Kirsten Vangsness, Penelope Garcia on Criminal Minds, has a wonderful CBS blog. In each of her entries she writes a "THREE REASONS I LOVE ____" and we all really enjoy it alot. I thought it would be fun for everyone to write their THREE REASONS I LOVE KIRSTEN VANGSNESS thoughts. So what are the three reasons you love Kirsten Vangsness?
Please remember to regularly check Kirsten's blog at: http://www.cbs.com/primetime/criminal_minds/blog2.php?id=01
Her smile lights up a room.
Her sense of fun would make her the best to go out with.
She can put more expression into one look than most of us can into speech.
She has a great sense of herself and does not change it to suit others unless she is in acting mode.
She is so very open and real.
She is hilarious on screen.
Her sense of style.
Her uncanny ability to brigthen my day.
The fact that she is Kirsten and she won't change that for anybody.
She is an amzing role model, proud to not be the typical skinny tv star.
She finds time in her busy schedule to write her amazingly funny blogs.
She drops food all over her just like the rest of us and ain't afraid to let everyone know!
1. She is just gorgeous
2. She writes great blogs and has a lovely chatty style.
3. She is an anglophile - come and visit us!
She is real and not a carbon copy actress which are a dime a dozen.
She is incredibly talented.
She cares about her fans.
1. She does "Three Reasons I Love..." :) I look forward to that tremendously. The only cast member she hasn't gotten to yet is Mandy; hopefully he'll be next, unless she starts over from the beginning.
2. She seems a lot like Garcia in that she's offbeat and crazy cheerful.
3. She knows she's not a size 2 and is fine with that. Unlike some shallow actresses who think they need to be able to hide behind a flagpole to be pretty.
1. She is not afraid to wear bright colors -- her style is all her own, and wonderful!
2. She appreciates the people around her and shares it with all of us.
3. She brings a thousand small 'real' touches to Garcia -- like the quirky pens -- that make her a joy to have in my living room.
She is content in her own skin
She is really funny
She loves her castmates
I think KV is truly one of a kind.
I love her for:
- Her individual style that she seems to foster with enviable self-esteem.
- Damn, that girl can act!
- Quentin loves that she drops food all the time. Some of that has got to wind up his way, right? And candy, Kirsten, candy!Although noodles are ok, too.
I think it is really hard to narrow it down to just three but if I have to:
She makes me laugh.
She plays one of the best characters on the show and I think Garcia is just an extension of her.
She seems happy with herself.
She has a wonderful sense of comedic timing.
She is confident
She has a smile that is brigher than a light bulb
She is real and not a made up barbie doll actress.
She is honest and you believe that she means what she says in her interviews.
She seems very kind. Look how nice she was to Jill when she visited the set.
Kirsten is a positive person.
Kirsten is a wonderful actress.
Kirsten hasn't lost her own sense of style.
3 reasons I love Kirsten:
1) She seems so sweet, kind, down to earth, considerate, etc...
2) She is genuine - her smile and body language proves it!
3) I love her blog - especially her 3 reasons she loves ...
1. She dresses to suit her own personality and not to conform to the ordinary
2. She is incredibly wonderful as Garcia
3. She accepts herself and is proud of who she is as a person.
She has a beautiful smile.
She is genuine and sincere.
She is hugely talented.
A proud sense of herself.
A wonderful sense of humor.
I agree that she is just lots of fun.
I like the Gs so I will do the Vs.
Very talented
Very good role model for teenagers about being true to who you are.
Very genuine
I know this is off the topic but do we know for sure that Kirsten received the second box of cards and pens?
Oh my list, sorry:
Kirsten lights up the show with her smile and her warmth.
She is as loyal to us her fans as we are to her.
She loves the cast as much as we do and I imagine they love her as well. She seems like such a really nice person.
Three reasons I love Kirsten Vangsness:
1. She seems awesomely confident and comfortable in her own skin.
2. She has an awesome sense of humor and a gorgeous smile.
3. She is such a talented actor and fills the screen with her presence, and she ad-libs the most wonderful nicknames for Morgan.
Also: Does anyone know if Kirsten is of Scandinavian descent? Her name sounds decidedy Scandinavian..
1. Her clothes
2. Her jewelry
3. Her hair (esp. the lowlights)
OK, so I'm shallow....
Her sense of:
** plus she is just plain fun!
1. She brings the human touch to the show, which would be lost without her.
2. She is beautiful.
3. She is genuine.
I just realized that I haven't given my three reasons yet so here goes:
1. She came in on her day off to meet me which took away from her leisure time and gave me a thank you card. I was the one who was thankful. She is incredibly caring and selfless.
2. She is exactly how she portrays herself in her real life. Nothing with this woman is a front or a put on. No gimmicks at all. She is just who you think she is.
3. She listens to other people and cares about what they have to say. She is not self absorbed.
4. She is very talented.
5. She is still grateful for everything that happened to get her to where she is in her career right now and she doesn't sugar coat what her life was like before she broke through like many actors do.
6. She is just nice. If I could only use one word to describe Kirsten then the word would be nice. She is a really nice person.
1. She seems real which I love.
2. Her smile is contagious
3. She thinks of more than herself and that is rare in actors nowdays.
Lee :)
I love Kirsten's blog. My three would be:
Her uniqueness
Her smile
and her acting ability
She is funny.
She radiates happiness.
She is great as Garcia.
Verve, vitality, and vivaciousness.
Also, geek girls rule. *g*
1) She portrays Garcia so well, and lights up the screen every time she's on it.
2) She's completely, utterly gorgeous, and seems like a genuinely awesome person
3) She paints her nails cool colours
Gorgeous, grateful and gifted.
This is fun!
She is very real and genuine.
She is comfortable with herself and those around her.
She is not a media whore which many younger actresses seem to be lately.
1. She's adorable!
2. She's always adorable!!
3. She's more adorable in each episode!!!
What Joyce said!
You feel like she is:
truly friendly
She loves with her whole heart.
She is open to trying anything.
She is fun.
She is a bright spot in a very dark show.
Her amazing smile.
Her fearlessness! (she's not afraid to be herself - I so love that!)
She is my hero!
I love her:
and I love that she is just a nice person which is a rare thing to be able to say these days about actresses.
1. Her hair.
2. Her lip gloss rings.
3. Her pens she wirtes with.
4. Her pet names she comes up with for Morgan.
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