Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Spoiler: Paget Brewster

EXCLUSIVE: Emily Prentiss is turning in her badge. Criminal Minds co-star Paget Brewster will leave the hit CBS drama series at the end of this season.
Read the whole spoiler on


Anonymous said...

I have so much mixed emotions about this...I'm sad because she portrays my favorite character, but I've not been satisfied with CM this season and her leaving will enable me to just let go....I wish Paget luck and hope that she gets a great role that will allow her to expand her horizons.

Nanci said...

I've always loved the Prentiss character and Paget brought so much to the role. I actually thought she was (and always will be!) a better fit for the team in place of Greenaway.

I'm sad to see her go, but I can totally understand. I think maybe S6 left a bitter taste for everyone - hopefully she leaves on a cheerful note.

Good luck Paget! and thanks for giving us Emily Prentiss!!!

Silvinha said...

I'm devastated!
My favorite character leaving my favorite show..I blame CBS!

My heart is aching!

Anonymous said...

Ugh. Are we going to have to go through some dumb, contrived send-off again, or can she just leave? I don't blame her for leaving the show, and she's certainly not at fault for all the stupidity that happened last season when she was forced out, but I feel like her character has never added much to the show and having to sit through another unrealistic send-off special would be way too much.

Best of luck to Paget, though. She got kind of a raw deal on CM. My issues with her character were always far more with the writing than with her acting -- I think she could've handled much more than they gave her. I'm sure she'll go on to do good things elsewhere.

Anonymous said...

I will miss her but I don't blame her for not wanting to be screwed again by CBS this season. She got a raw deal last season.

Criminal Minds Fan said...

I wish her all the best. She is a CLASSY ACTRESS AND PERSON!

Anonymous said...

Gutted...again. I only watch "Criminal Minds" for Emily Prentiss and was just celebrating her being back with the team. I can totally understand Ms Brewster's decision and this time they won't be able to bring her back tugging those contractual strings. I'm just so disappointed because the fans fought so hard to get her and Ms Cook back. All the best to Paget but there goes my reason to watch the show again.

Anonymous said...

I will miss her and I am sure the Criminal Minds family will as well. I do understand though. I will certainly miss Paget and I hope she will always be proud of bringing Emily to life. (Please don't try to replace Emily, just leave the team as the Magnificient Six)
Now I beg them to give Matthew Gray Gubler whatever he asks for because to paraphrase last year's mantra. - No Reid, No CRM for me.

sf81387 said...

Not really surpised. She made it pretty clear that she was unhappy that she had to come back so I kind of expected her to call it quits once her contract was up. I wish her well and I think the show will be fine. The cast is too large and they've got JJ as a profiler now so the token female profiler role has already been filled. Best of luck PB! : )

TJara said...

Totally bummed about this.

Anonymous said...

Totally shocked, bummed in reading the news.
I LOVE Emily Prenitss since the beginning & Paget is a fantastic actress who knew performing this character perfectly (smart, classy, strong minded and her in fact!) but well, I guess that the events of May 2010 and June 2011 let her a bitter taste in the mouth and it quite normal -> people from CBS & the prod behaved like some jerk with her and keep going in the same way besides, in refusing to give her what she wanted (money is usually what actors request, she just wanted to make some projects
(finally, TG, SM, AJC, JM and surely MGG & KV got and will get what they will request! :( )
It's simply disgusting and unfair towards Paget Brewster, a woman & an actress who gave a lot to this show! :(
(I just hope that PG didn't take the decision of leaving too quickly with the risk to regret it later because let's be honest, she could be unemployed for awhile & maybe to be put on a black list by CBS & ABS Prod further to this decision -> I expect the worst from them sorry but ... )

In the same time, she is right to leave now because Criminal Minds became quite bad since the last season and even before besides ... And then, since her return, Prentiss character wasn't the same anymore, less passionate, less focused even if she hadn't lost her talents of profiler but it missed something ...
Anyway, I hope that our Em will leave on a positive note (a family to build, a big promotion) and not being killed for the twice times...
She deserves the best and as she wanted to take in charge a kid in S3 and that she was always good with them, why not to give that SL... maybe with the return of Declan who is supposed to have 11/12 years old...

Well, Good Luck in the future, Paget and THANKS for all these 6 years!!! :-D


Anonymous said...

