God as Morgan did. I don't think he ever lost his faith, he's just been questioning it and he's been pissed off at God for a very long time, but you have to believe in God to begin with in order to be so angry with him.

sf81387 said...

Perhaps TG's face fuzz is for a reason and Hotch will be sporting the 70s porn star moustache look?

NO!! Not the porn star moustache. That was so awful. I bet his wife made the kids sit by him on the plane so nobody would know he was hers. ; )

Here's some more Season 7 scoop. Flashbacks? Hmmmm...perhaps presented like "Tabula Rasa" was?

Desperate Housewives‘ resident troublemaker Mark Moses is taking his well-honed antagonist act over to Criminal Minds.

Moses will guest star in the CBS procedural’s Sept. 21 season premiere. The actor, who also had a memorable run on Mad Men as Herman “Duck” Phillips, will play a senator heading up a committee tasked with investigating a case that the BAU team screwed up.

As TVLine previously reported, the season opener picks up four months after the events of May’s finale and will feature flashbacks of the case being scrutinized by Moses’ character. The episode also marks the re-introduction of Paget Brewster’s “dead” Prentiss.

Velandra said...

I'm loving all the S7 spoiler.... Thanks sf/ cmfan11. I just hope they don't continue w/ the name guest stars all the time. I liked it better w/ the unknowns or semi knowns like James van der beek ( who knew he had such range) or Jackson rathbone (though at the the time he was pretty much unknown). I must admit I am excited for S7 though that may be my downfall

CMFAN11 said...

@ gubegirl:

Yes this thread is great bc it's outta the way and no random haters and crazies.


I agree with your assessment of Morgan and his faith. I think he is religious.

And thanks for the spoilers

Please CM DON'T bank on guest stars to carry the season. It WILL NOT help the fans forgive you for last season, I mean seriously lol. That's what messed up Law & Order SVU their writing failed when they relied on guest stars to carry the seasons, as well as a character driven NOT story driven show.

So please aim for great writing and unknown but effective guest stars.

Please relay this message to the producers if possible blog owner/ moderators.

Elevenses said...

Jill, hope you're feeling better and thanks for giving us a free run on this thread. We're having a wicked time!

Gubegirl, don't know what those posts on the b'day thread said; i just know a few were removed. Obviously they were, as SF said, SILLY.

Thanks for the spoilers, SF; however, i'm trying not to predict what's going to happen this season. I'm happy if the stories are engaging and intelligent. That's really all i want.

Blimey, i like your crime series more than i do the American shows, in general. CM is an exception :-) And i'm looking for 'the killing' though it's originally Danish.

TG's scruff - much better than the moustache alone, imo. Incredibly sexy; reminds me of Danny Nyland. But i can't see Hotch w/ a full beard....

As i said earlier, i like MGG any which way. He is just so effortlessly adorable.

If i want to see anything personal on screen, it would be a bit of a backstory to Rossi, Hotch dealing with several things that's happened to him, and a bit more interaction b/w Prentiss and Hotch (i don't mean it in a rom. way; just that i think they have a lot in common - non-blinkers, scarred, etc). Actually there's been very little interaction of significance b/w the characters this past season. Thing is they didn't have to try so hard to reveal these little tidbits in S1-5.5. And i think the harder you try the more lopsided it gets. A tough ask for the writers.

JA is so beautiful!

Ok, girls and boy, see you again soon!

Eleven (etc) x

Elevenses said...

Laughed so hard when i read tg's tweet - 'i don't notice feet'. He probs said it in that absolutely Hotch-like way 'remind me to have her drug tested'. Ha!

CMFAN11 said...

It's great to see the team in their vests,I'm hoping guns are blazing in 7.01

Once again yes i'm blatantly southern and Texan. lol

Gubegirl: this is random but I have a suggestion for a JJ family centered episode or prenitss having flashbacks about doyle

The song is "Sometimes love just ain't enough" by don henley and patty smyth

I like 70's, 80's, and 90's music and country songs bc they're not autotuned so that's where I get my ideas for your playlist lol if you were wondering. you can't put a price on gritty, raw songs filled with great song writing and not autotune lol

gubegirl said...

OOOhhh I am getting so excited at these tidbits! How will we last until Sept. 21st? Lots of ops to talk here, I hope! Who else can we talk to with this mania of ours??? Fam thinks I'm nuts, friends are beginning to raise their brows and look at each other...gosh, you think I'm 'nutters?' NOT like those loonies that go off on here being rude...maybe I'm (we're??) just slightly mental?

Velandra: James van der Beek was prob'ly my fave unsub. He was truly awesome, esp given THREE distinct roles. Could watch those epi's over and over.

Elevenses: Hope you find The Killing. You won't be disappointed!

CMFan11: I asked what kind of music you liked a couple days ago...could have been a long post that I needed to delete some of to publish and get to ask so I'm glad to learn your taste!

Do not know how to divvy long posts up when they exceed the 4K + characters! Hah! Remember I am old enuf to be your mama, and don't you laugh at me...:)

Love the song (love anything Henley!) but I would need to hear it again to "feel" which it might be best suited for. Prentiss' would be sad and JJ's would be happy... I would SO-O-O love to do song selection for a show and I love music from almost all genres. I esp like the 80's, lots of British or Irish, most anything with keyboards and some of my faves are Coldplay, the Killers, Rob Thomas, Keane, Snow Patrol, The Script, Lifehouse (love 'em!) John Mayer, Keith Urban (esp when these two are together - wow!)Maroon 5 and Train (here in SD on 7/22-am excited to see them again and together!) BTW, I LOVE concerts.

If you saw the Grammys, maybe you caught John Mayer and Keith Urban with Norah Jones doing Dolly Parton's "Jolene?" Super cool, you-tube it.

Must refill my mudslide and get back to the second rerun of "Uncanny Valley" in three, was the makeup in this one ever good - a cosmetologist's dream job, I'll bet.

G'nite all.

CMFAN11 said...

@ Gubegirl:

I would suggest searching for the video on YouTube. You can listen at no cost for free.

BTW: I also like all those bands especially coldplay and U2 rocks 2. And sorry it took so long to get back lol my brain is just getting done w/ S7 ideas (momentarily) so that's the reason for the delay.

Also I don't kno if you've heard of the country band "Alabama" but they have a song called "Love in the first degree" that would be nice in an episode, but at the same time CM is very modern and up to date w/ the times so it might backfire lol

gubegirl said...

CMFan11: I was suggesting that if you had missed them on the Grammys, for YOU to you-tube it for you to catch them...I still have it on my DVR, every once in a while, I'll put it on, crank it up and re-play it about 5 times, SIGH and re-save it. Oh, my. I am a total music freak.

I love the new U-2 song. The best in awhile, I'd say, but they are all great. I have never seen them in concert (damn!) but I've heard that when Bono performs, everyone thinks he's singing just to them - quite an awesome compliment, don't you think?

