Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Criminal Minds spoiler thread for "JJ" written by Erica Messer and starring Joe Mantegna, Thomas Gibson, Paget Brewster, Shemar Moore, A.J. Cook, Matthew Gray Gubler and Kirsten Vangsness.

**Beware! There will be spoilers in the comments. **


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Ele said...

So excited for this episode and at the same time so sad because it will be the last time we get to watch talented AJ playing our beloved JJ!

Best wishes to AJ and thanks for all these years of wonderful acting on CM. We will MISS YOU a lot.

Ele a fan from Costa RIca

Anonymous said...

Is the show on tonight? Or is this in preperation for tomorrow?

Anonymous said...

It's only the preperation ;)

Saba said...

So sad for this episode. It's going to be a bawlfest. :(

Anonymous said...

The TV execs should be ashamed of themselves....will never watch the show again only re runs WITH JJ!

gubegirl said...


Best of luck to a wonderful actress who we will miss so very much. CM will not be the same without you!


Anonymous said...

Good Luck AJ!

Anonymous said...

A sad, sad day.

Anonymous said...

I'm really going to miss JJ and this episode is going to be so hard watch, as my favourite charcater is leaving the show.

I really don't think I'm going to like the episode after this one, without AJ, the show will feel different and I'm still on the side that CBS did a crappy thing with letting AJ go.

I wholeheartedly hope AJ goes on to bigger and better things, which I'm sure she will.

I'm going to get the tissues ready for later on, this came around way too soon for my liking, but can't wait to see AJ shine tonight!

Unknown said...

I've been preparing myself since the premiere. I'm not sure I succeeded.
Tissues ready for sure.

AJ, I ache to have to see you go, but I'm sure a talented girl like you can only move forward. I'm with Vangsness this will end up meaning something bigger and better coming your way. Miss you forever...good luck.

And I hope they do NOT cast anyone new to CM's family. When you lose a member of your family, you don't just look for replacement. Even if the new member is not a substitute, it'll feel awkward to have someone gaining from such a personal loss. Because AJ leaving is a personal loss, for all of us. As Thomas Gibson put it earlier today, AJ is irreplaceable. There'll always be a void in the BAU space.

Anyway, looking forward to see the episode today. I'm sure Erica Messer wrote an honorable departure for our JJ. And I do want to see AJ shine!

Anonymous said...

JJ brought a human element to a technically complex program.
A woman & mother, her view point was a much needed contrast to the stark reality that is 'criminal minds'
Removing JJ from the story line will leave an unbalanced feel from which the program might never recover.

Unknown said...

Im not ready for JJ to leave

Vane said...

I still can't believe that tonight will be the last time that we'll see JJ on the show...
I don't think it was the smartest choice from CBS, but at least they're not killing her character, maybe sometime she can return...

We'll miss you AJ!!

Aidy said...

I'm really excited to see the new dynamic of the show. I'm optimistic about it. Although all the cast was important in some way, I think JJ was the only person they could really cut without losing key dynamics. They shouldn't have had to cut anyone, but what's done is done.
I just hope her character gets a nice send off.

Cynthia said...

so sad...
best of luck to AJ Cook!!!
I will be watching "JJ"

Anonymous said...

I will have the kleenix ready when wathcing tonight!

Kristin said...

Ditto, to CMwinner. This is gonna be a sad day for all CM fans. We are gonna miss JJ/AJ. What a loss to such an amazing show. It is so sad to see the family broken up like this. God Bless the cast and especially AJ in her future projects.

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed watching AJ's character evolve from the first season as someone who only delt with the press and never would have trusted herself to give anyone an opinion about an unsub to the girl who we all saw last week who went slightly against Aaron's directions and instead played the mother card that worked so well. Trusting her gut that what she was going to do was right. She will be sadly missed and even if they replace her position on the team some day they can never replace her.


SaurfangHuntress said...

AJ, we've never met, but you made the show feel like ordinary human beings doing extraordinary things. You were a mother, a wife, a former journalist (and who can forget your wonderful one-ups - "You may wanna rethink that tie"?), and above all else, the best friend, the wonderful, nurturing gal everyone could go to, advice, problems, friendship - your door was open.

I'm going to goddamned miss that like HELL :(

Anonymous said...


THE PENTAGON!!!! The pentagon is calling her to be liason for the department of defense!!!!! WOW!!!!!!!! Talk about the job offer of a lifetime for her!

HardKOrr said...

I have no words for how I feel about his is the only episode of CM that I have ever not looked forward to watching. My best always to AJ Cook, thank you for 5+ years that you've given to us fans. AJ and JJ will always be a part of the CM family. You rock!


Anonymous said...

I love this show, but I am seriously never buying another Criminal Minds dvd. FU, CBS, the women are not interchangeable. Three cheers for the Criminal Minds writing crew for making their protest vehemently obvious.

Kelsey said...

I cried so much watching this, but I thought you could feel how much the cast did not want this. beyond upset, can't write a decent comment

Unknown said...

I was sobbing. That was an amazing episode...I wish she was staying!!!

Caitlin said...

This was the first Criminal Minds episode that I didn't want to watch. My heart is completely broken! I just cried my heart out. When Reid first said, but they just can't take you away, That's when the waterworks started for me. I think that this episode should have been a two part special. There just wasn't enough. Even though overall it was a decent episode, but I just can't bring myself to love it because of JJ leaving. I am not sure I want to watch it without her, but I think I will to support the rest of the cast. they had no part in the kicking out of AJ. All I can say to the person who made this decision, how does it feel to be the most hated person in a global fandom? Are you happy now that you made a sexist and stupid move?
I wish the best of luck to AJ and I hope that she goes on to do other wonderful things and make whoever made this decision to regret it, even though i would prefer she stay on Criminal Minds.

Anne Matheson said...

Loved the "JJ" episode of Criminal Minds, still say CBS is a fool to let @ajcookofficial go! But a beautiful send off she did get.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad the writer(s?) of this episode were able to hammer home the message - JJ is irreplaceable and CBS sucks!

Anonymous said...

OMG the scene btw Penelope and JJ seriously broke my heart! I'm not going to lie... I cried! The video montage at the end was beautiful and so was AJ's lil speech at the end. I love how it can actually be what she is really feeling about CBS' ROTTEN DECISION! I HOPE THIS BITES CBS IN THE ASS!


Carola said...

I am nearly to sad and lost in tears to find the right words... Thanks to the crew for this great ep... and thanks to AJ for all this unforgetable moments with our beloved CM family. We will not forget you!!!

Janelle said...

I'm really sad to see you go and I wish things didn't turn out the way they did. Thank you for all of the years you put into doing your part to make Criminal Minds such an amazing show!!

We will miss you and I can't wait to see what you will be in next!!

Anonymous said...


miss aj cook as jj so much!

Laura said...

I'm heartbroken! AJ, we are going to miss you!

Anonymous said...

Gonna miss you "JJ"! All the best to both JJ and AJ. At the risk of sounding cliche, thanks for the memories!

vix said...

The anger the cast had for this decision was clear. And cheers to the writers for showing it. This is total BS.

Despite this, it was an amazing episode. Amazing writing, amazing acting.

Part of me wants the show to fail now but part of me still wants to support the remaining actors.

Anonymous said...

A wonderful performance tonight from AJ, she will be missed. Thanks for 5 great seasons Criminal Minds, I'll just be watching my dvds with JJ still in the show on Wednesday nights from now on.

Jacqueline said...

Been trying to prepare for this night for several weeks now, ever since I discovered this would be AJ's last episode. We'll miss you AJ. Good luck with whatever you do. I hope you keep the guys here on the blog informed with what you're doing, since I know there are many of us who want to follow you, no matter what project you take on.

Abby Rose Mark said...

I just cried SO hard. JJ cannot leave ugh we need her:( such a sad episode. shes had some really great past episodes:( we'll miss you jj

Anonymous said...

did anyone catch what she said at the very end? i didn't catch it all but i really liked it. something about lessons learned and having to let people go...

JenniferB said...

The episode was happy but the ending was not. You will be missed more than any words can ever say. My very best wishes for you. Can't wait to see your next project!

Jennifer from Albany

Lilith said...

That was a brilliant final episode for AJ and I loved the way the situation with JJ mirrored the actual situation with AJ. Like her character, she has chosen to take the high road and look forward to whatever comes next, and I admire her for that. Personally, I think the show won't work as well without the character who personalized the BAU to the public, but I'll remain loyal to both the show, and AJ herself. Best of luck to her in all future endeavors.

Anonymous said...

I am going to miss you A.J. like crazy! I hope you do amazing, and I hope CBS realizes how stupid they are for letting you go!!!

SSA_Prentiss said...

OH man this just so sucks. I wasn't ready for this, I don't think any of us were, even though we knew it was coming. JJ will be sorely missed, we love you and miss you already. I wish you all the best in future endeavors. You rock kiddo!

Anonymous said...

Bravo to Ed, the cast and everyone involved in making this episode for sending a clear message to the world in this episode. AJ and them were screwed by the network and they used JJ to tell the world that. It was a great send off to a fantastic actress. God bless and keep AJ Cook.

Loriana said...

That was an amazing episode.....Criminal Minds is a hell of a show.Thanks to AJ for been an amazing actress and for gave so much to the show,Glod bless her in all the projects that she want to do...she is a great person and if she want to do something..she will do it.
And the other actors really great was a great episode...Criminal Minds made me cry for second time!!

Anonymous said...

I'm still drying my tears. AJ will be missed terribly, it won't be the same. Best wishes for what comes next, love you!!

paula said...

Just watched the last Criminal Minds with JJ, got to say I am so disappointed with CBS- they are taking a great show and ruining it...This willbe the last episode that I watch until they get AJ back. I don't watch tv at all except this show and CBS you SCREWED UP BIG TIME!!!!! Bring AJ back or you will lose alot of viewers.. unhappy viewer Paula

Anonymous said...

