I loaded seven boxes of pens and gifts from all of you in my suitcases to deliver to the cast of Criminal Minds. When I arrived at my hotel and opened the first suitcase I found a card from Transportation Security Administration explaining that my suitcase had been opened and searched due to suspicous looking contents. They taped the box they opened shut. When I looked at the label telling me whose box it was I had to laugh. Can you guess whose box was the only one opened and searched? We all had a huge laugh about it the next day on the set.
The one for Kirsten Vangsness. It has to be the one for Kirsten.
Were MGG's hand-knitted socks looking shifty? :)
I'm thinking Kirsten's box had to look very suspicious (you're doing WHAT with all these pens?) but ... my money is on one with Mr. Potato Head in it.
I'm guessing the pens. Or maybe the security guys were struck with jealousy and were after the socks?
Wow you had a lot of goodies to take along!
I second those who guess the one with the pens for Kirsten.
It was the Silly Putty and Slinky that got 'em; right? I can just imagine how that would have looked on an x-ray machine.
Yeah, I just looked back, Stacy said you had exciting news about Matthew's box, so now we know don't fly with Silly Putty, a Slinky and Play-doh in a box. That's priceless and much better than the airline losing it.
I think the pens may have looked like dynamite and caused suspicion. So I think it was Garcia's pens that were opened.
I think that it being MGG's box is too obvious. I am guessing either Kirsten or Gideon's. It is going to be someone we least would suspect.
Has to be the Gube's package.
It's gotta be Garcia's box--you know they they wouldn't leave her unsupervised at the CIA's computers!
I think Reid's box.
Can you help me. Who was the actor playing the New Orleans police officer Wednesday night. He looked so familiar to me. I have been googling all over the internet trying to find out who he is, but no joy. I can't find a guest cast list anywhere. I hope I'm not being too presumptuous, but my email is alice23kate@gmail.com
The reason I'm asking here, your blog keeps coming up in google searches!
He was on Third Watch.
My guess is either Kristen's or Matthew's.
Kristen's had all those pens which, together could certainly scan as suspicious and Matthew's had the slinky which could scan as a pipe bomb at certain angles.
Whoever it was, what a hoot, lol!
Can you imagine what the inspectors thought when they got the box open and saw what was inside, especially the hand-made mismatched socks? And I wonder if bomb dogs like the smell of play-doh. I'd think maybe the inspectors were fans and wanted to see what the cast was getting, but they only opened one box so that can't be it.
I can't wait until Jill updates. I hope she took lots of pictures.
To answer Nickaholic23's question ... the actor in question was Josh Stewart.
(Now, should I just pretend I have Reid's memory, or admit I went to TV.com?)
Welcome to the blog -- enjoy and come back often!
What a way to start a trip. I bet you were laughing your head off and it has to be either Kirsten or Matthew's package.
I like so many others am guessing either Matthew's or Kirsten's box was opened! I really can't wait for another update! I'm so psyched to see all the wonderful pics and hear what they thought of the cards and pens and other silly awesome things!
I think it will be Mandy's package because he would be the last one you would suspect.
Did they take anything out? You have to love Homeland Security! LOL
I'm guessing the silly putty, too, for MGG.
I'm guessing it was Matthew's. Maybe they thought you were smuggling some illicit drugs to poor Reid! Can't wait to hear more about your trip!
I so hope everybody liked their goody boxes! Thank you for carting all that stuff with you all the way to LA!
Wouldn't it be funny if the "gift bags" at the Oscars contained Silly Putty and Mr. Potato Heads? And mismatched socks?! LOL
Yeah, I already knew the answer to this question...*G* but it is hilarious that they only checked out ONE of the boxes!
I imagine it would have to be Gubler because it is such a Gublish thing to have happen.
wow - I think Matthew's box because I bet his fans sent him some pretty funny stuff.
If you do this again, I would love to join in. I would have so much fun picking him out a special gift.
If it was the silly putty I sent to MGG I am so going to dig a hole and hide...........until Wed when the show airs. LOL
What I want to know is if they searched your bags when they saw you had stuffed MGG in them for the return trip home? You did sneak him home with him? This is so much fun.
The answer to the question about the box will be answered in a later post with some awesome pics!
Take a few minutes and have some coffee and then tell us.
My guess is Gubler as well.
I hope they did not take anything!
OH NO!!! It had to be the pens for Kirsten or the one for Matthew!
Again, great job on the blog and thanks for posting!
Hey Jill,
I have finally got my account
straightened out. I Loved the
things that you took to the CM
Cast. I hope that they enjoy it
as much as the people enjoyed
giving it to them.
seriously...I'm sure that everyone of those packages looked extremely amusing going through an x-ray machine.
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