Criminal Minds will air "No Way Out, Part Two" on Wednesday May 16, 2007. This time it's personal when Gideon's (Mandy Patinkin) girlfriend is murdered by his nemesis Frank, an elusive and prolific serial killer. Gideon takes off to hunt Frank without
telling the BAU and the team must profile Gideon as a suspect in order to find them both. Academy Award and Golden Globe winner Keith Carradine reprises his role as the sadistic serial killer, and Golden Globe Award winner Amy Madigan ("Carnivale" ) returns as Jane, the small town outcast who is seduced by the madman. Criminal Minds starring: Mandy Patinkin, Thomas Gibson, Shemar Moore, Matthew Gray Gubler, Paget Brewster, A.J. Cook and Kirsten Vangsness. Episode info courtesy of CBS.
Sound awesome.
NWO was one of my favs and this sounds really great. I am looking forward to Carradine revisiting.
The episode sounds great - really intense!
Gideon goes off the radar to hunt Frank down! So, so cool!
I predict I will be watching this one over and over again!
hi jazzyjellojane here.just seen the news about the ep no way out 2.is this the last one of seris 2 of cm,I am looking forward to seeing this and hope that mandy gets a emmy nod for his role in cm as gideon.as he well should do,as for girlfriend called jane,well perhaps the lady doris at the cabin in fisher king,was just a very close femal freind and not girlfriend.but am sure that gideon will not do anything silly and cause him self trouble ,but will let his fellow team memberds help him to either kill or capture frank.how sad for gideon to find happiness and then hav it snatched away like this..
When was part one?
Wow, this is going to be quite the episode. I cannot WAIT!
This looks like it is going to be intense. I can almost see Hotch profiling Gideon in my head right now. Awesome.
Oh, man... I really only half-watched No Way Out; I didn't care for it much, and although I knew Frank would come back -- the episode definitely had that "NEXT TIME, GADGET, NEXT TIME!" vibe -- I was still hoping he was just in the wind. Damn. I was hoping if Gideon were to get himself a nemesis, he'd pick someone a lot more interesting than Frank, who's just a straight-up evil spawn of Satan, in my view, who happens to think he's in love because he's fascinated by a woman who wasn't afraid of him.
But I love the drama here. The team having to treat Gideon, their rock, their sensei, as a suspect... I bet this is going to be another vicious cliffhanger followed by a miserably long summer.
It is going to be interesting to see how much THEY know about Gideon since we always wonder how much WE know. I think it sounds like a real winner.
Yes, it'll be very interesting to watch them have to profile the best of the best when it comes to profilers. Gideon is just so experienced, I can't wait to see the trials and tribulations they'll go through trying to do so.
So now we know our cliffhanger. Not sure I like the idea of worrying about Gideon all summer. Maybe it is a trick and another member ends up being in danger. Oh this is going to be good.
I loved Keith Carradine when he was in No Way Out. I keep telling people about the episode and calling him David. I really liked that episode and I guess we all knew Frank would be back. This really sounds like a nail biter. What a great way to finish up such an incredible season.
cool beans
This sounds so good. I am so glad that I found this show.
Eeeeeeekkkkkk! It sounds awesome!
Ooohhh...this is going to be a deep one. Drama of all dramas!! Very anxious. Thanks for "heads-up"...I love knowing something ahead of time. Heightens my anticipation even more!!!!
Eliza: Since that website refuses to allow the mention of any other blog or website on their threads I do not allow them mentioned here. You are welcome to mention any other place. Sorry. :)
can't wait till seris 3 arrives here in uk,then we shall know what has gone on with gideon etc as for profiling and find out gideons backstory,feel that many questions,shall be answerd in this season 2 ending.and am sure we shall know gideon even better by it all and that even the bau team will understand the master bettr,
Since it is the last episode before summer break I am grateful it sounds like a really good one.
There's a No Way Out Part 2? And it invovles Gideon's girlfriend dying? Damn! NOt to mention that once again the team has to profile one of their own. I'm sure it was hard with Morgan but how can they pull that off with Gideon? HE's supposed to be the one in control. This is sure to be another "on teh edge of your seat" episode.
Can't imagine how hard it would be to profile Gideon. Maybe now we will get some of his backstory. Surely Hotch will have to share it with the other profilers.
This really looks great. We needed a new Gideon episode and maybe we will finally find out something about his past like why he wears the two wedding bands.
WOW! They profile Gideon?!
This is going to be an intense episode!
I wonder, is this the same girlfriend that was at the cabin when the head in a box arrived? I am kind of thinking that Jason Gideon is hard on his girlfriends!
(ah, but with a voice like his...and those eyes...isn't he worth it?!)
Thanks, Jill, for sharing this information with us!! {{hugs}}
ah okay DNY LOVES CRIMINAL MINDS thanks for the heads up I know better now, still going to be a sweet ass episode though.
This sounds really good. I hope we do get some more info on Gideon. We know so little about him and Garcia.
This is going to be really exciting and suspensful. With it being the season closer you know they are going to make it really special.
They did such a good job with Fisher King One last year.
I am really looking forward to this episode. Thanks for posting the information.
NWO is going to be hard to beat but this sounds like it just might do it.
