“Unknown Subject” – The BAU team searches for a serial rapist in Houston known as “The Piano Man” who has resurfaced and is assaulting his previous victims. Also, Prentiss tries to come to terms with her trauma from last year and with rejoining the team, on the 150th episode of CRIMINAL MINDS, Wednesday, Jan. 25 (9:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network.
Talk about this episode in the comment...
Careful in case you haven't watched the episode yet... comments might contain ***SPOILERS***
Must go first...have nada to say as yet...but glad to hear about anything new and esp this subject matter!
Actually "True Genius" (the Reid episode) is the next episode to air on January 18th.
I hope there won't be too much about Prentiss and what she did. I am more interested in other members of the team.
can't wait to see this ep... I love emily and i think she deserves this episode to explain everything that happened to her
REALLY looking forward to True Genius; hoping it will be a well-written episode. Love Prentiss but a little tired of that arc. The rest of the season looks really promising. Can't wait!
Wish everyone involved in the making of CM a wonderful X-Mas! Thank you for giving us so much to love and enjoy over the past seven years. We don't say it enough, but know that we love you - for better or for worse ;0)
Hope you're having a lovely break with your loved ones....
Let me be the FIRST...you all know how much I LOVE being FIRST...
to SECOND that; no matter how much some of us pick apart the shows, we all LOVE CM, some of us love ALL things CM and want to thank the entire staff and crew for giving us the best show on TV and wish nothing but the best for our fave characters and the actors/actresses who portray them. We love you MUCHO and want to see CM go at least THREE more years! I have every hope and confidence that you can do it...thanks for listening because I know you do. MWAH to all of you!
Love you all, esp you, Matthew:)
Hope you are all having a much de- served rest and wonderful holiday.
@ Gubegirl & the other TZ's:
How was y'alls Christmas/ Hannukah etc ....? If I misspelled Hannukah I apologize lol just trying to include everybody :)
So sorry I've been over bearingly MIA from the blog. I've been taking a winter mini-mester which has been draining and I'm completely exhausted well at least until I got a break a few days ago for the holidays.
@ Gubegirl & the other TZ's:
How was y'alls Christmas/ Hannukah etc ....? If I misspelled Hannukah I apologize lol just trying to include everybody :)
So sorry I've been over bearingly MIA from the blog. I've been taking a winter mini-mester which has been draining and I'm completely exhausted well at least until I got a break a few days ago for the holidays.
Good to hear from you, bro, we have missed you mucho!
So, try not to stay away for so long because your international mamas need to hear that you're OK!
Good luck with your grades and be sure and pick up some Kick-Ass to stay awake for all that studying!
So what are y'alls opinions on JJ vs. The unsub in "Closing Time"? If I'm not mistaken I'm pretty sure I said something about that happening 2 JJ back during the summer, o and what happened 2 reids big storyline.
A few observations and requests about/for CM
JJ seriously needs 2 go back 2 media liason, she truly shined in that role.
Why is it prentisses screentime that has gotten cut? She's been either not herself in episodes or barely seen 2 give JJ room 2 profile ugh (not that I can complain about seeing AJ cook more during the hour).
Also I am sick and freaking tired of knowing who the unsub is and I'm also starting to slightly lose interest in this show. If all the episodes were as good as "It takes a village" it'd be different. Are y'all feeling the same in any way TZ's?
Later guys
I'm looking forward to this episode. Prentiss has been not quite right this season and I really miss her. I'm hoping this episode sheds some light on what's going on with her. You can't survive a major trauma without some sort of impact.
I agree. I find that when I know who the unsub is, I really lose interest in the episode! It is so much more enjoyable to watch when you get to take the journey of discovery with the BAU team.
CMFan11: I think I posted on the message board a wk or so ago about how too often we, the audience, is learning the ID of the unsub before the team does, and it limits the suspense and also make the case less engaging for me.
Some stories are suited for such a format but I wish not as many were written that way.
Good to have you back here, guy, and pls make a few minutes to get established on the message board (sindee will help you if you need it - most of us did!) because we can discuss the epi's with fewer of the crazies comments and you can also talk to your fellow TZ's in the Personal-"Off Topic" section at
the bottom of the homepage. Within that section, is a spot just for us TZ's that Teresa set up, where we can talk to each other and share all the personal stuff as well, apart from CM subjects. It's kinda where you go to whine (or whing, per Blimey!), p--- and moan, etc...and to share any new recipes, ya know what I mean?! LOL.
