The opening song in Criminal Minds "Ashes & Dust" was "Boadicea" by Enya and the closing song was "Grey Room" by Damien Rice.
The quotes were:
"Live like you were going to die tomorrow. Learn like you were going to live forever." - Gandhi
"The torture of a bad conscience is the hell of a living soul". John Calvin
Pretty haunting music. I doubt I will play it for enjoyment..Effective, but haunting.
I was disturbed by the first song but I liked the second. The quotes were perfect.
These quotes were great and I really liked the music.
Loved the music. The quotes were alright.
Loved the episode but I am going to need awhile to figure out if I am happy with the music choices. Almost too upbeat for this type of episode but I will sleep on it.
The quotes slammed. Right on the money.
I am sure there was some reason the writer picked the Enya song but it is going over my head. Can someone clue me in on the relevance. Loved the quotes and the ending song was obvious but I am thinking so hard about the opening song that smoke is coming out of my ears.
Grey Room was a good choice. The quotes are always good.
I thought so too Sammie!
The music was good and I liked the quotes.
I can't even imagine liking an episode that did not have the quotes.
Even I am amazed I am writing this but I did not like the music in this episode. I really just kept wanting it to stop which is not like me.
The quotes were perfect as usual. They made me think and that is what I always like about them.
"Live like you were going to die tomorrow. Learn like you were going to live forever." - Gandhi
I really like this quote. I think it is a great thing to keep in the backs of our minds while we are running through our days at warp speed.
Loved the music and liked the quotes.
I loved these quotes.
I loved the music! The Enya song is a GREAT one for me to do basic "warmups" at ice rink. I must get it. I love the ending song also, but need to listen to it again (as soon as my sis returns my tape!!!).
Enya is always in style. I wonder if the writer likes Enya or just thought it would be perfect for the episode.
I love Enya so the song worked great for me.
I love Gandhi quotes. The music was cool. I mean who doesn't like Enya.
I love Enya but I was not happy with it being used in the beginning of this episode. Sorry but it seemed out of step. The rest of the episode was really good.
Part of the love I have for the show is the quotes and the musical choices. It just makes it CM and if they did an episode without the both of them it would not seem like the same show.
I really agree. I love the quotes and the music and without them I would also feel like the show is completely different and I would not like it as much. :)
I liked Calvin's quote. I had not heard it before. Awesome episode.
I love the quotes and the music from almost every episode. Rarely do I not like one.
I love that Ghandi quote. I have thought about it often since the origianl airing of the episode.
The music just started and I am getting chills up my spine from knowing what is going to happen.
Amazing quotes. I remember them from college. Very nice.
Calvin, Ghandi, Fire, Enya! This episode certainly had it all. The quotes were perfect picks. Enya I am iffy about and Gibson could win an Emmy with this one.
Calvin's quote takes a moment but it is perfect.
Ghandi never misses.
The songs were chilling.
The music was scary and unsetttling.
I liked the quotes but I agree with sherlockette that the music was haunting. I had never seen the episode before and I liked it but wow it was intense.
Loved the quotes and the music.
Perfect music, I thought, and great quotes
I liked Grey Room as well!
I loved this episode it opened my eyes about pain and life...
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