I like Alabama, like the song and some good music is timeless. If a young person can like such an old song, think what it does to us oldies, many of whom know nada about the great new stuff (silly ol' fuddy duds - they don't know what they're missing!) Jazzercise/ music keep me current.

Remember when they used some old music in CM? Besides Shattered that I mentioned earlier, I can think of AC/DC and Tom Petty (in SoulMates-Here Comes My Girl.)

I am too tired to think straight but I am sure there are more. I have most everything documented but am bummed that many times the original music is not on the DVD...copyright, royalty issues, I think.

Have a good one! I MUST finish writing my bills! During another Cm rerun, of course! Another 2nd timer this week - hah!

CMFAN11 said...

@ Gubegirl:

Yes I remember flipping thru the channels and seeing it lol. I was actually suggesting if you needed 2 feel the don henley song better that youtubing it would be a great way to do it. Sorry I wasn't clearer lol

O cosmic love/dog days of summer by Florence and the machine would fit good at the end of an episode.

Just a suggestion. Will someone that has EM's ear on this blog please relay some of these random great suggestions from us fanatics to EM and some other producers, writers, composers on CM

Our ideas are entirely too good not 2 use on S7 lol even briefly is fine w/ me. Afterall, some fan input might help with some storyline ideas bc we already have them and they could tweak them and elaborate on them for the episodes lol

sf81387 said...

TG's scruff - much better than the moustache alone, imo. Incredibly sexy; reminds me of Danny Nyland. But i can't see Hotch w/ a full beard....

According to a couple of the make-up people it's a full beard and it's staying for at least the first episode. Dayne says he hasn't shaved him......yet.

I wonder if whatever the BAU screwed up resulted in another lengthy suspension for Hotch, but since he's currently doing Strauss's job did he suspend himself? ; )

Velandra said...

I never thought I'd see Hotch w/ facial hair, he seems too much of a appear professional no matter what kind of guy. Maybe this is a precursor to a change of mindset? A little more lax kind of Hotch? Not sure how I feel about that, if indeed that is the case.

Teresa H. said...

Oh my, Hotch with a beard!!! The idea gets more interesting all the time. I hope Reid has some smart alec comment to make, get back at H. for the boy band comment. Perhaps that's what the grin at the table read was about.
Elevenses, we agree again. With the exception of CM and the original Law and Order I prefer the British police/mystery series, at least the ones we get here on PBS - with the exception of Agatha Christie, no appeal there -. I guess I'm showing my age a little.
A suggestion!
Since we're down here out of harms way for now why don't we make a pact not to be drawn in by the provacateurs ( I love that word ) if they should reappear on a future thread. Just ignore them and do what we do best which is having fun conversations about our favourite show. If one of us needs solace we could perhaps put in the code letters TZ and then come back down here to our hidey hole to be boosted by our fellow Teazies ( I think someone called us). Or we could just put in the letters to remind ourselves of what's important and to just breathe. No one need ever know LOL
It's all private, right?

Elevenses said...

Sf, it's obvious now i'm going to have to change my name to 'eleven is dead again' after S701. I won't survive it. Unless of course AH is turning into Greg of S3 where he grew a beard and had a ponytail and was in a 'find my inner dharma' place? That would be another extreme (i could die laughing though). Maybe Hotch has lost his mind (after having met us and decompressing and stuff).

(i never said i hadn't lost mine.)

Elevenses said...

Good grief, Teresa, you're not my eviler (much younger) twin, are you?? How we pop together!

But i love Suchet's Poirot (not the most recent ones - did itv run out of money?) and Morse....

We shall blissfully ignore SILLiness, of course :-)

christyzachman said...

I hope that he doesn't keep that scruffy beard and no mustache. I like my Hotch clean-shaven and sexy and professional looking. He does not need to look like some biker or trucker (not that I don't like bikers and truckers - there are many great ones out there) but as an government, it would be out of place and bad-looking. I wonder if he has it because he finally breaking down from all the pressure of the job, single parenting, stress of his own demons and such. OOOOOO the possibilites of a Hotch breakdown.

christyzachman said...

I think I might start an idea of a story of a Hotch breakdown despite the fact that I do have some unfinished stories but I have been thinking of some chapter bunnies so keep an eye out.

Teresa H. said...

Whatever about the "eviler" I'm pretty sure I'm not the "younger"

sf81387 said...

Sf, it's obvious now i'm going to have to change my name to 'eleven is dead again' after S701. I won't survive it. Unless of course AH is turning into Greg of S3 where he grew a beard and had a ponytail and was in a 'find my inner dharma' place? That would be another extreme (i could die laughing though). Maybe Hotch has lost his mind (after having met us and decompressing and stuff).

LOL.....It's a nice way to die though. Yes? : )

No please, not the Dharma and Greg beard and ponytail. I don't want to have spend the entire premiere laughing at Hotch.

I don't think Hotch has gone over the edge or anything as drastic as a breakdown or anything. EM said the characters have all been off doing other things so my guess is that the beard has something to do with whatever Hotch has been off doing or maybe whomever Hotch has been doing. ; )

sf81387 said...

I hope that he doesn't keep that scruffy beard and no mustache.

According to Dayne it's a full unshaven look, including his upper lip.

I doubt Hotch will be sporting facial hair the entire season and since the cat is out of the bag we really deserve an nice on-set shot of what it looks like. : )

RMF said...

Naah. Hotch has been undercover with the Taliban.


Joined the cast of Survivor?

Eleven the Green Courgette said...

We're such emotional scavengers when it comes to CM - so much drama re facial hair! Nope, no better way to die (for us hotch fans), Sf, none....

Whom is he doing? Who is this person? hmmmmm? where is she? hmmm?(turning hulk-green.) Much a-do, Hotchner? Just you wait....

CMFAN11 said...

As much as I like hotch as a character a emotional breakdown 2 episodes at least would be really interesting dynamic for the team 2 handle since he's been so guarded and doesn't faulter when it comes to being strong and holding in his emotions.

Velandra said...

After more thought I don't think I'm liking the beard. It's what I like to call hiatus hair and once hiatus is over..... Hotch just isn't a full beard guy. TG maybe but not Hotch. I'm always open to trying new looks but this one......
I don't think Hotch is headed for a breakdown but I do think he needs to open up to someone.

Teresa H. said...

Just watched that Hotchalanche on Tabula Rasa. Shivers...........
Eleven as a green courgette? hmmmmmm......
Glad you're not gone into too deep a cover. All that spy stuff is supposed to be over.

Blimey Limey said...

Good evening (well, past 1am on Saturday!) y'all...

Still lots of quality scoop filtering through - keep it coming, there's no such thing as too much quality scoop!

I've got the link to this thread on the drop down list of pages visited (I use firefox - but assume it does something similar on internet explorer) so I don't have to keep scrolling down. I suggest we camp out here unless evicted and maybe only briefly comment on newer threads. We seem to be safe from "that lot" (probably one idiot who needs to take up a hobby!) here, so let's stay put?