The last bit starting with JJ with Garcia and going until the elevator doors closed were so emotional. I cried the whole time.

LindaCinCalgary said...

I'm not ready to say goodbye to AJ. Five wonderful years ... AJ is awesome, she's talented, smart, and beautiful ... wishing her all the very best for the future. You will always have a fan in me, AJ. CM loses someone very, very special tonight. While I understand that these things happen, I don't think I will ever forgive the execs for this one. Now where are my tissues because I'm going to need them.

Anonymous said...

AJ: You will leave a void at the BAU in the character you played as JJ. You played a wonderful character that acted with depth, emotion and feelings that made your fans cry, smile and FEEL while watching Criminal Minds. CBS has lost in dismissing your character. The BAU has lost a member of their family tonight that cannot be replaced. Tonight's episode brought tears to my of luck in your future.

Unknown said...

I will miss the character "JJ" but I will miss seeing AJ every week...... Thank goodness for ION and A&E........... And my DVD's....

Anonymous said...

Don't know what to say except thanks! You have given us all a magnificent gift, one which we will never forget. Hoping for great things for you ... you deserve them!
Love you AJ!


Anonymous said...

first i want to say considering the circumstances the writers did an excellent job. very classy.
2nd AJ go out an kick some ass.
i will miss you on Criminal Minds.
u rock!
karen aka kyh1960

Anonymous said...

I can't believe that this is the end. You have been amazing on Criminal Minds, and as I'm sure you can see, you and your character have a special place in our hearts.

You will be missed. :( Criminal Minds will not be the same. :( :(

BB said...

I love you, A.J. Cook!

Anonymous said...

The final montage of JJ moments was killer. The FU to CBS throughout the whole episode was killer too. Sad but wonderful episode tonight. Goodbye A.J.! We love you.

cait said...

After tonights episode, i am honestly lost. i really cannot grasp how the producers could cut JJ. It seriously blows my mind. She is such a fantastic actor and character, and she is an asset to the show. Sure, she wasnt the character involved in all the action and such, but she was the ONLY ONE to provide a different perspective. She was the one character veiwers more so could relate and connect to. In saying this, i can honestly no longer watch criminal minds. This decision is ridiculous. it literally ruins the show. Bravo to the producers, your ONCE HIGH ratings will begin to plummit based on your stupid decision. seriously, this is crap.

Megan said...

Thank you, guys, for giving the character of JJ (and AJ the actress!) the graceful, powerful, well-written exit she deserved. What else can we say, really? Thank you.

Christine in NY said...

My heart is aching. AJ should never have been cut from the show. The chemistry won't be the same though I'm sure I will love it anyway. Good luck to AJ: you are amazing and will have many good things happen for you. Do something light hearted next!

LaShawna said...

I personally felt this was a well-written, well-acted, overall well done show that sent off JJ as respectfully as possible. And much to my relief, the exit was due to a job promotion (however undesired on her part), and not due to her being unable to hack the job anymore. I felt that the whole JJ as a mom thing was effectively dealt with up front, when JJ stated very emphatically that her absolute love for her job made her a better mother, and her role as a mother did not impede her ability to be super competent at her job.

The case story was well done, remniscent of the Natalee Hollaway case of course. But I thought the unsubs were creepy, and the interrogation scenes good as the team tried to psychologically break them down. All the cast members were good in this episode. I loved Reid in the interrogation room, Morgan and Rossi basically doing everything but physically torture the unsub to get him to break; Hotch and Emily as perceptive as ever. And JJ's performance brought to mind the strength and compassion she showed during the "North Mammon" episode.

Of course JJ's side of the story was good as well. I felt all the writing was subtext for the whole cast shakeup debacle that went on behind the scenes. The writers got in so many digs at the executives at CBS, what with Hotch doing everything in his power to keep JJ, but in the end, he was overruled. All the talk of JJ being irreplaceable, integral to the team, and breaking up the family. I imagine the writers didn't have to dig too deep for the words for JJ's exit, nor did the actors have to dig too deep to find the emotion to portray their devastation. It all felt very real and acutely painful to me. Of all the three major cast departures on this show, I felt JJ got the most emotional and heartfelt one. But that is probably because her departure was not her choice, but was rather forced upon all of them.

I was surprised to feel as emotional as I did during the final montage/JJ voiceover. She said all the words we felt, that some things we can't control, that no matter how much you want something to stay the same, sometimes change is forced upon you. That no matter how much you want to stay in one place or want someone else to stay in one place, forces beyond your control force you to move and break up the world you know. Constant moving and change are hallmarks of my career field, and I can relate to wanting it to stop. Wanting to not have to leave someplace you are comfortable with friends you care about, and have to move someplace new again and have to make a new life and friends all over again.

AJ/JJ will be missed on the show. I like that Hotch said he had no intentions of replacing her, and dearly hopes to get her back someday. *crosses fingers* I hope so too.

Anonymous said...

The BAU lost a family member tonight and the CM community lost a wonderful actress who didn't deserve to be screwed over by CBS. Tonight was a big loss for CM but I think the actors and the writers did make the most of a terrible situation. It was a great episode.

michelle n said...

I thought Erica Messer made a great sendoff for JJ. I'm so sad to see her go, I cried so hard.. Especially during the Penelope-JJ scene!! And the video montage, my tears were overflowing.

The speech and scene at the end was great though, truly reflected what went on in real life..Executives screwing up everything, AJ being forced to leave, etc.

Goodbye JJ :( We love you and will miss you from the bottom of our hearts!! <3

rose stiner said...

I don't think they could have found a better way to write her out since they had no choice but to do it and I appplaud their obvious 'screw you' to the network. Thank you for not taking an easier route and having her quit to stay home with Henry. JJ left the strong woman she has always been. Thank you AJ!

Anonymous said...

it was great they way she was showcased this first two/last two eps.

fantastic job, and a great part of the team (fictional and real)

thanks AJ/JJ

Anonymous said...

CBS isn't very bright - you can't remove a character like JJ without damaging the show.

Here's hoping that AJ finds something bigger and better in her future.

CBS is simply nuts. If Garcia goes ... so do I ...

Jana said...

A.J - You a wonderful woman. You make me proud to be Canadian! Much love and luck to you. Hold your head high, girl!

Anonymous said...

I was dreading this episode but now I am so grateful for it. What a loving episode and even though I cried through most of it I think Messer did a great job.

We love and will miss you so much AJ. I hope you know that CM fans are heartbroken tonight.

Anonymous said...

Don't even know what to say about the show tonight. Can't believe JJ is gone, many tears. AJ-you're awesome and so upset that you are gone.

Anonymous said...

this pissed me off. it was so upsetting, i cried. to see paget's face, and matt's face and even rossi's faces, especially kirsten's, i could tell the emotions on their faces we so real. they weren't even acting, I could tell they were so upset about AJ leaving.
but on the brighter side of things, this was an amazing episode. very tricky unsubs and heartwarming for JJ, how the daughter would have also been named JJ, and how JJ knew the girl would survive.

Anonymous said...

OMG this was one of the best episodes ever JJ worked so hard and was at her best!!! She stood proud until her last moment in the BAU and we all will miss her and like Garcia said she did made them a family she was like the glue in teh BAU and tne final sceens were soooo sad!!! they made me cry even harder it;s not fair they were showing the good times JJ had in the show and that made it evn more emotional!!!!and no one will ever be able to replace her we fans love her and will never forget Mrs Jennifer Jareu "JJ"

Anonymous said...

Does anybody know the exact quote that J.J. said at the end of the show tonight september 29th? I loved it and didn't tape it so I don't remember it. :(

andie said...

too sad knowing AJ is no longer part of the wont be the same without her..

Anonymous said...

It sucked. Not having AJ is awful on so many levels.

And next season we have to go through it again with Pagett.

Connie said...

Do they realize that because AJ is gone that they will lose viewers? I don't understand how they could let a talented actress like her leave. It makes no sense to me at all. I don't see CM making it much longer without AJ. I have a feeling this will be it's last year. I love all of the actors especially Matthew but AJ made the show, it will never be the same without her. So sad!

Anonymous said...

I love that the show was basically one giant FU to CBS.

It was especially satisfying since CBS had been promoting this episode in such a way as to suggest that it was AJ's decision to leave the show.

Anonymous said...


Highly doubtful this is the last season of CM just because AJ is leaving. The show still has double the ratings of other shows that are still on the air... unless you think we'll lose 50% of the audience because AJ is gone.

That said, I knew this would be a tough one to watch... my eyes didn't water until after the credits and I realized she's gone now. 2 FANTASTIC episodes to start off the season, though. Both so far have been a notch above most of season 5 in my opinion.

Mandy said...

JJ: My friends call me 'JJ'
Jacob: Well helloooo JJ.
JJ: You're not my friend. YOU can call me Jennifer.

That was the moment I fell in love with JJ. It's so rare when a show has great writing and a full cast of great actors. The show will never be the same with AJ.

Kristin said...

I decided to just copy what I wrote on the CM Fanatic Message Board:
I was keeping from crying till they got to Reid. When Reid started talking I started to feel the tears coming and when Garcia started to cry I started to ball. I had to pause the DVR so I could stop crying to watch the rest. Then as I watched with the music, the past episode videos and then AJ's voiceover I had a hard time not balling again, but got through it and balled as soon as it was over.

I am so glad from the beginning the fact that AJ did not want to leave was the same feeling for JJ and the feelings from Hotch the same as Thomas. I loved the digs at CBS from all parts of the cast. Well done on that. I am glad it was left in away that the is a slim chance (I know not likely) that she could come back. Maybe that was Ed's way of leaving it just in case. I can't remember the last time I cried like this watching a tv show. I will try to write more later about the episode, but other than to say it feels like the death of a friend I am not sure what else to say.