Also, if you haven't noticed, sindee has set up a little side bar at the top right of the blog (this board) where you can click on the epi where we are posting so that you needn't scroll like crazy to check for new posts, etc. Nice and so very helpful -TY sindee!
Have a great day, y'all.
CMFan11: P.S. The spot Teresa started for us is called "Group Hug for Migrants of the Blog" just in case you don't find us right away.:) We are already on page something like 13 in our convos, so feel free to join us there!
@CMFAN11 - We're still waiting for you to come and join us on the message board. Don't make us hunt you down... ;-))
I'm in absolute agreement about being fed up of always knowing who the unsub is from the start these days. More whodunnits would be better - I like to try to out-Reid Reid, for one thing!
Happy New Year to:
All the CM fans who come here to join in the discussion, may 2012 bring us lots of good episodes to talk about;
sindee, and thanks for keeping this blog going, I hope you have lots of fun doing it;
The great actors, writers, producers and hard working crew who bring CM to fruition every week, I know I get picky about things but it's just because you have all made me care so much;
My fellow TZ's, including you
CMFan11, glad you still drop by and do come join us on the Message Board.
I cannot wait to see this episode! I'm really glad we're finally going to see some more on the Prentiss situation. Not just because she is my favorite character, but also because it felt weird with no conclusion for all the comments about when she died and everything. I mean, think about it..if you coded, then had to pretend to be dead for 10 weeks, then came back to your team who all thought you were dead, you would think you had at least SOME issues to work out. And the team too...it was a weird feeling to have them all be "okay" with it (minus Reid). So, I'm really glad we'll be seeing more of that.
I LOVE Prentiss!!! yaaaaaaay, CM! =)
I thought this episode was great! I truly believed Hamilton (what's his name) was the innocent bystander and that Regina had lost her mind (can't blame her). What a great twist...loved it!
Not sure if I'm liking the Prentiss-counselor thing going on - Hotch did say that it was odd she gave him parenting advice. I hope they get that resolved soon.
Otherwise, I think the whole season is good, so far, and looking forward to more!!!
I thought it was strange that in the assessment sheet about Emily that Hotch got was so detailed information like her having a new boyfriend named Sergio. Everything said in those therapie sessions is strictly between the patient and the therapist. The only stuff in the reports that Hotch as Prentiss`s boss has to know is if she fit for work. If she has a new man in her life or is sleeping with her cat or whatever is none of her boss `s business.
I also wonder how Hotch knows that Prentiss has been the shoulder to cry on for Rossi and Reid. Do the team members have to report to Hotch every word they talk to each other when he is not around? That was some sloppy writing which I did not expect from a seasoned writer like Breen Frazier.
Zagi - good points, I didn't even think of that. All of this 'emotional' stuff is getting to be too much.
While I'm liking this season FAR better than last - it's becoming too personal. I know Erica said it would be, but it's enough already. And...if it goes any deeper - the show will, what they call, jump the shark. I truly hope that doesn't happen.
I posted what's below the ***** on the message board, but have read through the comments here - interesting that Zagi also mentioned Hotch knowing what was in the psych report. Nice to meet another genius residing here, eh?! ;-))
However, perhaps it's different in the FBI, because the stakes are higher? Perhaps some degree of detail gets passed on to team leaders and the like? I have no idea, just speculating.
Absolutely bloody brilliant!!!!!
Like the CM of old - IMHO - and it made me "twitch" - and it takes A LOT for a TV show to make me twitch!
I confess to laughing at the music choices - much as I adore my TV shows and crime/horror books from across the Pond, I'm generally not so keen on American music - and especially those bloody awful piano power ballads that were all the rage in the 80s. Although I apologise on behalf of this nation for inflicting James Blunt on the world. ;-))
But I digress... Loved the intro and how it ramped up the tension & made me start twitching. The scene on the jet where Hotch goes through Prentiss' shrink report and the final comment about Sergio being the perfect gent (now, if he could just teach my Garfield clone not to hog the duvet...) harked back to those days of the "less is more" humourous interludes. Although would Hotch really have been party to such detailed "personal" information? I don't know enough to comment, but in light of the rest being excellent I'll give 'em the benefit of the doubt.
Literally until the last minute I didn't know if the grey-haired bloke Regina had tied up with piano wire (genius) really was the bad guy - whoever he is, he's a superb actor. Certainly had me wondering until they slapped the cuffs on him at the end. I also found the episode well paced - the 43 minutes sped by.
