Criminal Minds: The cast and crew of Criminal Minds enjoying the band. I see our own wonderful Scott David was having a great time. Scott is an awesome person so I was thrilled to see he was having fun. More Criminal Minds wrap party pictures soon and then we will look at some behind the scenes pictures.
Our wonderful Scott who helped Kris. Very cool.
Too bad, it's already late in the evening here...
Would love to enjoy the pics right after you posted them - but I will come back... tomorrow... after work... keep posting - I will catch up, no problem. :-D
Thanks for those already.
CU sindee
Oh Scott! From Scott and Gina. Our angels who gave us Kirsten and Kris. This warms me. Thanks.
hpw many of us wish we were at the wrap party,I know that I would have loved to be there
Hey, that really is Scott David. He looks like a young, hip guy that would fit right in at any trendy party here in L.A. It looks like the wrap party was a blast. I hope it was. That whole team of people who give us Criminal Minds are extremely hard workers!
I love seeing them having fun. They are the best!
Oh man. Great pictures.
I wonder if there was a mosh pit? Just kidding..or not.
I wonder how I can get invited next year. It looks like a blast. Of course I would faint at Shemar's feet!
Hi Scott! We love you!
I bet the music was great. If Michael Dittrick was there it would have to best of the best.
This is extemely cool but like Sindee I must go to bed. I will be running to my computer first thing in the morning to see the rest of the pictures.
I wonder who the band was. Great pic.
Amazingly great pics. Thanks for posting them for us to see.
Great pics. Thanks.
Looks like a great party, I'll bet it was a lot of fun.
Great pics, Jill. Scott does a great job casting for the show, looks like he was having lots of fun!
These are artsy hip people and I bet the music and the dancing was something to hear and see. Looks like a really great time. Wish I was there too.
So glad they had fun. Just sad that I wasn't there to have it with them. :(
lol Lee - a great party needs a mosh pit.
Let's hope they had one.
I hope they had the time of their lifes.
I bet these folks can dance. I mean really dance. I would have offered to park cars at this party just to see them all.
The pictures have made my day. On my way to bed as well but wanted to say thanks.
Oh to be a fly on the wall!
Why, I would NEVER gossip...! Or would I?
P.S. - Did I tell you about ___ ? On, ever mind, because I NEVER gossip.
Song was "I Never Know What TIME It Is".
Sorry for previous message error, but I have that problem too.
I bet they had so much fun.
Rock and Roll and CM. We always say how much we like their musical selections for the episodes.
I hope they had a wonderful time at the party.
I would bet the music was great and the dancing was probably magic.
I hope they had a blast.
Rock n' Roll and CM sounds like a perfect night to me!
They sure do deserve to have fun. Everyone said it so well. They did a great job for us again this year. They all deserve a great round of applause.
So nice to see Scott having a good time. Him and Gina have been so nice to us. I am so happy to see him having fun. He has such a hard job. They all do. They deserve the best!
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