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Kirsten Vangsness, Penelope Garcia on Criminal Minds, arriving at the Geffen Playhouse. Geffen Playhouse honors Academy Award-winning actress Dame Helen Mirren as the 2007 "Distinction in Theatre Award" recipient during its 5th Annual Backstage at the Geffen Gala. The star-studded event and reception is a behind-the-scenes peek at the performing arts through play readings, intimate storytelling and song. The evening also recognizes outgoing Board of Directors Chairman herb Gelfand for his extended service and dedication to the Geffen Playhouse. The Gala benefits the Geffen's Education and Outreach programs with impromptu entertainment and familiar faces, including John Lithgow's presentation of Mirren's award. Info courtesy of www.geffenplayhouse.com
Kirsten looks great. I hope she had a great time.
There is that Kirsten smile we have all come to love. I agree with Gia hoping that she had a good time.
I love the fish net stockings that she wears. I love how she dresses.
She is simply lovely.
Oh, god, her t-shirt--it's Duran Duran (The Rio album cover). Heh. Now is she a fan or did she just wear the shirt cus it's a cool picture? *lol*
Whatever the case she looks adorable.
I could never dress the way she does and look so good.
Wow -- the legs, the fishnets, the legs -- Kirsten so totally rocks! What a beautiful daring lady.
And here I thought I was finally channeling my inner Kirsten when I bought a red (not black, not navy, but RED) dress this weekend. Looks like I've got a ways to go!
Her name is Kirsten and she dances on the sand...okay sorry, most of you probably won't get that. Anyway she looks awesome and I hope she had a blast...
Lee :)
She looks fantastic. Go Kirsten!
I always love her spirit and choice of clothes. I wish I could be that free spirited but I am not that daring. I think some people can dress like that and it works on them because they are free spirited and Kirsten certainly fits that bill. She looks great.
KV looks great!
Kirsten is perfect in this outfit. I can't imagine what I would think if she showed up someplace in a boring business suit. It would seem so wrong and so not her. She looks great and her smile says it all.
Kisten looks great.
Actually other than the green purse she is holding the outfit is pretty tame for Kirsten. It is the green purse that makes the look POP!
Kirsten looks gorgeous and Duran Duran rock!
She is looking so Kirstenish and Garciaish. Loving it.
I really respect her for expressing herself with such confidence and grace. My daughters think she dresses really cool and I only wish I could be that hip.
She looks awesome. Love the outfit and the big smile.
As always, Kirsten looks amazing and pulls off a look that would make anyone else look ridiculous. How does she manage to look womanly, intelligent, kittenish, and fun at the same time? I can barely manage fully clothed (most of the time...)!
Quentin the collie is now sporting his summer 'do - a lion cut: body clipped with his mane left around his face and a dollop at the end of his tail. It took us 5 years to make the daring move last year, but he absolutely LOVES it in the 90-100+ F heat!
Must get him a green backpack!
She is so pretty.
I definately could never wear clothes like she does but I wish I had the guts because she really looks great.
Kirsten is just stunning.
Helen Mirren is related to Simon Mirren.
She's aces!
Another totally unique outfit presented by the one and only Kirsten. Great pics!
Kirsten really looks awesome in this outfit- does it look like she's lost weight? I like her either way, but that outfit is mucho flattering.
Kirsten looks great. As always I am in awe of her ability to wear her personality on her sleeve.
I do think our gal has lost some weight but I would adore her no matter what. She is a beauty!
Kirsten looks great. I love her outfit.
Kirsten smiles from her heart.
I hope Kirsten have a wonderful time doing her play and resting from the season. She is such a nice person. I am still in shock on how nice she has been to all of us with the pens we sent her. I really like her.
Kirsten is beautiful and I hope she knows it.
Love the stockings.
Look at Kirsten. Out on the town and looking so beautiful. Have fun this summer and make some beautiful memories for yourself.
Kirsten's style is one of a kind and letter perfect.
I still want to go shopping with Kirsten. I remember that post you did awhile back and I picked KV. I think it would be so much fun.
Her smile radiates happiness. I always smile when I see her picture.
Vogue should do an article on Kirsten. They could talk about a woman with the confidence to be herself and inspire others.
The writers create our other characters but Kirsten creates and defines Garcia.
Kirsten is a pip!
I am not sure what a pip is??? I love Kirsten. She is tops. Is that the same as a pip? lol
Sometimes we focus our attention primarily on the male actors but our actresses are really special. They are beautiful and talented. I can't begin to imagine the show without Kirsten. Garcia is a role that could never be recast with another actress. Kirsten is just that special.
She looks great.
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