Hmmmm, Mark Moses's character sounds interesting. Wonder how badly the team stuffed up their case? Perhaps Hotch was suspended and couldn't be arsed shaving? (update - just scrolled down and seen sf81387 is also a genius for having the same idea...)

@ Teresa H:

Great minds think alike about TG's/Hotch's face fuzz! I was also wondering if Reid would come out with a revenge comment for Hotch's "boy band" comment (that was a priceless moment) along the lines of:

"Did you audition for a role in Boogie Nights: The Prequel?"

Are the Feds allowed full beards? It sounds like a silly question, but I remember years ago reading that LAPD officers are allowed nothing more than a neatly trimmed moustache? I think I've recalled correctly? I know Rossi has been sporting the goatee, but???

@ Velandra:

Totally agree about using fewer big name guest stars, unknowns can be just as good - and in some ways better, because you don't know what to expect.

@ Elevenses:

We used to have lots of decent crime/drama/comedy/documentary series in the UK until a few years ago, but now there's very little worth watching. It seems to be the thing to import the good stuff from the US as it's easier than making decent "home-made" TV programmes. Shame that the balance has been lost, although at least most of the imports from across the Pond are pretty decent. When it comes to books (fiction) I'm pretty much 50-50 in my preferences of UK and US authors and as for the tunes, it *has* to be UK (apart from the Killers, but I read that Brandon Flowers is heavily influenced by Limey tunes, bless him).

Also agree we need to see more backstory on Rossi. I'd like to know why he's had three wives. Pressures of the job kept getting in the way? A roving eye? Snores like a pig with anthrax??

@ Gubegirl:

Oh yes, The Killing was good stuff. I liked the pilot episode, then the second episode got me hooked. Am going to try to resist the urge to hunt for spoilers! I also like the fact it's set in Seattle - it's far more interesting to see different cities, rather than the usual LA, New York, Miami, etc which always seem to crop up. Gets a bit tedious, especially when the plot would work just as well somewhere less well known (and therefore more interesting, imo).

There's a trailer for series 2 of the Danish version on the BBC4 website - under two minutes of subtitles really got on my nerves so there's no way I'd stick the twenty episodes of the series 1. When reading the subtitles you miss what's happening on the screen. Really don't get why it hasn't been dubbed!!! Shame on you BBC, I pay my TV licence fee and see naff all for it these days.

Mmmm, nutella - definitely tastes best straight from the jar. You can get this Ovomaltine crunchy chocolate spread in Europe (yeah, the mainland!) which is absolutely to die for. Nice on toasted crumpets because it melts into the "holes" at the top. Yum!

Right, time to get me some kip AND a lie-in. Love the weekends...

Teresa H. said...

ION seems to be picking and choosing CM episodes as a lead in to a new series. Now the S3 finale is on. WTH does this matter anyway? Only to a zealot's mind....

Blimey Limey said...

p.s. Obviously, my proposed comment for Reid to direct at Hotch would only work if the beard went and only a luxuriant moustache remained.


I challenge y'all to come up with what Reid's revenge comment to Hotch would be.

That'll keep the lot of you out of mischief for a while... ;-))

Teresa H. said...

What are you doing up so late? Happy Saturday.

Velandra said...

Teresa: your right it does seem ION is showing random eps. It also seems they are showing the same ones over w/i a few days of each other. I could swear I saw Lo-Fi at the end of last week and that The Uncanny Valley was on twice this week or last week and this. Either way I'm not gonna complain. They supply me w/ my weekly CM fix. Well it's been a long day so to all I say goodnight.

Teresa H. said...

This time last Summer I was trying to catch up on all the CM episodes before the new season began. I had just become addicted to it in the Spring. So I knew I was obsessed then but believed that once I had seen all the reruns and things had settled down and I was watching the regular episodes as they were being broadcast the obsession would pass. I actually remember saying to my housemate "This too shall pass". Luckily she enjoys it too, if not as crazy as I. Well so much for that. LOL
Now here I am a year later and I've found all you nutters, who are just as obsessed as I and chatting with you is as much fun as catching up was last year. And now I have this to keep me going through the Summer. Oh, you all have a lot to answer for. Thank you.

CMFAN11 said...

Does anyone know the name of the song at the end of demonology when prentiss is in the snow by the church?

Although we learned alot about prentiss last season I still hope some episodes are prentiss centric, I'd like 2 see how she copes after coming out of hiding from Doyle and how her character grows on the show from that expierence.

An equal amount of team member episodes would be great especially a Garcia centric episode bc we haven't had one in FOREVER lol

Velandra said...

Cmfan11: I think it's called my side of the story by hodges. It's on you tube if you want to check it out

Eleven of bad disguises said...

Facial hair, nutella, crime shows, books, music - i love you guys!!

I cried myself to sleep last night after finishing Llosa's 'bad girl' (it's taken a full week i think, dammit!). Blimey, i'm definitely the least fussy (in terms of nationality) when it comes to books. Have started on Marquez's 'no one writes to the colonel'. But i can't suffer thrillers - love crime fiction, but thrillers not so much. Hubs is reading a Follet - he thinks i'm a book snob :0)

Teresa - Tabula Rasa has a lovely Hotch quote, too. The way he says 'melancholy' just RUINS me. Also the end with Reid and the dad. Heartbreaking.

Morse was the only series that regularly made me cry. John Thaw's eyes, man (SOB). Why did he have to die? Then, of course, '100' happened. Stupid Minds.

Godiva chocolate spread anyone? Straight from the jar?

CMF11 and Gubegirl, you made me listen to some U2 after a long time (sacrilege) - Thank YOUUUUU 2!

Maybe they will evict us from this thread, but we're harmless, right?

Superspy Eleven (to Teresa)

CMFAN11 said...

Thank you velandara.

I'd also like 2 see Kate Jackson guest star in an episode. Considering she just flat out decided not to attend her daughter's funeral I think an episode where she finds out prentiss really isn't dead and they have a moment would be nice. And who the hell is prentisses dad I forgot lol

Yes I'm aware all my posts are prentiss centric and JJ centric. Lol don't hate I love all the CM BAU fam

Do y'all know what would be badass?

Prentiss vs. Ziva from NCIS

In a fight or something OR teaming up together. Anyone agree with me?

Blimey Limey said...

Still waiting on news of Sergio's contract... ;-))

@ Teresa H:

I rarely go to bed before midnight and I had a load of stuff to do yesterday evening. By the time I could relax and get on t'internet it was a new day!

@ Eleven & various incarnations:

Have made a mental (haha!) note to obtain Godiva chocolate spread, whether it by means foul or fair.

Have a good weekend, y'all...

Teresa H. said...

