I was picked up on Wednesday morning by my CBS benefactor and driven to the Criminal Minds set. On the way there she explained to me proper set etiquette. Such as: No opening doors, talking or moving when the red filming light is on, no taking pictures of anyone without their permission, no taking pictures of anything that would give away spoilers to those seeing my pictures, etc. The first thing we did when we arrived was pickup the schedule for the day. This was their last day of shooting "Ashes and Dust". Then we walked around the studio until we found the set the cast was filming on. There infront of me was Mandy, Shemar, Thomas, Matthew and Paget. I wanted to faint. When they took their first break I was introduced to Mandy who was sitting closest to the door we had been standing in. He rose from his chair, welcomed me to the set and then gave me a hug. It was a magic moment but the best was yet to come. Within a few seconds they were ready to start shooting again so we backed into the doorway to watch. Watching them shoot is amazing. There are dozens of various people all over the place staying out of camera view and you are standing behind the director watching the monitors while you are watching the action. They shoot every scene over and over again until they have every shot and angle they need. By the time a scene is finished everyone in the area knows every word, gesture, mark and camera view. It was really a wonderful start to day one but the best was yet to come.
You got hugged by Mandy and THE BEST WAS YET TO COME????
You hugged Mandy, you rock! Still want to know who's package had to be inspected, on a whim I'd say Matthew's.
Who's in the picture with you?
Jill - you got a Mandyhug?
OMG - I am so dying for more !
I have to go to bed soon...it is after midnight...I'll be checking as soon as I get up and deliver No. 1 son to work.
The reports of how they shoot and how often they shoot a scene was really interesting and makes you really appreciate the amount of work that goes into each episode.
Okay, I'm just gonna give in and have another fangirl moment here ...
I am so so glad you got a hug!
How in the world does anything qualify as better than a hug from Mandy!!! You got hugged by Mandy and are saying it got even better. I am ready to faint myself just thinking about it. What does he look like in person? Is he even better looking than on tv? OMG you got your hug.
Every day I make a point to put down in writing five things I am thankful for. Today, in addition to being grateful for the existence in this world of such a literate, intelligent, soulful, heartfelt show (and, of course, such passionate and well-versed blog fans), I will also write down that I am happy and relieved that the people on set took such good and loving care of our Jill and showed her such a good time. I will also write down how blessed I am that Jill shares her amazing, once-in-a-lifetime, well-desseved experience so generosly with us. Finally, I am gratified to learn that the producers, cast, and crew pay attention to their fans.
I agree with Jen completely but I am worried that they did something horrible to our friend. She stated that a hug from Mandy wasn't the best thing that happened on her trip and we all know how much she respects that man. How could anything in her eyes be better than that to her? You okay Jill?
WOW..I CAN'T WAIT, CAN'T WAIT, CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Yay, you got a hug from Mandy, that must've been SO thrilling!
I can't wait to here more of your adventures. (Heh. Jill's Most Excellent Hollywood Adventure).
Wow, what a great beginning. I hope you include more about the behind the scenes stuff. That's almost as interesting as meeting the actors.
Can't wait for more!
Okay, now that I can form whole sentences again -- did they know who you were? I mean, were you "Jill with the excellent blog"?
Most of the people I met did know who I was and have been to the blog. Shemar, Kirsten, Matthew, Paget, A.J. and many others have been here and you will die laughing when you hear some of the things they said about the blog.
Being hugged by Mandy was a treat but there is SOOOOOOO much more that happened it does make the hug pale in comparision. You guys will just have to be patient because I am going to walk you threw the two days step by step and Wed was a very long and happy day. The only thing better than Wed was Thursday. :)
How do we ever repay these people for doing this for you? It is like we were all there with you. I am really almost moved to tears that you got your Mandy hug.
I am so ready to hear some more but I do realize you are tired from your journey. I am just thrilled to hear they know about this blog because we all love it so much. I am new to the show and this is just so cool for me.
So far so awesome!
Was there any rule against putting stamps on MGG and mailing him to me in Canada?
OMG. You got a hug. I am so happy for you. I want to know what could be better for you than a hug from Mandy. By the time you've told us everything you're fingers are going to be bleeding. But keep going, I'll mail you some Band-Aids if you need 'em.
Oh, and I think OMG, is going to be the theme on this site for quite awhile.
Yay! They like us, they really like us!
I'm so glad Wednesday started out so well!
Let me pick myself up off the floor for a sec here...i've just about died with excitement for ALL of us, especially Jill! You got a hug from Mandy!!!! WOOT WOOT! I don't know how it could get any better (unless you grabbed Gubler and are sending him on his way to me!!!) so I can't wait for you to enlighten us further! lol.