I really hope that you are all right and we learn some of Gideon's secrets. I guess that you have to know the unsub's past to be able to predict their behavior so maybe we will get all the info.
counting the days. sick of repeats.
This has perked my day right up. Work was horrible today and the kids and hubby were all in moods from hell. Thank you for putting a smile on my face before bed. It sounds like a great new episode and I am looking forward to sharing it with all of you.
Sounds like a winner to me too. Yippee!
That poor woman had no luck with Gideon as her boyfriend. First a head in the box during dinner and then death. I no longer want to hop inside the tv to be his girlfriend. Cured me of that fantasy in a hurry, lol.
It does make you want to stop being a Gideon gal and flip over to another one of the characters. Okay I will be a Hotch gal now. Is there a secret handshake for that group?
This sounds really good.
I threw this up on a different forum too, but I just wanted to see what a different group thought. Just to throw this out there because I loved the whole viewer gets to solve it thing, does anyone else out there think they'll do something similar in that we'll get all the clues in profiling Gideon and Frank, and then they'll end it there giving the viewer the chance to use the clues to figure out where the two are?? I think it would be fun, we could participate in the whole profiling thing to solve where they are. But hey, thats just me.
Sylvia: What a great notion. Another search for the answer like we all did with the Fisher King. That would be genius. Thanks for posting it here. It would be really great if they did do something like that.
NWO2 looks very good,shall rewatch NWO1 again and then rerun of this when it shows here in the uk,as we fist ahve tosee nwo 1.I am sure we shall love to know gideon beter and perhapss,in the opner of series 3(let their be a another series 3,) they wil show flashbacks of gideons past with the BAU and the story of the case that went wrong and caused his breakdown,maybe the writters will flashback on others memebers pasts from the BAU.
I love that idea. Clues to finding Gideon. That would be a stroke of genius. I am happy to see the conclusion to the NWO story. Frank had to come back. Carradine was just great.
I loved the original No Way Out and this sounds even better.
This can't be anything that a great episode. With it being the season finale you know they have put their all into it.
My wife and I will be parking infront of the tv that night. Maybe we will have some friends come over to watch and we can throw a season finale program. You know this will be a great one.
Okay, I've tried, I've tried, but I can't resist ...
Does this mean that Jill may actually get her wish to see the "Other Woman" from the cabin's head in a box?
Okay, tell, tell, what did you bribe the writer with, hmmm? Or do you perhaps have embarrassing baby pictures of him?
I forgot HIB. Wonder if she did pay off the writers to ditch the lady in the cabin! LOL
gideons ladys, one screams and throws up at head in boxand we never see her agin and the other poor soul gets,killed by frank, I hope that gideon manages to get a steady lady friend after all he go's though in NWO2,he derseves happines away from the BAU,so why kill this off for him.give the man a chance and a new life of love,hotch has a wife and though hi having some troubles,in it am sure that it will get better,just let our BAU team have a happy life away from work.....
Frank was a Gideon equal unsub and they were great together. This is going to be slamming.
I wondered when we would see Frank again so I should have figured it would be for the finale. Profiling Gideon is going to be great for us.
This sounds really good.
Looks great. Thanks for posting.
Damn this looks good. Can't wait.
This will be a great episode and better hold us for the summer. I look forward to seeing it. Thanks.
I have high hopes for this episode.
Sounds like a great season finale. I hope the team catches Frank!
you bet the team will get the arsehole frank fro killing gidoens girlfriend.they will go allout to help one of their own team,they are like amily when it comse down to it al.JJJ
sure that gidoen will out fox frank and win though all his worries at the loss of his lady.
What a great way to end the season. What a great job Criminal Minds team did this season.
This looks so good. Thanks again for the info.
This leaves me with so many questions about how they are going to wrap up the season. I hope that we do not spend the entire summer worrying about Jason Gideon. It really does sound good though and I loved the first part.
Wicked looking episode. Can't wait.
This is going to be a great episode because Carradine was so awesome the first time around.
looks really good. keep back to read about it.
I am torn because this looks so good but it will signal the end of the season.
I think that both mandy and keith should get a nod for an emmy for both of the no way out eps.mandy for best actor in the series and keith best guest actor,bet that I am not the only cm fan who would like to see this.
I think the show is going a little too far when they resort to having an unsub kill off a character's girlfriend. The way Gideon protects his son by not even carrying a photo of him in his wallet, I would assume that he is very protective of all the people in his life and the odds of Frank getting his hands on Gideon's girlfriend in the first place would have to be rather slim. I'm also a little disappointed to hear that Gideon even has a girlfriend, as I was kind of hoping that the woman at the cabin in The Fisher King episode was his ex-wife and that he was trying to win her back or something.
I am very much looking forward to this episode however, as I really enjoyed No Way Out (I thought Carradine was great!) and it sounds like we will get to find out more about Jason Gideon (who is my favorite character on the show). They devoted an entire episode to Morgan's past, so it's only fair that they give us Gideon fans a peek into his private life too. It would be especially nice to finally learn why Gideon wears a wedding ring (or is that two wedding rings?), when he stated in the episode Riding the Lightning (which was one of my absolute favorite episodes), that he's not married.
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