Weekly Ratings for February 19 to February 25
1. The Oscars (ABC)
2. American Idol - Weds (FOX)
3. American Idol - Tues (FOX)
4. Grey’s Anatomy (ABC)
5. Road to the Oscars (ABC)
6. American Idol - Thurs (FOX)
7. CSI (CBS)
8. CSI: Miami (CBS)
9. Deal Or No Deal (NBC)
10. Two and a Half Men (CBS)
11. Oprah Winfrey Oscar Special (ABC)
12. NCIS (CBS)
13. Barbara Walters Oscar Special (ABC)
14. Shark (CBS)
15. Heroes (NBC)
16. Rules of Engagement (CBS)
17. Criminal Minds (CBS)
18. CSI: NY (CBS)
19. Survivor (CBS)
20. 24 (FOX)
These are good numbers to start with but if you take away the Oscar related special events we move up another 4 slots. As long as the show stays in the top twenty I am really happy. One day it will be number one. I know it will be.
I agree with Allie. These are very nice ratings and you do have to take into account the awards show and pre award show hype. That does push us down but we did well and we need to stand up against all the big boys like this all the time. I think we do that almost without exception. I can smile at these numbers. We do not always have to be in the top ten.
Good numbers!
So many of my favorites made the list. Damn, I have great taste in tv shows. LOL.
You do have to factor in the special once a year shows. They are always going to have a big draw. Our show did very well.
Very nice, all things considered. We are definitely holding strong!
These are numbers we can be proud of. Not sweating the top 10.
Another great week! Yip!
I didn't watch all of the Oscar shows but I did tivo most of them. No way to beat an awards show. Our show did really well.
Nice to see CM stay on the charts!
Great job team CM!
CM always comings out slamming. Love it.
Ugh, American Idol is the most brainless show ever. I know, it's too popular to beat, but really... where has good taste gone in this country? I guess it moved here ;)
I am not a Nielsen family but I am a new viewer since the Super Bowl episode. Do they care about new viewers?
I am not sure how the ratings work Monica but just keep watching. You are now a CM club member and that means you must get everyone you know to watch the show. We have all recruited all the people we come in contact with. :)
Many of my favorite shows are on this list.
Good to see CM in the top twenty for sure.
And Jill: I recruited at least one person at the inservice I was at on Tuesday--she's fascinated with serial killers and the psychology of them. I told her CM would be the perfect show for her to watch. (Er, I also mentioned there were several good looking guys starring in it too--I figure it can't hurt to appeal to both things. And when I mentioned Mandy--she immediately said: Princess Bride! *lol*)
I'd say I wish I was a "Nielsen Family" but even if I were, it wouldn't affect CM's ratings as I'm in the Great White North (and it's turning whiter by the second right now).
Jill to friends: "Resistance is futile..."
I agree that these numbers are fine, esp. considering the once a year allure of the Oscars.
Also, people who watch reality TV (inc. Idol, Deal, Oprah, and Barbara), those who watch sitcoms, and those who watch tightly plotted criminal justice shows like CM are largely different demographics. The diff. types aren't competing with one another so much as drawing completely different groups of people.
I watch very few sitcoms, only a couple of reality shows, and saw only the actual Oscars. I watch mainly crime dramas, of which CM is clearly the best [g]. I wonder how the various demographics differ from one another in terms of disposable income? I'm betting crime drama afficianados are a more hightly coveted group. JMO
What does it mean if they make the top 20/top 10? Does it get them more money to make the show or what? The ratings thing confuses me! *G*
I have to say, I don't really get the whole ratings thing as our TV doesn't really work like that. But lots of people watching the show is good and long may it continue.
I am not a Nielsen family either- they rejected me : ( . I have completed diaries for another service. As I understand it there are several layers of ratings, so you will see the fast overnights (from the magic box attached to the TV) and a few days after the week is over, the crunched numbers are posted. The ratings for the week are actually higher than the overnights in most instances, because diaries and recordings from services liked TiVo are also included.
Recently Nielsen started to let students away at college be included in their family’s results. This means the younger demographic (18-24) that typically watches reality TV is possibly going to change the overall ratings. You need to go recruit them to watch the show! And of course they have to watch it or record it to be counted.
Advertisers like the 18-49 year olds because they are the most likely to respond to advertising by buying the product. More 18-49 year olds watching means the network can charge more for time- it is how they make the money to give us network programs. Hope this helps…
Yay! My favourite show is doing so well!
American What?
I'm glad that CM reched the top 20. As long as CM is doing well, I am good. =)
The better a show does in the ratings and with the target demographics the more money they can charge for commercial time and then they have more in the production budget. I think that is how it works.
I think Amelia is right. I think that is how it works and I also think that the better a show does the more attention it probably receives from the networks. I think our show does great.
I keep looking at the picture. I would love to see, just once, some team member hand someone their card and say, "Look, read the card. Training, research, consultation. Got it? That means NO MORE SHOOTING AT US! It is not in our job description!"
good ratings, good to see
it's great to see CM is up there in the ratings!
ok, so my question is this: do they sell window clings with the FBI symbol? because that would just rock.
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