Saturday, May 28, 2011


Criminal Minds: What's on your mind? This is a thread for fans to talk about Criminal Minds.


  1. I believed it would happen, but there's nothing better than seeing it officially confirmed. Welcome back, Paget. We've missed you so! I feel like Criminal Minds is finally back to normal. This season premiere is going to be amazing - I can feel it! Thanks Jill and team for your support throughout the tumultuous couple of months we've had. Fingers crossed for Thomas Gibson's negotiations (but I think these will work out just fine, as well).


  2. Finally, Paget is Back. CBS better get this straight: Paget is forever here, because her fans are forever strong. We were heard. :)

  3. Our family is now complete...cant wait for next season!!!

  4. I'm so happy Paget will be back. I do hope Thomas will get a contract, so we'll have our old team back!

  5. Really happy to hear the news: Paget Brewster is coming back next season!!!
    Now we only need a tinny little thing (TG back) and we’ll be on CM heaven!!

  6. I'm glad Paget is back but a little upset that Rachel is gone. I thought her storyline bringing her to the team was really good. What's got me worried is that with Paget coming back they are softening the blow that Thomas may not be coming back. Especially since talks don't seem to be going well from what I'm hearing on the net.

  7. Glad that Paget will be back. Sad that it means Rachel has to go. Is there some reason Rachel can't stay?

  8. Thank you, thank you, thank you for hearing our voices and restoring the cast. Now please get Thomas signed. I'm smiling so much it hurts! Can't wait for season 7!!!

  9. I have a feeling Thomas will return and I also think we are in for a surprise this upcoming season!

  10. Pagetista is back!!!!!!! Love it!!!

    Oh my God, I can't wait to see her and the rest of the team season 7!!!!!

    Alright CBS, don't start fronting, you've got to sign my man Thomas Gibson back on. Thomas Gibson has been an asset to the show since day 1! When Mandy left, some people thought it was a wrap, but Thomas Gibson stepped up to the plate and more than proved himself in the role of Unit Chief. A true leading actor is one that can fill the gap, and then some, for someone that was positioned to be the head star of the show. Hotch is the glue that cements all of the rest of the characters together. He's got to be there season 7!

    Get TG signed, get the writing correct, and let's get it for season 7!!!

  11. I'm ecstatic that both AJ and Paget will be there for Season 7. But without Thomas Gibson, it will all be for naught!!

    I applaud you CBS and ABC for bringing back our ladies, now let's have our beloved Unit Chief to complete the restoration and you can sit back and watch the ratings SOAR next season!!! Yeah!!

    No Hotch No CM for me, even with AJ & Paget back.

  12. i'm glad paget's back. but it's not enough. if thomas gibson doesn't return i won't be watching. the end.

  13. Interesting. That Deadline article makes it seem like she was almost forced to come back. That along with her "free will" tweet from yesterday really makes me wonder.

  14. Can't imagine watching without Thomas Gibson!!!! Please, Please, Please bring him back!!!!!

  15. Paget's back !!! Woohoo !!! I'm soooo happy !!!!!
    I really really hope Thomas will get signed up again soon for next season !! Then, with Seaver gone (I feel sorry for Rachel Nichols, but honestly, her character was soooo lousy), we'll have our team back the way we love it !!!!
    I can hardly imagine the storylines we'll get for Paget's return !!!

    So please CBS, give Thomas a new contract, and bring the show back to its high standarts !!

  16. wow they do it agan fire an actress. Who had no part in this wreck. I am sad about this. If i were RAchel i would sue ABC or CBS. How can they just do this when Messer said she wanted Rachel to stay??

  17. Firstly, I'd like to say that I do feel bad for Rachel. I'm sure a lot of people won't agree with me, but I feel bad for her. I also think it's kind of classless for CBS to fire her. But that's just my opinion.

    But I am so happy that Paget is back! Wonderful news. Being the pessimist I am, I didn't think it would happen, so it's a wonderful surprise. Just hope she wasn't forced though.

    Hopefully, Thomas will sign a contract soon and all be right again.

  18. It's called an option Camilla. The network chose not to use it to pick Rachel Nichols back up, which judging from the reception her character got was a good move on the networks side. Also, 8 characters would have not only been expensive (paying that many lead characters, plus guest stars), but to write for that many, that would have been a nightmare!

    I am soooooooooooooooooooooo happy that Paget is coming back!!! She has been so missed by many fans!!! AJ coming bcak too, yes! I am glad that the team looks like it is getting put back together. Now all we need is news of TG getting signed and we can let the fireworks show begin!!!

  19. I feel bad for Rachel but thrilled that the true CM family is coming back! Thomas Gibson will come back as well, fingers crossed but he will come back and season 7 will be a rollercoaster ride. I predicted this would happen, more or less, but Rachel Nichols is not right for CM and Ashley Seaver is just... Well we all know. Welcome back Paget and AJ! Can't wait for september! Good luck Rachel in all your future endeavors!

  20. Paget is coming back, AMEN and YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!

  21. I am beyond happy that Paget and AJ are both back, however I am desperately worried about Thomas and sad about Rachel. Seaver had grown on me and you can see that she has grown as a charachter. CBS has an atrocious record with respecting both the cast and fans. Hope we get our entire cast back.

  22. I hope to hell that CM lets Seaver off with class, giving her a couple episodes of story arc to wind down ... maybe hooking her up with Andi Swan and her bunch (thereby providing opportunities for us ti see both of them!)

  23. Woot, woot! Paget is returning! It is about time CBS does something right!!! This team should have never been ripped apart the way it was. Season 6 was a nightmare for me, but now, now there is hope to get it right again. Of course, this MUST include Thomas Gibson as well.

    I can't wait to see the opening credits season 7!!!!!

  24. I'M SO HAPPY Paget's back!! First news I read upon waking up! :))) But I hope this isn't to compensate for TG not signing back in. PLEASE PLEASE make Hotch stay! HE HAS TO!!

    Ooohh!! Season 7 WILL be awesomesauce!!!!

  25. So happy to hear Paget is back. Now all I need is TG to be signed and all will be forgiven. Great news!

  26. An arc for Seaver.. no, a simple "Seaver has been transferred to a field office" will suffice. Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against Rachel Nichols, but God, the Seaver character was a nightmare for me and I just want to go back to the pure and simple loveliness that is Hotch, JJ, Morgan, Prentiss, Reid, Garcia, and Rossi.

    I'm sure that Rachel Nichols will do well moving forward. May she have much success.

  27. Im so excited! This is the best news ive gotten all day! Paget is back!!!! A.J. Is back!!! Seaver Is gone!!! Though I do wish RN the best in all her future endeavors I was among those who did not think the Seaver character was a fit for CM. Now all we need is CBS to sign T.G. and our amazing 7 will be back and CM will be as it should be.

  28. I an very happy to hear that Paget is coming back. Yes, I am glad Rachel Nichols isn't coming back as I feel she didn't fit into the team and it is nothing personal against her as an actress and I wish her the best in her future endeavors. Now Thomas and CBS! Please, please work out a deal. CM won't be the same without you Tom!!!

  29. I agree with Inez. Seaver should be let off with a redeeming charter storyline. Only time I liked her was in The Stranger but I do feel bad for the actress. And I would love to see Andi Swan back as well.