So sad...but SO understandable! She got a raw deal last year. I'd rather they not replace Prentiss. I don't think they would be able to find/write a strong enough female character. The team can function with one less profiler. I'm so sad. Prentiss is my favorite female character on Criminal Minds!

Mom to 2

Anonymous said...

I hope they give her a strong send off. I don't want to see Prentuss have a nervous breakdown and have to leave the team. Maybe she will leave the team because she and Hotch fall in love!

mom to 2

Anonymous said...

This sucks so badly....I hate that she's leaving....I loved Emily.
Why is it that we become so attached to fictional characters????
So I don't really have anyone else on the show other than Hotch and they've made him so OOC with his "ray of light"...that I'm not going to be able to watch CM anymore...hopefully they give her a good exit and not make it as dramatic as Gideon and Elle leaving and they better not kill her off.

Anonymous said...

This has ruined my life!! i love you so much paget! and i always will

Anonymous said...

Personally I love Prentiss as a character and Brewster as an actress so I am really sad to see them go. With that said, I a love criminal minds and it is my favorite show but it needs to end now. It just isn't the same show from the first 5 seasons. Its not even the character stories because I love them. Its just like crazy crimes and weird profiling. What happened to the normal serial killer. Why must they be like really really crazy? Anyways I hope they do not kill her off again 'cause then we would have to do the whole what are we going to do with out her type thing and I cannot go through that again. Please let her leave with a promotion so she can come back as a special guest star. It would be great. You will be missed Ms. Brewster and I wish you the best of everything.

Anonymous said...

I'm so sad to see her leave :( she is the only reason I watch the show. I'm blaming CBS for this quite frankly; if they hadn't pulled the bull that they did last season Paget woul probably still be on the show net season. Bravo CBS for destroying your own show. After the season finale I'm done with the show.

Anonymous said...

I wanted her back with A.J., and now she's leaving! I'm so sad! I hope she gets her comedic dream role, but man... What I wouldn't give to be on CM. I hope the cast and crew ALWAYS remain friends despite all of this, and above everything, I wish Paget the very best.

Alex said...

So sad about the news, I'll miss her character and the way Paget portrayed her.
Well, after what happened last year and the weird writting this season I guess she's leaving in the best moment, where the show is still a hit because I love my show, but sometimes, I have the feeling we are watching the last decent-realistic episodes and somedays not even that which is sad.

JME said...

Why would she go back?? They didn't appreciate her, fired her, forced her to come back w/o a raise, and reduced her screen time. WTF?!

While I enjoy the whole cast & the story lines, she was the reason I started watching criminal minds & kept watching. I don't have time to watch a lot of TV, but CM became one of a couple shows I make a point to watch. I am disappointed that I won't get to enjoy Prentiss on a regular basis, but I look forward to seeing Paget in whatever new comes along. I'm sure she'll have a myriad of interesting, creative offers from which to choose.

*disappointed & optimistic*

~Houston fan

Anonymous said...

wow, it's kinda like we just got her back and now she's leaving again... :( . now all my H/P dreams are shattered ;(

Anonymous said...

It's a shame that she will be leaving the show. Wonder what made her change her mind about sticking around?

Frankly, with the quality of this season, it's not that surprising, but she is one of my favourite characters.

I wish her well.

Anonymous said...

We'll -I don't blame her for leaving-but for a lot of fans will be upset because of us fighting for her and A.J to return last year.I wish her the best at whatever she does and always will be a fan.

love E.J.Jahnes

Anonymous said...

This is so depressing. I'll definitely miss Prentiss but I hope Paget gets an awesome role on some kind of comedy or another cop drama if there are some decent writers :)

Best of luck in all you endeavour Paget!!

(I wonder what the 'send off' will be. They already killed her, and they can't just do an "oh I'm switching careers" thing. Hmm....)

Diane said...

Huge Australian fan of Paget Brewster, so sad to hear the news, Emily Prentiss is my favorite character on the show, i will miss them both. However i can understand Paget reasons for leaving and i wish you all the best in the future, your such a talented actress and i can't wait to see what you do next, you rock. ... Now to cheer myself up i'm going to go watch Paget in Andy Richter Controls The Universe.

Anonymous said...

So, that's it with a romance between Hotch and Prentiss. Now I don't think this will ever happen.

I think they will make her simply leave the BAU to start completely new because she wasn't really able to continue her life as if nothing happened.

Aaaw, that's so sad. I'd have loved to see her until the end of the series... What a loss...

Anonymous said...