Way too early on a Sat morn to be doing this but here I am. Just saw the pictures on Twitter. Have to say the facial hair looks good. Of course it's combined with TG's smile not the Hotch frown so have to wait and see how that goes.
CMFAN11. Perhaps you haven't noticed, I know we're very subtle about it, but the rest of us have our ----centric (insert whichever hunk you choose) posts also. So go for it. There's room for all of us as long as we do it in a spirit of fun.
Godiva chocolate spread! Is that for real? Love Godiva.
Blimey, I think you said you did not like American chocolate. As someone who grew up on that side of the pond too and on Cadbury's I have to agree with you when it comes to Hershey's. Won't even say what it tastes like to me. Listened to a radio show a few years back talking about the difference between European chocolate and Hershey's and the expert said that to us Hershey's tasted as if the milk had turned. Something in the different production processes. That explained a lot to me, my description is stronger than that though. Sorry to those of you who love your Hershey's Kisses. However I love Ghiradelli and Dove( have you tried them? )and there's always Godiva and Lindt. Or better yet, locally made artisanal chocolate.

sf81387 said...

Dropping in to have a total fan girl moment. Just saw the team picture TG and JM posted on their twitter (it's better than the one posted on the blog IMO) and I have to say that Hotch looks incredibley HOT and about 10 years younger with that facial hair and clothing choice. I could learn to be REALLY happy if that look were to become permanent. Am off to swoon and die happy now. : )

Here's link to the picture for those who don't read the Tweets.

Velandra said...

sf: you are right.... I might have to rethink my opinion on hiatus hair

gubegirl said...

Back for five. Got a new dog last nite: a 1 y.o. half boston terrier with other terrier breeds blended in. Beautiful dog but only 1 and been adopted out twice; brought back the 2nd time because the fam had allergies. Bummer for her. She is jumpy and won't let us get the collar on her for a walk or to be put in the crate-A_A_G_G_H_H!

Anyhoo, yes the final song in Demonology was Hodges "My Side of the Story." Great song. They have used some good, off-the-beaten-trac songs that we may never otherwise hear if we didn't hear them on a sho, and are made more memorable by great scenes/themes.

Today's picture of the groups: Hotch's facial hair looks great - much better than in the other pic (fuller?) but Reid's hair looks like he has a rug on his noggin. It needs to be a little longer and smoothed down abit.

V: Uncanny Valley was shown here FOUR times in the past 1 1/2 wks. Called cable co. and they cannot explain why and also why my DVR guide is not accurate for ion and A&E despite re-booting a couple times. EEERRRR!

Keeping the dog away from the cat and my chihuahua from climbing my leg and the new pooch from digging, running away, whatever is going to keep me busy for awhile so may not get much
time here. Her adopten name was Bella and our cat is Bella so that doesn't work.

I suggested "Annabelle" to my son so we can be a bit consistent but am open to any of your creative suggestions?

Jill: TY for your continued indulgence to us TZs who are fixated on this blog for any bit of CM we can get to get us thru. Hope you are feeling well, GF, we love you and are praying for you.

Have a great day!

Sylvaine said...

I'm still here and read you everyday!*

Just don't time to do it to!

Love the new look of TG!


christyzachman said...

Patience with your new little one. When I got my cat, I was her third owner in less than six months. She was very skittery and afraid of once again being abandoned or given away to some else so she did not trust when others came to visit and see her. It would last more than six months before she learned that she was with me to stay. We moved to another apartment and I thought I lost her and she ran away but she found a hole in the box spring of my bed and hid away for a few hours. I was relieved and hugged her immensely. I have had her for fourteen years now and we have moved and traveled to many places but she knows that she will always be with me. So patience with your new little one and give her time away from your other animals for the first few weeks to help her adjust to the new surroundings.
Congratulations on the new member of the family.

RMF said...

I thought I was going to hate Hotch with a beard, but I don't. I really don't.

I wonder what's up with the vests and hiking boots combination they're sporting in the photos?

gubegirl said...

whew! Just for a minute I get to sit out for a break and guess where I come! Here! Hah!

Christyz.: TY for your words of encouragement. "Bella" finally let my son with my husband's help get her collar on and then after running in the yard for an hour (wore the chihuahua, Dukie, out completely) Josh packed her up in the car (loves the car) and he and a buddy took her to the park and ran/walked her for another hour or more while I did my errands. "Bella" is now becoming "Stella" which is OK with me altho' still will be rhyming with Bella the cat. But the cat doesn't get called often and never to go out to pee! He also blocked the holes in the yard under the fence so maybe she will stay put. She is getting much more relaxed but is nervous anytime anyone comes or goes.

Somehow I think tho', it will be takeout for our anniv. dinner since we cannot put her in the crate (yet??) am reluctant to leave her outside at nite w/ no one home (coyotes in the area) but that's OK.

She looks like a keepte - everyone thinks she's beautiful and she's just going to be a little work training her.

cz: your cat is pretty old. Our was 20 y.o. when she passed and had been paralyzed from the waist down X 6 mos.
But she still purred and ate well, so being the nursemaid that I am, changed and washed lots of linens and kept her going until she became blind and stopped eating and purring. She had a good life and so did Jazzy, the Welsh, we had to put down last month.

BL: Glad you are finding the Killing satisfying and it only gets better! Linden and Holder and wonderful together (such opposites!) and so dif than any other characters I have seen. The show keeps you thinking constantly to figure out who did what and Billy Campbell is still a total mystery to me even tho' season 1 is over. Did he or didn't he kill Rosie? We won't know for sure til next season! But it is so fun to speculate.

Can't wait to see our CM guys again and love seeing the team/family together again. It looks like they like Erica, which is also refreshing and I love that she seems more involved.

O-o-o-h-h...must go,. They're playing Depeche Mode's Enjoy the Silence and I MUST crank it...:)

Long live both CM and music...what would I do without my tuneage???

gubegirl said...

cz: sory for the typos; that would be "she looks like a keeper" not a kepte or whatever I wrote, TTF (typing too fast!)

Velandra said...

Gubegirl: congrats on your new addition! I'd love to have a dog but think I'll wait till the little one is a bit older. I went back and took a look at the pic again and your right MGGs hair does look a bit off.... I love Depeche Mode. A couple of my friends took me to see them sans bachlorette party just under 2 years ago.

Syd: nice to see your still around

I'm kinda hoping TG keeps his beard more than just one ep. It makes him look sexy and rugged ( not that he's nit always sexy) no need to worry eleven (ect.)/Teresa I'm still a MGG girl ....

CMFAN11 said...

Did y'all see the pics on AJ Cook's twitter of her and SM? And the better one of the team minus Garcia? They have their guns, vests, SUV's, prentiss and a helicopter? Lol hmmmmmm....... I wonder if Doyle is somewhere in the middle of everything going on? And how is prentiss already mentally stable enough to get out her vest and stuff, and participate in field work w/o any therapy?

Lol that's my spill for the day. Can someone give me some answers/ ideas of what's going on please? Discussion might help figure it out lol

Teresa H. said...

