Criminal Minds: Nick Brendon guest starred this week on Criminal Minds as Kevin Lynch. On his website Nick Brendon wrote that depending on fan reaction to his character he may get a permanent role on the show. Do we want to keep him?
Yes, give Garcia some lovin'
Oh yes, I think Nick will fit very well to the show..and he may can give Garcia some love *g*
one word about nick NO
I think we could use some new young and very good looking blood on the show. Plus he comes with a solid fan base! Ratings!
Keep him....Keep him........Yessssssssss!!!
I want him! He's awesome and the possibilities are endless on what they can do with him besides just being a love toy for Garcia.
Nicole votes for Nick!
Definately a keeper!
Lets buy him new clothes when they sign him!
I loved the character Nicholas Brendon played in 'Penelope' and would really like to see him return as a recurring love interest for Garcia. He's a great actor - not to mention very easy on the eye. I think he would be a wonderful addition to the show.
if we keep adding new blood to CM it will get out of hand, stick to the format that is best and no messing about with what we have
I agree in principle with anonymous who says basically not to mess with something that is already working but the show is in it's third year and a dose of a positive new person wouldn't be a bad idea. They could sign him for a few episodes and see where it goes from there. It could deflect from Mantegna being so new and frankly I like the idea of somebody young joining the show. We do seem to have actor attitude with some people and this could be a wake up call.
Nick would be perfect for the show. He has loads of experience and fans that would only benefit the show. Plus if you read his website it seems that he really wants to be a part of the show. I like his attitude.
Make him recurring, but hold off on making him a regular. There IS a limit to how much cast change a show can take within just over a year.
Could we trade JM for him???????
Rossi leaves me numb.
Lets keep Rossi but relugate him to office duty and get Lynch and he could travel with the team while Garcia works with him from the BAU. That would be a great team and not too many people in the field.
Meh. He was okay for this ep, but I don't really care if we see him again.
I do like the idea of trading JM for him though, LOL.
KEEP HIM PLEASE! I don't think I've been so happy about seeing a new character on CM since...the show started! Love, love, loveeeee him! Kirsten and Nicholas have great chemistry too, it could be such a good storyline to follow.
NO, NO, NO! No to permanent, credited character. We hardly have enough time to showcase the characters/actors WE do have. I'm already getting less and less of Hotch and Reid together--I don't need this to totally kill it for me.
Now, if they want to bring him back as a regular recurring character, I wouldn't mind that...as long as the eps he was in didn't focus on him. We already have a great main cast and don't need yet another new face.
I am voting to keep him. Lets add him in slowly and then next season have him be a really big part of the show.
Yes to Nick as a recurring character......not a regular. :)
Let's keep him! Love Nicholas Brendan and it'd great to see Garcia happy and in love.
I love Nicholas Brendon, I am a huge Xander girl.
That being said, I wouldn't mind him being a recurring character. But I'm already getting less Reid, and the regular cast is full enough. That would be a "no" to a regular role.
I vote "yes". I adore my Nicky.
If we had Lynch then who would really care about Reid? We'd better keep Reid and pass on Lynch.
Make him reoccuring and then see how he fits in on more that just this one episode. Too early to tell if he would gel or not.
I *LOVED* the scenes with him in this episode, but I agree with Sigrid, make him recurring, but hold off on making him a regular. There are too many characters already and not enough time to go around as it is.
I, too, would like to see Nick as a recurring character but not a regular at this time. We already have a young, gorgeous male genius; two might split the fan base and result in less screen time for Reid.
oh, can we keep him?
a recurring character would be great and I'd rather see Lynch again than Strauss!
The Reid character can only go so far. It could be our way to start fresh with a young actor that comes gives us new possibilities. I would be happy with any way that we could keep Brendon.
I love Reid and think MGG is tops but it would be nice to have a new character. He wouldn't need to have a big part.
Xanda rocks the planet!
I think he'd be a great asset.
The Reid character is totally different than the Lynch character so I don't see the problem in keeping both of them.
Brendon has an impressive bio and his website is awesome. I'd like to see what he could do on the show. Lets try him.
I like Joe Mantegna and I like his character Rossi but he fit into the older seasoned blah blah mold that Gideon was in before Patinkin split.
I think the infusion of a new and young character could be great and the addition of a young, well respected actor like Nick Brendon would only benefit the show.
I liked Lynch, I'd like to see him come back, but I don't want him to become a regular.
There are enough main characters and I'm not getting enough Reid as it is. lol
I vote for him to become a recurring character, like Meredith Monroe once was, with a bit
more screen time
yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, a billion dillion times yes!!!!!!!!!!
But NO WAY if for having him we would get less Reid!!!!!!!
Love. Him.
Yes yes yes a thousand times yes!!!!