I was stunned. Literally. I had to say goodbye to my cheery mood today. Prentiss is one of my favourite TV character ever, you know, the kind of character that makes you keep watching a show, "come what may". I agree with previous comments, the writing is not as good as it used too be, i don't empathize nor sympathize with either the victims or unsubs as i used too and both of them get quite a lot screen time per episode... and i used to put the show on a pedestal because of its amazing writing.
I think that at this point it's dangerous for a show to get rid of characters because they've come to be at-least-half-or-more-the-reason you're watching it.
Well, Paget is a great actress and i really hope the decision she's made will turn to be the best she could have taken at this point.
But still, i'm frustrated. Raaaaah!

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Liz said...

I think the point about it being dangerous to get rid of characters was proven with S6. The girls were gone, replaced by a character who had no business in the BAU. Epic fail.

And to further prove the point that characters are the whole reason some of us watch, I got into CM because of Reid. I'm not even a crime drama fan. My mom was watching one time, and I was like, who's that skinny guy? He's cool!

I'm nervous about what's next. They shouldn't try to replace Prentiss. Been there, done that. They shouldn't try to replace anyone, really. I don't like the idea of losing CM the same year as House, but if MGG walks, they might as well cancel it. These fabulous characters are the reason we watch, and if more fans start seeing their favorites pack their bags, it's time to call it day. I know I will after Reid's last episode, which I hope won't happen for awhile.

Good luck, Paget! Hope you find what you're looking for.

Sierra said...

I am sorry to see Paget leave Criminal Minds but I wish her all the best as she is a very talented actress. She needs to do what she feels is best for herself. You will be sorely missed Paget and again I wish you all the best!!!! You can never be replaced in my book!!!!

Anonymous said...

Well CBS kinda gave her a shit deal! I cant blame her for being mad! she only came back this season because of her contract! now im not gonna wqtch criminal minds anymore

Anonymous said...

Yeah im defanitly not watching anymore!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nugget Hunter said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Nugget Hunter said...

Paget/ Erica, I hope you read this. I realize that the show may only have a couple of more seasons left but this will definiately hit hard when you (Paget) leave. This storyline with Hotch/ Beth is wrong. It should be Hotch/ Prentiss. The fans worked very hard to try and get you back when CBS let you and JJ go. If CBS is stupid enough to let this happen then they will loose a lot of followers of the show. I can't believe it. The episode last night sucked! Except for JJ getting all feisty with the unsub, that was the highlight. But, I don't understand CBS for this. Just wait a couple of more years, it is the highest rated show. What a shame.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE paget with all of my heart but frankly CBS sucks! and that us the truth

JM said...

I wish Paget all the best, she deserves a better treatment and a nice good quality writting.

I think this is the beginning of the end of an era, the writting is so bad this season (since season 6 actually), the show is still working because of the actors and with Paget leaving the show, well, is just going to be the end soon

Anonymous said...

I am so happy for Paget, I can't wait to see what she moves on to.

As for Emily, I just want her to be happy. I'm also hoping that Declan is at least mentioned by the end of the season. I would love it if she left the BAU to help raise him, but I would at least like to know how he's doing.

Anonymous said...

Apologies in advance if I offend Paget fans, but I personally never really warmed to the Prentiss character and am not that sorry to see her depart. That said, I wish PB well and hope she finds a comedic role that she'll enjoy more.

I hope the show-makers don't replace Prentiss; with JJ having become a profiler there isn't time in one episode for each team member to get much airtime, and the dialog is very choppy as a result.

If they do replace Prentiss, I'd vote for "Andy Swan." I liked her and she seemed to fit in well with the team chemistry-wise.

Anonymous said...

With the comment above I also agree with you that the character of Prentiss wasn't my favourite either, but I do think that Paget Brewster is a good actress. I am sorry that because of what happpened last year with the show firing her, she may feel that staying on doesn't feel right anymore.

I do wish her the best in whatever her heart's desire. I also need to say this that the character Seaver I feel was disregarded by the viewers, because they felt like she was replacing Prentiss and JJ.
That wasn't true and obviously she was still learning and everyone else had more experience but it didn't mean that she wouldn't have been a good agent.

So if they do decide to bring her back I hope that the viewers will see her as Seaver and not someone trying to be like anyone or replace anyone else.

Anonymous said...