Glad your puppy is settling down, she sounds cute.
As far as TG goes I'll allow you to drool from afar. Now Eleven, no matter what her disguise, is another matter, she may be more possessive.
Hey Syd,
Good to see you.

Karen said...

cmfan11: They probably skipped some time I'd imagine. She'll probably already have gone through some mental health screenings and all that jazz. I doubt they'd pick up with her walking in the building for the first time after being gone. Or maybe they could, I just don't know how that'd work out haha.

Eleven probs just died said...

oohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ohhhhhhhhhhhh ohhhhhhhhhh yeath yeath yeath gahhhhhhhh....

Sorry, what was i saying? Oh yes, tg is trying to kill us. Simples.

Godiva chocolate spread - get it! Less sweet than Nutella...

Laaaaa di daaaaaaaahhieeeeeeeeeeeeeee, dyiiiiiiiiiiiiing, dying, dead (oops).

Fangirling like Sf....(oxygen, please don't forget about me. I need you. i love you. really it's true).

Gubegirl, congrats on giving Bella a new home!! More love all around...

Eleven (etc)

gubegirl said...

Another day...Bella who is now Stella has decided to sleep stretched out between my husband and I. She is getting WAY too comfortable! She absolutely will NOT enter the crate and we don't know her well enuf to let her have the run of the house unattended - A-A-A-G-G-H-H!

She loves to walk but pulls like crazy. Too strong for me. Must get her into training ASAP. Lucky we have a huge yard for her to run in and she has taken to chasing the pair of ducks that have chosen to hang out under the bird feeder this past couple months.

Off to yoga to relax - God, I need to relax really bad. Shoot, there is no CM to relax too - may have to resort to playing a DVD but it CANNOT be Uncanny Valley. Overdoes on that one last wk. Or sad like "100." I always bawl my eyes out.

Just found the spoilers for S6 of Dexter. Sounds great. They are jumping ahead an entire year, kinda like CM is doing. Effective to avoid more of the same, things that bog down the storyline and may not hold the viewer's interest.

Have a great day, everyone, talk later.

Blimey Limey said...

Good evening (or whatever!) to y'all.

Finally capable of rational thought (well, that's debatable at any time...) after an old friend came over for the weekend. Since hitting the wrong side of 30 I have become such a lightweight - now if I tried to recreate my university days I'd probably end up in hospital!

Fabulous piccies at the top of the blog - again! We're certainly being spoilt this weekend. I was wondering about his Bearded Hotchness - if he'd been suspended and grown a beard because he CBA shaving, surely he'd have shaved it off before returning to work? Unless he's gone undercover as a tramp (as in a homeless bloke who drinks meths out of a brown paper bag, not the US version of the word "slapper" - haha!). Maybe the photos of them all vested up are a red herring designed to throw us off the scent? Hmmm, crafty...

@ sf81387:

Yeah... I have to say I'm not usually into the facial hair thing, but TG is wearing it *very* well in that photo. I've emailed the link to mother dearest, who has a bit of a thing for moody blokes in suits (apparently that's why she married my Dad!) including Sir Hotchalot. Wonder what she'll make of the face fuzz?!

As for MGG - I've seen photos of my Dad as a little kid and that's the haircut he had circa 1950, cut by my Granny!

@ Teresa H:

Yeah, it just *has* to be Cadbury's choccie. Dove is called Galaxy over here and is pretty nice too. Hershey's... I can cope with the cookies & cream if really desperate, but nothing hits the spot like some Dairy Milk when you've got that craving! UK milk chocolate has to be something like 22% cocoa solids, anything less is called chocolate flavoured. US chocolate contains about half the cocoa solids, hence I find it really anaemic.

**Cowers in the corner apologetically and waits for a gang of angry Texan bikers to descend on Limey Mansions**

@ Gubegirl:

Pooch sounds adorable - with lots of TLC and good food you'll have her settled in no time.

The Killing is fab - looking forward to Thursday night already! As for Dexter - bring it on. At least when I'm back from my roadtrip** and miserable as sin in September there'll be some "proper good telly" to look forward to!

** According to the flight tracking website, in exactly 14 days I'll be somewhere over Montana!!

@ Syd:

Bonjour! Comment ca-va?

I took myself off the reserve list for the work trip to Paris this week - I don't have time and am already knackered (if you urban dictionary that, I'm being polite!!!) enough at the moment. I've got Copenhagen to look forward to, been there before and it's lovely. Unlike Danish chocolate, which is vile - hope I can find some of the German/Swiss stuff. Yum!

Right y'all, I think the spiced pumpkin cake is about ready to come out of the oven - judging by the delicious smell wafting from my kitchen. I'll post the recipe for the rest of you domestic goddesses (and gods) when I've ascertained the exact cooking time...

Velandra said...

Gubegirl: your puppy ( or is she full grown?) sounds like she is quite the handful and is giving you quite the workout. She also sounds like quite the little personality. CM is on A&E here starting @ 4. I'm watching Broken Mirror as I type( so excuse the typos). I don't think it would be different on the west coast.

Blimey: Getting exciting for your vaca.? Listening to you and Teresa speak about your chocolate..... It sounds heavenly. Maybe Teresa know where I can get some around here (fingers crossed)?

Sylvaine said...

Hi Blimey, je vais bien (I'm fine), thanks.

Welcome to the club, I'm tired to, I need some vacations (but they are planned in late august... snif).

I tried danish chocolate to, I have a danish friend, and you know what, I didn't like it!

The best chocolate is the belgian one, and I'm belgian! (yek yek!)

Have a good night, it's time to sleep here!


Blimey Limey said...

@ Velandra:

Excited is an understatement! I've got the attention span of a goldfish with ADHD at the moment.

Getting edgy about the driving (still) which is stupid, but I worry about making a mistake in that first ten minutes when I'm hyperventilating and running on adrenaline. The first time I ever drove on the "wrong" side was in Switzerland and I horrified myself early one morning by turning left and going on to the left - thankfully the road was empty. I think I was too busy looking for the gearstick!

The flight has now arrived in Las Vegas according to that website - two weeks until my pasty Limey flesh feels the warmth of the Nevada sun. I've wanted to do a SW roadtrip since I was about 15 and I've wanted to go to Monument Valley since seeing it on TV when I was eight, so that'll be literally a dream come true.

@ Syd:

It's also time to sleep here, but I don't sleep enough hence je suis creve!! (no accent on the second e, sorry)

I asked one of my French colleagues how to say "I'm knackered" in French - and then had to explain knackered!

Belgian chocolate is always delicious, as is the Swiss stuff. Both are quite widely available here, which isn't always a good thing. I'd be a good size smaller if I lived in the US because I wouldn't eat the chocolate. ;-))

Blimey Limey said...

And... imitation Starbucks pumpkin loaf:

I use a greased and lined 10" diameter round cake tin, the type that opens with a buckle.

So my loaf ain't shaped like a loaf!