Anonymous said...

I'm so sad that JJ has left the show, it's just not going to be the same. You were fantastic on this show A.J. Cook, best wishes and good luck to you with everything you do, you're going to shine no matter where you go.

Wendy D said...

We were blessed for 5 years to have you in our homes helping us deal with the worst and most prolific serial killers out there but you are an AWESOME woman whether we call you JJ or AJ. You are LOVED and you will be MISSED but remember that we will continue to follow your career because you are destined to be in the spotlight!

Rusty said...

I cried the last 15 minutes. It was a great episode with the cast doing a fantastic job. Let's continue to support the rest of the cast and crew. It would be what AJ would want. We wish AJ and family the best.

J. Ward said...

Oh, J.J. we will miss you so. You were the glue that held the team together. You were the rock that everyone leaned on. The team will suffer for your loss, as will we. Though very sad, I have to admit the script was brilliantly written. The words could have been the real words spoken by Matthew, Joe, Shemar, Paget, Thomas and of course, Kirsten. I was okay until Garcia lost it, then I did too. We will still have you, A.J. on A&E and DVD, thankfully. I didn't want to but I will continue to watch the show as I love all the cast as I did your character and it would be unfair to abandon them now. It will be with a little sadder heart though. You will do bigger and better things, I'm sure. From one Canuk to another, go forth and shine as you have here. Show CBS what they are missing. Farewell, have a good life and take our good wishes with you to your next, better project.

Judi, Ontario, Can

Bill said...

Rachel Nichols added to the cast.....great idea....let's get rid of an awesome actress like AJ Cook for no apparent or good reason, and then hire someone who look remarkably like her.

Are we sure CBS didn't cause the oil spill?

Sheena W. said...

It was super sad to see JJ leave the BAU! There will always be a void. JJ is just irreplaceable! Simple as that. AJ did a wonderful job, as always! Sooo sad to see her go. I guess it's really a reality that she's gone. I loved the recap of her in previous episodes. There wasn't enough time in this episode devoted to her departure though. The FAMILY will never be the same. Good luck AJ!

LindaCinCalgary said...

I totally agree that it takes someone truly special (awesome and professional) to deliver two great episodes after what CBS did to them ... we truly love you AJ and wish you nothing but the very best. Miss you already.

Anonymous said...

AJ you are amazing! You gave two absolutely fabulous episodes with all you heart and soul after what CBS did. As a fan thank you. You are so talented and will be missed greatly on CM. Good Luck in what's to come :)

Anonymous said...

AJ we'll miss you, it'll be so odd without you on the show. you were amazing and kept us following for years. Best of luck in your future roles

Faith from Algeria

Lori said...

AJ did a beautiful job in this episode. I don't know how she got through it. I was a blubbery mess. The scene with Hotch at the end, and then with the team and Garcia. You are one special actor, AJ, and I look forward to your next success.

Morgan said...

This episode was so hard for me to watch...I knew JJ was going to leave, but I just wasn't ready for it yet. It's funny how her send-off/speech mirrored almost exactly what happened in real life. She was forced to leave but she took the high road and tried to make the best of it. I think that was CM's way of telling off CBS without actually doing it. They also left it open for JJ to return, if CBS ever realizes what a mistake they've made. It was overall a beautiful episode and JJ really shined. I'll miss you AJ and I wish you the best of luck!

Ruby Jane said...

Thank you, AJ Cook for turning in two wonderful performances under such stressful circumstances.

CBS may not appreciate you, but there are plenty of people who do.

cndlash said...

What a great send off, Erica did a great job! JJ's narration at the end just blew me away it was real, all so real. Reid and Garcia were the tear jerkers for me, Reid is so kid like.
Gotta love the interrogation scenes. All were great, Morgan does it the best. Reid seemed out of place but cracked me up.

Good luck AJ in all you do!

Anonymous said...

A wonderful actress, someone who will be sorely missed. Criminal Minds won't be be the same ... AJ Cook, we will miss you.

ZombieX said...

What can I say? Wow... AJ, you've really outdone yourself this time. The past two episodes (your final two) have proven to the world your depth and grace. I have no idea how this show will continue without you. At the very least, I am happy to know two things: 1. This was a great send-off, especially with the parallels between the show and what really happened and 2. You will always shine like the bright star that you are. This show will suffer without you and we the fans will never forget you, or the amazing character that you personified, JJ. We love you and we will miss you.

Anonymous said...

what was JJs final quote before the episode ended?

avonladygirl222 said...

My heart is heavy after watching your final episode,knowing that you and your friends will continue being a part of each others life is comforting! You will be missed and always loved!

skyork said...

A team usually has one person that represents the soul and moral conscience for the collective. JJ was that person.

AJ was able to add such depth, empathy, and understanding to her character. And she was the most excellent foil for her fellow actors.

Both the character and the actress will be greatly missed.

Silvinha said...

This is wrong, bring her back!!

It's rare to find a cast with such chemistry...CBS just ruined everything!!

Anonymous said...

I think that the writers did a brilliant job with the not-so-subtle contexts of JJ fighting tooth and nail to NOT leave the team. AJ was an essential part of this cast and it was callous of CBS to not only fire her, but to announce a new female actress hired THE SAME DAY as JJ's farewell. Idiotic move, CBS.

Nathalie said...

A copy from my blog:

First, awesome job for Erica Messer to have actually written it this way. Thanks for being our voice. Thanks for incorporating just about every reaction the fans have had about AJ/JJ’s departure.

The case itself was pretty straightforward, but we all knew it was just an excuse, a coathanger to show how everyone is NOT pleased about this. Shemar and Gube, wow, smoking hot. I love it when Shemar goes all alpha and Gube gets all tactical. Paget looked amazing too.

I’m surprised CBS let this air. Perhaps they didn’t dare otherwise, they know they have already fucked up big time, but then again the news about the supposed replacement for Aj - which is just a clone in any case - was leaked on this day exactly.

But the last 15 minutes, wow, I sobbed so hard. It was done on purpose, of course, but it was a release we all needed I think. It’s impossible to imagine the BAU without JJ. Everyone’s emotions were very genuine, of course, and the words at the end were perfect. All those little digs at CBS were perfect. It’s how we all feel. This is unfair.

“Our loss is someone else’s gain” - that is certain. AJ is a real class act and she will go on to great things. But that doesn’t mean I won’t miss her every single episode from now on. I cannot believe we’ll have to go through this again with Paget.

They’re like a family who was ripped apart, and that’s how it feels. Like I lost a family member.

Celeste said...

What an heartbreaking and emotional episode. I almost feel drained and empty now.

You couldn't have gotten AJ a more respectful and graceful exit.
Congratulations to everyone !

AJ, we love you and you'll be missed. You were simply spectacular tonight and you gave us more than five wonderful years.
Thank you for everything you did !

The emotions displayed were so real, it's easy to tell that the actors are really moved and distressed by what happened to AJ.

I loved how everyone reacted and I loved how Hotch fought with everything he had to keep JJ on his team.
I suppose that they would have reacted the same way with any member of their team, they really are a family and they protect one another.

I loved the moments between Garcia and JJ and between Reid and JJ.

Now, M. Ed. Bernero and dear writers, please, don't let the "secrets" damage our beloved team. They have suffered enough as it is.
They need to bond together, and I want to see them closer than ever, not the opposite.

And I loved Hotch when he said that he had no intention of replacing JJ.
Given the circumstances I guess he wouldn't want to replace any member of his team who was taken away from them by force. They are all irreplaceable.

So please, don't let this new character (the FBI Cadet Ashley who is supposed to appear for three episodes) take too much importance on the show. And DON'T make her a love interest for anyone on the team ! Please, please, please!!!!!!!!!
Anything but that!

Once again, thank you for this wonderful episode. And Thank you, AJ, for everything you did, we love you.

sdwally said...

I sat on pins as I watched this episode; and relished the fact that this was a balanced episode that highlighted the spirit of JJ’s character and her contribution to the team. Every line of dialogue was tinged with truth and defiance; so when Hotch said he was going to try to get her back; I believed him. The sadness in Reid’s voice and Garcia’s completely losing it was so painfully real. And the song that underscored the montage of memories drew the tears from my eyes.

I applaud the Erica Messer for creating a tribute to AJ Cook that was recognition of JJ’s character and integrity, a measure of her tremendous strength and contribution, and a mirror of AJ/JJ’s importance to CM fans. I hope that the producers/Hotch succeed in getting JJ back. I hope the fact that the new actress who was just hired had her term cut to a 3-episode arc instead of a longer stint, means that ED is working behind the scenes to get AJ back. I’d rather the void remain, with the other characters filling in, because any actress coming in will seem like an interloper. AJ is irreplaceable.

I also hope ED is working behind the scenes to ensure that Paget stays until CM closes its doors forever. As much as AJ/JJ’s departure hurts now, knowing we’ll have to possibly deal with this again with Paget's departure is doubly hard and all too painful. I don’t want to have to go through this again; and to see this cast and this show treated in this manner by CBS is unconscionable. It is so unfair to these talented actresses and equally unfair to the fans. The executives at CBS are morons.

pandora said...

