“From Childhood’s Hour” — The BAU team investigates the abductions of young children with troubled mothers in St. Louis. Also, Rossi reconnects with his first wife who has shocking news for him, on CRIMINAL MINDS, Wednesday, Oct. 19 (9:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network. Isabella Hoffman (“JAG,” “Homicide: Life on the Street”) guest stars as Rossi’s ex-wife, Carolyn. Additional guest stars include Emmy Award winner Heather Tom (“The Young and the Restless,” “The Bold and the Beautiful”) as young mother Connie, and Annie Fitzgerald (“True Blood”) as troubled mother Marlene Smith.
Talk about this episode in the comment...
Careful in case you haven't watched the episode yet... comments might contain ***SPOILERS***
Picture in this post ©CBS.
Looking forward to learning more about Rossi and another great case in the works for our team.
Yes, looking forward to learn more about Rossi. He is long overdue for a personal drama storyline.
Eager to hear what "Wife # 1" has in store for Rossi.
I can't wait! We need more rossi-centric episodes!
Rossi FTW.
Can't wait to see a Rossi-centric episode! Love Rossi!!!
I am really looking forward to this episode, but I am a little worried what the wife's shocking news will turn out to be - haven't completely forgotten season 6 and it's sometimes over the top drama. But seeing how season 7 looks so far, I am hopeful. I surprise myself in that whenever something personal about Rossi is revealed, I am totally excited and feel with him, although I never expect that much beforehand.
Love Rossi , though I pictured his ex completely differently. Still not loving the wonderful Dr.s hair ... Oh but I do love him and his brilliant mind.
Season 7 continues to ROCK!! Loving it.
Mom to 2
This was overall a solid episode: good plot line, a look into Rossi's past, and some cute team moments. :)
So sad for Rossi! What a horrible request from his ex!
Well, I suspected she was ill, but did not guess she would ask for help ending it. Was a punch in the gut when she announced ALS (Lou Gehrig's) since I lost my brother to that and have a friend suffering with it. It's an awful disease and an awful way to go, no doubt. But isn't Rossi religious? JM is very affecting. His tears seemed real (more real than ex's "signs the end is coming" imho). Anyway, I'm glad we're getting more with the BAU team members. They are what I tune in for.
Loved this episode. I think this season is terrific.
that was such a horrible request and i feel so sad for Rossi :( It's interesting to see that Emily is the one who asked/talked to both Hotch and Rossi's about their lives outside of the BAU :D
I will have to comment later on the episode. Excuse me for going off topic for a moment. Velandra, nice to see you. The old regulars are over on the message board and we've been missing you. Scroll down a bit on the blog and see sindee's message about getting on there.
Season 7 has been legit garbage from start to finish.
They have completely ruined every bit of realism that this show once had.
Season 6 was nice, dark, and genuine, and now suddenly Morgan is laughing and joking with Reid and Garcia? Hotch is smiling? The Prentiss issue has been just swept under the rug?
The writers need to get a clue. Seriously. I am ashamed of what has become of this show.
Erica Messer has no idea what she's doing.
The premier was promising, but ended flat, and the episodes since have been unrealistic and banal.
And there's too much Hotch. There isn't a even balance of all the characters, and it's turning me away from the show.
The majority of internet fans may like Hotch, but the decreasing ratings are proof that the entire fandom would rather see balanced screentime and quality cases.
Messer needs to step it up, because the premier was down from the Season 6 premier, as have been many episodes this year.
The Season 6 premier is one of the best episodes in the show's entirety, in my opinion.
Tim Curry and Shemar Moore were steller!
Also, Morgan is becoming waay too unrealistic in terms of his character. I don't think any of them know what they're doing in terms of him, and it's ruining the show.
I simply loved that episode, it was well written and so touching at the same time.
When I saw the press release for the episode I was already wondering if the shocking news from Rossi's ex wife was related to her health, but I never saw the twist coming.
I don't know how Rossi is going to deal with this, there's no easy choice here.
The case was poignant and interesting.
I loved the team interaction and the Reid scenes were wonderful.
I do think it would be nice to see more Hotch/Reid interactions though.
On a side note, not every women owns dozens of shoes. I never had an interest in that when I was younger and at 32 year old, I still don't.
Bruce Zimmerman did a wonderful job, and I'm impatient to see what his next episode will be about.
