Thursday, September 23, 2010


Criminal Minds: Last night we were treated to the fantastic Criminal Minds season six premiere, "The Longest Night." Today we found out that Criminal Minds rocked hard in the ratings. Two wonderful Criminal Minds milestones to add to the show's collection but in between those two events something exciting happened on twitter. For the first time in the history of twitter and the show, Criminal Minds trended. If you don't know what that means let me just tell you that that is huge. It takes millions and millions of people tweeting the same thing to have something trend. So in the last 24 hours three things happened: The show delivered a perfect premiere episode, the fans trended the show on the largest social network site on the web and the Nielsen families showed us they have great taste in tv shows. The Criminal Minds actors, writers, crew, and fans have always been a family. Our Criminal Minds Family had a very good 24 hours.

screencap courtesy of @cautionwriter