"Vanity Fair" magazine publishes wonderful multi page articles on both movies and tv shows. Criminal Minds has never been featured or even mentioned for that matter. It was suggested to me that the reason was that Criminal Minds is not a "sexy" show and therefore would never be considered. I understand that in our society sex does sell but I would also like to believe that quality does as well. When I returned home from my trip to the set I sent a group email to my college buddies and asked them to email Vanity Fair and to ask their friends and family to also email them. At last count the group has been responsible for over 100 emails being sent in. Here is the address if you would also like to email the magazine. There is need to send a long email. There is a small form to fill out to send in your comments. Just let them know you love Criminal Minds and would like to see an article of it in their magazine. http://www.vanityfair.com/contact/emailVfmail
If VFAIR MAG DO'S A FEATURE ON cm,just hope it is an edtion that comes into the UK.version of the mag. JJJ
I will copy the link right now. I love Vanity Fair and damn straight our show should be in it. I will get my co-workers to do it as well on Monday.
CM not sexy? Has your friend SEEN the actors?;)
This is awesome. I will email them immediatley!
Sigrid: Being a "sexy show" has nothing to do with the actors or actresses. It deals with the topic of the show. :)
I will email them asap. It would be really great to get a CM article in VF.
I am on it asap. Cool idea.
Count me and my friends in as well. That should add a few to the pile. I will send an email around this evening. Wonderful idea Jill.
Consider me and mine in on this.
I will promote this cause with the same zeal I used getting everyone I know to watch the show.
The show is a thinking person's show. It is sexy because of that alone.
I agree with Sherlocke. I will email this evening.
I love VF and have for awhile and they could use a nice 10 page spread on our show. I will pass the info on to my family and friends and get them emailing. I am out of the office until the middle of April but when I go back I will pass on the info there as well.
Jill: I know, I'm trying (and failing, apparently) to be funny;)
What a great idea! Count me in.
And Jane, if it doesn't come out in UK, I will send it to you. {{hugs}}
BTW...I agree with Sigrid..
Have they SEEN who we have? Have they HEARD Garcia and Morgan?! *grin*
AND the fact there is something for everyone of every generation? :::shakes head::: these people need to redefine their idea of sexy! LOL
I will do it now.
I am all for this. There are a few magazines that have avoided our team for some reason. Lets start here and then work our way down the rest of the list. I will do it and have my friends do it as well.
I am copying and pasting the email address right now.
Great idea. I am on it right now.
Consider my email on its way. I would love to see the show or at the least one of the stars or writers in Vanity Fair.
Great idea. I will gather volunteers on my side of the world.
Sigrid: I knew you were joking but I agree with anyway. I think a thinking person's show is sexy and our cast is the best out there and they really do deserve as much attention as there is to give. Vanity Fair would be damn lucky to have CM on their cover.
Count me in. I will email my fam & friends and have them give it a go as well.
Brilliant idea. I wonder how many we would actually need to send before someone would notice that there is a real desire for the mag to do the article. We might have to keep this up for a bit but we do have all summer to email and to get others to do so as well. I will email shortly and my friend Barb is here with us today so I will have her do so as well. Great idea.
I read sigrid's remark and it was like she was reading my thoughts. It was the first thing that came to my mind as well. I think it stinks that the reality is that if we slapped Shemar into some swim trunks in a couple of episodes they would probably be falling all over themselves to do an article. Hell he would make the damn cover. The show is top notch and it has proven itself to be a winner for these two seasons. I say we bombard them with emails till they recognize the brilliance that is CM. Count me and mine in on this little project.
Count me in too!
Whoever publishes Vanity Fair had better be prepared because Team Criminal Minds is on the move and we can be a force to be reckoned with. The cover shall be ours!
I would imagine that we would need a few thousand to even be noticed but that is not really very much if everyone does one and gets their families and friends to also do it. I just did mine and it is just a tiny form and then a place to write. Only took me a minute.
I will go do mine now.
This is something for us to do this summer. No problem for me getting a group to do it now but I agree we may need to do it several times before we are heard.
Heading to do it now while I have a minute free.
I can spare a few minutes once a week until they relent and correct this "oversight".
I am in on this!
I would love to see a shiny slick article of our show in VF. I will email right away.
Really good idea. I will copy down the link and send it to all my friends and ask them to help us out. I love V-F.
I am going to do it now.
I read the magazine every month and I have thought the same thing many times. I think this is a really good idea but I think the number mentioned earlier is very low. I think it will take at least 10,000 or more to grab anyone's attention. That sounds like a high number but if each of us that comes to the blog can get 10 or 20 of our contacts to do this then it would get done and I think done quickly.
The trick is to get your friends to also ask their friends. I will work on my people!
I'm in.
I think it is a great idea. After Vanity Fair there are a few more decent mags we could also do the same thing to and try to get articles.
I appreciate the sentiment that is behind this and hate to burst a bubble but it is probably an even higher number than the 10,000. I say go for it. Email away because you also do not know that the staff member assigned to monitor the emails isn't a CM fan and maybe they can help. You never know until you try. I will add a few to the pile and email as well.
Put me down for a couple dozen. We have a meeting this week and I will ask my co-workers to lend a hand.
I can get a few dozen done as well. Maybe more.
I think we could do this. I will do whatever I can.
Love the mag and love cm so I will help out.
I think we can do it. Even if we have to get a few dozen each that does add up and then if we do it once a month till season three starts that is a bunch.
Not sexy enough, huh? Okay, Shemar needs to start taking his shirt off. The only reason I ever watched Y&R was to see him and they undressed him every chance they got...Ok, Shemar is my favorite but there are three very good looking men on the program. I find the show very SEXY!
Not a "sexy show"? Have they read the comments about the show's actors on the various websites and blogs? MGG used to be a model, for crying out loud! I'd love to see our favorite cast in designer duds for a nice photo spread.
It is bonus time in my office next month. Do you think the Labor Board would let me get away with making emailing VF mandatory before an employee could receive their yearly bonus and raise?
Witch's husband
5 Co-workers who love the show
10 friends who love the show
I will get on it in the morning!
Positive thinking. We can do this. I will start now and email friends.
I really love that the TV Guide has given the show so much attention lately and I appreciate it but it would be really great to see the show in something like Vanity Fair. Count me in too!
Okay. I will do this also.
Love it and doing it now.
I am in.
Count me in for having sent in mine and sent this to others as well!
If we put our minds to it, we surely can get it done!
I just did mine.
Sent one yesterday and some of my friends did as well!
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