As a witness to executives coming into a unit, that worked so well together, and breaking it up the way it was done tonight on CM, I can honestly say my eyes were soaked from that moment JJ knew the decision had been made and asked "when do I leave?", to the very end of the show. I can relate to the words that the cast used when they said "they are breaking up a family that worked well together." The balance that existed between the characters on CM was what made the show so addictive to so many people, from all different walks of life. Many times you watched the show and felt very little connection, or even was disgusted, by the unsubs actions, yet there was always that ounce of relation you had to something JJ said, or did. She brought to the show the human element as did every one of the characters. Her element though represented every working mother, who has to leave her child to go to work each day, hoping she is making the right decision. She represented that decision to make the world a safer place for her child, as each of us want when we watch the crime that occurs in the news, each day.
CBS, your decision was poorly thought out. I don't think you realize what it was you decided to take away from this family unit. JJ's character was one of strength, compassion, honesty, and dedication, and I think each of us could relate to her in some way, and the chemistry that developed between each of the CM characters worked.
We have watched characters come and go on the show, but this was a definite slap in the face. You are removing a piece of the puzzle which threatens to distort the big picture. I want to applaud the writers for the dignified storyline they chose to show their hurt and dissatisfaction with CBS's decision. I also want to commend the cast for their truly honest emotions they showed towards JJ’s departure, this episode was very close in comparison to the one where Hodge's wife was killed. Many hearts were breaking tonight as JJ/AJ left the BAU. Big mistake CBS, …please reconsider.

amyliaz said...

JJ, I'm really going to miss you. ): I can't believe you'll be leaving the show. It'll be so different without you.

AJ Cook, thank you so much for the past 5 seasons. You are amazing and I wish only the best for your future endeavours. (:

Jane said...

I knew it was coming but nothing could have really prepared me for this episode. I guess a part of me was still in denial.

A very powerful episode that reflects the drama that really took place on the set...the emotions were genuine.
I guess that loosing AJ and JJ is even harder for the whole cast (and for Ed. and cie) than it is for the fans.

The only thing I really hope after tonight is to see our team bonding even more, to see them support one another.

And I'm too glad to see that this new character (Ashley) will only be here for a short time.
And I hope that she won't become a romantic partner for anyone on the team ! I would hate that.

AJ, you'll be sorely missed !

Anonymous said...

Thank you AJ for rocking our world with your amazing talent for the past five seasons and two episodes.

JJ was the saddest episode ever. I barely paid attention to the BAU case. I was too busy watching JJ and crying. But I love the way they wrote this episode. And AJ acted her heart out and she is aces in my book.

simone said...

It seems like it has been forever since we heard that CBS had fired AJ and that we would lose JJ but not even that amount of time could get me ready for the emotion I felt watching this episode. The F-U to CBS was great and well deserved. Why change what was not broken to start with!!!

Anonymous said...

A t.v. show that effects this many people is known to happen only once in a very long time. I hope A.J. sees this as an example of just how much she is loved. And by people who have never even once spoken a word to her. I hope A.J. brings home Criminal Minds' first performance Emmy because she's never deserved it more than now. You were amazing tonight, Ms. Cook. This episode was nothing short of perfection. Keep shining.
Love, a Fan.

Heather a fan from MS said...

To say I was heartbroken after the episode 'JJ' would be an understatement. AJ did such an absolutely magnificent job, as she has done for the past 5 seasons! JJ brought a lightness to a show that often is so dark. She was like a ray of sunshine after a cloudy day.AJ as well as JJ is simply irreplaceable, there now will be a void where someone great once was that can not be filled by any other.I will continue to follow AJ even after CM. I really didn't want to have to say goodbye to our beloved JJ, it was really like loosing a friend. It came way to soon. :( AJ- Thank you for 5 wonderful seasons as JJ. You did a great job a radiant playing JJ. You became a role model for many really by just being you.I know you are destined for bigger and better things in the future but you will be greatly missed on CM. You will always be considered part of the BAU family to me. May the Lord bless you and your beautiful family.

ele said...

Beautiful. This is my word to describe how they did JJ/AJ last episode! Last week I was dissapointed but this week I am amazed. Great writting and super acting. A case that ends well but anyways a super sad ending because we are loosing part of the CM family...stupid decision CBS!!!!

I want to wish AJ the best of luck on her future endeavors. I appreaciate all her hard work to make this show a great one. I will miss you!!!Thank you.

Unknown said...

AJ you are missed already Criminal Minds will not be as good without you . I cried like someone I loved dearly died 

patcat333 said...

I am a new fan to the show..i have already bought seasons 1 to 5..i am disappointed with the new season..jj is gone,reid's haircut is awful..he looks 10 years older and rossi acts like a scared old man..i think cbs does not understand their fans..we are like star treks fans and feel like the show has a family feel to the crew of the enterprise had and they just removed uhura!..the "family feel" is now changing..i think i'll stick to my dvd's...

Anonymous said...

so by not killing her off maybe after they get rid of Emily and see how their ratings go down hill they might go "oh that was a bad idea" lets bring her back!!!

DGNM89 said...

"JJ" was a heartbreaking, yet beautiful episode. AJ, your performance was powerful and graceful and the show will not be the same without you. Best of luck in all your future endeavors.

Anonymous said...

You are going to be truly missed AJ. You are an amazing actress and from the sound of it an amazing woman. I know that your strength and positive attitude throughout this whole mess has been outstanding and shows what a remarkable person you are. AJ you are definitely a role model for women everywhere of all ages. I would like to thank you sincerely for the years you have given us on criminal minds and want you to know that you will never be able to be replaced. I look forward to watching you further your career. There are far greater endeavors awaiting you with your amazing talent.

SSA_Carpenter said...

The episode was absolutely amazing. I just really didn't want it to come. AJ has been amazing playing JJ and JJ is the foundation of the team and pretty much I could quote what many fans have previously said, but in the episode, Garcia had summed it up quite nicely. I like how Prentiss and Reid added the humor with the lactose intolerance and flirting with the suspects by offering food. But back to JJ; she left a massive footprint in our lives and from this episode, her leaving, to us was like a death. She may not have died, but it is such an incredible loss. The choice of flashbacks worked really well and it was all around a very respectful send off for JJ. I love how it showed all of the fighting for JJ and standing up for her, as us fans have done for her. I loved how everything just ressembled to how us fans did everything we could in our power to try and save AJ and Paget and keep them in the show. Criminal Minds is going to be a lot different now. But AJ Cook is one phenominal actress and I wish I could think of something better to say, but for the work she's done on Criminal Minds, thank you doesn't cut it. AJ, you will be missed. All the best.

Cait said...

I don't know where to start.... but here it goes.

Five incredibly wonderful seasons of Criminal Minds have passed by, and a sixth has already begun, in almost the blink of an eye. But in that blink, a family was formed. Not just Thomas, Paget, AJ, Matthew, Shemar, Kirsten & Joe. Not just those, plus Mandy & Lola. But also, a family including fans from country to country. An international family was created from day one.

As fans, we have dedicated every Wednesday night during each individual season to this show's captivating cast. Every episode, we grew closer and more bonded to every single cast member. They became part of our own "Fan Family" all the while they together bonded as a "Cast Family". The closeness of the cast was and still is undeniable. There is no doubt that every member of the BAU has altered each others lives in the most wonderful way imaginable. That too has happened with fans throughout the entire world.

We are all a very extended, but loving family. Certain persons can try and tear this family apart. But they can never, WILL NEVER, destroy the deep and unending connection between every single one of us, from AJ, Paget, Matthew, Shemar, Joe, Kirsten & Thomas, to each and every single fan. We ARE a family and we will NEVER forget or let go. The injustice & shameful decisions of certain persons not allowing our wonderful AJ Cook to continue with Criminal Minds until its end is no doubt heartbreaking and downright cruel.

I have no shame in admitting that I bawled like a baby tonight. I have no shame in admitting that I am failing at fighting back tears as I type this. The knowing that this would be AJ's last time on Criminal Minds, preforming with such talent and flawlessness as JJ... well to put it lightly, I felt like my heart was breaking right in two. I cannot imagine the pain and utter sadness that every cast member is and has been going through. AJ has given an unforgettable performance in every single episode. Tonight's "JJ" was no different.

AJ Cook... you will forever be missed but NEVER forgotten. You are still, and forever, a part of this entire family. We all love you. Please keep everyone updated on your life. We will be looking forward to future contact from you. We love you, AJ. I love you. I will miss seeing you on Criminal Minds. I wish you the very best in life, for all future opportunities that come your way.

Your forever fan,
Caitlin Rose "Cait" from Kansas

Anonymous said...

I just love this show, JJ will surely be missed. I was wondering if anyone knew the name of the song or who it was by that played at the end of the show?

Cait said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Cait said...

I would like to add:

We are STILL a family. And there are changes that we face, that we don't want to accept. But we must live with those changes. As a TRUE fan of Criminal Minds, I will continue to watch the show, every single episode, AJ or no AJ. I think that is what she would want.

The cast is now short one amazing person, but we need to embrace this as best we can. The show will be forever altered, yes. Will AJ "JJ" be missed? There's no doubt! But the show must go on and true fans will stick with it, through thick & thin.

True fans will support the remaining cast & any future cast, just like we did when Mandy "Gideon" and Lola "Elle" left. The situations are different, but in the end, we are still short a wonderful cast member. After losing "Elle", though we gained the incredible Paget "Emily". And look how wonderful it worked out! I am never giving up on the cast of Criminal Minds. Criminal Minds is still my favourite show. A real fan would understand that.

A TRUE Criminal Minds fan...
Caitlin Rose "Cait" from Kansas

Anonymous said...

Criminal Minds was amazing tonight! I'm sad to see AJ (JJ) go. I think it takes a dedicated and amazing actress to finish out her episodes after what happened. I think CBS should be ashamed of letting go of such a talented actress. She brings a very human side to the show and while I love the entire cast and the show immensely I hope this isn't your jump the shark moment CBS.... Good luck with your future endeavors AJ!!!

Unknown said...

I was about to lose it by the last twenty minutes of the episode, and was gone by the time Reid spoke (I lost it after he said 'They can't just take you away'). Oh, sweetie... :'( And poor Garcia... I wanted to be there just so I could give her a hug. I still cannot stop thinking about it.