I'm not JJ's biggest fan and to be honest it did not bother me too much when she left. I never thought that the Seaver character was meant to replace her...I can however see why JJ's fans came to that conclusion. But I will say that Seaver's character was not very well thought out...I mean they bought her on because she was a serial killer's daughter and then they let somebody straight out of the academy onto the team...come a CM fan....there's no way you can accept that discrepancy....

disclamier....I have the biggest girl crush for Emily Prentiss...and I will miss her, I wish CBS will just give her whatever she wants so she can stay with the show.

Anonymous said...

To make it up to everyone who wanted hotch with emily, i think foyet should kill her so that hotch realizes what he lost

Anonymous said...

I wish PB all the best in her future, but I think her forte is with comedy, I had never heard of her before she joined CM and though I know I am going to upset a lot of fans here, I always thought her character seemed wooden, very little emotion in her face...........I think she knows in her heart where her strengths are and she will find her niche..........and will move on to bigger and better things..............from what little I know, she is a natural comic and I am not so sure this current role suits her natural acting abilities..........I personally would like to see Elle back, that was one fiesty woman............and I think could fill the gap

Anonymous said...

I'm with Liz, if MGG left the show I'd be done. He kept me watching after Mandy left and that says a lot...the Gideon character first got me hooked on the show. I know a lot of people love Rossi, but due respect to JM I'm not one of them. I still love the rest of the team, but w/o MGG it would be over for me.

Meg said...

I'd love to see Elle back too. She's always been my favourite female character on CM. But if Elle doesn't come back (and I very much doubt she would) I think they should leave the team as it is, with JJ now a profiler they don't need another on the team. It's too overloaded with profilers now as it is. Personally I never really warmed to Prentiss and I probably won't miss her next season. The only one I really would miss would be Reid. Whenever MGG walks from the show, so do I.
Having said that I think Paget has been fantastic portraying Emily and I wish her all the very best for the future.

Anonymous said...

My only thought - don't "kill" her again to write her off! I don't think the team could handle (or believe) it. It will be sad to see her go.

Unknown said...

I wish Paget all lucky in the world, she deserves it.

But I'm the saddest fan in the world. I don't think I'll have the strenght to keep watching this show without my favorite girl on it. This is the end line for me.

CBS ruined everything.

HSG said...

To me the best seasons were 4 and 5. Because that is when Rossi and Emily had gelled with the team and they were doing the best shows.

With the whole show changing, guess this is to be expected.

Anonymous said...

I'm so sad that she is leaving I wish that she would reconsider and stay. She is one of my favorite characters and sadly I won't be watching CM next season if she isn't in them. I wouldn't even watch season 6 until I found out that she was coming back

Anonymous said...

They should just pay her more, so many people love having her on the show and i know many people that will stop watching this when she leaves

gubegirl said...

I agree with HSG that S-4 and 5 were both great, with Prentiss and Rossi becoming integral members of the team; lots of good "team" moments and cool personal interaction, using all their individual strengths to the fullest.

But after reading more about the way Paget left the first time and was made to return, I do not blame her for leaving - I would, too. I feel she has gotten by because she admires/cares for other cast members who are like family to her...certainly not because she is OK with CBS, TPTB or anything about the way they have grossly mishandled the entire PB/JJ situation. What a mess. Would leave a bad taste in anyone's mouth!

CMFan11!!: Are you out there, Buddy? We are missing you and want to leave the dark side and come on over to the message board! Let us know if you need help getting there...we are your other mothers, you know....:) Miss you, and want to know how school is going. Tell us here even if you don't "cross over..." OK?

Gloria said...

It's a great loss.
However, I understand your decision. I liked the season, but if I feel Prentiss lost importance.
I wish the best for Paget and I appreciate that is returned.
I hope the writers give a fitting end to this character so loved by all.
I will not stop watching the show, I will continue faithful to Criminal Minds, but I agree it will be a noticeable loss, and I think it should be replaced by another actress.

Gloria said...

It's a great loss.
However, I understand your decision. I liked the season, but if I feel Prentiss lost importance.
I wish the best for Paget and I appreciate that is returned.
I hope the writers give a fitting end to this character so loved by all.
I will not stop watching the show, I will continue faithful to Criminal Minds, but I agree it will be a noticeable loss, and I think it should be replaced by another actress.

sf81387 said...

Not to sound cold or anything, but a large chunk of season 6 was devoted to exiting Prentiss so I hope they don't feel the need to do another grand exit. Luckily there are already 19 episdoes in the can so they can't go too crazy. I think a quite goodbye in the finale because she wants to do something else with her life would be sufficient.