More Xander more often!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Maybe instead of cutting Reid time maybe he could cut into Rossi time.
(just a suggestion)
I am all for a re-occurring guest star but not permanent. He will make a good temporary love interest for Garcia, but we already have our lovable computer nerd, two would be overkill. Think how well Garcia has reacted to having people under foot in her office in the past. Such as Gideon on crutches, Elle and her coffee, ect.
Now I know how we can end her and nerd boy's relationship. She can start getting annoyed at him messing around in her office all the time. "You can have him back whenever you want him."
yes keep him if he won.t be replacing anyone
I didn't even think of him cutting into Reid time until I read all the posts. Now I'm totally against him being a permanent character. NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
Yes, I think he'd make a great addition to the cast! And after everything that's happened to Garcia lately, she deserves to have a "special someone" in her life!
There is another benefit to having Nick join the cast. He posted spoilers before his episode. We would be able to get a sneek peek off his website. That would be cool.
I'd love to see him a recurring. Especially if he could come in to cover Garcia's desk while she travels with the team. ;-)
I loved Nick's character in Penelope and would love to see him as at least a recurring character on the show. Garcia needs a nice safe love interest, especially after what she just went through.
I don't think he would replace or conflict with Reid's character - and this is coming from a rather die hard Reid fan. Nick's character is obviously very intelligent, but not in the same way Reid is, he's more computer/technology smart like Garcia. And even if he does turn out to be more like Reid, then than could work too...at the very least give Reid somebody who he can geek out with. ;)
I don't understand why we can't add NB and still keep the rest of them. Lets just add one!
Yes! Not only is he a cutie with the right sense of humour, and a potential love for Garcia, but he would kick ass tag teaming with her on cases.
and hey, Reid could geek out with him as well.
i can't see anything bad about him joining the cast.
Definitely let Lynch be a recurring character for now! There was some very good chemistry between him and Garcia. Let's see where it goes. This season they still need to develop Rossi's character to get him out of the two dimensional mode.
I loved what he brought to the show (and was stoked to see him in something!). Plus, I hate shows that throw out a background storyline and then ignore it. So bring him back! Let's see where he and Garcia go. My interest is definitely about the story we just got thrown.
And Reid and Lynch are nothing alike. Plus with the brilliant writers who work on CM and people like Mr. Berneo who clearly appreciate the fans, why on earth would they cut Reid (who is clearly a fan favorite) to add in a new character who would have to fill a completely different role? There would be a huge hole in the team dynamic without Reid, whereas Lynch offers a chance to develop Garcia even more. I LOVE her, so let's see more. We just saw a bit inside her house, and let's keep going. CM has proven it's a show that builds their characters and reveals more and more about them, and just threw out a brilliant way to work on Garcia. If Lynch gets a place as more, great. If not, he still is really useful! And he's a great actor so worth the chance.
Let me just say I LOVE this guy for interacting with his fans the way he does. AWESOME! I love him for that alone. I don't really care one way or the other. I think he could get like a 6 episode deal or something. I don't really want to add new characters to my show full time. I like how they did it on Friends. No one was really a MAIN character outside the 6 Friends but many actors came and went with 1-8 episode "stints". Even our girl Paget Brewster! So yeah, bring him on, fall him all in love with our Tech Kitten then transfer him to Belgium or something. LOL
Yes, please! But not as a main character. He can have a few minutes every now and then, for Garcia (;)), and to lend a hand. We have our tech kitten, thank you very much.
But as for the the character... he had the guts to go and sit *right next to the unsub*, he sided with our guys when he didn't really had a reazon to, he recognized Garcia is better than him with no envy at all... he's *good*. And I dig his style! I love that he looks botch crazy, geeky and nothing like Xander. He's *Kevin Lynch*. And I'm really interested in this Kevin persona.
I hope we get to keep him.
That being said, I think it would be lovely for the relationship he and Garcia could have to be a subplot, something happening in the background. A little virtual flower here, a little flirting there. Not a main plot, but enough to know what's going on with them. They look so cute together<3
He's a total keeper!
I liked the possibilities of having Nick around. But, don't let that crimp her style with the others!
Oh, my, a definite YES. I just loved his "interaction" with Garcia, even if it was thru their computers. I think they'd make a great couple, and I just love the whole geek thing; I am so sick of the pairing of the "perfects" if you know what I mean. I love seeing writers putting together people who are just right for each other, even if the rest of the world wouldn't accept them AS they are or FOR WHO they are.
Loved his character! From what we've seen I think he'll be a great addition, at *least* as a recurring character. I can't wait to see where his relationship with Garcia goes and besides, even if you a person who didn't like him, it be even worse if they just cut him after the way they ended "Penelope"
So yeah, definitely would love to see more of Nick Brendon's character on Criminal Minds
Let's keep him as a reoccuring character. I love his character to death, but I don't think we need anymore "full time" cast members.