AJ, if you're reading this, I want you to know that you are an amazing and beautiful woman who breathed life into one of my all-time favorite television characters. Let me say that I will never forget how awesome and powerful your performances were. I loved JJ the moment she walked into the BAU, and every moment afterwards. You were amazing, girl, and I hope you go far.

Lena Ocean Taylor said...

I found that episode so so sad...
For me, with all the things that have been said between the lines, with the tears we can see in the eyes of everybody, it was much more about AJ leaving the Criminal Minds family than JJ leaving the BAU.

"You can't just take her away", "this isn't what I want", "there are things we don't wanna happen, but have to accept"...

We miss you already AJ. We won't forget you, and wish you all the best...

Surf7 said...

Great job, Erica Messer and the whole CM family! Loved the video montage at the end combined with a Ray LaMontagne song. Beautiful!!
Found this video which summs up all the great scenes during the years. Thanks AJ!

GUM! said...

It's heart breaking how both A.J and JJ have to leave without their consent.
Best of Luck to A.J.

Unknown said...

okay, uhm, I´m still crying so, I´m not sure this will make sense, but i just wanna say it was a very well written epi, it was done to relly pay homage to her and the dialogues were like a message from the cast and the producers they made the epi as an answer to CBS exec's dumb decision...
uhm, i dunno what else to say
okay AJ we love you, you're the best and...whatever. I just liked it more than I expected.

Walburga Benker said...

AJ Cook you will be missed, thanks for the past five years. Thank you Erica Messer for this great episode.
She didn´t want to leave...the family didn´t want her to the Fans.

Nothing more to say at this moment.

Elisabeth R. said...

I love this episode and hates it at the same time.
Everyone did a wonderful job, and it was an outstanding episode.
I hate to see JJ leaving the team.
I knew it was coming but it still hurt to see it on screen.

Thank you for giving such a respectful ending to that character. I know the writers, producers, cast members and everyone did everything they could.
And thank you AJ for your hard work, you were outstanding.

The case in itself wasn't bad, but it was harder than normal to concentrate on that aspect, knowing what was coming.
I still loved Reid in the interrogation room (even if his haircut was awful) and Morgan and Rossi dealing with the unsub certainly made for good scenes.

The emotions were raw, and I understand Hotch not wanting to replace JJ.
I don't want her to be replaced either.

And I completely agree with the posters who said that they didn't want to see that new character (the FBI cadet Ashley) getting too much attention or becoming a love interest for a team member.
That would definitely makes me loose hope for the show's future (a hope I try to keep strong even in this difficult times).
So, don't do anything like that, I'm begging you !

gubegirl said...

What an amazing episode. The writers, Ed, the actors and everyone could not have done a better job. They made lemonade out of lemons. Yes, JJ leaving sucks but if she had to go, she went out the classy, intelligent and proud woman she is.

There was no acting at all in the last few moments. All of that emotion - exactly the same that all of us were feeling - that was heartfelt, natural and as real as it gets, from Reid with his quivering lip to Garcia and the real tears. I am in awe of what a great job they all did.

Channeling the Natalee Hollaway story was a perfect choice/case for JJ to shine. And all the members of the team excelled in their own way, showcasing their skills and making me wish the Hollaway family had had the BAU when Natalee went missing: she might still be alive.

And all of the CM team told CBS just what they (and all of us) think of them: FU very much.

I believe the final and so very soulful song was Ray LaMontagne singing "Let it be me." I saw him in concert earlier this month and am quite sure he sang this and it was a perfect track for JJ's finale.

I will not stop watching this show. I am convinced that allowing CBS to sacrifice our pleasure and sheer enjoyment of such a wonderful show and watching such a "family" ensemble cast would be useless and hurt the rest of the cast and ourselves worse than it would them.

Let's hear it for the entire CM cast and crew: you rock!

Elodie said...

We all love you AJ, you'll be missed a lot!!!

We won't forget you, I hope to see you soon in an other show.

I wish you all the best...

Elodie (from France)

Barrett said...

I've never posted to a blog before, but this CBS B.S. was enough to make me...

Until AJ's disappearance during her maternity-leave episodes, I hadn't noticed how integral she was to the show and the dynamic of the team. When she all of a sudden wasn't there, I noticed her and missed her. The remaining maternity-leave episodes I didn't bother scheduling my Wednesday nights for, they weren't worth it; the team wasn't a whole -- I caught them online instead. I still don't bother watching those when they are re-run, or on the DVD.

When AJ returned, there was so much JJ character development that I couldn't help but focus on her as a key element in the show from that point on, which makes this all-the-more of a shock. As a male viewer, we tend not to notice emotion and human attachment until too late and it's gone. We then look back and crave what we've lost, realizing a rational and clinical perspective isn't alone enough.

So here CBS has gone and done it again. While the first disappearing JJ was for good cause, the second time is just plain cruel.

Replacing Gideon with Rossi, I could deal with. Both clinical and cold, the swap just offered a different perspective on the same analytical sport. Removing the only ounce of conscience and human connection from the show, however, leaves a hole in the show's soul. I may as well go back to watching test-tubes gyrate and spin on CSI.. which I got bored of after the first 5 seasons.

Unfortunately, being the only show I watch, I can't say I'll feel the same attachment to CM anymore -- at least not enough to give up my Wednesday nights for. Like the JJ-less maternity stint, maybe I'll just watch them online, commercial-free, at my convenience.

Sorry CBS, but you lose.

AJ, farewell and best wishes! I look forward to seeing you on something new, maybe on a different network, one that will better appreciate your talent. I hope you make the most out of change and come out on top -- you certainly did in your final CM, well played, and well acted!

Stacie said...

Loved it! Awesome! And #criminalminds is trending in Canada RIGHT NOW!

As sad as I am to see AJ/JJ go, I'm at least glad that they gave her a decent send-off. I'm glad they didn't take a weak route with her by killing off yet another mother of a young boy, or making her leave for Will, or something else like that. The characters protests represented what we as fans felt about her being forced out.

I'm content with the episode, and while it is sad because it's the end of JJ... Shemar, Paget, and Thomas were pretty awesome too!

AJ, we love you and the show won't be the same without you.

reidfanatic said...

Tonight I think the writers demonstrated the team's absolute need of JJ. When everyone assumed that the girl was dead, JJ, because she had spent time with the parents, finding out about her, knew that the girl was a superb swimmer and might have survived. The rescue mission might have turned to a recovery mission much sooner.

It was so sad to see JJ go, especially against her will. And I will admit to some tears, especially at the end. I wondered if the closing comments were, in fact, AJ Cook's own words. It will be different watching the show from now on.

gubegirl said...

Anonymous: JJ's final words were abit lengthy and some have already been mentioned here; about her not wanting to walk around angry, that maybe she finally understood and her final sentence was something like "there are people in your life that you don't think you can live without but must let them go."

So perfect. The entire episode was perfection. My eyes will still be puffy in the morning:(

CheetoBreath said...

*sobs* ... *hugs AJ Cook* ... *sobs some more* ... *kicks whoever made the decision to boot AJ... in the junk... twice* ... *feels a TIIIINY bit better* ... *hugs AJ again* ... *more sobbing* ... *hugs Thomas Gibson* ... *feels a LOT better* (lulz) ... *sniffle*

Dear AJ Cook,

You're beautiful, talented, and awesome. So classy to take the high road. May your star shine ever brighter.

Best wishes,

Great job to Erica Messer and the cast. That was a great case and great storyline... the only thing that marred it?? The whole JJ leaving thing!!! SEE!!! The show is FINE and GREAT w/o any stupid cast changes. You don't need cast changes to make a show great. The show is already great!! CM didn't trend on twitter b/c everyone was pissed and/or sad about AJ's departure. They were too busy tweeting about being sad, crying, etc. instead of tweeting about how great CM is!!! *sigh*

But anyway, it was a great episode (minus the AJ/JJ thing) and my fav parts were when Hotch says "maybe I can still bring you back" *hopes???* and when JJ turned off the TV and sees Hotch's reflection, the JJ montage (of course!), and Hotch telling Rossi maybe he should talk to the suspect and Rossi's "I'd LOVE to." Ha! Give 'em hell, Rossi!! Also, when the unsub asked "Who is SHE??" about JJ. Who, her? Oh, she's noone. (NOT!) Just the person who done broke da case and send your sorry a** to prison b/c she has a rockin' eye for detail and a spot-on intuition!! *sniffle* We'll miss yooooooouuu JJ!!!!! *sobs* And dammit, Thomas Gibson, it's ridiculous how you can make people cry without saying a word. You are the master of the subtle looks and between you and AJ I was crying my eyes out =..(

Goodbye Agent Jareau... and fare thee well AJ Cook. :(

Kristen said...

Wow what a Great episode. It’s so sad to see JJ leave the team against her wishes and seeing the team’s reaction makes it that much harder.
AJ you are an Amazing Actress! Thank you for 5 wonderful seasons on CM. The show will Never be the same and I will miss not seeing you every Wednesday night. We all Love You and can’t wait to see you shine on another show. All the best to you in your future endeavors and may God Bless you.

Michaela said...

I don't even know where to start...AJ was just pure amaazing in this episode. She blew me away, but, and as much as I love the show, in my heart I just don't know if I can watch it without her. It kills me to say that, but when they took away AJ, they took away the heart and soul of the show.

AJ, we love you.

Gary said...

AJ I hope you rock inyour next role.
And I hope someday whatever show you choose CRUSHES CBS in the ratings
But all that having been said,
Lets not be too hard on the new.girl.
Its NOT her fault.
lots of recurring chracters become integral to shows without getting a full time gig, you never know.
she might be at least part of a good storyline dont predjudge it or her because CBS has decided to be Monumetally Stupid.