Of course, I also can't wait to see what happens in the next episode written by Rick Dunkle, one of my favorite writers for the show.
Thank you for a great episode of Criminal Minds !
I love Criminal Minds, but I have to agree with the minority opinion that this Season just isn't cutting it.
Season 6 was okay, except for us losing our girls, but the writing wasn't quite THIS bad.
I don't even feel like I'm watching the same show anymore. Last week's episode was REALLY bad, and this one was just...I'm saddened by this bad trend the show has taken.
Yes, Morgan having that little chat with Garcia while a child is missing for more than 24 hrs is weird. And Rossi losing concentration while discussing the case with Emily also irks me. They did not have this in the past seasons... not when they were rigorously working on or analyzing a case.
It reminds me of the first episode when Emily showed up at the round table after Hotch announcing her being alive. All were struck dumb but when Emily said she really needed to know what happen to Declan, they put aside everything and worked professionally. And that was nice! :)
I enjoyed this episode. The case was interesting, the comaraderie among the team was reminiscent of the earlier seasons. It was great to meet one of Rossi's ex-wives, what a shame that we learned of her condition But I was not surprised by what she had or asked him to do. It is what I would have done as well.
On a side note, not everybody likes shoes. I own two pair and don't need one for color outfit and I certainly do not follow the 'fashion' of the day. Most of the 'fashion' of the day in today's shoes is horrible and UGLY.
Not yet 9 PM here in CA so I have not yet seen the show. Not worried about reading your spoilers here, tho', ever since I read the UCSD study that indicates it only enhances your anticipation and can actually help you to better comprehend when you have some prior knowledge. Anyway, I like it!
Velandra, it is great to finally see you on here again! Hope that your hubby is well and that you will find your way on the message board. I try to bungle over there abit every day or two but still find this blog far more conducive for my desire for a "quickie!" I am still getting used to our dear Dr. Reid with all the locks-in-the-face look, but love him all the same. I could do with longer around the rest of his head, just let's see that expressive, handsome face, right?!
Glynnis, so sorry to hear about your brother's horrific illness. It might have been hard for you to see this epi and hear these details? My sympathies to you.
Teresa, hope you got my belated response to your message to me from the board. Anxious to hear what you thought of tonite's epi.
Will review tomorrow as it needs to be an early bedtime for me tonite. Need to drag myself up the stairs w/o turning the channel to "American Horror Story." This one will stand your hair on end with the ghostly presences, simultaneously shocking you with sexy stuff while confusing you as to how each character views the other: are they middle-aged and stodgy or are they young and sexy? It's all in the eyes of the beholder! Or is it? We don't know yet... Oh, my! Dexter and Damages pale in comparison...this will be the 3rd epi tonite on FX. Worth watching Connie Britton and Dylan McDermott if nothing else.
OK, guys, must go jump in my jammies and park it in front of our fave show! CM still rocks, re:less!
Thank you, Sindee, for letting us fanatics chat here!
Great episode with a solid case, there's just one thing : given the subject matter (kids neglected by parents who are unable to take care of them) it would have been nice for the writer to let Reid shed some light to the case by using his own personal experience. With a schizophrenic mother and a father who left them when he was only 10, Reid was left to take care of himself and his mentally ill mother. He could have used his own experience at some point to figure out something.
It could have also been the perfect opportunity to tell us what is wrong with Reid's mother. I would really like to know and hope the story hasn't been dropped.
Sindee: I tried to email you but it kept coming up the address was invalid. I registered again using Velandra as my user name. Pls let me know if u can help. Thanks and thanks for taking over the blog so we can Still get our CM fix. Good luck to you Jill in all your future endeavors.
Gubegirl: I do so love his face ... so gorgeous! My hubby is doing ok thank you for asking. I'm still trying to get on the message board as you can see from my above .... Hope to talk to all the old regulars again soon ...
The news from Rossi's ex was incredibly sad ... The last thing I was expecting.
In my opinion, this episode was ok, but it was not the best episode of Criminal Minds. The scene at the end was emotional, and it was much better than I expected. My favorite episode this season was Painless. I agree with some of the posters that Season 7 is not as good as previous seasons so far. I do not like the idea of delving into personal lives that much. I am especially upset that the writers are going to give Hotch a love interest in episode 7.10. I want more team interaction and the writers to explore Hotch's complex character not more romances!! If this season continues on this track, I might have to watch reruns of seasons 1-6 on DVDs
I absolutely love Season 7 so far, we get some great team moments, like in the old days !
