“A Thin Line” – The BAU team investigates a series of brutal home invasions and murders in California’s Inland Empire that appear to be gang-related, but their investigation may uncover a more sinister motivation, on CRIMINAL MINDS, Wednesday, Feb. 22 (9:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network. Paul Johansson (“One Tree Hill”) guest stars as mayoral candidate Clark Preston.
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Careful in case you haven't watched the episode yet... comments might contain ***SPOILERS***
I always enjoy knowing about episodes of CM.
To see those yummy looking men and lovely ladies work hard at finding who does bad things to other people.
Looks like it has potential, but we will see. Not very optimistic anymore this season.
Also will be interesting to see Paul Johansson acting again. He was the director for Atlas Shrugged.
Yes I'm blogging while I'm watching...I just have to say now, wow Paget. What a great scene. All in Spanish. I'm super impressed:)
Am already enjoying this episode much more than last weeks.
Holy shit, could the episode be any more anti republican? When was the episode filmed? Just curious because the bad guy politician was obviously cast as a Rick Perry look a like. They have had a liberal bend in the past but this really crossed the line.
great show. next week's looks scary good.
Overall a solid episode, and much better than the ones we've been seeing lately. I found the case interesting and it was refreshing to see more profiling from the team. Even though we knew who the unsub was for most of the episode, the politician's involvemet was a good twist. I liked the moment between Emily and Morgan at the end...Emily imitating him was priceless! And it's totally something I would do :P I enjoy cute team moments, but I liked how this episode was more about the case than the team.
Not a perfect episode, but definitely better than I expected :)
Loved tonight's episode! Next weeks looks interesting too. Paget you rocked that scene all in Spanish! You go girl!
The ending with Morgan and Prentiss was amazing! I love scenes like that! Morgan's care and concern was adorable and Prentiss killed me, imitating him and teasing with him! But at the same time also made me sad realizing her days are numbered on this show! Will not be the same without her!
Really liked this episode, and the Morgan and Prentiss scene, The show won't be the same without Emily, so sad Paget leaving.
OK, I really liked this one. I liked the training bit at the beginning, I liked how we saw that Morgan and Prentiss are not really over Doyle, especially Morgan, not at heart. I did like the white shirt and the interview in Spanish and the teasing at the end to show that while they're not over it they *are* in the process of healing. And I *loved* snarky Rossi, oh I love that line.
But the biggest kudos have to go to the writer Virgil Williams and everyone who approved that script for daring to go there, especially in an elections year. Inflammatory speech from the campaign stump is a huge issue and it already has triggered violence in unstable individuals and yet no one wants to speak out. At least a fictional character dared to ask a politician to tone it down for the sake of public safety. It took a big, brass, ____ to say that these days and thank you for it.
- RF
I thought this was an excellent episode! Arguably the best of the season!
Fantastic job to everyone! The storyline was good, profiling was at its best since I don't know when and the whole thing just flowed like in CM eps of the past. I really was happy with this one!
Hoping this trend continues and we can get back to the business at hand - enjoying Criminal Minds!!!
Thanks again to everyone - the episode was excellent!
Good episode, but does anyone but me find it odd that this team is suffering so much guilt and sorrow over what happened to Emily, but they never seemed to be phased by the fact that they failed when they allowed Foyet to murder Haley? Morgan's supposedly carrying around all this guilt over not being able to get to Prentiss in time, yet when he was actually in charge, calling the shots, and didn't get there in time to save Haley we never saw any sign that he felt guilty about that or any sign that any member of the team felt like they had failed. Don't get me wrong, I don't think they should blame themselves over either incident, they did the best they could, but their reaction to what happened to Emily versus their reaction to what happened to Haley is like night and day. In both cases they failed to save one of their own, but the reaction to the one failing is much stronger than the it was to the other.
I think because Hayley and Jack were in protective custody, they didn't feel it was as urgent as with Emily - who was in the 'custody' of her killer.
I think the two situations are different. They didn't realize Hayley was in danger until it was too late and with Emily, they knew and just couldn't get there fast enough.
Just my opinion....
I really don't see any difference in the situations. In both cases, they didn't get there in time and someone they loved and cared about suffered because of that.
Obviously they weren't overly attached to Haley, but they all supposedly love and care about Hotch and should've felt like they'd failed him just as they feel they failed Emily, yet there was no indication that any of them carried around the grief and angst that some seem to be carrying around over Emily.
Like I said, it was a good episode, I just find it odd that two very similar situations garnered such different reactions.
I will reiterate that I don't personally believe any of them should feel like they failed anyone in either case, but understand that it would be completely human to go there and if they went there in one instance they should've gone there in the other.
I agree the two situations are very similar because Foyet was hunting Haley and he wouldn't give up until Aaron had paid for not taking the deal. And With Emily Doyle didn't stop hunting her
until she paid for taking his son away from him. But in the end the team's reactions are different because with Haley the next day it was back to work, and Emily they are still feeling the loss from when she left.
Emily was on a assignment from the beginning and pretended to be Doyle's lover but with Haley Foyet made it personal and went after her and Jack. The guilt of not rescuing Emily and Haley should be the same, but they did the best they could with what info. they had on them. This week's episode was good it was much better than it has been in the past few weeks. I think what made it good was the twist with having the politician be the one behind the home invasions.
You can tell that Morgan is still struggling with what happened with Emily and when she was shot he felt like it was his fault again. She makes that joke at the end and you can see it in his eyes like " its too soon to be making jokes about Doyle" but she still made him
I hope the show keeps it up I see an improvement coming.
Where can you watch online? SSAMinds has not done a YouTube upload in about a month.
Check out Vultures Minds channel on Youtube.
