Criminal Minds: If the writers strike doesn't end soon then Criminal Minds fans will have three new CBS shows to "watch". The word vomit comes to mind.
"CBS added three new alternative series as the writers’ strike drags on.
Secret Talents of the Stars is a biweekly celebrity talent show structured into a mini-tournament to see who has the best hidden talent. It is executive-produced by Robyn Nash and Don Weiner for Magic Molehill Productions.
Game Show in My Head is a hidden-camera show in which contestants have to complete crazy stunts in public to win money. It is from fox21, produced by Hat Trick Productions and Katalyst Films, with executive producers Jimmy Mulville and Leon Wilde; and Ashton Kutcher, Jason Goldberg and Karey Burke.
America’s Top Dog has a group of pet-owners and their pets living together in a competition format. It is executive-produced by R.J. Cutler, Stu Schreiberg and Stephen Kroopnick for Magic Molehill Productions.
The network has not announced debuts for any of the new shows."