I liked tonight's episode. The case was interesting, and the unsub was kind of deranged, but in his own logical way.
As for Rossi, it's good to see how much his first wife really meant to him (and she still does apparently).
But OMG, I feel so sorry for him !!! What an aweful request that is !!!
Oh, and I also spotted the pen I sent to Garcia !! Wicked !! ^^
I'm really enjoying season seven too.
I preferred some episodes to others ("painless" is not one of my favorite) but I think they're doing a great job.
Next episode is written by Rick Dunkle, and he's one of my favorite writers.
I'm also impatient to see "True Genius", and I hope Reid will outsmart everyone and be at his best. I have wanted to see more of Reid's scientific background for so long, this episode might become my number one episode.
I really liked the episode. Great performance by Joe Mantegna.
BUT I feel like this season is flat. The episodes are good but I keep waiting for a really great episode and so far I haven't seen one.
I've been waiting to see one of Rossi's wives. It was an interesting episode and I thought the acting was great although I don't feel like Morgan is acting like Morgan.
I agree about Morgan. It feels like the writers are completely destroying his character. He's coming off weak and too playful.
It's impossible for him to have gone through so much conflict over the last two years and be like he was in the earlier seasons. That's just insane and far from realistic.
Why are they having Hotch as the aggressor for the second week in a row?
There's no reason for them to have Hotch taking down the unsub BOTH weeks. They need to distribute it out evenly, and not make Hotch look like the superman of the show, or it's not going to work, and it's going to look incredibly biased, if it hasn't already.
I have to say I really enjoyed this one. The case was rock solid, the unsub was different and creepy, the characterization was spot on in my book, the way the team interacted felt accurate and reasonable, and there was just enough personal stuff sprinkled around and through the case.
And Joe Mantegna was amazing! I have to admit, Rossi has never been a favorite character for me, he reminds me too much of my mother's second set of in-laws, but tonight he hit it out of the park. The last two minutes literally had me in tears.
Kudos and applause all around. Thank you for a great episode.
I have to agree with some of the minority comments, as well. This season is getting to 'light' - CM is dark, always has been and it's worked just fine for six seasons.
Even with the debacle that was season 6, the show didn't really lose its edge. That's what makes CM such a good and 'realistic' drama. I put that in quotes because, it is just TV - but it's GOOD TV.
And...I absolutely love JM and Rossi but I really don't want to go down the 'personal lives' road. It's been touched on with other characters but I truly hope we don't start having personal moments in every episode. It just doesn't work - makes it too much of soap opera and that would be devastating to this series.
Not sure how this episode with Rossi will play out but I do love JM, so I'm glad he's getting some serious screen time. Now let's cut the Morgan/Garcia banter down just a bit and get back to finding the unsub!
I don`t like the lighter direction the show has taken again in this episde. CM used to be a dark show and that made them special and better IMO. In the last two episodes was too much joking aorund and some of the characters are hardly recognisable anymore.
Reid and Morgan have jumped back to their season one/two personalities. All the character development they went through the last years has vanished and it is as if seasons three to six never happened. They also again reminded of the annoying and silly NCIS characters.
As did Garcia. The scenes in this episode made her look very unprofessional. She was actually halting the investigation a few times. And even if she in the end gets her work done as Hotch said to Morgan in " The Longest Night", it still makes her look unprofessional. It also makes her look like a Abby (name?) NCIS clone because this Abby always halts the investigation with some annoying stuff.
Maybe Erica Messer is a huge NCIS fan or maybe she expects with making CM more like NCIS they also get the great ratings NCIS has. But I am not a fan of this lighter direction of the show.
The case of the week was good and well written but too short and in the end rushed but that is not really surprising when they spend so much time with shoe talk, Garcia`s flirting and the Rossi storyline.
I absolutely love the Rossi story. It is highly dramatic, yes. But so were the Doyle story, Gideon`s story and the never ending Foyet storyline. Rossi was long overdue for a personal drama storyline and Joe Mantegna is an outstanding actor. I`m glad they found something really emotional for Rossi.
