Ex Criminal Minds co-star Lola Glaudini (Elle Greenaway)has a 2006 in production. According to IMDB here are the highlights of that project: "Drive-Thru" (2006): Directed by Brendan Cowles and Shane Kuhn. Genre: Comedy/Horror. Plot Outline: Horror gets Super Sized when Horny The Clown, the demonic mascot of "Hella-Burger," starts slashing Orange County teenagers with his meat cleaver from Hell". It doesn't sound like my kind of movie but it sounds like it will appeal to horror film watchers. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0466766/ is the link if you would like more information on this film. :)
Doesn't sound like my type of movie but I wish her well.
I think I will stick to dramas and comedies.
eek! Totally love the pictures! thank you for sharing! Where are they from? and are there more *greedy*?
I know this is about Lola, but I really like the pics of Matthew!
Lola in a horror flick? Seems like a waste to me.
Love the pics. Nice to see Thomas looking laid back, as I only know him from his Hotch persona. And of course, i could look at MGG all day!
I miss her already!
He was calling me.
look at those wonderful smiles.
Sounds like the type of movie my mates love. Not for me, but I'll watch for Lola lol
Jemma #70
Doesn't sound like my type of movie...
I love the pics! You don't know how long I have been searching for thse... Thanks Jill!
Sabine #70
what the heck kind of movie is that and why is she in it?
those pictures are adorable...and so is Matthew.
jacqui #76
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