Jamie said...

The entire episode was class act. JJ looked beautiful and she ultimately got to be the hero. I also agree that her character was in a way able to tell off the network. That's awesome. AJ brought such talent and grace to that role and it was a joy to watch her blossom. I only started watching CM last season but we've been able to catch up in reruns.

Looking forward to seeing AJ's future endeavors

Mary Ressler said...

What are we going to do without our JJ?? As Garcia said, she really was the glue that held their family together. And they really were like a family.

AJ has been a cast regular since the beginning (episode two of season 1). She's a phenomenal actress, a wonderful mother, and a beautiful woman both on the inside and the out. AJ's presence will surely be missed greatly. It's going to be hard getting used to not seeing her beautiful, smiling face every week.

Good luck to you, AJ, on wherever life takes you now. I wish wonderful success, boundless love, and never ending happiness. Never forget how much we will be missing you.

Anonymous said...

I didn't think there was any way that I could like this episode but I loved it. I cried the whole time but I loved the way they told off CBS and let JJ leave with dignity and grace. Thank you to AJ for being awesome and to Erica Messer for writing her out with grace and dignity.

Tigger said...

To a wonderfully talented and classy Lady ~

AJ, you will be missed by all of the fans so very much. The show will never be able to fill the void your leaving creates.

You and JJ did *not* deserve this.

One of many of your fellow Canadians

Anonymous said...

If there was even one slap at the network that Messer didn't take then I really don't know what it could be.

We all knew that this would be an emotional episode but I had no way of knowing that it would be this emotional.

Brilliant the way EM had the characters expressing the actors' feelings and those of the characters they played.

We'll all miss you AJ. You were screwed out of a job and we screwed out of you on the job.

Anonymous said...

obviously I MEANT to say CBS has decided to do something MONUMENTALLY STUPID!
And for some reason,I REALLY felt compelled to write this correction.
Profile THAT!:)

Anonymous said...

I cried like a baby, it was JJ’s last episode and mine as well, I can’t watch Criminal Minds anymore because it will never be the same.

Irene said...

AJ, I hope you get to read all of these comments to know how much we love you and how much we will miss you!

I cried my eyes out at the "JJ" episode, I still can't believe it has come to this.

Know that we will always think of you when we think about the show and that you will always be part of the family.

And hopefully, somehow, someday, you will be able to come back.

I know that what your characters said last night in the show weren't just the characters. All of your feelings, of every actor in the cast, were coming through and we know that all the emotion and the tears were real.

Hope to see you again very soon.

Much love from Romania,

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately CBS isn't going to reconsider or change their minds (assuming they even have them). It's obvious they don't care what the fans want. They assume that we'll be angry but accept it and keep supporting the show. Which is, also unfortunately, what most will do. Reading all the comments about how upset everyone is with her departure makes my decision to drop this show and every other CBS/Showtime show I watch worth it. Ratings wise, it won't mean anything to CBS but I can at least hold my head up, knowing I'm not supporting that Corporation in any way. If they don't feel the need to care about the fans, then this fan can't be bothered to care about them. I truly hope Karma makes CBS choke on the decision to treat AJ Cook and Paget Brewster with such disrespect.

Anonymous said...

If it's not broken, why try and fix it? CBS has made an incredibly stupid decision (and yeah, sexist to boot). I'm done with Criminal Minds. Kudos to the writers though, for making their sentiments pretty damn clear on this last episode!

Jay said...

I think the story was very well-written, but I still couldn't enjoy it as much as I wanted to knowing it would be the last time seeing AJ with the rest of the crew.

you did a wonderful job and I know I will miss you for as the long as the show will run. You always did a great job and I loved how JJ always seemed to pull them all together - not sure how that'll be possible in the future.

I admire you so much for holding her head high in all of this and for giving such a strong and moving performance last night and for being an actress I'll always admire. And I just know you will move on to bigger and better things :D
Thank you so, so much for being an amazing and beautiful addition to 'Criminal Minds' and know that you will forever be missed.


Dreis said...

A brilliant episode.
You gave JJ such a dignified send off, thank you very much for that.

I didn't find the case in itself as interesting as the 'JJ storyline' going on. But I suppose that was to be expected.
But the case was still alright, and made for good Morgan; Rossi and Reid scenes.

It's so sad to see JJ go, I know I'll miss her.

I have been a fan of the show since the beginning, and this is the first season I have trouble with. It's difficult to be excited about this new season, but I'll try my best to keep the faith strong.

But don't make the new recurring character played by Rachel Nichols someone who will meddle with the team too much.
I don't want her to become a love interest for anyone, and certainly not for Reid !
It has nothing to do with the actress in itself, but an FBI cadet in the BAU bothers me, and if Reid were to go out with her it would simply be a really bad decision !!!

Sonja said...

So I am tired of Natalee Holloway... not that I hope that one day it will become clear what has happened to her.. but I have been watching it on tv for the past 5 years... And now with Joran v/d Sloot arrested for another murder with a new media spectacle...

So I kinda new already what would happen in this episode just only not that she'd be alive...

And I'll miss JJ... One big mistake by CBS...

Stephanie said...

JJ was beautiful last night. AJ Cook is pretty anyway, but she was especially lovely in last night's episode. I like how they sort of mirrored the character's departure on the show to her own in real life. Her leaving hasn't really hit me, hit me yet.

Anonymous said...

As much as it pains me to say it, I thought the episode was good with an interesting storyline, a nice amount of tension throughout and a good performances all around.
That being said, I think it sucked. The writers using the whole is-leaving-but-doesn't-want -to-go angle was like a smack in the face considering the efforts put forth by the fans to keep AJ Cook on the show, not to mention the fact that the actress herself didn't want to leave but was forced out.

JJ's exit was sad and I really hope that writers will offer to Paget's character a nice & happy departure...

CBS already sucked the show and producers (like CBS) obviously don't care about the viewers. I won't call to a boycott but for me, the adventure is over! :(

Have anice day! :)

Anonymous said...

I am so sad that JJ is gone from CM. Why in heavens name would they let her go? Makes no sense to me. The cast was a family and she was the heart. AJ, keep us posted on where you'll be, 'cause it won't be long that another show will grab you. I'll be waiting!! Best wishes to you, I'll miss you :(

Anonymous said...

That was an amazing performance- we will all miss AJ so much. I loved the way that the episode was written - JJ having no choice, the team devasted, JJ handling the situation with dignity and class. Great job of mirroring the true nature of AJ's situtation. Must have been an incredibly hard week on the set because the CM set really does seem to be a family. Bravo

Anonymous said...

OMG, the best and worst episode ever. Writers captured all our thoughts perfectly. It really wont be the same. CBS were definitley given an "up yours"

Anonymous said...

Dear me, that was emotional. Fantastic but so incredibly sad. Reid's sad little voice absolutely ripped my heart to shreds.
I absolutely hate what has been done to A.J. I hope that Hotch/the producers do indeed manage to get J.J back and sometime soon at that. I am so disappointed and annoyed at what CBS has done to this show.
Also I really do not like the idea of this new cadet character at all. And if she becomes a love interest for someone, then, as much as I adore Spencer Reid/MGG and would miss my weekly fix of him dreadfully, I will probably be done with the show. Romance/relationship storyline arcs bore me rigid on any show, the fact that CM has been mercifully free of them is one reason why I love the show so much.

Just one more thing - goodbye A.J, I wish you all the very best for the future.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for all those wonderful episodes you were in, AJ. We'll miss you and JJ and your awesomeness. All the best for your future!

Wanda said...

Very good episode. Loved how the writer, Erica Messer, let CBS know what they and us thought of their decision.

Thanks AJ for 5 great years, wish you all the best in your future projects.

Will miss JJ, but will still continue to watch CM because CM, as demonstrated last night, is still THE best tv show on the air. Thomas, Matthew, Paget, Kirsten, Joe and Shemar they all deserve our support.


j said...

Simply epic. JJ will be GREATLY missed! thanku AJ 4 sharing ur wonderful talent with us (which, if never picked up on before, JJ's role was especially evident of its importance during the soliloquy during S6 e01 speech over emergency radio)

Hoping to see JJ back on the BAU one day...perhaps a change...Pentagon is working out but everyone is seeing the change the BAU is going thru without you and they have you transferred back. Oh if only it would happen!

Vali said...

I will miss JJ. Thank you AJ for having played this role so well. You are one classy woman!

My thanks to Ed Bernero and the writing staff, especially Erica Messer, for this episode. It was well written and acted and a great tribute to JJ/AJ.

My best wishes to AJ <3

Anonymous said...

Will miss you sooo much AJ! Criminal Minds won´t be the same without you.... With JJ leaving the Team is loosing their ¨Mother¨.
The best of luck with whatever you´re going to do now AJ!

Wendy from Holland

Anonymous said...

This eppisode was so good last night! I cried throough the last 15 minutes. Once they found the girl, and the Coast Guard, grabbed her arm and she grabbed his, I lost it. I started crying harder when JJ told them mom we found her, and the mom hugged her, knowing that was the last time she would say that to the family. I proceeded to cry through the rest as she said good-bye. Rossi saying: "Our lost is someoen else's gain" and Garcia saying; "We're are family. Don't the even care". Are both true in some many different ways. I loved how at the end they showed clips of AJ over the last few seasons. ( Didnt help the tears though! )

On to the eppisode, it was a really good story line. The fact that the one who hurt the girl was the quieter one, and not the evil looking one surprised me.

Lysa said...