Liked the show. Mainly because JM was so great - what an actor! New respect for him, for sure. I was all teary at the end, right along with him. Awesome acting, good story for him, long time coming.
Garcia and Morgan are getting too carried away and need to scale back. Too much of a good thing is no longer that funny: hampers the serious storyline rather than just serve to be a tiny bit of comic-relief to the show's darkness, which is all we want, right?
Surprised that Reid didn't jump in there more with his personal exp, as he has done much of in the past. Even w/o going on about how dysfunctional his own childhood was, he has always contributed in such parental abuse/negligence, you always knew that HE KNEW what he was talking about, firsthand. Find his not sharing weird.
Morgan seems softer and gentler but I have no doubt they will have him kicking down doors and being a hothead again - just not every epi:)
Do not like Prentiss being such a "mind-reader" but last wk w/ Hotch was way worse than last nite w/ Rossi. That convo about Jack was just too weird.
Still miss JJ being the liaison/media person altho' she is a good profiler. Saw her soft side again last nite - she can be tough but hasn't lost her motherly instincts/touch.
OK. That's all. Would I watch it again? Maybe. But more because I would like to watch JM's lip quivering in the final scene than because I am concerned I missed some tidbit about an unsub or trivia that was critical to the case. Uh-uh.
Case: As a person with depression, I was offended by the comment about "What does that say to the kid? That he's not worth sticking around for?" Certainly contradicts the earlier statement of "Depression is the one things that overwhelms maternal instinct." If I had known ahead of time how awful they were going to be towards mothers with depression, I would have made sure my teenage son was out of the room. I will have to deal with the consequences for a long time since turning off the TV wasn't fast enough. Depression is more common than Erica Messer must know and this episode brought out her discriminating views. It most likely reinforced stereotypes and discrimination from viewers. House on Fox is supported by NAMI. I can't imagine the organization would have much good to say about Criminal Minds. People with a mental illness being lumped into the same category as mothers with drug abuse or an abusive boyfriend? So sad.
The only good thing about this episode were the interactions between team members. I love Rossi and was moved by his response and reactions to his first ex-wife.
I have been trying to convince myself that I shall enjoy the new season now that the team is back, and while I am getting closer to satisfying my (now much lower) expectations, I miss the connection with the characters that I have grown to love over all these years – they feel like shadows of themselves, less substantial. Moments of levity on this show have always been special because they were rare and did not feel merely tagged on as a fan-pleasing afterthought. Now it’s every episode. The Garcia banter in this epi made me realise I was reflecting hotch’s expression to a T. I was irritated and wanted to tell her to shut up for goodness sake. I have no problems with personal lives, especially when they’re entangled in the web of the Frank, Tobias or Foyet arcs. They were dark, they were menacing, and they took away something both tangible and intangible from the characters that had the misfortune to get too close to them. In the same vein I loved the Rossi storyline much more than I did the other ‘team moments’, simply because it touched something deeper. Rossi is worldly wise and can usually manage to be detached, and this side of him, while always alluded to, has rarely been explored. I did not find it surprising, though, or OOC, just heartbreaking—JM was magnificent and believable. The twinkle in his eye and the spring in his step at the beginning of the episode brilliantly offset the shocking ending. This is the Rossi I know, this is the Rossi I love. The Garcia and the shoes frivolity took away a little something from where they could have taken the unsub and the Rossi stories, much like the great arcs of yore. I didn’t much like the Doyle arc but it did have the potential to pay rich dividends had it not been for all the scrabble playing and the pasta making and the ulcer references.
The case – my husband said something interesting – that it was becoming too predictable – everything goes back to the unsub’s childhood. Papa Freud would be proud. I acknowledge that the writers, by now, must find it very difficult indeed to look for ever more (and ever new) sources of psychopathology; and more and more bizarre methods of torture, jarring music and shaky camera movement are probably not going to do it – more profiling maybe? How they think and stumble and get lucky or have a brainwave, connect the dots, circumvent the red herrings – that would be more interesting to me. But again, as I’ve said before, this is only my opinion – they are doing better than ever; so pay no heed to what I say
I really liked JJ in this – although they were quick to judge the first mother (before they’d met her), they were equally quick, I thought, to acknowledge her hell. I did not think they were admonishing people fighting depression, but I’ll re-watch to be sure. Reid did refer to his own experience, twice, and in the car JJ and Hotch shared a pretty meaningful look.
