I love the music used on Criminal Minds and this is a great link to find the songs that are used on the show. You can also listen to the songs and purchase them directly from the site to your Ipod. Criminal Minds is responsible for half the songs I buy from Itunes. :) http://www.tunefind.com/show/Criminal+Minds
Thanks for the music link, Jill. I'll check it out later when I have the chance!
And for the very nice pic of TG. *mmm*
Very nice picture of Thomas Gibson and I too will check the link. I am always looking for some good music and CM uses great songs.
wouldn't it be great if the folks who make CM MADE A CD of the music used in bothseries 1 and 2 of the series. something to muse over ...........
I think a CD would be a great idea. Almost all of the songs they use are great as far as I am concerned. Awesome actually.
A CD would be cool. Thanks for the link. I will try it out.
Thanks for the link.
I am buying a new IPOD next month so I really appreciate the link. I am really excited and please give us more links if possible.
Thanks Jill.
very cool.
Awesome link.
Thanks for the link.
What is this thing you call IPod?
Nice pic of TG and the cool car.
Hey Darlin', just stopping by to say hi! *hugs*
This is a great link. I have used it for awhile. I am glad that you posted it for everyone else.
I love his shoes!
Hi Christy! Hope all is well with you. I will visit soon I promise. Miss you kiddo! :)
Thanks for the link.
Thanks for the yum pic and the link.
Great pic of the main man himself. Lovely.
Great link and pic.
I really love the songs they use. They are compelling and always add to my appreciation of the episode.
Thanks for the heads up!
Thanks and the pic is to die for. Damn he is handsome!
There have been a few episodes that have been really intense and then the music started and it almost made me cry and who can ever hear The Riddle without thinking of the show, not me for sure. I love the mustic on CM. It is truly wonderfully picked out and presented.
Thanks for the links.
Very cool. Thanks.
I love this site. Use it all the time.
Thanks for the link.
This is a great link. Thanks so much.
Great link. Thanks.
Thanks for the music link. I love the songs they use.
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