  30. Omgsh!!! I cannot believe this!! I am so excited I almost got a heart attack! This is toooo great and I know Thomas is coming back. They can't take away our H/P moments. Yeeiiii, I am so happy, welcome back Paget, I miss you so soo much!!

  31. @ Gabby, ah, come on, two measly epis would be enough. Seaver as a character is just useless but I have grown quite fond of Rachel Nichols.

  32. I'm thrilled that Paget will be back, but extremely disappointed that Rachel won't be returning. I'll be the first to admit I was underwhelmed with the Seaver character at first, but she began to grow on me during the latter part of the season. Besides, firing her just continues the message CBS sent last summer that actresses are expendable and easily replaceable. As for Thomas, I certainly hope TPTB have learned from the A.J./Paget fiasco that the fans won't stand for having our "family" messed with and ensure he signs a contract soon.

  33. I feel bad for Rachel. And in a way I feel bad for Paget. I know she was interested in trying new things, and the way she was treated in this whole mess...let's just say I wouldn't have blamed her if she never looked back. As much as I want Prentiss back, I sincerly hope it's something she wanted, too, and not something she was forced into thanks to a clause in her contract.

  34. AJ was only going to get 1 episode before her departure from the show; the ONLY reason she got 2 is because the fans went up in arms. The Seaver character has been there for what, like 15 episodes, it is not that serious, definitely not like someone who had been there for years, but whatever, that could be one episode maybe bringing back Andi Swan who was cool. But really, they are going to have their hands full with the Hotch, JJ, and Prentiss story. I want to get into that ASAP!

  35. Some of the MOST EXCITING news of today!!!! Paget is coming back to Criminal Minds... I have NO DOUBT that Mr. Gibson will be back with the team just in time for Season 7!!!

    Everyone have a safe Memorial Day!!

  36. @Kitty, two episodes to do what?? That is a one episode departure at best.

    I'm not going to get into that though. I refuse to let that character keep spoiling anything CM related for me.

  37. I'm so HAPPY, I don't know how to celebrate.
    Welcome back, Paget. You've been missed!

  38. Such a sickening thing to do to Rachel. I am sad it is just so classless of the network to this. I hope it gives backlash on them!

    This is beyond cruel i have no word of how sickening this is to do to Rachel while she is on hiatus while she thought she will be back on CM in season 7.

    I am so sad abou this :-(

  39. I can't believe it!!! so excited for season 7!! Welcome back Paget!

  40. Welcome home Paget!!

    CBS/ABC Studios…please provide Thomas with the contract he needs to make our family whole again.

  41. Am so psyched about Paget coming back.... I can finally have a peaceful summer, all we need now is for TG to sign that baby :) then we can all be completely satisfied....

  42. Paget is back!!!!! Wonderful!!!! Love you Paget!!!!

  43. glad paget is back but its all for nothing without thomas back too. The family is definitely NOT complete without him. Sign him soon so that we can look forward to season7.

  44. I understand there are those who feel bad for R.N. But this is Hollywood it happens all the time. She is not the first and most certainly won't be the last actress to lose a job. It's a business and it's about making money not letting someone keep their job b/c u feel bad for them. If u think about it no job is. I'm quite certain R.N. will get plenty of other offers. I wish her no I'll will but I most certainly do not feel bad for her.

  45. Don't really care that Rachel is leaving she was not good at all. Excited that Paget is coming back. Now we need Thomas to come back.

  46. That's true Tina. Unlike AJ and Paget, Rachel has a major film career independent of CM to fall back on.

  47. Welcome back, Paget!

    Now we NEED Thomas too! Come on CBS, give him the raise he deserves, and give the fans back our Hotch, as WE deserve!

    No Hotch, NO CM, even w Emily. :(

  48. AJ is back!
    Paget is back!
    Thomas really wants to come back!
    Erica Messer listens to the fans!
    Seaver is gone!

    Season 7 is probably going to be the best season ever!

    Welcome back, Criminal minds!

  49. it's true cbs/abc. paget and a.j. returning is great news. but w/out thomas gibson it's not good enough. he's the glue that holds this show together. if he's not resigned your show will fail. the end.

  50. I hope to hell that CM lets Seaver off with class, giving her a couple episodes of story arc to wind down

    No, please, just no. Just mention her departure to wherever in passing and carry on. They spent season 6 distracted and choppy because they were too focused on exiting two characters and the aftermath of that instead of just writing good solid episodes. Enough! It's bad enough they're going to have to waste god knows how long bringing back the two characters they exited, not to mention try to figure out a way to salvage the Prentiss character after that stupid super spy arc, they certainly don't need to waste any time on a character that was barely there.

    I'd love to see Season 7 start out with Morgan waking up in a hospital bed from his encounter with Billy Flynn and saying to Hotch..."Man, I just had the strangest dream...JJ was forced out of the BAU and and you let this cadet join the team and....."

    Of course TG still isn't signed so perhaps I should take a que from the writers and insert Rossi in Hotch's place in my Season 7 Dream opener. ; )

  51. ITA Marcia, we need and want Hotch. Quit stalling CBS, give him a sweet deal.

  52. BRING BACK THOMAS! We want our family complete and CM isn't complete without Hotch. So happy Paget is back but I won't watch unless Thomas is too.

  53. I don't think that Criminal Minds will work without Thomas Gibson either. He is the salt of Criminal Minds, the salt of the earth. Even though I love AJ and Paget, I don't think I'll like CM without him and I think AJ and Paget resigned becuase they were banking on everyone being there until the end, aside from Rachel. People will get over the RN/Ashley Seaver situation soon. Probably before the new season starts.

  54. sf81387, I was just about to ask which character was going to wake up on episode 7.01 and had all season 6 be a dream. You beat me to it.

    And yes to all of what you said.
    Just a tiny mention that she didn't make the cut and let's start season 7 clean.

    By the way, Best News Ever. Now we just need Thomas to have the best team together again and Criminal Minds can begin to regroup.

    I can't believe I'm saying this, but thank you CBS for listening to the fans. About JJ, about Prentiss and about Seaver.
    Now get Thomas Gibson re-signed.

  55. Oh and THANK YOU for the new thread! : )

    No Hotch, no CM for me either. The show would suck so much without him.

  56. Yayyyyy Paget! It will be so great to have our team back. And ooooohhhhh, we need TG to get a great contract!

    This is great news. I'm looking forward to the new season.

    My daughter today suggested that a mailman would be a great unsub, because they're always around and no one notices them. And like, if he said a dog had chased him and he needed to call the dogcatcher, you'd let him in the house ... I can't decide if I love the way she thinks, or I should be worried ...

  57. sf81387 said,

    "No, please, just no. Just mention her departure to wherever in passing and carry on. They spent season 6 distracted and choppy because they were too focused on exiting two characters and the aftermath of that instead of just writing good solid episodes. Enough! It's bad enough they're going to have to waste god knows how long bringing back the two characters they exited, not to mention try to figure out a way to salvage the Prentiss character after that stupid super spy arc, they certainly don't need to waste any time on a character that was barely there."

    Absolutely, your right!!! They have so many loose ends to tie up and things to mend that they just need to get straight into the business of doing that and not create another choppy mess for season 7. No more distractions! Let's just get straight to the process of reshaping, with the focus on writing good scripts.