Also liked the lack of fluff - that short scene at the end between Hotch & Prentiss was summed up so beautifully in "I'm having a bad day". That's all it needed. Less is more!
Superb acting all round, so roll on next episode - and not just for the "Towel Scene"... ;-))
Nanci, I agree the "emotional" personal stuff is already too much. The characters used to be so private and hardly talked about personal things and now they reveal nearly everything to each other. That is at least for some of the characters OOC. And I too hope the personal stuff does not go any deeper.
I enjoyed the episode.
I am surprised that the 150th episode has not inspired more comments.
I liked the scene between Emily and Regina at the end .
I would have liked the final scene with Emily and Hotch a little better if it had not telegraphed so obviously.
Glad that Emily is healing though.
Her episodes are among my favorites.
I really REALLY liked this episode - i'm with Blimey on the 'less is more' thing - they didn't overdo it anywhere, no dwelling on the awfulness of the women's ordeal for the sake of sensationalising it, not really an overly long scene b/w Prentiss and Hotch (it didn't need to be), PB's wonderfully subtle acting with just the right touch of false bravado, sarcasm and pain, tg's Hotch not really pushing but opening a little door to communication, Regina's moving between conflict and doubt and strugglling with pulling the trigger (no matter the pain and rage, it's still hard to take someone's life) - all very well done.
I did think Hotch wouldn't probably know all the details of her psych eval (was it to give it a bit of humour?), but i had no prob believing he would notice what she'd been doing for Morgan, Reid, Rossi and himself - and i'd think he would be even more attuned to her behavioral patterns given his own hell. Plus, i think they all do talk to each other, esp after 6-10yrs together, spending more time with the team than they perhaps do with their own families. Plus, EVERYONE is v aware of their team mates - recall how they surrounded Rossi in 'Epilogue' - why would Hotch be more clueless than the others?
This is the second episode in a row where i have been able to rewatch the unsub story without feeling the need to skip - i've been hitting the FF button too many times this season. Missed Rossi and Morgan in this episode, though, and hoping they smooth out this little wrinkle soon, ie, giving all 7 people well-balanced time in most episodes.
I haven't been posting here because it tends to become bitter very fast - just thought i'd respond to some old friends here....
Written by: luvthejem, see OpenID? It's not that hard.
Unlike everyone else, it would seem, I thought this episode was completely lacking in Emily dealing with the fallout. There was a two minute conversation with the worst therapist in the world, a semi-comical talking to on the plane and a victim turned shrink. This was an opportunity to really delve into at least some of what she went through, but nothing. Really? A single mention of nightmares? That's dealing with her trauma? We still hear about Hankle and Reid's drug issues. But Emily gets like five minutes, eleven episodes into her return? *sigh* Is it too much to hope that one day we'll get an actual Emily centric with some depth? Another missed opportunity.
Hmm. I thought it was a pretty mediocre story for a 150th episode.
Big fan of CM, i really loved this episode, now that emily has said she's having a bad day (she's not ok), i think we will start to see some of the old emily back, can't wait. Emily my favourite character and paget brewster rocks. Keep up the great work CM cast and crew.
I like the personal story lines this season. I like getting to know our team on a more personal level. Go Erica!
Long time no hear, I thought for some reason this blog was down. Anyway - totally, totally loving season 7. And so waiting to here another Dr Who reference - we are huge Dr who fans in our family. Still want to see Reids headaches explored and brought to a conclusion - that storyline was left hanging, and would like to see more of little Jack - such a cutie you could eat him, oh yes, and an expansion of Aarons love interest - that went very quiet. but all in all - really enjoying season 7. Thank you
Wow! I just heard a rumour that Paget is planning to leave the show. That would be so wrong!!! She is such an integral character with lots of talent. Please don't leave, Paget! You are too good and too many folks would really grieve. Stay, for pete's sake. This acting team is really rare and so perfectly balanced. The girl that Emily's place while she was incognito inParis was good but not a good replacement for Paget. Paget will be a hard act to follow. Please do what it takes to keep her in the show!
so cute guy thomasthomas very show
so much pleasewait for you try do
cowgirlpolice fbi quick iam here
you and me together someout there
yourson jake watch isay wait time
5;30cook dinner eat out come back
again work stay office we are you
crossword puzzle cut newpaper
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