Yes please lets keep him and if I could I would kiss on the lips the person responsible for Xander being on the show! It was like a great high.
LOVE, LOVE, LOVED him! So likeable! I want him and garcia to get together!
yes!!! he is amazing and funny!
offtopic, chat related:
is there any way anyone can tell me what time this would be for me (germany)?
I'm all for bringing him back, but not as a regular.
Why transfer him to Belgium ?
I mean, I live in Belgium and I would definitely prefer Reid to be transferred to Belgium ;-)
I'm with Slashgirl on this.
I like his character but as far as adding him as a regular character, no. We have enough character as it is and not all of them seems to get equal screen time. So far this season We haven't had much Hotch or Reid or Morgan and those are the one I want to know about and watch.
I'll say, stick with the winning formula of Gibson, Moore, Gubler, Cook, Brewster, Vangsness and Mantegna.
Yes Yes Yes. Definite Yes. Love to see him as at least a recurring!
Yes yes yes. He's great !!!!!
Yes, as a small recurring role to keep Morgan on his toes and to let Garcia feel that things do happen for a good reason.
no i dont think so.. i still think garcia and morgan should hook up!
I really liked Nick! He seems like he would mesh well with the rest of the cast. Plus, I think it would be a great story line for him & Garcia to hook up. I still love the idea of Morgan & Garcia together, but this would put a new twist on the story line. I say keep him - I loved him!
I love it. Garcia is my favorite and i would love to see her with Nick. Maybe MORGAN will be Jealous.
Recurring regular guest character.
Keyword: GUEST.
We don't need another new regular credited person. I loved the character and I love the actor even more, just don't make him a series regular/credit him, or focus too much time on him and we'll be fine.
Recurring definitely. As much as I love NB, some of our favorite characters barely get any screen time/storylines as it is. So no for regular, but definitely have him as recurring and if he dates Garcia off screen and they sometimes mention him, that would be cool.
I agrre, so I'm refining my response. Yes, to Nick in a recurring role but not as a regualar cast member. I want to see more Reid too.
It was obvious that Morgan/Garcia is not a romance, but they are beloved friends. He loves her like he loves his sisters, and that's okay. How great to have a friend like Derek. But it would be nice to see Penelope have someone in her life, and Nick seems perfect. Enjoyed his character.
P.S. Thank you, Shemar! ; )
I vote yes! He looks like fun. Recurring rather than main for the most part, but since CM is going to be around for 50 more years at least (don't even dare tell me otherwise - awww, won't Reid be so cute when he goes bald? I can't wait!), there might be room for an occasional Lynch-centric episode
Too many side characters detract from the show's focus. I want to watch a show about profilers and unsubs.
NO to more continuing characters!
As a main/regular/credited character....NO
As a regularly referred to (like Reid's mom, Hayley, Jack, etc) or sometimes GUEST star....without having a Lynchcentric episode.... that would, IMHO be ok.
Don't get enough Reid time as it is.... let alone having another regular taking up screen space
I think the key to a good romance on a show that isnt about romance is to make the 2nd character recurring. Then you can get glimpses into the romantic life of the couple, which is nice without taking time away from the core cast.
I wouldn't mind seeing him occasionally. I wouldn't want him to be a regular though.
Sure, why not? Let's keep his role small though, ie, taking over the desk while Garcia goes out in the field with the team. And if he's going to flirt with our Tech Kitten, cool, as long as it doesn't detract from the cute little exchanges between her and Morgan. I'd like to see it as a kind of unrequited crush - he'd like to have the confidence to reign Garcia in, but she just wants to keep it light and friendly, as evidenced by her continued flirting with Morgan. And Morgan totally knows it, so he needles Lynch a little.
I really like Nick Brendon. It would be nice to see him in action again. I don't think we need him as a regular cast memeber but having him appear every once and awhile would be awesome.
Absolutely! More Nick!
I liked his character (quite a lot), but I gotta vote no. I would be fine with having him pop up every now and again, but no to being a regular.
Let's focus on the character that we already know. There are plenty of new characters every week: the victims, their familes/friends, police, and unsubs.
I gotta admit that when Garcia said that everything happened for a reason, I thought, "Garcia got shot to meet.....Xander?" Does that sound too harsh? I did like his character.
We could add Nick and give him some of the screentime of one of the other male characters. He is great and Garcia deserves a bit of __! She did get shot.
Yes, we should have him on. Maybe not all the time, just when Garcia needs some extra help, or on her dates :) Yeah, Garcia is getting some, it's about time!
I'll vote for keeping Nick as a recurring character. It would be nice to see Garcia getting a little lovin'.
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