  58. No more distractions is so right. So CBS, sign TG and make us all happy!

    No Hotch NO CM. Period.

  59. YAY! Our girls are back.
    Now we get Gibson signed and pretend season 6 never happened.

    I'm sorry about Rachel Nichols, though, hope someone at CBS or even Erica Messer got to tell her before the news hit the net.
    Good luck Rachel, have an amazing movie career, I assure you I will be following.

  60. Sf81387: YES to the dream sequence!

  61. I'd love to pretend S6 never happened. Girls gone, Hotch basically non-existent, poor writing... ick.

    SIGN THOMAS so that we can just move on.

    ALL of our cast, ALL of the time.

  62. ALL of our cast, ALL of the time.

    'Nuff said.

  63. Bring back Hotch and make my week! Emily and Hotch both back!

  64. Welcome back, Paget, where you belong and should never have left.

    I'm going to watch Lauren now and not feel as heartbroken because I now know she is coming back!

  65. Even with all of this "in" and "out" I don't think Thomas will be back next year. I'd love for him to be back...he is such an integral part of the show but something tells me it's not going to work out.

  66. Krissy ShamfronSaturday, May 28, 2011

    well to this to Rachel. Why should i even be watching such a classless network. 3 actresses now getting canned. Bringing back 2, and then can a 3rd. Such a lovely person Rachel is

    Well i will not be tuning in to this classless network!

  67. Welcome back AJ, Paget and soon TG!!!

    Even though I thought the character was horrible for CM, I do wish the best for Rachel Nichols moving forward. I'm sure she will land on her feet soon.

    Season 7, can't wait!!!!!!

  68. If TG isn't back, I'm done with CM. CBS needs to get a grip and give him a great new deal. The man is class, through and through and does a lot for the show off screen. I don't know how many times the fans have to scream that they want him back, that he's essential to CM. Please Thomas, come back! Please CBS, give him a contract worthy of his signature!


  69. To Krissy Shamfron:

    Unfortunate? Yes. Classless? No.

    Certainly not as classless as calling AJ Cook useless *cough* like you did *cough*

  70. I can't wait for next season!
    Now, I'm finally excited (assuming Thomas Gibson will be back, AND HE BETTER, CBS!)
    JJ will be back on episode one, I just hope Criminal Minds rush and bring Emily back fast.

    "I hope to hell that CM lets Seaver off with class, giving her a couple episodes of story arc to wind down"

    sf81387 said,
    "No, please, just no. Just mention her departure to wherever in passing and carry on. "

    Yes, to this. No need to drag things out. This past season with the exits of beloved characters and introducing of a painfully unfit character, already was bad enough to stomach, I don't need to be reminded.


  71. Best of luck to RN, great to see PB returning BUT won't care unless TG joins them. Want the ENTIRE family back and Hotch is a huge part of that.

  72. LindaCinCalgarySaturday, May 28, 2011

    I had heard the rumours about Paget and while I am sad that her comedy didn't work out I am ecstatic that she is returning to CM! Now to sign Thomas Gibson and my CM family is complete! No Gibson, no CM for me. As much as I love the rest of the cast I cannot watch the show without Gibson as Hotch. Please CBS, you've heard the fans on everything we've asked of you. We really want Gibson back too.

  73. I have a friend who has intuition and I am sorry people Thomas is not coming back next season.

  74. Paget, I'm sorry your pilot didn't work out but I'm thrilled you're back with CM!

    Now we're almost there... just need Thomas to sign and I can finally start to put S6 behind me and look forward to S7.

    No Hotch, no show.

  75. I'm happy Paget is back, sad for Rachel who lost her job.

    Will this news make me watch CM Season7? No unless they re-sign Thomas Gibson!

    No Hotch No CM for me!


  76. Wow great news for CM fans. I feel that Rachel Nichols joined at the precise WRONG TIME for fans to accept her, so I hope that she gets better career opportunities in the future. However, the family will be back to normal once Thomas signs on.

    Prentiss's return is going to do massive damage to the team (as well as good!). Each have gone through their own process with her loss. With her return, its going to change everyone's faith in the bureau, mortality, the government as well as in each other. I really would like to see how her return will effect Reid's story line with his headaches. He revealed that she was his only confidant during that time. That should be interesting.

    I ADORE the picture you posted for this thread. As a CM fan, I love it! Great job.

    Hope to hear happy news about Thomas's deal with CBS soon!!

  77. For all the people saying that they hope there's some sort of "backlash" for firing Nichols, dream on. The majority of hard core CM fans did not like her character and clearly she did not fit in. Acting is a tough industry but I'm sure she will do just fine when she moves on and finds something more suitable. I for one am glad she's gone. Bringing her in to replace JJ was a bad joke.

  78. My best to Rachel Nichols, nothing against her but she (and her character) just didn't mesh with the show.

    SO excited Paget is coming back, but not even Paget and JJ returning will be able to make up for it if we lose Thomas Gibson...

    I hate to say it but if I had to choose between them, I would rather keep Thomas Gibson than get the girls back.

    I REALLY hope CBS is reading all of the comments and notice that following every single "yay, Paget and/or AJ is back" is a "KEEP THOMAS!!!"

    I hope CBS has learned their lesson and won't go and make an even bigger blunder by not signing TG back... They will lose SO many viewers...

    I'll be on pins and needles, unable to celebrate JJ and Emily's return until I kno that Hotch will be staying...

  79. "SO excited Paget is coming back, but not even Paget and JJ returning will be able to make up for it if we lose Thomas Gibson...

    I hate to say it but if I had to choose between them, I would rather keep Thomas Gibson than get the girls back.

    I REALLY hope CBS is reading all of the comments and notice that following every single "yay, Paget and/or AJ is back" is a "KEEP THOMAS!!!" "

    AMEN! I thoroughly second this!

  80. Rachel Nichols will be fine. The character just never fit in. Yay, Paget is back. BUT without Thomas, it just won't matter for me. I want because of Hotch, so hope that CBS continues to listen and offers up a deal TG can live with. WE LOVE YOU THOMAS! NO CM 4 me without Hotch.

  81. After building the team back up to this point, it would be absolutely pathetic of CBS to let Thomas Gibson walk out the door. I'm seeing positive moves so I am hopeful this means Thomas Gibson good news is just around the corner. Let's be hopeful and be in the present with this wonderful news.

    AJ and Paget coming back is outstanding news, just simply outstanding! Season 7 can not get here fast enough!

  82. Exciting news today! Welcome back Paget, hope you're glad to rejoin as we sure are happy to see you. Should be great storytelling to reunite Emily Prentiss with the BAU. Clearly this means there is a lot to do with Hotch next season so crossing my fingers for Thomas Gibson's re-signing as everyone else is. Sorry for Rachel Nichols but surely she is unsurprised, you don't even need acting experience to realize her situation was precarious. And Seaver is no match for Prentiss or JJ. Perhaps MGG should direct some more - he did a great job for Paget's sendoff so would be fitting for him to bring her back :)

  83. excellent news about Paget! Now CBS need to re-sign Thomas back and season 7 would be great!


  84. I only just began watching because of Rachel. So they just lost a fan. Terrible to let Rachel go just like this.

  85. I just hope that CBS isn't trying to distract us from TG's situation by announcing PB's return. I will be sooooooo happy that Emily is back ONCE I know that Hotch is back too (and with more screentime than last year, that was pathetic). We want ALL the family so sign TG!