Cook at 180c/~355f for 75-90 minutes (keep checking the middle).

1 cup/220g softened butter
3 1/3 cups/500g self-raising flour
3 cups/550g muscovado sugar
2 cups/450-500g pumpkin
4 large/5 medium eggs
2 teaspoons baking powder
1 teaspoon ground cloves
2 teaspoons ground nutmeg
4 teaspoons cinnamon
8 teaspoons ground ginger

Topping = pumpkin seeds.

Mix the dry ingredients, then add the wet ingredients and mix - I use a hand-held blender. Pour into the cake tin and cover the top with the pumpkin seeds.

Cook it, let it cool and then scoff the lot!

Two options with the pumpkin:

1). Easy = A tin of Libby's ready prepared. Like gold dust over here, hence extremely expensive.

2). Fiddly but cheap = Sweet culinary pumpkin. Can be bought in UK supermarkets in October, prepared and then frozen.

Cut it into quarters and scoop out the seeds (bin 'em!). Blast the slices in the microwave for 8-10 minutes then scoop the flesh into a bowl. Puree with the legendary hand-held blender.

I measured out two cups worth into pots and froze most of it for a year round fix. Starbucks over here doesn't serve this delicacy (although I did track down a branch selling eggnog latte in December which made my weekend!).

Be warned... I don't know if it's just me, but after annihilating six or seven pumpkins my hands went really dry for a few days and skin started peeling off my fingers. A deeply unattractive look, not to mention the immense amount of hand cream I went through.

Will pinch a couple of pairs of surgical gloves from work this year! ;-))

gubegirl said...

Just returned from a 2 1/2 hour outing and the pooches did not tear each other or the house apart-whew! Cat still holed up behind closed doors! But cried and wailed to get out thru the window when seeing the new pooch in the courtyard. Whoops! My son-in-law just accidentally left the door open and Stella the dog ran in and got a load of Bella the cat doing a MAD cat and having a proper hissy fit! Needless to say, Stella ran away from Bella. Hah! Good for the cat, huh?

Stella is making progress but is really sketchy when she hears things like my hair dryer ?) did the former owner never dry her hair??? and the diesel truck across sthe street caused her to run inside the house, up the stairs and back onto our bed like a big baby...later, she is sleeping in Jazzy's,( the old terrier who died) little bitty bed which is a riot - she is WAY too big and her backside hangs off. Wonder where she will sleep tonite??? 'Fraid to think about it...

Blimey: what is muscovado sugar? Must I cross a musk melon (cantaloupe) with and avocado to get this variety?! I LOVE pumpkin anything and have a great recipe for pumpkin scones (that would be SCONNS to you non-limeys!) Hah! Must copy this one down.

Jill: I'm sure you are thinking we have all taken leave of our senses with the dog talk and recipes. Hopefully, you will find us occas. entertaining with our slightly warped senses of humor:) Pls. bear with us and anytime you have a CM tidbit, toss it our way; as you can tell, we are STARVED for some! But we a creative, improvising bunch and are getting along with each other just great, thanks to you letting us "loiter" here! Hope you are having a good day. A tad cooler today, hope it is where you are, too. Nice after such a hot week!

Get a good nite, everyone!

gubegirl said...

P.S. Blimey: now we know what to get you for C'mas: Libby's packed pumpkin. Prob'ly less than $2 U.S. here. I suggest you haul a few cans back in your empty canvas bag that you will be carrying in your suitcase for your purchases....:)That's what I did while living in CT and notbeing able to get Ranch-style beans (for chili) or good tortillas: when I visited Cali or AZ (where I grew up) I would bring some back with me, much to my husband's despair...he did the toting-hah!

Velandra said...

Can't wait for Sep. I'm so excited to see how this will all play out and I'm dying to know the reason for Hotchs beard.
Blimey: thanks for the pumpkin loaf rec. Can't wait to try it.

Gubegirl: glad it's cooler where you are its beyond humid here. Those pumpkin scones sound yummy, hope you post the rec. my hubby loves anything pumpkin.

Jill: to echo gubegirl thanks for letting us hang out here. Hope your feeling well.

Teresa H. said...

Thanks for the recipe. Will have to give it a try.
I love the name Sir Hotchalot.
You can get Cadbury's choco. in many of the supermarkets in the Boston area, I know you're in Mass.
just don't know where. If not with the general candy try the international food sections.
Talking of TG and who doesn't like to do that: have people any opinion on the movie Psycho Beach Party? Let me know.

Pat said...


I tried the EC for the second time and this time I didn't make a mess of the icing so it worked out really well.

I'm glad to hear about your new addition to the family. Alas, it's been over a year since my Chase passed and I still haven't been able to get another dog. I'm always afraid it won't get along with the cat. Chase and Tigger were such great friends.

Can't say I'm liking Hotch with the beard but then I'm one of those who doesn't like facial hair period.

I hope them all being dressed in their vests isn't a red herring and means that Reid will get out of the police station this season.

sf81387 said...

Talking of TG and who doesn't like to do that: have people any opinion on the movie Psycho Beach Party? Let me know.

If you go into it with attitude of enjoying it for what it is then it's a fun movie. It's a comedy and gives you a little taste of movie types that were so popular in the 50s, 60s, and 70s.

TG plays the Great Kanaka who is basically the sufer dude that all the other surfer dudes want to be like. He has scenes where he has fake fur on his chest, surfing scenes where he rolls his stomach and he talks in rhymes. Oh and you also get to see him in a corset and you get to see him drop his shorts and give you a glimpse of half of his hairy butt.

How's that for a review? It's campy and a lot of fun if you grew up watching Gidget movies and 70s slasher films and can appreciate the humor. : )

sf81387 said...

Also, if you are a fan of Lauren Ambrose from "Six Feet Under" she's pretty great as "Chicklet".

Blimey Limey said...

Greetings 'all!

As usual the cake went down a treat at work - all gone by 11am. It was like a lion kill on the Serengeti.

@ Velandra:

Don't know if you've got a Limey food shop near(ish) you, but Cadbury's dairy milk is part of the staple diet over here so I'd be surprised if they didn't sell it. I've found a place in San Francisco which sells it - by that point of the trip I'll be dying for a fix and it'll probably be the only place cool enough to eat it.

@ sf81387:

I youtubed for Psycho Beach Party - the first clip I saw was the one with the corset! How bloody funny?! I love Austin Powers so reckon I'd like this one too. It's £6-ish on UK Amazon so it's gone in the basket.

I've worked out why Hotch never smiles, it's because under that sharp suit is a corset which has been laced up way too tight. Poor bloke's trying to lead the team with oxygen sats below 90%!

My Mum was quite enamoured with the new "rugged" (quote) look in that photo.

@ Pat:

You are now officially a domestic goddess. Enjoy this elevated status!

I also agree that Reid needs to be allowed out in public next season, despite the current dubious haircut! ;-))

@ Gubegirl:

Muscovado sugar:

The darker and stickier, the better. Still got some frozen pumpkin left too.

