Criminal Minds: This afternoon several auctions to benefit the Criminal Minds Assistance Fund ended. As the winners pay for their auction items I will be moving the listings into the blog's archives. The thread for the "Doubt" script is open until Sunday. I hope everyone enjoyed "3rd Life" written by Simon Mirren and I would like to thank Simon and Andrew Wilder for joining us in the chat room after the Criminal Minds episode aired. We are blessed to have such gifted writers working on our show. Please remember to call CBS at 212.975.4545 to express your displeasure that the writers are still on strike. The CBS petition for Les Moonves is being closed to further signatures this evening in preparation for it's delivery to CBS. Reminder that the Criminal Minds Fanatic chat room is closed for regular use this evening because of a CBS LJ liason meeting scheduled in the room. Stacy is working on caps for "3rd Life" and I will post a few when she has finished them. I am slowly catching up on answering my emails and I appreciate your patience. Have a great weekend everyone!