  86. Happy, happy, happy! We got AJ and Paget back! Will be even more happier when TG re-sign a new contract!

    Come CBS/ABC you have done well with getting AJ and Paget back, now get Thomas to sign a new contract!

  87. Hotch and Emily are my fave characters so CBS, you are halfway to making me a very happy fan. Now finish putting a disappointing Season6 to bed. SIGN TG!!! He is so deserving of a shiny new contract and we need him! Storyline will be so awesome! No Hotch No CM 4 me.

  88. what is on my mind? Nothing good, I want TG to stay on CM! We need Hotch on CM!

  89. Seaver gone, Emily back, things are beginning to look up! Once Hotch is secured back in his rightful place as our fulltime Unit Chief, I will be ready to reserve all my Wed nights again. :)

  90. Personally I am delighted at this turn of events. Now we us need to get TG to sign a new contract, and the team will be back to exactly the way I like them. Yay!!! :)

  91. oooooh, season 7 is going to be a great one! Of course, this is assuming that TG is re-signed too. You got that CBS? Stop messing with our show and give Thomas his great new contract!

    No Hotch No Watch.

  92. I'm sorry Rachel lost her job. Not her fault her character made no sense as a cadet/profiler, that is where the writers were at fault. I wish Rachel all the best in the future.

    Not happy we didn't get any news on Thomas. CBS better re-sign him because I sure will not be watching season 7 despite AJ and Paget being back!

  93. First of all thanks for the new thread. So much soap opera behind the scenes. I just hope it does not play out like that on screen. If this is truly what you wanted Paget, WELCOME BACK.
    It would also be great to have TG back with us next season.
    I know I'm being a bit of a gloomy gus amidst all this joy but I'm thinking that we still have the same writers and am afraid of more manipulative writing. I know Erica Messer is now in charge, but she has been there all along. Of course I'm thinking this as someone who really has no idea how the hierarchy works.
    I'm afraid of more manipulative writing because now there has to be a believable reason for JJ's return and the team has to deal with the shock of finding out that Emily is alive after that ridiculous spy drama arc. They also have to come to terms with the fact that they have been lied to by Hotch and JJ.
    I want to be happy about the new developments but I'm a bit worn out after S6.
    Wait and see I suppose.

  94. love it! "No Hotch No watch!"

    goes so nicely with "No Hotch/TG, No CM/CBS 4 me!"

    Re-sign Thomas and then leave CM alone!

  95. No Hotch No CM!!!Saturday, May 28, 2011

    No Hotch No CM!

  96. As for Rachel Nichols I'm sorry she got caught up in all of this and hope she goes on to better things

  97. Great news that Paget is back in the fold! I missed her... and I also missed Hotch for most of S6. Such a waste of great talent. I can only hope that CBS sees the light and brings back TG. Won't be continuing to put up with any more tinkering if he doesn't return. Just sayin'.

  98. Welcome back Paget! You have been missed!!!

    SSA Prentiss is now on board!!! Now all we need is SSA Hotchner and we are good to go!! The whole team will be back then :) Provided that happens, please CBS, leave the show alone, no more "refreshing."

  99. Pretty good news we had tonight! No more Seaver, sorry Rachel Nichols lost her job but I never liked Seaver, if she had not been a cadet but a season profiler then I would not have minded the character.

    Glad to see that Paget will be back. Should be an interesting storyline with Doyle!

    now I read on deadline the CM producers wants to keep TG, they better make sure he stays! Will not watch without Hotch/TG!

    Another Hotch fan!

  100. Having AJ and Paget back is fantastic! But I still will not be watching without Hotch. No Hotch no CM/CBS for me!

  101. As long as TG IS back, I will really start to get excited for the Fall. I love PB and although disappointed her pilot didn't work out, am happy she's back. But we need Hotch. The show doesn't work without him so pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease sign him soon and let us relax!

    I'm with the No Hotch No Watch fans.

  102. Let's see CBS.

    AJ back = good
    Paget back = good
    TG not re-sign yet = bar real bad


  103. It is upsetting that in the eyes of CBS there can't be an equal number of men and women. On the other hand I could not be more thrilled that Paget is returning.

    Hopefully the writers will take season 7 to a new level with the return of Em, there is the potential for so much drama, heartache, baggage, with the Doyle resolution, and now Emily can return with a whole new back story. It has the potential for a great new spin on cases!

    Sad for the Rachel Nichols, I know that has to suck. But big big happy day for me that my favorite character is back!!!

  104. I bet TG secretly does have a contract and they're setting this whole thing up to keep us on our toes and make us UBER greatful when they announce his return! AT LEAST THIS IS WHAT I DREAM OF! Ahh.

    Paget's return is amazing though - I honestly didn't think they'd bring her back but it makes me so happy. I hope they'll have more of her being all badass Prentiss, possibly give her a loooove story? Luuurrv. :)

  105. OMG!!!
    Paget is coming back!!!

    Right now I'm the happiest person in the world!!!

  106. Welcome back, Paget/Prentiss!

    Good luck to Rachel Nichols in her future endeavors!

    Please please please get TG on board for Season 7!

  107. Wow seems like CBS is on the right track. Now all we need is TG, he is the only missing piece to the puzzle left. Come on, CBS! No Hotch No CM for me!

  108. No guest starring for Rachel. Just go. Character doesn't fit, makes no sense, is poorly written, and badly acted. I don't care about her daddy issues so I don't want to see an arc for her, and she doesn't need to be kept for background.

    Excellent though, for Paget. Am thrilled she's coming back! Now all they need is to sign Thomas, and everything will be perfect.

  109. Please give the Criminal Minds fans a Christmas in May. Get TG to sign on the dotted line and complete the original cast! Best wishes to RN. I'm sure she has a promising career ahead of her.

  110. OK. Now all I need to hear is that TG is going to be back for S7 too and I can rest at ease. No Hotch No CM 4 Me, even with JJ and Prentiss back!

  111. Thank you CBS for listening to the fans! Now that there will be no more bickering about Seaver, hopefully this blog and the rest of the fandom places will go back to being pleasant, thoughtful discussions about the episodes.

    But please, don't nullify your recent excellent decision making by failing to bring Thomas Gibson back. We need him - Hotch is the team's leader! Hotch/TG is NECESSARY

  112. I'm so happy right now. That is all I can say. I am so happy. I love Paget!

  113. CBS, I'm waiting.

    Get TG to sign me please.


    Happy fans make for good ratings.

  114. This is wonderful news! I am so excited to have the beautiful, lovely, extremely talented and unpretentious (at least from her tweets) PAGET BREWSTER back on my screen next season!

    Thank you for making this fan happy.

  115. A lot to say here.

    First things first...I am heartbroken for Rachel Nichols. Say what you want about the character she played but this PERSON got screwed. Yes, it's business but a PERSON lost her job people. Let's not lose sight of the big picture here. LOST HER JOB. She took a risk - a big one. Anyone would have taken that chance and she is a smart women and knew the risk she was taking. While it didn't work out I'm sure she has no regrets but let's not lose sight of the fact that any complaints about SEAVER about complaints about the writers. This constant link between SEAVER and JJ is ridiculous. Enough already. I follow Rachel on twitter and anyone who does can tell you that she is nothing but CLASS. She is amazing to her fans. No offense but she jumped on twitter within 1 hour of this news breaking to thank her fans. I have yet to see Paget post a thing. Fan appreciation is a big deal in this industry. I love Paget as an actress and Prentis as a character but Paget has a ways to go when it comes to fan appreciation.