Maybe it was just me but I felt this story wasn't too strong. It was definitely interesting but felt like something was missing with the UNSUB plot. Rossi side storyline was very good to see and I'm looking forward to see how that will be played out. I love the fun comic relief moments between the team. As usual its never over done. Just the right amount IMO. Also..no new ep next week?? I didn't see a preview. :(
One thing I really wanted to see, and disappointed that it hadn't been addressed, was JJ's reaction to the suicides, since it's been established that her sister had committed suicide.
The good part of this episode was Rossi's story line. I suspected that his ex might come back because she is sick and groaned when I heard her confirm it, but her request to Rossi took me by surprise. I am really curious how this will play out. The case, however, wasn't that interesting. There were good points in the story, but somehow they didn't really connect - to many fillers. It took me by surprse, however, how the UnSub found the children and that he himself pushed his mother of the bridge. The humor of this episode was nice, except that it somehow annoyed me that when the women began to talk about shoes, they immediately decided to go shopping -- one of the most overdone clichés ever!!! On a last note, I think that the situation of a depressed mother and her child was depicted very well, especially with Bobby's mother. It was sad to see how she suffered and at the same time, I was so sad for her son who had to go through this all and be a witness to her suffering. All in all, this was certainly not my favorite of season 7. If there are too many scenes with the UnSub in it, that's usually no good sign, and this time was no exception. But at least there was some team interaction, so that makes it better than most of season 6.
anybody know the dish rossi said he would make his ex-wife
I never heard it through my travels in Italy and was wondering about it.
I wondered the what the Italian dish was, also. I used to life in CT where tons of Italians live but did not recognize the name.
There is no new epi next wk; it is a re-run of "25 to Life" from last season and CBS was in error to teast us the way they did.
Must go back and re-watch this wk's epi for Eleven's observation of Reid contributing more to the case personally than I thought he did:)
Have a good day, everyone!
(Still waiting for Blimey, Velandra and CMFan11 to chime in on here (no word from you, TX buddy, in a LONG time!)
I have not had time to re-watch the episode, but I believe that the dish was cioppino--a fish stew that is as much "San Francisco" as it is Italian.
I am not so concerned with the food as I am for Rossi. I am feeling such sadness for him. I cannot believe that Rossi, the CM character, could give Caroline what she wants without a personal sacrifice that would always haunt him. She is facing something terrible, but I cannot help thinking that she should arrange her own suicide, while she still can, rather than ask anyone to kill her later, when she is incapacitated.
Sometimes, the characters on this show are just TOO REAL; I get too involved with their decisions.
Blogger Miss Boo (a.k.a. jen70) said...
" Case: As a person with depression, I was offended by the comment about "What does that say to the kid? That he's not worth sticking around for?" Certainly contradicts the earlier statement of "Depression is the one things that overwhelms maternal instinct." If I had known ahead of time how awful they were going to be towards mothers with depression, I would have made sure my teenage son was out of the room. I will have to deal with the consequences for a long time since turning off the TV wasn't fast enough. Depression is more common than Erica Messer must know and this episode brought out her discriminating views. It most likely reinforced stereotypes and discrimination from viewers. House on Fox is supported by NAMI. I can't imagine the organization would have much good to say about Criminal Minds. People with a mental illness being lumped into the same category as mothers with drug abuse or an abusive boyfriend? So sad.
The only good thing about this episode were the interactions between team members. I love Rossi and was moved by his response and reactions to his first ex-wife."
Apart from the line you mentioned at the beginning of your post I don`t think they lumped the mother with depression into the same category as the drug abuser and the abusive boyfriend. Morgan said very nice things about the mother. For example that she spent all her money on her son and that she did everything to make his life as good as possible. In contrast he showed no sympathy for the drug abuser who lied to them even though her son was missing.
Happy Saturday morning to everyone!!
Gubegirl - yes, I'm very much alive & kicking! Just been unpleasantly busy with work and other stuff. I'm now on the message board - when I get the chance!
However, NOTHING gets in the way of me sourcing CM on a Thursday. I liked the episode as a whole - the case was interesting and JM/Rossi was superb - from hope to despair so beautifully portrayed. Such a sad situation - I wonder how the storyline will pan out and if it'll relate to any future cases?
