Saturday, December 15, 2007


Criminal Minds star Shemar Moore speaks out about the writers strike. Shemar, Derek Morgan on Criminal Minds, is an incredible actor and a wonderful man! Please join Shemar Moore and help end the writers strike. Call CBS and Disney! Tell them, politely, that you want more new episodes of Criminal Minds and they need to give the writers a fair new contract! :)


Anonymous said...

Gotta love that Shemar!

Anonymous said...

Way to stand up for the cause. You are awesome Shemar!

Anonymous said...

Love him to pieces. Love him even more now for telling it like it is!

Anonymous said...

Shemar is the coolest man on the planet. I like that he doesn't sugar coat anything. He just says what he thinks. Love you Shemar!

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous and articulate. Great combo.

Anonymous said...

Shemar cuts through the crap and always speaks his mind. I have a great respect for him for that. His mom did a damn good job raising him.

Anonymous said...

xoxo Shemar! We hear ya and we are behind you and the writers.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for supporting the CM writers. You are so cool.

Anonymous said...


Thank you for saying it like it is. You really are a principled person and a great person. I love you as Morgan. You are my favorite CM actor.

Hillary Darkins

A Criminal Minds fan said...

Way to go Shemar! I have so much respect for all the actors who have been on the picket lines or who have spoken in favor of the writers, people like Kristen, Thomas, Paget and Shemar.

Nice of you Shemar to stand up and say something about this. I hope all of you will be back to work soon.

sindee said...

Fantastic support for the writers. Great clip with such a wonderful person - gotta love him for that...
CU sindee

Anonymous said...

EXCELLENT PSA, Shemar! It really lays out the entire issue. It's not about raises, it's about the writers' right to a piece of the pie that THEY created!

Ilike2think said...

Thanks for talking straight and supporting the writers. You are a classy man.

Anonymous said...

You are so the MAN! Great youtube Shemar.

Anonymous said...

I think it's great that many of the actors, such as Shemar, are standing up for the writers. Great job!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for supporting the writers!

Anonymous said...

I soo love Shemar!!
I mean we have to I mean he's an amazing guy!
I'm with you man!

Anonymous said...

100% cool and 100% support for Shemar & the CM writers.

PS: 100% grade A man!

Anonymous said...


Where'd the video go?!

Anonymous said...

I just watched it. Shemar is awesome. I'm not sure why you can't see it frogg. Good job Shemar.

Anonymous said...

Love SM! Love the writers!

Anonymous said...

The strike is lasting way too long. I am so happy to see that the actors are supporting the writers.

Elizabeth Bear said...

What a smart guy.

Phoenix said...

Well done, Shemar! Glad that the actors are standing up with the writers!

Anonymous said...

Well said Shemar and kudos to the filmakers who put that piece together! The writers only want to be compensated for all the hard work they put into their craft, work that is making the studio execs oodles of cash. Get back to the negotiation table all you studio big shots and give these writers a FAIR DEAL!

Anonymous said...

Brains and Brawn. Couldn't possibly love him more! Kudos to Shemar for getting the message out.

Lee :)

Glampire30 said...

Way to speak your mind Shemar!!!!! I support you and the writers 100%
You are a great actor and and a terrific friend.

Your best friend in Boston

Anonymous said...

It is great seeing TG, PB, KV and SM supporting the writers! That is over half of our cast.

Anonymous said...

Shemar always stands up for just causes. Nice to see someone with morals in Hollywood.

Anonymous said...

Way to go, Shemar!!! There's nothing like solidarity!!!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Shemar!

Anonymous said...

Hey. I don't know much about this show but maybe now I will check it out. I came here from a LJ community that supports the WGA strike. I watched this video, and I have total respect for Shemar and everything he is saying. I'm so glad that there are fansites like this up, for different shows, etc.

Anonymous said...

Way to go Shemar--you speak the truth so eloquently. I am glad to see so many of our show's actors support the WGA cause!!!

Anonymous said...

i really love shemar for speaking out for what is right .

Anonymous said...

Way to go Shemar!

Anonymous said...

my support goes to all the writers!

Blackpanther said...

I loved the vid and the music in it.

Everyone in Hollywood should stick together on this. The fans support the writers!

Thank you for speaking out Shemar!

Elizabeth said...

Good for you Shemar - solidarity counts.

Let's hope you and the writers can go back to work before too long

Anonymous said...

Thanks for speaking out Shemar.

Cheers to all the creative people who make people like me want to watch the programs and buy the products. I appreciate you!!

Anonymous said...

Wow -- what a beautifully done video. Clear and easy to understand. Sending the link to lots of friends.

And way to go, Shemar! Thanks for standing up for our writers. Know that the fans are standing right behind you. (But, uh, in a supportive way, not in a creepy stalker-y way.) You rock!

Unknown said...

Thank you Shemar (and all the other actors who walk the line with the writers!) I'll keep mailing pencils (and mails)! We are with you and the writers!

Kris said...

Good to see Shemar supporting the writers.

Anonymous said...

We still support you guys! Hang in there!

Anonymous said...

What a lovely bloke! That goes to show that the actors do care. He didn't have to do that, he did it to tell it like it is. Way to go Shemar, and I'm with the Writers 100%

slashgirl said...

Shemar Moore is not only a great actor but a great person--and very well spoken. It's good to see so many of the cast supporting the writers--I'm sure it means a lot to them.

dearlydead said...

I have always respected you, Shemar, as an honest individual. Sometimes, you are too honest for your own good. Thank you for speaking out. Many of us agree with your sentiments.
P.S. Thank you, Shemar! ;)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for telling it like it is, Shemar!

Unknown said...

Thanks for supporting the writers! The AMPTP really has to give them a fair deal. I posted information on every German fandom I could find and I know that the German fans are wholeheartedly behind you and the writers. Many of them sent pencils or money for the fund - and emails, of course!
We need more episodes of that marvelous show! But moreover the writers need to get what they deserve!

Unknown said...


I don't have a MySpace or Facebook account, but I'm spreading this vid around on LJ! (And GJ, IJ and Journalfen)

Anonymous said...

Lovely show of support.

Anonymous said...

Love his conviction. Way to go Shemar! You're the MAN!

Dr. Kris said...

Well-edited piece. Thanks for posting. And thank you, Shemar, for speaking on the issue. Great to have two faces (the aspiring writer and the established actor) put on the issue to show the impact of this strike.

Anonymous said...

Shemar just put this whole writers strike in a different perspective for me. Never thought about it like the Writers putting Hollywood on paper. I was in support before of this strike just never called any of the companies wasnt sure what to say. Well now I think I can find word to say to them companies. Rock On Shemar!!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


I truly appreciate you taking the time to stand up for what you think is right!

It is wonderful that you and some of the other actors are sticking by and supporting the writers'!

Thank you all!