    I am SHOCKED that Paget is coming back. If there was anyone I would have expected to tell CBS to screw off it would have been her. Sure they had an option on her but it doesn't take much to tell them "you can pick up my option but you fired me once, if you think you are going to get the best out of me, you are nuts". That said - she is a pro and I'm sure she is going to be great.

    To everyone on this board who is doing the happy dance. If you are going to do this whenever someone on this cast leaves, or has a contract issue then buckle in because you are going to be doing this every year for the rest of this show. Next up is Gubler and Kirsten, and Joe. Yes folks - these people aren't going to do this show forever and no matter how much you kick and scream they are going to eventually leave and yes, the show is going to eventually end.

    On Thomas - Paget coming back was a HUGE blow to his negotiations whether he comes back or not. As much as CBS screwed up last year, they are building a lot of bingo chips for this year. They haven't played this well but more people will watch this show this year because the STORIES will be better. It will have nothing to do with anyone on this board because you/we make up a tiny portion of the viewership of this show. AJ was brought back because the show was fragmented without her, same with Paget. Last year sucked not because they were gone but because the writers didn't have solid footing to work with. Yes - this board has some influence but not as much as you think.

    Lastly, and I'm going to try and be nice here. Jill - it would be nice if you toned down your "connections" a bit. We all know you have them and we all know they are very real. I am wicked impressed that you broke this story before the mainstream media. Seriously impressed. That said, I think you can "wear" this connection and inside position you have a bit better. Just one persons point of view.

    Hoping for a great Season 7. Wishing a wonderful Rachel Nichols the HUGE SUCCESS she deserves and obviously a BIG WELCOME BACK TO AJ and PAGET.

    Thanks for reading this far.


  116. Great news for CM fans!! Yet, I'm sorry to say good-bye to Rachel. She got put in a terrible spot and handled it with poise and grace. Best of luck to you Rachel!! Please know your CM fans will back you in your future endeavors!!

    As for TG, I too am on pins and needles. Yet, I take great heart in the fact the producers want him back and TG wants to be back. I understand it's a process, however I hope it gets down soon.

    Wouldn't it be great to have a summer with no CM drama. We, the fans deserve this. And so does Erica, the cast, and all of the peeps involved with our favorite show!!

    P.S. Everyone don't forget to watch Joe and AJ tomorrow night. The National Memorial Day Concert is an absolutely wonderful show!!!!

  117. Sorry I can't be happy at the moment. All I want is Thomas back that I am almost crying right now. It seems so unfair we hear Shemar and now Paget and still nothing for Thomas. This makes me feel so uneasy.

  118. The news I've been anxiously waiting for has finally arrived. Paget is back!!! I can't stop doing the happy dance!

  119. No Hotch No Watch. No Hotch/TG, no CM 4 me. Whether CBS cares or not, I want Thomas to know how popular his character is, not to mention essential to maintain viewership in the long term. Curiosity might get people to tune in, but without ALL of the family back FULL TIME, and yes, that includes Hotch, it won't work. CBS, please re-sign Thomas and make things right for all.

  120. OD, you have absolutely no idea why Paget hasn't tweeted as you wrote and thus you have absolutely no right to say what you said about her not tweeting. Paget has always been extremely gracious and appreciative towards her fans so I believe that your comments to that end were completely OUT OF LINE!

  121. I can't be happy until TG has signed on the dotted line. So unfair that our lead has to go through stupid long negotiations and everyone else is done. :( Won't watch unless hes' back.

    Love Hotch, want him back. No happy dance until he is.

  122. This is the show that I loved. I hope Rachel Nichols will find something else to do and a better character to play.

    CM will not be CM without the unit chief. Thomas Gibson's negotiations will be successful. They can't break the team again.

  123. OD,

    I find it ironic that Seaver/RN fans are always accusing others of making this personal against RN. However, I think it is the Seaver/RN fans that are actually guilty of this very thing. Making personal attacks - usually against the fans who don't like Seaver, but then extended to personal comments against AJ Cook, and now against Jill and Paget too. And FYI, Jill did a tweet that gave her best wishes to Rachel Nichols

  124. All of the chess pieces are lining up, check mate comes when TG signs on the dotted line then the whole team will be back!!!!!!!

    I am beside myself that Paget will be back and AJ too! Time to break out the champagne!!!! I have one on ice for when TG signs a contract :)

  125. You know what I think it's weird, someone who posts this:
    "...she jumped on twitter within 1 hour of this news breaking to thank her fans. I have yet to see Paget post a thing."

    When he/she just posted this:
    "This constant link between SEAVER and JJ is ridiculous. Enough already"

    Now all I need is Thomas Gibson.

  126. Sign, Thomas, sign! Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeease! Wont' watch CM without you and I so want to see how Hotch deals with his trauma and his secret about Emily now she's back!

    No Hotch No watch

  127. All very well and good bringing back our ladies (and I welcome back PB with open arms, love Prentiss) BUT it won't be enough without Thomas Gibson. I'm happy to hear the producers want him back, just praying tptb figure it all out and give him the contract he richly deserves after his major contribution to CM's success. No skimping, just sign our beloved team leader! Need more Hotch, not no Hotch!

    No TG, no more CM for this fan.

  128. Yes Gina, yes! I am so glad that that craziness will be done and over with season 7! Rachel Nichols will move onto something that fits for her. Best of luck to her.

    Paget, welcome, welcome back!!! Love you girl!! The show has not been the same without you. I'm glad you and AJ are coming back! CBS, let's get Thomas Gibson on board, along with some good writers, and let's make season 7 one of the best seasons yet!

  129. I have to say thank you CBS for listening to us, the fans. You did so by bringing back our girls and by getting rid of Seaver (I have nothing against Rachel). Now I wish that you listen to us again and please stop all this nonsense. Can you just stop messing with the cast and let us enjoy the show, like seriously, it is about time.

  130. OD said:

    I follow Rachel on twitter and anyone who does can tell you that she is nothing but CLASS. She is amazing to her fans. No offense but she jumped on twitter within 1 hour of this news breaking to thank her fans. I have yet to see Paget post a thing.

    You know, you are right, Paget should be on twitter right now saying how sad sad she is that Rachel is leaving but that her exit will be totally RAD!

    Paget rarely posts on twitter anyway, she doesn't have to start NOW.


  131. I really want to get excited about the next season of CM and beyond, I really do. Erica seems to be very keen to get things back to the 'good ol' days and I'm eager to see this happen. Cautiously optimistic now that the ladies are back. BUT my heart is with the character of Hotch and no matter how much I care about the others, I watch for him. If Thomas Gibson isn't re-signed, I think its a travesty after 6 years of stellar performances, even with less-than stellar writing this past season. His character is an integral part of the team and frankly, I will never again watch a Hotchless episode, it was awful. So CBS, please give TG a contract and let me and all the CM fans gear up for a wild ride in S7.


  132. OD, have you ever heard of gag orders in contracts??! For pity's sake, quit bashing Paget. She has always been extremely gracious to her fans.