I've actually got some of the Libby's stuff thanks to my cousin kindly bringing some back, I prefer that for pumpkin pie. It said $1.89 on the price tag but over here it work out... does the mathS... around $4.50 per tin. Law of Scarcity and all that!

Wondering if I can bring it back in my hand luggage so it doesn't affect my 23kg hold allowance? I'd better check, don't want to get tackled by the Feds for causing a security alert!

pmsl about your cat - mine tries to attack the neighbour's dogs through the fence, but the dogs just want to be friends. He's currently got his eye on the fat wood pigeons, which sit mockingly on the fence.

Pretty please can we have the pumpkin scone (said correctly!) recipe? Sounds delicious!

Whereabouts in AZ did you grow up? I'm staying in Phoenix for two nights and Flagstaff for three en route from Las Vegas to Albuquerque.

13 days to go...

Blimey Limey said...

Don't know where the "y" went...

gubegirl said...

Hi, Guys!

Just a quickie as I have a Dr. appt and errands to run.

Blimey and Velandra: Cannot put my hands on the scone recipe but it prob'ly did not get put back when I copied it for my GF. Will hunt for it tomorrow when I have more time and am sifting thru my recipes for a good salad for my Sat. workshop. Worse case, I get my GF to bring it to jazzercise Wed. AM: she is even more of an organizational freak than me!

I am currently eating a concoction of fresh brocolli, sliced strawberries, grated cheddar (not out of a bag!) and lite Ranch dressing. Pretty yum and oh, so colorful - looks like C'mas!

Blimey: I grew up in Tucson, a couple hours south of where you will be. Must write down your p. cake recipe: wish we could print from the blog!

Pat: We did the same thing this time as 7 yrs ago when we lost our Fox terrier: 1 wk less this time: went to the pound to find another pooch to love! 60 dogs in the shelter nearby altho many are pitbulls, poor things, prob'ly great dogs but people have lost their jobs, homes, etc and have had to give them up.

Bella the cat is being deprived of her slinky-like moves on the stairs and is bored out of her little feline mind as there are few hummingbirds for some strange reason out her window and she doesn't get to sit in the b'fast nook and watch the wild ones, pigeons and ducks at the feeder out back. She is very social and usu loves to play with the chihuahua. Hopefully in a few more days of letting Stella see Bella thru the door, we can let her loose for little bits. Worried tho' because if I can't find her (she loves to hide, like up inside the box-springs!) to put her 'away' when I leave, don't want to come home to an injured cat or a mauled dog! We did this for 3 weeks when we first got her because Jazzy the Welsh HATED cats and they got on fine.

Down to business: Jill, as soon as you get your mitts on a better pic of my fave boy having a better hair day, pls. post. Like ASAP! The one in the group photo just does not do him justice! OTOH, Hotch-hairy-hunk just keeps looking better and better, and tho' I am surprised he's keeping it for now, I can't wait to hear why/how and see WAY more of this fuzzy-face.

I said this would be a quickie and listen to me - I truly am a nut case, esp after the past few days of new-dog-itis!

Later, guys!

CMFAN11 said...

I agree ladies. Reid has become a recluse lol. He needs to get out more often. And they need 2 give him a hot GF (sorry ladies don't get me lol I'd like some intelligent eye candy) like that girl Austin from a few seasons back lol

I'd like 2 hear more about Rossi's past and see one of his ex wifes.

Mayb one of them could be an unsub lol

BTW: I'd actually prefer not seeing any of the teams love interest and rather just hear bits about them or their dates in the episodes like it used 2 be

sf81387 said...

Reid should hook up with the female equivalent of himself. Imagine moments where this woman is matching him or, god forbid, besting him, in his knowledge of all things.

Hotch needs a woman who is the total opposite of him. Carefree and sloppy and a rule breaker. She'd make him crazy, but in a good way.

Rossi needs a woman who isn't the least bit interested in commitment, ever. Kind of turn the tables on him a bit in that respect.

Morgan needs to find a single mom with adorable kids that will give us some "Awww" moments.

Emily and JJ should probably just hook up with each other and satisfy the fantasies of every male CM fan.

Garcia should stay with Kevin. They're kind of perfect together.

CMFAN11 said...


I like all those ideas,especially Emily & JJ. But I kinda like Will and JJ together so since they have a good thing I'd hate it if the writers changed up their relationship.

In my opinion, Emily needs a guy who has had less of an exciting life than hers. It could help ground her and give her structure that she needs. One that has led a simple life as an accountant, or small business owner or something like that. NOT a spy, international criminal, or another FBI agent, or European since she hasn't had good luck at all w/ them (No offense Blimey, you & Europe rock!) I just think it would be bad for prentisses health w/ her type of guy she likes and her past.

Other than that I agree Sf, have a great day!

Preferably a Kurt Voneegant fan (excuse my butchering of his last name) lol

gubegirl said...

I'm b-a-c-k for a few. Agree with sf about all but JJ-EP. JJ has Will and he's a keeper and I think EP needs an intellectual equal but maybe someone with kids also. She is overdue to be a mom and would be great.

I love the idea of Morgan "inheriting" some kids. He would be better than Dexter and he did an OK job!

CMFan11: It's Vonnegut, sweetness, but he forgives you:)

And did you see "Austin" from CM in the following season of Dexter? She was the hot daughter of John Lithgow, I think, but I'm taxing myself here...but a real KILLER....Why do I think she killed Deb's BF, one of my fave hotties, Keith Carradine? Who also was "Frank" on CM... He was far more appealing in Dexter than as Frank...lots of cross-over killer stuff...that;s another subject good for exploration...anything to keep us going, guys, let's entertain each other because we have OVER 2 MONTHS LEFT! Sigh...

I have a tendency to forget other shows because I have not seen reruns nightly and memorized everything as I have about CM...geez.

Pat: Congrats on the EC! As BL said, you are well on your way! Move over, Martha Stewart! Here comes a team of TZ's that can bake/cook! Hah!

Velandra said...

Imagine having Morgan as a stepfather.... Yum (but not in a creepy I also agree w/ cmfan11 I'd rather not see any love interests, just hear about them. sf is right though our team does need some romance in their lives. It can't be dark evil unsubs all the time.

Teresa: I am in the Boston area so I will check out a some local grocery stores, I never even thought to look...thanks :)

Blimey: ahhh Vegas I spent 2 weeks there a few years of the best times of my life. I also stopped in Mesquite (a few hours away) it was even better!

Gubegirl: can't wait for the recipe. As for your cat I'm sure her and Stella will be best friends in no time.

Eleven said...

Hello ladies and gentleman, I see there are new recipes, new pup and cat stories, hair-raising tales of tails and the gibby and the gube, and imaginary love interests :-) Fabby (jumps up and down in glee). Unfortunately, i can't follow recipes - i always experiment with food - i'm like someone who shuts their eyes while crossing the road thinking some guardian angel is looking out for them. ha!