I think it is so amazing that the wonderful people at CBS took the time to recognize you and this wonderful blog and all your hard work and that the cast actually reads it from time to time also! Their dedication to their fans is amazing!
Get lots of rest and get back into your time zone and we will anxiously await more incredible news! the anticipation is killing me but i like how you're giving us parts of the trip one by one, its like reading a great book, only better than any book! ahhhhh! I can't wait for tomorrow!!!!
"They like us! They really like us!!" LOL Jan
Jill, you look sooo happy in this photo! Its so wonderful! you look great!
Keep your arm hooked around the mysterious man in the photo. You could have taken him back with you to give us spoilers on upcoming eps! lol
The gentleman in the picture with me is a security guard. He was so sweet that I asked if I could take a picture of him for the blog.
As for spoilers........sorry but even I am not telling. All I will say is the next two episodes are brilliant and can't be missed. I mean really brilliant. I am sure that the rest of the season will be great as well but I am a "spoiled" lady right now on the next two. The writing is incredible. :)
Are they working in beanie babies and Mr. Potato Heads? Maybe as bizarre ransom items? "Scavenger Hunt"
lol. all the episodes are brilliant and can't be missed!
the security guard is now a celeb too! to us he is! lol. woohoo, i've never been this excited for so many other people too! what a great group here!
You're not typing fast enough! :o) I want to know more.
It is SO awesome you got the opportunity to do something like this!
Ah Jill, you sneaky, person you.lol. Can you just say at least that the Reid storyline isn't over? You can be cryptic if you like ;)
This is my first time to your blog. I googled the show and found you. This is a really great place you are running here.
bella said...
Was there any rule against putting stamps on MGG and mailing him to me in Canada?
9:49 PM
Best. Post. Ever.
And I'm Canadian as well. I vote for sharing of MGG. :P
Congratulations, Miss Jill! Looking forward to hearing more about your adventures behind the scenes of CM land :)
Just waiting for those pictures!
sounds like so much fun.
And they all read the blog?
Hi CM cast and crew! *waves*
Hi! I'm new to this blog but not to the show. It's so cool that you got to visit the set. I hope you had an amazing time
The swedish cm fan
Wow, what an awesome start this is and you really say it's getting better... cannot await it *tap tap tap*
CU sindee
*who loves suggestions and wonders if Jill will probably appear on TV screen soon...*
You say hug but was there more-perhaps a song or a dance?
I was thinking- maybe you can become a special correspondent, maybe make this a regular gig?
I am looking forward to the rest of the details!
Wow, JIll, that is so awesome!!!! If I was face to face with Thomas (or any of the cast actually) I would have probably fainted, so props to you! :P Anyways, welcome back, glad you had a good time! *hugs*
Welcome to all the new arrivals! I'm glad you found Jill's amazing blog.
Kris has also updated his blog about meeting Jill. It's really nice. But, like Jill, he is full of teasers and says there will be more tomorrow.
Sigh. This is not easy for a girl with an instant-gratification jones, you know.
I'm speachlessss (ME!)
Hi Jill!
I'm so glad that you got your hug:)
I'm looking forward to get more information about your trip!
OMG!! a hug from Mandy? As I said earlier when I was talking to you, I would die if I just met them! Imagine if I hugged one of them; especially if it was Mandy, Matthew or Kristen. wow. Lucky you. hmmm...I wonder what package got searched. I bet it was Shemar's. lol. Can't wait to hear more! I wonder what you'll have to say about Kristen. She's the best!
sorry i haven't present my own in las t comment...i'm new in this blog but i have seen that the people of here are very friendly...sorry if my english is so bad because i'm spanish i haven't got any idea of this...here we are waiting for the second season yet...i'm sooooo extresed(i don't know if this word exist but..haha)well,i am so glad to be in this blog^_^
Jill, that's great to get a hug from Mandy!! Like a dream come true! I can't wait to hear more about your big adventure!
Fascinated by your blog,
Wow! What a great start! And you got to hug Mandy? And here I am just hoping he does a concert withing driving distance of me at some point! Looking forward to reading more!
I have heard that Mandy is very attentive to his fans. It is nice to know he lives up to that reputation! Are you going to wash your clothes now that they have been touched by Mandy?!?
Mmm.....I totally wonder what a Mandy-hug would feel like? I would just melt.....lol.
So the cast keeps an eye on the blog? That's very enlightening to say the least! Must love a cast that loves their fans in return.
Keep up the great work Jill, can't wait to read and hear of the rest of your tales!
Kim MacMillan
wow. I think my brain would've exploded. something would've exploded. wow.
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