  133. I'm with Kelly. I can't celebrate until it's announced that TG has his new contract. I actually feel sad now. I just don't feel that CBS/ABC respects Thomas. This is just too much drama. They should've already re-signed their lead actor to a great contract. And then they have to get capable writers who can write for Hotch and all our team in a way that causes them all to shine in order for the episodes to have the quality that they once had...

  134. Couldn't agree with you more, Sky.

    No Hotch and I'm out the door. Its that simple.

  135. Okay, seriously people, can we be just a little bit happy that Paget is coming back. I am over the moon about it myself and I think others are as well, but all of this downcast with the Gibson not having a contract situation is ruining this moment. I am not saying that people shouldn't request that Gibson's contract get drafted up quick to shore him up come season 7, but AJ and Paget coming back gives me high hopes that Gibson will come back as well. I don't think the network would have taken things this far in repairing the damage they did to the show to now drop the ball completely with Gibson. Alright, be concerned about Gibson and share that here, but come on, at least show some love and happiness for Paget coming back.

    Paget, love that you are coming back! Can't wait to see Prentiss (and JJ) back in action! CBS, as you can see, people, myself included, are concerned about Gibson's lack of a contract. I know these things take time, but I think it would be in your best interest to lock him in as soon as possible, as well as provide some funds for some writers that will make this cast of characters soar.

  136. I wish Rachel Nichols the best. I never understood why she agreed to do a television series when she was appearing (in small roles, but still roles) in blockbuster movies. I have no doubt she will have a lengthy career.

    I am very, very happy that Paget is back. I have been anxiously awaiting this week since her chat in March, and I am excited for her, and salivating at the storyline possibilities.

    My drool will very quickly dry up though, if TG isn't renewed as well. They got through getting rid of one of the big name leads once, but I don't see the show surviving that again. Especially since that was only two years in and this is post six years. People have far more invested in Hotch now than they had in Gideon then. That being said, here's hoping to news of a contract soon.

    I will watch either way. As much as I absolutely love Hotch and the show won't be the same without him... I love the other six people as well.

  137. Welcome back Paget! And as for CBS/ABC studios: Please get a contract in place so you and TG can sign on the dotted line. Season 6 was ok, but I am now so psyched to have the entire CM family together (must have TG) for Season 7.

  138. I also wish RN all the best. I didn't like her character but that was down to very poor backstory and the fact that PB was leaving. Now that Paget is back, I'm a little happier. Yay, Paget, ty for coming back! :)

    But, I'm sorry but i don't like all the characters equally so if Thomas isn't also given a contract, i won't still watch. I just couldn't.

    CBS, please just sign TG and then we can all be ecstatic!!!

    (Thomas, Paget, love you both!!!)

  139. Incredibly happy to hear this GREAT news this morning in my part of the world. REALLy happy paget is back - i think my smile popped out of my face. I may have spilled some coffee, hit the wall and broken ... the wall. Oh My GOD.

    Then i remembered someone still doesn't have a contract. Hmmm. Listen, Mr Gibson, i'm this close to becoming an LDSK - on you! Grrr...

    RN - sobering experience. While i didn't like the Seaver character, i assign blame on the writers. Wish her the best.

  140. I need to know, did Paget chose to come back or was she forced to come back?
    Was it ultimately her decision or not?

    I hope she decided to, hope she still loves to work with the show, despise CBS and their bad ideas and I hope she know just how much the fandom loves her, her character and how important piece she is of the team.

    Welcome back Paget, we love you!

  141. Hooray! AJ's back and now Paget. I might finally get to watch the show I used to love again...
    Fingers crossed for Thomas.

  142. What a surprise: to check in here before I call it a nite and see the wonderful news! I tell you, people, they are LISTENING! They really are. We should be getting the relieving news about TG returning also, any day now. I feel quite sure that it will all work out. Tough that it has to be dragged out the way it has, but I guess there's some reason for it. I'm a firm believer that there's a reason for everything. I have wracked my brain in an attempt to figure out why all this happened but can come up with nothing: one stupid idea that just led to another and hurt people (cast) and worried others (US) and I wish it had never happened. Sometimes the reason for things surface later; I doubt this one ever will.

    Welcome back, Paget! We love you and have missed you.

    TG: Please sign soon!

    OD: Even if a person would think such thoughts, what possible good can come from saying such things?
    You forget who's running THIS show (blog) and you have embarassed yourself. You definitely were NOT trying to be nice here; very unkind and ungrateful, too. Please apologize.

    Re: RN: I agree with most of you here. It would be a waste to make an episode including why/where/when AS leaves. This is something than can take place during a briefing, easily explained, and the possibility she could join Andi Swan's team is so perfect, I vote for it. But to bring RN back in July to film ONE epi to end her time on CM, that would be cruel and I would not think that would benefit anyone, esp. RN. The comparison with AJ's departure, despite her having been on the show for 6 seasons, was a good one. Two epis and she was gone. Two lines from Hotch will do it for RN. Why cause her any further discomfort? She was helpless in this situation with ridiculous writing and disjointed storylines. Not her fault.

    RN: Best of luck to you.

    G'nite all!

  143. The fans spoke, the station listened.
    To the people out there saying what a "sickening, awful" or "terrible" thing for CBS to do to Rachel/Ashley,this is show business. People come, people go. Rachel wasn't here for a full season, so I don't think her character deserves a final good-bye like Prentiss or JJ. Paget was on the show for about 4 seasons, JJ was on since the beginning (okay, second episode).
    Someone said that this is CBS continuing their message that "actresses are replaceable and dispensable", but to me it's not. At first they might have seemed that way, but the fact that they went back to the original actresses and asked them to come back means that they realized good actresses are hard to come by. If they were to continue their message they would have fired Rachel and hired one or two random female actresses.
    I really wish season seven would come sooner. I want to see how they will exterminate Doyle, the new side of JJ and her family and I would love to see Reid's headaches answered.

  144. I also would like to echo Maribel from above...can we just appreciate that Paget is coming back. I understand that Hotch is important to this show, and things would be drastically different without him, but holy crap people these are totally separate situations. I actually am more hopeful for Thomas' signing now that the whole team is in tact...CBS reversed two ridiculous decisions, I can't imagine they would make another stupid one letting him go (unless of course his demands become ridiculous, but the vibe I get from Thomas, that doesn't seem to be the case)

  145. Bill CollinsonSunday, May 29, 2011

    I am sad to see Rachel being let go in such a manor.

    such a classless thing to do.

  146. Welcome back Paget!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  147. Really happy about Paget Brewsters return. But still next season will be nothing without Thomas Gibson! :)

  148. WOOOOOOHOOOOOO!!!! I am so happy right now!! Prentiss is my second favorite character after Reid. Welcome back Paget!! Also, I am extremely happy that Seaver is gone. Nothing personal against RN and I really wish her the best for the futur.

    Now they just need to sign TG and I will forgive them that Season 6.

  149. While I'm really excited to see Paget and AJ come back, it really is disgusting to watch CBS jerk these actors around so terribly (including Rachel). And, they're still jerking T.G. around... I hope CBS sees the light- if they don't get Thomas Gibson back, IMHO I think this will be the last season. What a shame it will be to bring those two actresses back and possibly not bring back T.G., when they didn't need to do any of this in the first place!