Velandra, Gubegirl, Pat and all MGG girls, i just saw a pic of our handsome doc on tumblr. he is stretched out inside a posh-looking car with tie undone. Apparently a Vogue shoot. Sorry if i'm being a tease but i couldn't unearth more info. Maybe our resident investigator, SF, could help?

TG's now got tumblr, too, and seems to have gone berserk - little owls, strange buildings, shoes, the usual (for him)....

Finished my Marquez and then Natsuo Kirino's 'Out' - the latter makes CM feel like a romantic comedy for 6yos. I had nightmares and may have scared hubs more than once (shudders).

Take care and i'll check back soon!

Eleven (etc)

LunaM said...

Thomas Gibson with that beard looks very HOT, but not very HOTCH. I don't think it suits the character overall, unless they changed him considerably. Which would not only be unrealistic but also wrong, IMO. I'll properly enjoy the rugged look in the season premiere, but hope the beard will be gone after that. :)

Teresa H. said...

Good Tues. morning. Been MIA for a couple of days, trying to catch up on things I've been letting slide.
Fun to read peoples' fantasies for our CM lovlies. Can't beat what's out there already so wont even try.
Do think that there should be some romance for them and that it should be mostly off camera.
thank you for the review of Psyho Beach Party. What do you think of I'll believe you.
No longer under cover, yay.
I think CVS, Walgreens also sell Cadbury's.
Was trying to write more but getting bogged down - pre breakfast brain - will try later.

sf81387 said...

I was kidding about the romance stuff. Personally, I don't want to see anymore romance on this show than we've seen in the past 6 seasons. The little bit of personal stuff with the characters that they do show is enough for me, I wouldn't want to see that expanded upon.

I was reading Tweets from the cast and crew. It seems that the majority of the shooting yesterday occured on the set. However, one of the make-up gals tweeted late yesterday evening that they were headed out for a location shoot with TG and they'd be done for the day. I'm starting to think my theory about him being out camping with Jack and getting called back into to work might not be completely accurate, but close. He's out away from work doing something that allows him to be casual and unshaven. Hey, maybe he's hanging out in Gideon's old cabin. ; )

thank you for the review of Psyho Beach Party. What do you think of I'll believe you.

I'll Believe You is pretty awful. You can watch it on Hulu if you've got about 90 minutes of you're life you don't mind wasting. : )

sf81387 said...

Oh, and my two cents on Cadbury chocolate.....Those little Cadbury eggs they sell at Easter, (the little chocolate ones with the hard candy shell) are my undoing. I swear I think I actually moan every time I put one in my mouth. : )

Blimey Limey said...

@ LunaM & sf81387:

I agree - TG is working the beard well, but it's not really Hotch. I like the theory about him camping/at the cabin with Jack and then getting called in on the case. Especially as we'd see Jack and that kid is too cute for his own good.

@ Velandra:

Vegas is serving more as a base - I'll have a couple of days soaking up the tackiness (like Blackpool but hot & dry and lacking a dirty beach full of drunk people & donkeys - according to one of my colleagues) but am looking forward to Area 51, Death Valley, Lake Mead & Hoover Dam AND the Grand Canyon West Rim in a pink jeep!!! My cousin might be in town when I am, in which case she's taking me out on the sauce - where can I buy a new liver in Nevada? Anyone?!

@ Gubegirl:

Try copying and pasting the recipe onto a Word (or similar) document, and then printing - saves your hand getting tired from writing! I know ALL the tricks to get out of writing. ;-))

Strawberries and broccoli?? I like them separately but have never thought of such a random combination!

I'll be going down Tuscon way to near Oracle for a geekfest morning at Biosphere 2. It was vaguely mentioned when I was at school so I've always fancied going. Haha - oh dear.

@ CMFAN11:

I don't mind hearing about team members' outside love interests, but wouldn't like to see too much too often on screen.

Not all of Europe rocks! On our isolated dirty little island we're naturally suspicious of most people who aren't from these shores. I think it's a language thing - if they're not speaking English they must be plotting against us! Therefore Americans, Canadians, Aussies and Kiwis are OK. We were discussing this at work a while back and this was the favoured theory. Actually, I'm not bothered where folks are from, as long as they're nice!

@ sf81387:

Cadbury's mini eggs! They appear in the shops on 27th December, along with all the other Easter goodies such as the legendary creme egg - which you can apparently get deep fried in some places. Deep fried Mars bars are nice so I'd expect deep fried creme eggs to be pretty good too.

And on that calorific note, I'm off to Body Combat.

Laters, y'all...

CMFAN11 said...

Hey look everybody I think I see a location shoot for ep 7.01! yippee!

Lol well I guess they always shoot on location somewhere, ut it's just nice 2 see them out of the office.

Also Jill, could we please get some more shots of the team whether it's just a couple of the team members in a pic or the whole team. Either will work

Preferably a pic of prentiss and doyle? Lol


Teresa H. said...

Just saw a photo on TG's twitter of him and JM. Really making me rethink the facial hair. He looks like he could play Daniel Boone or some tough cowboy. Might be interesting, the cowboy (he does live in Tx after all) not DB.
Joe looks smart and debonair with his goatee, puts TG in a not so flattering light.
He does look like he's having fun with it though.
Yay we're almost on a new page.
It's hot and sticky here in Mass.

christyzachman said...

I have read that there are some who think that Hotch would be camping with his son. What gives you the idea that he knows how to camp? There is no indication in any episodes that he knows what to do when camping. In season one, he actually asked Morgan what the people who went on a camping retreat do on that retreat. The man can wear the clothes and there have been episodes where they were in the woods but he is always with someone else, never alone. I don't see him as someone who has ever been camping. Remember he told Elle that he was a nerd as a boy. I don't see him as a boy scout or anything like that. I don't believe that he would be out camping with Jack.

Blimey Limey said...

@ Teresa H:

Just checking in before retreating to my pit. I *will* go to sleep before midnight for the first time I can remember in ages - ha!

Hmmm... I located that photo and have to say I'm not as keen on TG's face fuzz close up. He's giving off a distinct geologist vibe now! That's not a good thing, btw.

Don't envy you for the humidity. My first ever trip to the US was to New York many years ago - in August! It was like stepping into a sauna every time we went outside. I'd love to go back one day, but will avoid summer time. There was a fab pizza black down the block from our hotel which sold slices of broccoli pizza - they were magnificent! I'd make a beeline for it after dumping the suitcases, assuming it's still there.

At least we've got rid of the slight humidity here this week, even if it's not that warm - it's in the mid-60s. I'm getting used to converting from celsius to fahrenheit (and back) for when all those three digit numbers horrify me each morning while I'm eating my breakfast waffles. I know a few key conversions and then can work out those between. Keeps the brain from drying out, I suppose.

Goodnight, folks...

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