My flight to LA was over an hour late landing and by the time I retrieved my luggage and arrived at my hotel it was very late but I had someone very important to meet that night and I was very excited. Prior to my trip I had arranged to meet with Kris, our adopted Criminal Minds future celeb, to meet him and take him out to dinner. He is a struggling actor and I wanted to buy him a nice meal, grab a couple of his resumes and spend some time getting to know him. It was so late by the time I settled in at my hotel that we ended up walking next door and grabbing some McDonalds to take back to my hotel to eat. We sat in the lobby eating and chatting. He is a delightful young man. He gave me the resumes that I had requested and you will hear more about that in a future post. Bless his heart he tried to calm my nervousness about going onto the Criminal Minds set the next morning. He tried but I was truly a nervous wreck. I would have liked to have spent more time with him that night and I prayed that I would be able to find a way to help this sweet young man. Little did I dare to dream that I would see Kris again on my trip. :)
I would have been a nervous wreck too! Glad you two got to meet eachother!
He must have been so happy to meet you.
I'm glad you got to meet Kris. Hope you had a really good time. We wxpect to hear you talking about this trip for weeks now. LOL, especially since there won't be a new ep aired for weeks. Did they make you promise not to tell anyone what happenes on the ep? Did you get to meet the whole cast? Oh, please, yes. How'd everybody like their gifts? Inspections didn't sneak anything out of the box did they? Can't wait for more news, will be checking back often.
BTW, how about instant gratification, I just posted that I couldn't wait for your next update ike ten minutes ago, and here it is.
I know how much you like this young man and it does seem as though he is our very own actor to be. I am glad that you were able to meet him!
This is all so cool! I wish I'd sent cookies or something for him. And don't worry, Kill -- NEXT TIME you can take him out for a nice dinner!
Don't worry JILL -- sorry about that -- see what happens when you show me pretty pictures and nothing but teasers?
I have only been watching the show since the Super Bowl but even I am so excited. I am wondering what it was like to meet the cast. I really like the show and am so glad that I found this blog.
Jill - I'm not surprised you were nervous - I would have been. How nice to meet Kris and I'm looking forward to Jill in Criminal Minds Land part two.
Jill, I can't wait to hear everything. Kris is a handsome young man and I am so glad you got to meet him.
I guess since we aren't getting any new episodes for awhile, this is good timing. We can get installments of the details of your trip instead!
Can't wait to hear everything!
What a nice thing for you to do. I bet he appreciated meeting you and that you cared about his resume. I bet he was very nice.
It is so nice to see a pic of you. Now I have a face to go with your name dear friend. You are both very lovely.
What a wonderful picture of both of you! I'm so glad you were able to meet each other at last. Looking forward to the story of your next meeting.
So that's what our wonderful Kris looks like! He is cuuuuuuuute! I'd go to LA to visit him anytime! Oh, and I'd manage to squeeze in the cast of CM, too. LOL
wow - sounds like a nerve wracking start to the trip. looking forward to hearing more.
Jill, it's so cool that you got to meet Kris and it's a lovely pic of the both of you!
Looking forward to more installments of your trip--did you get to meet any of the writers--and did you ask about Hotch's timeline/backstory for me? *G*
Oh, this is so cool! I want to hear EVERYTHING that you did while on set--I'm really hoping you got to meet Mandy, since you are such a fan! Did you get to meet Thomas? He seems like a really nice guy...
I guess I'll just have to wait to find out!
Jill, I forgot to mention that I really like the blouse you're wearing in that pic.
I'm so glad you got to meet Kris, and the cast of CM as well! Its great to put a face to the name and its such a great picture! Since you took a copy of Kris's resume, does this mean he'll be landing a part on CM? lol, that would be pretty cool!
Hey Jill! When you were at the set, I hope you got to ask about Reid's addiction storyline!HEHE. I'm wondering if they are going to continue with it, because the ending of Jones left more questions then answers.
Kris Jill wanted to feed you..that is so the mother in her! Glad you had a good time!
Lee :)
wow..... we need to talk
lotsa luv ann xxxxxx
Oh yes, did you meet the CM CMs?
so excited. can't wait to hear more. What a fantastic treat from the Criminal Minds crew!
how nice to see you at last. hope to hear more soon.
He is a handsome young man and it would be super cool to see him make it big. Then we could say that we knew him when......
Sounds like you had a great time - can't wait to hear all about it!
I'm so glad none of your luggage got lost! I hope you got some good sleep before your next exciting day.
I am so excited to hear about the rest of your trip
I hope that he appreciates you getting his resume and trying to help him. Not everyone would be so kind to think about another person during their own special moment.
Hi Jill. Thanks for looking out for my baby, Kris. He really thinks highly of you. This must have been an exciting experience for you. Kris' Mom - Jill
Kris's Mom: You raised a wonderful young man. It was an honor to meet and to help him. I am grateful to CBS for allowing me the opportunity to do both. :)
Hey everyone, I just got home after another 12 hour day on the set of Criminal Minds. I don't know what to say....I'm speechless.
Jill knows that I cannot thank her enough. If I wasn't a broke actor right now, I would have done ANYTHING for her!! We are surely going to stay in touch, and when I am able, I will definitely repay her. Words can' describe the opportunity that she has provided me with.
It's so nice to see you all saying nice things about me, and about Jill too. I would love nothing more to to get even a small part on Criminal Minds. I will surely be trying.
It's so exciting to experience your journey with you.
A really nice picture of you both.
Finally there's a face behind this wonderful blog... ;-)
CU sindee
This is just all so out of this world. I googled the show and found your blog. And I am hooked now on both. I only mildly liked the show before but this has cemented it for me. I will always watch it now.
Celeste in Norway
It's great that you are helping your friend out. He seems to know what he wants to do in his life. Sounds like a great opportunity of a lifetime.
That is so nice that as tired as you were you still met with him. Kisses to you!
I guess once you're a part of the CM family, you're stuck with us.
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