  150. One of the greatest news I've heard for the upcoming season, by far!

    I totally can't help but wonder why stall Thomas' contract. CBS never fails to play games with the CM family. I am beginning to hate them for that!gggrrr!!

    Either way, I am keeping my fingers crossed. CM will definitely never be the same without Hotch!

  151. Congratulations Paget and welcome back!! I hope this news means that CBS/ABC have finally realized that the show doesn't need refreshing, at least not to the extent where you are exiting highly beloved and popular characters. So on to the next step, CBS which is re-signing Thomas Gibson. The BAU needs Hotch!

  152. Paget,

    You have been greatly missed. I am so glad that TPTB are bringing you back for next season. I can't wait until your lovely face starts gracing my TV screen again!

  153. This news makes me look forward to Season 7! So happy that AJ and PB will both be returning! But (and this is a big BUT), this will not appease me should TG's contract not be renewed. No Hotch No CM!!

  154. Oh happy day! When Paget came back our way!

    Yay for Paget!

  155. Oh and I cannot wait for the happy day when it is announced that TG's contract has been signed.

    Get on it, CBS!

  156. I just have this horrible feeling that things are not going to work out for Thomas Gibson. He has been in contract negotiations for so long that I am not sure they will ever find middle ground.

  157. I'm really annoyed that Paget and AJ are back at the expense of Rachel. WTFCBS? GENDER PARITY ONE DAY SOON, PLEASE? WHY NOT FOUR WOMEN ON A CRIME SHOW? The network is run by misogynist morons, it seems. Damn, I so wanted all three. I so wanted to see evidence that they value actresses, but instead we get yet more evidence they think one actress is as good as any other. This sucks so much!

  158. I am absolutely thrilled that Paget will return to the series as Prentiss. Should be a very cool and exciting story arc! And seeing how amazing she was on her last episode. . . . let us hope that MGG will direct this episode as well.

    Rachel Nichol's leaving does sadden me somewhat. Due to the way AJ & later PB where exited, I think the fans rebelled against that and RN never got a fair chance. People kept comparing her to JJ and perhaps changing her haircolour would have helped. Now she, indeed, looked like a JJ clone and it was not fair on her.

    Thomas Gibson. . . we will just have to have faith and wait and see, won't we.
    He tweeted he really wants to come back and I know the producers want him back but since we cannot 'see' what is going on, we can only wait and hope for some terrific news. Because although I ♥ the show dearly, CM without Hotch is just plain . . . . wrong! The show will crumble because he is the cement between the building stones (other characters) on this show.

  159. Acting is a tough industry but I'm sure she will do just fine when she moves on and finds something more suitable.

    It's funny how arguments like this never seemed to apply to AJ and PB.

  160. Hey I'm personally having a party over here with the news that Prentiss and J.J. will be back and NO SEAVER. I didn't think it would happen. YESSSSS!!!!

    HALLELUJAH. The fans spoke and the network actually listened. So get us Thomas Gibson and we can pretend season 6 never happened...

    P.S. I don't feel bad for RN, and the Seaver character was unbearably awful and the reason others and myself stopped watching season 6 (except for the Prentiss leaving arc).

  161. This comment has been removed by the author.

  162. This comment has been removed by the author.

  163. The news of Paget's return made my day! I am SO happy that both AJ and Paget are returning. It's unfortunate for Rachel Nichols, but she's a great actress and I'm sure she'll succeed in her next role. The networks messed up to begin with, by trying to replace AJ and limit Paget's episodes. These women can NEVER be replaced. I think they finally realized this and are trying to redeem themselves by bringing the "family" back together. Kudos to them for admitting their mistake and fixing it. Let's hope it never happens again, and consider ourselves lucky to have our ladies back. Now all we need is for Thomas to get a contract and all will be well in CM land. =)

  164. But, was the choice to return in Paget's hands? Or in CBS's?

  165. I am so happy.
    I am happier because they have dismissed to RN/Seaver that for Paget's return.

    If RN/Seaver was continuing in the series, I would not return to see it though AJ and Paget were returning and Thomas was signing.

    Now I am free to feel happy.
    The girls estan of return and I believe that Thomas will sign soon.

  166. That is awesome news to wake up to on this dreary Sunday morning... feeling bad for Rachel though... now crossing fingers for Thomas & the next season will be a blast...
    CU sindee

  167. What's on my mind? I think it CBS are misogynistic idiots, and their firing of Rachel Nichols only further proves that.

    Emily is my favourite character, but I can't be truly happy about this news.

  168. OMG!!!!!!!! I'm crying right now. The lovely Paget is back!!!! That's wonderful news, that's fantastic news. Still... no word on Thomas makes me feel very uneasy. I'm so thrilled that my second favorite Emily Prentiss will return, but if Hotch doesn't that'll be it for me with CM. :( Crossing all fingers right now for good news soon.

  169. Sorry but the news has made me cry buckets because their is still no news on Thomas. I am getting so tired of waiting for any news that I am losing hope. I am sorry but I just don't have a good feeling at all. I feel like the Powers are really against me.

  170. Kitty - i so agree with that seaver arc idea! i'm really sad she's gone, actually, and i think she at least deserves a good exit. not just like 'ok, bye now, go'

    however, PAGET IS BACK!! i'm so pleased! :D :D

  171. I am not overjoyed with Paget news. Its great for her fans. I am still waiting for any news for Thomas. At this point I am not sure he is even going to come back. I feel like giving up.

  172. YAY!!! Paget is coming back!!! The only thing that could make this sweeter is having this whole lousy Thomas contract thing sorted out and our Unit Chief back! The WHOLE family back together as they should be. Now that Paget is back I'm UBER excited for the 7th season. =)

  173. Yeaha, the Team is complete again! That's so great! I'm looking forward for the next season and watching all the old before again.
    Thanks to the whole CM-Team for the great work in this serie!

  174. So our family is almost complete again. Great news! But "Mom" is still missing, and what good is this family without Hotch who will lead them through all the dark?

    C'mon, we're halfway there, get TG signed and CM will be the wonderful adventure it used to be.

  175. The only thing in my mind now is Paget is BACK!!!!!!!!!! Whoo hooooooo

  176. I'm so happy for paget.


  177. I'm glad aj and paget are back but sad that it comes at a price

  178. WTF comes to mind. But it's a happy WTF :D

    So glad we have both girls back (especially AJ because I've missed JJ alot on last season) and now all we need is Thomas Gibson, if the people in charge of this whole contract nightmare has any sense!

    Sorry RN, you seem a really nice person and all the best for the future sorry it didn't work out for you on CM.

    BUT WOO this show might be getting back to normal now they just need some amazing story writing to sort all the season six mess out!

  179. Welcome back, Paget!

    I'm very happy that now two of my three favorite characters are back (finally... CBS, what were you thinking?!) but I have to repeat what others have said before me: without TG it will be for nothing. He's the reason I watch CM.

    I'm tired of all the drama surrounding the one television show that I still watch...