This episode was AMAZING!!! IT was so well written based on the fact that the story line for JJ was basicly what CBS has done to her and the show. This is a sad day for all of us CM fans and we know the show can NEVER be the same. It is a horrific mistake to write JJ out of the show and I certainly do not look forward to the new episodes without her. AJ you are an amazing actress and we know you will land on your feet. But we will still be left with a hole in our hearts not being able to see you every week. Wish you all the best and please keep us informed on your future projects and i know I will continue to follow you!. God Bless you and your family! CBS........YOU SUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm your fan and I can't really believe you left!! You totally rocked and brought so much to criminal minds.. I'm gonna miss the little things you did and your bright personality, and I know that CM would never be the same without your carachter but I wish all the best for you and for your career.. so please take care of yourself!! Everyone here loves you!
Sincerely, Virginia from Italy

Annika (The Netherlands) said...

Great episode.. it's sad to see AJ go though.. loved the last 20 mintues of the show.. Nearly cried hah. I will stay true to Criminal Minds although I will really miss AJ. It just sucks to have to see her go. But she left in style; and I really admire AJ for that. You go girl!

Anita said...

I've never cried so much for a Criminal Minds episode. The last time I cried was for "100" and "The Slave of Duty" at Haley's funeral.
But this time, I cried like a baby. I couldn't stop my tears.

Every word JJ and the team said at the end could have been spoken by AJ and the whole CM cast.

I feel like robbed now.

I will miss you, AJ.

sf81387 said...

I really enjoyed the episode. I loved that the episode focused on their abilities as profilers and getting inside the unsubs heads. Sometimes the show veers away from that and it is what makes the show interesting to me. I thought the montage at the end was a bit over the top. She's not dead after all. But all in all a very good episode and a nice send off for AJ.

Two things that jumped out at me and made me say hmmmm........was the weirdness with Prentiss at the beginning when Garcia was asking her if she knew why JJ was in Hotch's office and then bascially accusing her of lying when she said she had no idea. The other thing was Reid eating the dairy pills and then feeling sick on the plane. Is he sick and not telling anyone?

Katie said...

this is my input. i'm surprised I could even finish making the picture through my SOBS.

Daria said...

"They just can't take you away like that" - that made cry my heart out...and he's right...You will be missed a lot AJ.I already miss you!! Thank you for all the great episodes and for the great moments!!Love you a lot!!
With all my admiration and love,
Daria, from Romania!!

Juleads said...

JJ was one of the most kind and sweet people on TV. She was the heart of criminal minds that could never be replace. The team will never be the same without her and her beautiful smile. We had such great moments with her and Garcia, Reid, Prentiss, Morgan, Hotch...
AJ is one of the best actresses i know. All over the years she made us laugh, cry, happy, sad, worried... I wish her the best for her career and her family cause she really deserve it.
I will always admire her and forever miss her.
Hope to see her soon on a movie or new TV show and hope even more that someday she'll bring JJ back to her BAU family :)

Julie from France

Cara Lynn said...

The episode was simply phenomenal. JJ was a well-loved character and she will be greatly missed.
Good luck to you in all your future ventures, A.J. You are a lovely, talented, and above all very classy and graceful woman and you deserve the best life has to offer. JJ will indeed be very much missed- not for the character, but for your wonderful work.

Much love and best wishes to you!

kat887 said...

Solid ensemble episode. Already to order the Season 6 DVDs.

patricia23 said...

So sad for this episode.
We'll miss you AJ!!
We will not forget you!!!

babruin said...

well, that was a nice send-off for JJ while letting the CM family have a chance to say a heartfelt good-bye to AJ in real life.
The sentiments expressed were a direct mirror to what the real life counterparts would want to say to AJ and to the CBS idiots who made her go. I'm glad they were "allowed" to say that she didn't want to go but she accepted the inevitable with grace.
It was a beautifully written exit for AJ and nicely reflects how graciously she took the ousting.
AJ was a sweet and loving member of the CM family and I'll miss her being a part of that dynamics.
The performances of each cast member was stellar as they said their good-byes in a genuine and heartfelt manner. I felt that their tears and grimaces were genuine. It would have been nice for each of them to have a longer moment and a hug with her but I guess there wasn't enough time to do so. I liked that Reid said "they can't take you away" twice (the quivering lips and tears put a big lump in my throat) which is a great line for him to say. He is always so analytical and logical so he would be baffled by the unfairness that he can't undo with his genius mind. Plus he is still too reserved to blurt out something sentimental like, I'll miss you. Awwwwww
So thank you AJ for 5 wonderful years as part of the CM family. Best wishes for all your future endeavors!!!!!

Martha said...

I loved the episode even though it was heartbreaking to see J.J/A.J leave. I hate that CBS have done this and can only hope that she does come back at some point. Keep fighting to get her back, Hotch!!

Like sf81387 mentioned upthread, when I watched the episode one thing made me sit up and go HUH?? What's up with Reid? At first I thought the antacid crunching scene was just a funny moment but then later he's throwing up in the toilet. Is my beloved genius boy sick??

Anonymous said...

AJ/JJ will be missed. Beautifully done send-off. Did like that the lines spoken by JJ & the rest of the characters basically were what the cast (and fans) were saying on twitter & forums when the news broke about AJ and Paget.

I'll finish watching the rest of this season, but once Paget is gone from the show, I am gone too. I greatly admire and appreciate the rest of the cast and crew and will miss the show but I can't support CBS any longer and they have lost me as a viewer of all their shows.

Anonymous said...

This would have been one of my favourite episodes, if it didn't mean we wouldn't have AJ on the show any more. I was angry the whole way through, knowing that it wasn't AJ's choice ot leave so I was pleased with the uber obvious FU to the executives!

AJ was amazingly strong throughout this episode and even though she was one of my favourite actresses to begin with, this episode underlined the fact that she is such a classy and talented woman.

The episode had to be different to other episodes imo, and with everything that was going on behind the scenes it was a great episode and the story was a strong one, with the profiling and how the cast dealt with everything was superb, the emotions were obviously not acted!

I held out through Hotch's denial and the team's sadness but the scene with KV and AJ made me loose it!

I wish the best to AJ and her family, but she must be meant for bigger and better things, althought the show is definitely going to be missing something important without JJ.

Connie said...

Such a sad episode. Thank you AJ! The writers, I thought, did an excellant job stating how "JJ" did not want to leave, but ultimately it was not her decision. Hats off to expressing how much everyone wanted AJ to stay and how they were powerless to do anything about it with this episode. AJ Cook - you will be missed. You will do wonderful things that we the fans look foward to watching!

Anonymous said...

Heartbreaking episode, not just because AJ/JJ was leaving but also for the family finding their daughter.

Although side note - can the Pentagon really MAKE you work for them? I mean, they could pull strings and end JJ's job at the BAU if they wanted, I would imagine, but if she really didn't want to work for them, can't she say no? Govt. or not, they can't MAKE you do something.

With that said, AJ, you will be sorely missed. The BAU just won't be the same without you.

Anonymous said...

This was a really well done show. Kudos to the writers for mirroring the real life situation with AJ Cook and writing it into the script so masterfully. The writers had the last laugh so to speak, and socked it to the Powers that Be at CBS.

It was also clear to me that this episode was not just a way to wrap up JJ's storyline. JJ's final monologue also gave AJ Cook an opportunity to say goodbye in a way that allowed her to truly express her own feelings. She is definitely a class act.

The decision to cut AJ Cook from the cast was definitely an unpopular one, but at least the options remain open for her possible return, if not as a regular, at least as a guest star from time to time. It would be foolish for the show to not utilize her talent and waste these options since her character was entrenched in the series for so many years.

Other comments about last night's episode: I liked that there was more of an emphasis on the profiling and the team got to work together to solve the crime and find the victim by delving into the intricacies of the clues.

I would like to see more of Reid, although I must say, his hairstyle really detracts from the way his character's personality comes across. Not only is he much more attractive with longer hair, it just fits the sensitivity of his character's personality much better. So, I hope he will allow it to grow out again.

alicew said...

This was one of the best CM episodes ever. The entire episode was very psychological and emotional. I only wish that CBS hadn't forced us to have to say goodbye to AJ Cook, who proved what an exceptional actress she is in what must have been a very difficult episode for her.

AJ - You showed an amazing amount of grace under these difficult circumstances, and you're an inspiration to me because of it. I wish you all the best in your future endeavors and I look forward to seeing all of your future projects.

CBS - These are the non-cancelled CBS shows that I used to watch that I no longer watch: NCIS, NCIS LA, The Good Wife. I love Tom Selleck and would have given his show a chance, but under these circumstances, I have absolutely no desire to do so now. Criminal Minds is the only CBS show I will watch this year, and although I love the remaining cast, writers and crew of CM, I'm not sure that I'll be able to watch CM after Paget leaves. This happened for me after Vincent D'Onofrio's departure from LOCI -- even though I liked Jeff Goldblum and his character, I had to stop watching LOCI a few weeks after D'Onofrio's departure because I couldn't stop feeling sad every time I saw Goldblum knowing that D'Onofrio would not be showing up the next week to take his turn as the lead. USA Network has learned their lesson and listened to their fans, and I'm really looking forward to D'Onofrio's return to LOCI next season. CBS - I only hope you can learn the same lesson.

Kerryanne E said...

We lose a beloved character on CM because of greed. The greedy executives at CBS. FACT. I hope it comes back and bites them in the a*se. FU CBS. Sexists p*gs with Paget as well. AJ I will miss you. Great Ep. However, so angry right now. JJ gone. Family broken. CM feels broken. Fight CBS, but not CM. I will officially stop buying ALL CSI, NCIS and other CBS shows DVDs. This is my retaliation to CBS. Good Luck AJ in all that you do. Miss you already. I hope that CBS really REALLY regret this. Sad Ep., but really how HOT did Morgan look in this episode.

Unknown said...