Not particularly looking forward to next week's episode. I am in the minority opinion that the Hotch/Beth scenes are bleh, and do not belong in Criminal Minds. It makes Hotch look too much like Greg from Dharma and Greg, and it's a waste of valuable screen time, in my opinion. Last week's episode wasn't really noteworthy. Not as horrific as "Proof" or "Painless," but the out of character-ness kind of matched it to those episodes. Just my opinion.
Now, in regards to this week's episode, I can say that this is the first episode from Season 7 that I can say is good, and it's sad that it took them 15 episodes to get it.
Good? Hell, it was GREAT! I absolutely LOVED the training scene with Morgan where he came off as a hard-nosed super experienced agent intimidating his trainees.
I loved the Morgan/Prentiss interactions as I feel Morgan is the only team mate that Prentiss has the highest amount of chemistry with. It just feels natural and it fits so perfectly together. The scenes with her and Hotch feel forced to me, and I honestly find myself cringing at times.
Morgan being the one to take out the unsub was LONG AWAITED, I have to say. It appeared as though the writers were going a bit too far by having Hotch go trigger happy too often this Season. Kind of got annoying and repetitive.
I'm not saying that I enjoyed seeing the unsub die (although I do enjoy violence a great deal), but it was a nice change of pace to have Morgan as the one to take him out, as he fits more into the role of being the one to confront the unsubs without flinching.
I think it was a nice balance to have Hotch and Rossi arresting the mayoral candidate while Morgan, Prentiss, and JJ handled the unsub. I could tell it kinda hurt Morgan to have to take the kid's life after trying so hard to reason with him.
The ending scene on the plane was priceless. Really enjoyed it and I could feel the scene and what the characters were trying to convey to each other. Prentiss trying to lift Morgan's mood was funny too. The way she'd react when she'd say something and he'd take it serious. Priceless!
I'm looking forward to seeing what they have cooking for Morgan coming up around the 19/20th episode, since the writers have said they've planned an arc for him where we get to see his family. I feel it's long overdue. It's been about 6 years...
5/5 for this episode for me. :)
I loved the episode and appreciated that the characters could connect and react to the crime itself. Morgan was fabulously written and Shemar was heartbreaking. I am loving this season's Morgan - s6 was weak in his characterisation i thought. But i'm not a fan of the jet scene. Didn't quite get Emily's reaction. I also don't find Prentiss/Hotch awkward - maybe in Painless, but they seem very alike to me on many levels - both intensely private individusls dealing with their demons.
i also don't find Hotch with Beth OOC - rusty, a little more relaxed, and a touch more boyish? Yes, but why 'Greg'? We just have to go back to S1 Hotch. He was all that. It really is less than 5mins that Beth has been on screen - so i am not going to discuss it any further. It detracts from my enjoyment of everything else and the rage/hate makes no sense to me. So i'll let that be - to each her own.
Morgan/Prentiss shines again. I really love those two and Shemar and Paget's chemistry cannot be matched in my view. It's beautiful every single time. This was the best episode of the season without a shadow of a doubt. I absolutely adored Derek more than ever, he was so sweet. I felt bad for that kid though, and it hurt to have to see Derek kill him. As someone else said, it looked like it hurt him too. I can watch this over and over again. I really hope there's another episode as good as this one in the future. :)
When I first started watching Criminal Minds and the writers had Morgan and Garcia flirting with each other I had thought that they would get together, but after what happened a couple of episodes ago its not going to happen. And I must say I am kind of disappointed because that would have been very interesting to watch.
When Prentiss started working with the team you can see that she and Morgan had great chemistry,with finding out that they read the same book after her date that she thought she screwed up. And now after what she went though with Doyle and Morgan being there when she "died" that should have brought them closer.
To me it looks like Morgan may feel more that friendship with Prentiss because he took it so hard and after she returned all he could do is stare at her, and not even say a word. Even though they are opposites I think that they have more in common then they realized, and the show should see if something could happen between them espcially since she's leaving at the end of the season.
Its just my thought so anyone can reply back.
I noticed that Morgan's overprotective nature is what contributed to how hard he came down on Valdez.
Notice that when he jumped out of the closet and shot all of the agents, he didn't shoot Prentiss. He also defended her when she tried to say she made the mistake.
He felt responsible for her getting shot although it wasn't his fault, so it's obvious that he is still feeling that closeness to her, because he is terrified of losing her again, perhaps more than anyone else on the team. I can feel that.
This episode was amazing, and although I have really hated this season, this episode kinda gave me a little hope that there may be more episodes of this quality. I really really love Morgan's character, and Shemar's chemistry with Paget. It's what keeps me a fan of the series, although I may not be a fan of every season or show.
Loved this episode. Paget and Shemar have amazing chemistry. Glad they showed more of the effects Emily's "death" had on Morgan. So sad that Paget is leaving. Only started watching again when I found out she was back, probably won't watch when she's gone again :(
I hope the writers read this.
We. need. More. Shemar! There's been alot of focus on Hotch and Prentiss this Season, but only tidbits on Derek Morgan here and there.
When is Morgan going to get some focus other than an episode here or there? I feel he's long overdue for an arc to call his own.
God episode, really.
Prentiss and Morgan interactions were amazing !
But, i'm french, and i didn't understand the last words of Emily (in the plane, before she said "i'n kidding"), someone can helpe me ?
She said "That thing with Doyle" which meant she was referring to when Morgan got there after Ian Doyle had stabbed her with the steak of wood and she almost died. lol.
Please, enough with Morgan the superman, what are the writers thinking, It was funny the first time, when they put him as unit chief, but now he is training everyone, come on, I thought when they had Ashley Seaver join the bau was bad enough, Please bring the old Morgan back and put him in the bull pen with the others, really not liking this Morgan anymore, I guess the writers will have him doing Erin Struss job next.
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