My only gripe was the Morgan-Garcia banter. Less is more, folks - quality not quantity and all that! Too much car stuff and I confess I was rolling my eyes at the end.
Remember this from season 2:
Twenty seconds of utter brilliance which *still* has the ability to make me laugh aloud. That's more like it, imho.
Anyway, I'm generally liking this season so far - things seem to be looking up after last year's uber-blip and I hope it'll continue to improve.
Remember, we're only five episodes in - as long as what's been promised gets delivered by the end of the season I'll be happy. Although it would be nice to definitely know that we'll see Jane Lynch, or that Reid's headaches will be cleared up (without a load of melodrama since that boat sailed months ago).
I also agree with the posters who don't want too much personal stuff. Some is good, as it humanises the characters - but again, less is more. We can fill in the gaps. When I want to watch a soap opera I tune into that Aussie gem "Neighbours". ;-))
Right folks, hope y'all (yeah, where've you gone CMFAN11?!) have a fab weekend. Homemade waffles smothered with marshmallow Fluff (works out $4+ per jar - but so worth it...) are calling.
Laters... x x
Oh, Blimey-Girl, you're back and it is good to see you! Hear you? Read you? Whatever!
We agree on the epi & I like the lighter, briefer, less exaggerated PG/DM moments,as do most. Nice vid!
Waffles and fluff? Now that sounds really decadent. Not good to me as I am no fluff fan, but I would smother those homemade babies with pureed raspberries and a generous dollop of real whipped cream...now we're talkin'. I take it you will be heading to the House of Body Combat thereafter?!
Good to have you back! Get out your best Thanksgiving style recipes and we'll share them over on the board where Teresa has a "private posting place" ppp - just for us!
Hugs to you. Maybe we need to tempt CMFan 11 with one on my homemade cinny-nums??? Or should we go all out with the EC? LOL.
Have a great day.
I'm not one who likes to see the unsub too soon and we got to see him and understand his motivations before the team did. So, although the use of the 911 operator was interesting, we again got all the information on the unsub from the unsub himself and really didn't require a lot of profiling from the team. We sort of waited for them to catch up.
I did enjoy the Rossi story and seeing his first wife. I had figured she would be dying but not that she'd ask him to help her end it. Being Catholic, that will be a particularly hard call for him as well as possibly an illegal act so it will be interesting to see how that develops.
I enjoyed the team moments, especially Reid and his, for once, ignorance of women's need for shoes.
I must admit that I agree with many that the Morgan/Garcia flirtiness is getting too much. It seems like that once the producers or writers know the fans like something, they go overboard with it until we don't. The same could be said of the personal things we are getting with every episode. Yes EM knows that the fans want to see more of the personal lives of the team, but perhaps not every episode. The show used to be about profiling the case at hand. Any personal tidbits that got thrown in was like icing on the cake. Now it seems like you wait for the case AND what will be revealed about which character this week. As another poster said, less is sometimes more. One more thing, Emily seems to be becoming the Dear Abby of the BAU, last week with Hotch, this week with Rossi, enough already.
Hi guys, it’s nice to hear from the people I’ve been missing, Velandra, Blimey, Theresa and Eleven. I had talked to gubegirl the other day on the message board about not ‘seeing’ any of you so it’s glad to hear you’re all alive and well. Where are you CMFan11?
Okay, I had this all typed up before, went to preview it and it was gone. Sheesh, here we go again. As far as the case went, I didn’t care for it that much. I prefer to not see the unsub and be aware of his motivations so soon and have the team trying to catch up. I prefer when the team leads us there. I thought the fact that the unsub was a 911 operator was interesting though.
Like a lot of others, I’m finding the conversations between Garcia and Morgan are getting a little much. They used to be lighthearted and fun and now they’re bordering on indecency, especially when she knows she’s often on speaker.
I, like a lot of viewers, would like to know more about the team. I think once EM found this out and vowed to do it she may have gone overboard. I want to learn about the team, just not in every episode. CM used to be about the team profiling to solve a case. Anything personal we learned about a particular team member in that endeavor was icing on the cake. Now it seems each episode is about the team profiling to solve the case AND what will we learn about which character this week. The odd moment of lightheartedness between the team members is welcome, like Reid and the shoes. A lighthearted moment or two in each episode I could take to offset the darkness that is, or was, CM.