Anonymous said...

I SO agree with the post expressing the hope that they're won't be a protracted arc over the Prentiss exit. She's been with the team for a long time but these kinds of arcs are so constraining to the rest of the stories, and the stories are already less than great. I'd love to see her get a nice send-off, but have it restricted to one episode and not involve a lot of melodrama. Maybe a desk job at the FBI or State Dept., or a think tank job, so that she can raise Declen, as someone else suggested.

Anonymous said...

Emily was my favourite character... so saaad!

anonymous 44 said...

sindee: Will you be putting up a discussion thread for tonite's eppy?

Just wondering...


Anonymous said...

Sad to read that Ms. Brewster is leaving the show. Her character was one of the very few female law inforcement officers/agents that was actually believable. A real professional (And she didn't have to sleep with all the men in the show either).

Wish her all the luck and I hope CBS treats her better in the future.

mastotom said...

i am sooo pissed! another show i will have to force myself NOT to watch! prentiss is the main reason i watch the show, and this past episode she really gets me laughing when she is busting morgans ba#@$. totally bummed!

Anonymous said...

i don't like the flow of the story this season. cbs and the producer of this show should do something, i don't want prentiss to go or any of them but they should fix the story line... it seems that they lost it, i can't explain it but something is missing. it's not how it used to be.

Anonymous said...

After reading that Ms. Brewster will be leaving the show after this season, it is very hard to watch the show. We lost her last year and now again. I really hope that CBS and Ms. Brewster reconsider and she will return next year. Maybe she can be a bureau chief in a different city and return to the show at least for a half of the shows. Don't know if anyone can replace her.

CBS does not have the best track records and what promises does Ms. Brewster have that they will give her a good, decent show with her as the star.

Anonymous said...

Shame on you CBS and Erica, You really should have tried harder to keep Paget Brewster on the show, I stopped watching after 6x18 and only came back for season 7 cause A J & Paget were back, the criminal minds family were together again and it's been great, sadly this is about to end. I can only hope you can get Paget Brewster to reconsider and surprise us all and have her return some time in season 8. Swallow your pride CBS and give her what she wants.

Anonymous said...

This is bad enough but if hotch and prentiss don't get together by the end of the season then that's it. I will be Done with criminal minds

Anonymous said...

I am sad to see paget leave but I respect her choice CM will never be the same without her she was my favorite character but the show has gotten weak lately maybe now its time to let go of CM wish the best of luck to you paget please reconsider what your doing BUT please do not KILL her off again I don't think I could do it she deserves a respectful exit she gave you 6 great years

Pagets biggest and saddest fan

Diane said...

Have been a big fan of CM, mainly cause i love this cast line up, they blend so well together, Paget Brewster is my favorite actress and so talented, her portrayal of Emily Prentiss became my favorite and got me hooked on the show, then S6 happened and i stopped watching after 6x18, i only came back to watch S7 cause Paget returned and the team were together again, i was so happy and have really enjoyed S7, sadly this will be it for me, i will watch CM till Paget last episode, then no more. I still hold hope that they will renegotiate and get Paget to reconsider and come back for S8. I love this show but can't watch without Paget Brewster in it. I hope Paget has a change of heart and changes her mind.

Anonymous said...

WELL DONE CBS, you really have outdone yourself this time. your poor judgement of season 6 and your heartless treatment of some of the actors has been just cruel and i guess some wounds are hard to heal.

I am a huge fan of Paget Brewster, she is such a wonderful and talented actress with a big heart, she brought Emily Prentiss to life and she made you love this charactor, she is the reason i watch the show, Paget leaving will leave to much of a void in the show for me, so season 7 the end of the line for me.

For selfish reasons i want Paget to stay, as sad as it is, i know she has made her choice and just doesn't want to be there anymore, the pain of season 6 is still there and who could trust them to do the right thing by paget.

Paget, i hope all your dreams come true.


PLEASE stop this train wreck and cancel the show, cause season 8 will just be a big mess.

Anonymous said...

I'm still holding on to the dream, that the wonderfully talented, Paget Brewster will return sometime in S8 as a permanent cast member again. i have seen this done on other shows, and it works really well, with some great writing it can't go wrong. And what makes this better if CBS agree, it will be Paget decision to return should they ask, that should make for one big happy family.