Criminal Minds: Thanks to an article posted on the United Hollywood Blog I now have a better understanding of what Les Moonves will be doing next week while the Criminal Minds writers are walking the picket line and the Criminal Minds crew are worrying about paying for groceries. The hardworking heads of all Viacom, CBS, and Paramount Entertainment Divisions will be enjoying a luxury executive retreat at The Boulders Resort and Golden Door Spa. I know we would all like to send our best wishes for a relaxing vacation to Mr. Moonves. If you'd like to leave a personal (polite) message at the front desk so the staff can pass that along, beginning Sunday, January 13, through Wednesday, January 16, they can be reached toll-free at:
The Boulders Resort
34631 N. Tom Darlington Dr.
Carefree, AZ 85377
(480) 488-9009 phone
(480) 488-4118 fax
Sample message: I would like to leave a message for Les Moonves please. Please tell Mr. Moonves that _________ name _______city and _____state called to wish him and all the members of the AMPTP a wonderful vacation and I look forward to them returning to the negotiating table when their vacation is over. Thank you for relaying this message to him.
If you are faxing your message then please write this:
Attn: Les Moonves, I hope that you are enjoying your vacation and as a loyal viewer of your network's programing I would like to ask you to please return to the negotiating table at the completion of your vacation. I am not going to watch TV until the WGA has a fair contract.
Sincerely, _______name, __________city_________state