All that being said; I did like the moments with Rossi and his first wife. I figured she was going to tell him she was dying but her request of him is a much deeper thing. It will be a very difficult decision for him, especially being Catholic. It will be interesting to see how that develops. Since when did Emily become the Dear Abby for the team, last week with Hotch and this week with Rossi? It’s time to give that a break already!
Well somehow my first post got posted. Maybe when I clicked preview, I clicked publish should have checked before I typed it all up again, sorry for that.
Season 7 has been hit and miss for me. Even though a lot of people complain about Morgan and
JJ acting OOC, I think that it makes sense. People change with age. Morgan seems to have calmed down (and so has Strauss) and JJ got harder. I think that this evolution is interesting because it's a bit less predictable. It would be unrealistic if the characters never changed. JJ had a child and got married. Hotch heard his wife get killed on the phone and then killed Foyet. Reid got kidnapped, tortured and became addicted to Dilaudid. How can anybody expect them not to change after going through all those experiences?
However, some things don't sit right with me. Reid a basketball coach? Um, no. And the whole
Morgan/Garcia thing is getting cringeworthy. Short and sweet works best.
But I what really don't like is the tension between JJ and Reid. I have a feeling that this could
evolve into some kind of romance. It could easily be argued that it makes sense because Reid had a crush on JJ and she apparently has marital problems. But I think that both characters deserve better than to get involved into some kind of tawdry affair. It would cheapen the show tremendously. It's Criminal Minds, not As the BAU Turns. And if Reid does get a girlfriend, I hope she's cool and interesting. And she should be her own person and not Reid Light.
I still believe that CM has life left in it, judging by the beautiful scenes between Rossi and Carolyn, but it's getting hard to watch at times. Season 6 was uneven and this one looks even shakier. I hate to say it but I'm getting a bit worried.
I just deleted my whole post. So here goes again.
This was definitely a hit or miss episode for me. I thought the idea of the case had potential which was not fulfilled. First off I didn't understand why they were called in. One child goes missing and the BAU, as we know them is asked to help with the case. I liked the mothers as they were portrayed but there was a lack of drama as far as the unsub was concerned, imo. I did not understand his motivation and I found myself really not caring that much either.
I had mixed feelings on the Rossi/ex wife story. I found his response to her revelation of her illness and her request to be very affecting. It will be interesting to see how they handle this. It's a big deal and a very dramatic developement in his story. I hope they have the time and energy to put into doing it right. I liked the actress who played her.
It was an interesting twist to the story of her coming back into his life. Not sure I bought him as the guy so excited about a relationship. That may be because I kind of like the detached Rossi who keeps his private life private. Or it could be that I found that scene between Prentiss and him to be gag inducing. I just groaned when I was watching it. It felt like that scene in last week's ep. with Hotch. They just seemed to be coming out of nowhere.
And what were they doing with the cameras in some scenes? I'm thinking specifically of that conversation between Rossi and his ex wife, the one at his house. Their faces were distorted, I guess it was meant to add to the drama but to me it seemed weird. I found it happening, though to a lesser degree, in that interview JJ did with the first mother. She seemed to have quite a prominent brow bone.
Garcia's comments are definitely becoming cringe worthy. Is it the timing, the length of the comments,
just getting tirsome because we've seen too much of it, going places they haven't gone before? Don't know. Hotch looked very disapproving at one point but said nothing. Is there perhaps a Hotchalance waiting in the wings?
I only hope Erica and the cast and crew realize that many of the comments in this section are from the vocal fringe and are not representative, in any way, of the millions of viewers who love this show. The ratings are great and the show rocks. Congratulations.
I think this season has been wonderful so far. Really enjoying it. I love seeing a bit into the team's personal lives. I have been waiting for that for quite some time. My friends (all big fans too) and I have been saying for a while now that they need more of this...adds more depth to the show in my opinion. Good job Erica!
Hey there, Pat! How are you? Good to chat again! We're quieter this season, aren't we? Must be a post-adrenaline lull.
Teresa - I agree with you re camera angle, but it doesn't bother me, relative to the rest of the things that do :-) i will post my comments, however disappointed or pernickety they might seem, because i still love the show/actors too much to not care. And i'm trying to ease myself into Season 6, too, and i'm discovering some gems. And trying to be less 'spoilered' - whatever works for me, you know? Ha - trying to fall in love again is taking a minute :-D
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