I know the case should have been important but it really wasn’t in the scheme of things because my complete focus was on JJ and the team the entire time, I’ve said this before and I know many others have as well and hey there is a petition too that CBS completely ignored, and so I cried as I watching JJ leave, and this CM family as I know it and have loved from the beginning being torn apart. I echo every single sentiment from the writing to the cast’s heartfelt emotion of JJ being torn away from them, to JJ’s strong character portrayal. I applaud Hotch for the fight to keep JJ, for not replacing her, and holding out hope that he will get her back, and like others above have said I hope that this ends up being a reality … I guess one can hold out hope!!

A very well written episode and fitting farewell to JJ, teamwork, interrogations were well done and worked well for the case and some Rossi humour thrown in for good measure in the early part, and we also got to see dragon lady again, being her usual self she doesn’t let up does she, but hey can’t hold this one against her now can we!!

Hotch and JJ have always had such a close bond and work so well together, as has Reid/Spence and JJ so it was nice to see Hotch and JJ have a moment that seemed to bring Hotch close to tears, well certainly had me in tears, Reid’s plea and JJ / Garcia goodbye brought a new wave of tears and sadness, the end montage and JJ’s final words “I’m thankful for my years spent with this family, for everything we shared, every chance we had to grow, I’ll take the best of them with me, and lead by their example wherever I go, a friend told me to be honest with you, so here it goes, this isn’t what I want but I will take the high road, maybe it’s because I look at everything as a lesson, or because I don’t want to walk around angry, or maybe it’s because I finally understand, there are things we don’t want to happen, but have to accept, there are things we don’t want to know, but have to learn, and people we can’t live with out but have to let go” just beautiful and perfect underscore.

I’m not sure I can say much more because I’m in tears and so sad right now, so I will part with those beautiful words and also say that I second sdwally’s post and as Celeste said, I too hope that the ‘secrets’ don’t erode this team, this family and dynamic any further but rather bring them together.

JJ/AJ we will all miss you and wish you well for the future, most definitely our loss is someone’s else’s gain and I wish you every success for the future. To the wonderful cast & the rest of the CM family this would have been tough to do, and thank you for a great episode.

Angel_TheOriginal said...

I've ranted my "CBS sucks" rants and have sent them to CBS. So I won't do it here.

A.J. know that you will be sorely missed. We have be blessed with your talent for the last 5 seasons and I wish we could be blessed by it another 5 but we aren't that lucky. I know you will do well in whatever projects you do next. Know that you are always loved.

Lanna said...

I hoped that today it will be somehow easier to write something. It's not. But I can say I'm proud to be a fan of this show. I'm proud of this family for the way they dealt with losing JJ. I know it's very little consolation, but I do take some comfort in the way they handled everything, with so much dignity.

Thank you Erica Messer for writing this episode. It wasn't easy but you did a fantastic job. It was everything it needed to be and more. I hope that when the time comes for another goodbye later this year you will write it as well.

AJ Cook, you are a real class act and a huge talent. May the future bring you all the great things you deserve. We will miss you.

Mr. & Mrs. H. said...

was her final speech written by the writers or AJ herself? it was so sincere, i cannot tell the difference.

AJ/JJ will be missed.

Romy Skye said...

AJ was amazing! I loved how the episode was written so close to what really happened. AJ handled the thing so classily and I admire her so much! She truly has walked out with so much dignity!

Like Rossi said, their loss is truly someone else's gain! I'm truly proud and happy to be a fan of AJ's. She is brilliant and super talented!

nas said...

Wow...what can i say? we will miss u JJ/AJ and the show will not be the same...:( at the same time the best of luck in your future endeavors and thank you to the writers for a touching was def. art imitating life...i cried. i confess. that was the power of this episode...

Chris said...

I cried most of thid episode, no matter how they tried to spin it you knew what was coming. AJ is a great actress and I only hope they have a reason to bring her back into the BAU fold. Good luck to her and I am such a fan of the show I will not quit watching! As long as Thomas Gibson does not go anywhere! Get her back Hotch, Please!! Chris Bresnan

Anonymous said...

First I would like to say that it was great to see some actual profiling again. It was also great that the guest actors did not hog the screen time. Too bad though that it was A.J.'s last episode. Despite the improbability of the Pentagon having the power to make someone work for them when they don't want to I thought the episode was a lovely F.U to CBS. A.J Cook will be missed.


Rita said...

Ok, i have to say this is the saddest episode of all times; it brought me to tears. JJ you were a huge part of criminal minds, and I was pleased that the way they took you off was classy even though i was devestated they took you off:( I hope to see you in other things, but i also hope to see you back on Criminal Minds. Goodluck you will be missed dearly I LOVE YOU JJ!!!! and ill keep watdching the old episodes with you in them because you will never be forgoten:)

Anonymous said...

@luvthejem I couldn't agree more. Since the news first broke about the treatment AJ and Paget have gotten from CBS, I've tuned out CBS primetime. If I want to watch a show or check it out, I'll search and find it online at a place where it will give CBS absolutely NO benefit. I will not watch another episode of CM nor will I be purchasing anymore DVDs of any show that appeared on CBS or it's other affiliates. As a woman, since they so obviously care nothing about ME, I will care nothing about them. They can take their shows and shove it.

Deirdre said...

Well, I now have a favourite CM episode!! It was so sad and you could tell that it was everything Ed and the cast wanted to say about the AJ situation. It was beautifully done and I hope CBS has finally realised what idiots they are!!

TRS said...

I've been a Criminal Minds fan since I was a junior in High School. My English teacher (the toughest teacher I have EVER had, even after 3 years of college now) used to reward our class's hard work with letting us order takeout a couple times a month and watch Criminal Minds DVDs during class. You can imagine the look on the principal's face when she would walk into a Grammar and Composition or Literature class and all of the students are eating Chinese Food while someone was being tortured on the TV . Anyways my point is, this show has a lot of sentimental value to me and me fellow classmates. My facebook was filled with status updates from my fellow class members saying how much they are going to miss JJ last night.

I don't have an account, but I lurk on your twitter page as well as the casts' and am a frequent visitor to your blog. I was informed about all of the crap that went on over the hiatus and I have to say, there is no way that this episode could have been any mre PERFECT!!

As soon as Reid said "maybe she asked for a raise.." I knew this was going to be a witty and emotional episode! There was a lot of symbolism with the 'higher ups' breaking up the family. Hotch and Strauss kind of symbolize how the producers were powerless. Garcia talking about how that family is the reason for the team's success in cases mirrors the way the cast is the reason the show is so successful, etc.

"JJ's" monologue at the end I believe was really AJ getting the chance to speak out to her co-workers and the fans that love her so much. I really don't think there was much 'acting' going on with anybody in that episode, as I feel the characters were saying what the actors were feeling. "Spence's'' face at the end broke my heart and I had flashbacks to the nervous, awkward, sweet Reid we saw in the first season. That along with the montage took me back to my high school English class, making me feel so nostalgic!

I'm not sure what compelled me to write this, but I guess I just felt I had to say something. I hate that JJ is gone but the 5 years we have had her have been great. I have a whole new respect for Bernero, the writers, the cast, and everyone that works behind the scenes after that episode last night.

also THANK YOU for working so hard on the blog and for all you do for the CM crew and the fans! The auctions, the chat, etc. You are the voice of the die hard fans and you ROCK! Sorry this email is so long, I'm sure you get flooded with mail everyday, but I wanted to show my appreciation for all the CM crew and you do!!

Take Care!

Kat said...

This episode made me cry and cry. Everything was worded right, and everyone did a great job at expressions. So good of a job I forgot it was a damn TV show. JJ didn't have to go. She didn't. Why? Onscreen and offscreen, they're all family. I just can't get my head round it...I love that cast so much. Nothing will be the same without AJ there.

Everything is changing. This is the one thing I didn't want to change. Then it goes and changes.

Huh. Life is so funny like that. It's funny how it ISN'T funny.

Sussi said...

AJ, I will miss you tremendously. CM will not be the same without you.

Lots of love.

Anonymous said...

Our hearts are heavy at the thought of CM without JJ.

Here in New Zealand we are still waiting for the new season to begin. From what is posted on this site it will be heart-wrenching watching JJ leave the BAU.

AJ, you are a brilliant actress who brought JJ to vital life. We love you, we will miss you & thank you.

Two fans from NZ.

Anonymous said...

It's like loosing a piece of a family. The cast feels it, the fans feel it, the BAU team feels it. They are the family we tune into see every Wednesday night. I cannot imagine how hard this is on their end. Erica Messer did such a wonderfule tribute to AJ as an actrees and JJ as the character. The words of script mirrored the actual real life situation and emotions that the cast went through and is still going through. The show will not be the same without JJ a very big piece of a close family is now missing. To AJ you are amazing. Your gave your heart and soul to the fans in 2 episodes after the horrible thing CBS did. I have no doubt in my mind that in whatever you choose to do next you will be great.

Pat said...

While it's hard to say you like this episode it was a well done show. It seemed to follow the real life emotions of AJ/JJ's being removed from the BAU

Everyone was very good in the show and it was nice to see more profiling. It was still very sad. I have watched it three times now and I need to stop as it get sadder each time. I will still watch the show as I enjoy all the other actors too, but it will be missing JJ's Handling of so many situations.

Best wishes to AJ. I know she will do great.

Anonymous said...

I don't know what to say about the episode. It was amazingly written and AJ was fantastic also. I cried at the monologue at the end. Best wishes to AJ in the future.

Anonymous said...

What a shame! CBS just dug their own grave. I hope the show goes on to be a success but I somehow doubt that it would be possible after AJs departure... The show never really recovered after Mandy left and this will be another setback.

AJ you are a wonderful actress and a beautiful woman. I wish you nothing but the best in whatever you decide to do next.

I haven't seen the episode yet and I honestly don't think I could... You're blue eyes will be sorely missed on the show.

Wish you all the best from Lebanon

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