  180. Hey

    I Just read the news that Paget Brewster is coming back - YIPPEE YIPPEE. Finally Paget and AJ are coming back. Last season was not the same without them. CBS have finally got there act together in bringing the actors back.I'm so happy that they are coming back and will also entail in great story lines. :) :) :) :D :D :D :D

  181. I'm very happy that AJ & Paget will be back.
    Due to being in the UK and having to work lates, I didn't see any of the Seaver episodes until after AJ's new deal was signed. It gave me a very different view of the character. I was able to appreciate what the writers were trying to do, because I knew she was temporary. There were a couple of places when Seaver was well used, but I wouldn't have noticed if I'd seen them at US broadcast times...
    Just waiting for Mr Gibson to announce his deal!

  182. I just saw it! Paget is back!!! I'm so happy Adios season 6, hello season 7!!!!!

  183. I'm seeing words like sexist, and unfair, at at a price, etc. but what I think people are forgetting is that there was a boat load of problems with the Seaver character that simply couldn't be brushed aside and now covered up by the fact that RN is a woman, nor could that have justified the continue presence of that character on the show despite who was returning.

    No matter where you turned, the comment about the Seaver characater was practically universal: not experienced and/or qualified enough for the BAU. If you want to talk about unfortunate, it is unforuntate that it was believed that after 5 years of hammering into the audience's brains that it takes a certain amount of experience, qualifications or extraordinary intellect like Reid to join the BAU, bam, out of nowhere someone gets to join because their father was a serial killing psycho, and oh, the person felt bad about their first time out so they should get to be on the team. WTH? I'm a woman and I hated that some type of pity ploy was used to get that character in when characters like Elle, Prentiss, and Jordan who were qualified to be there had to bust their rears to prove that they indeed had a right to be on the team based on their experience and qualifications. And while this is subjective, it cannot be ignored that for many people RN's acting was wooden which contributed, I beleive, to zero chemistry between her and the team, with the glaring lack of chemistry with Garcia that I never thought could be possible (how could you not have chemistry with Garcia???). Whichever way you slice it, it cannot be ignored that for many, myself included, the Seaver character was not only a ridiculous character and addition to the elite and specialized BAU, the delivery from the actress was unberable and greatly diminshed the viewing experience. I realize that some may not agree with regard to the delivery, fine, again, that is a personal taste situation. Nevertheless, these problems, whether you agree with them or not, were there on such a level that to continue ignoring them at the price of not seeming "sexist" would have almost certainly, sooner or later, alienated fans, perhaps to the point of affecting the ratings.

    I enjoy seeing female characters on shows, BUT not female characters that are not up to snuff with the show that they are on. I am beside myself that both the JJ and Prentiss characters are returning to the show. These characters should have never been eliminated to then turn around and insert a woefully lesser qualified character. I hope the network completes the task of bringing this wonderful cast of characters together by providing a contract for Mr. Gibson, whose character is invaluable to the show, and then please stop tinkering where no tinkering is required.

  184. CriminalMindsFanSunday, May 29, 2011

    At the moment? Well, finally Paget is BACK!! and so is AJ and Shemar which is all good. However, Nichols is out. This is disappointing because she is a fantastic actress and an idol, she had a rough time while on CriMi and didnt get enough support from fans. I hope she gets signed for better projects in the future.


  185. I'm beyond overjoyed by the news of Brewster's return! Now fingers crossed for Thomas Gibson.

  186. I'm beyond ecstatic that Paget is returning, my joy knows no bounds and I'm giddy with happiness. I sent a lot, I mean a lot of feedback to CBS in the past few weeks. One of them ran almost 5 pages long, to know that all that did not go in vain, is comforting. It was a lot of hard-work, and I'm glad it paid off.
    I'm now officially looking forward to season7. I'm positive Thomas will return too. The entire Hotch/JJ/Emily storyline is very intriguing and has a lot of potential. I can't wait to see how it plays out. I'm sooo psyched and I'm a bit shocked too. I'm glad we didn't stop voicing our discontent week after week, and were able to get both AJ and Paget back. It's said that you always come back home, where you belong no matter what. This is exactly what happened with AJ and Paget. We fought for them and we got them back, and I'm proud of our efforts. Welcome back ladies! Y'all were sorely missed and I'm just very, very happy to have our old magnificent7 back <3
    A big THANK YOU to CBS/TPTB for having the courage and sense of mind to own up to their mistakes and rectify them. Greatly appreciated.
    About Rachel Nichols, I'll be honest, I don't feel bad or anything. I think she was a bad fit for the show since the beginning and her character was a no-go. She had to leave in order to maintain all that it had stood for since the beginning. I do wish her all the best in the future and hope she soon finds her niche in movies or another TV show well-suited for her. Sadly, CM was not meant for her, and I'm not going to lose any sleep over the elimination of her character.

  187. I'm beyond overjoyed by news of Brewster's return. Fingers crossed for Thomas Gibson! :)

  188. If I may, could I also request that more attention be given to the writing. The writing in season 6 was largely disappointing and in some regards absymal in my opinion, and it would seem, other people's opinion. The wonderful cast (team) can get back together again (which it looks like they will hopefully), but not even they can salvage disjointed and poorly written scripts. I hope every effort is being made to recruit writers of the calibur of those who used to write for Criminal Minds.

  189. Yolanda, YES to your entire post.

    I was dreading, even with the whole team back, how the writers will keep on shoving this unfit character down our throats, probably using JJ too, because they had tried with everyone else.

    I'm just so happy this great team is back together, especially because I didn't think it was going to happen, after so long.

    I'm glad to have JJ back, because to me the feeling of family went away with her, even with the other 6 still on.
    During the episode Lauren, we could see how she just fit well with the team, with Hotch, Garcia and Reid. I missed that.

    And I'm happy to have Emily back and looking forward to see how they will bring her back, especially the team's reaction to her not being dead.
    It's going to be awesome.

    And now I'm finally excited for this new season.
    And I was this close of writing this show off, if Paget didn't come back and Seaver stayed.

    Now sign Thomas already, CBS, or you will get to see what a real backlash is.

  190. Welcome back, Paget!!! Oh, I'm so happy about this! (I hope she is too)

    Remaining worry: whether Thomas Gibson will be able to return to & complete the CM team/family. IMHO, TG's return has to happen too for Season 7 to start out the best that it can.

    To Ms. Nichols: I wish for you greater opportunities for good roles, & writers who will give you sensible, credible characters to play.

    To CBS: You're doing things right so far, thank complete the good work. Give TG what he wants to get him back on CM.

  191. Wow that is such great news!! Very happy to have the cast on it's way back to greatness. TG needs a new deal soon so that I can celebrate completely! And yes to the person who said they are excited to see the opening credits for next season!! (Provided TG is also returning) Please CBS, give the man an offer he can't refuse!!

  192. I'm conflicted. On one hand I am really happy that Paget is happy but on the other hand I love Rachael and I also feel like Paget turned her back on the show when she pursued pilots and now that they have failed she is coming back, and knocking off an interesting character and actress. I hope resigning her doesn't mean that Thomas Gibson is leaving because Criminal Minds would not be remotely the same without him.

  193. SIGN THOMAS!!!!!
    Just because they corrected earlier stupid mistakes doesn't mean we'll watch! No Thomas, no Criminal Minds!

  194. Rachel Nichols, that I really liked in Alias, did absolutely not convince me in Criminal Minds. The character of Prentiss deserved to be back. She was right to look around, because she has suffered an unjust decision, to my opinion.

  195. Anonymous said,

    "I'm conflicted. On one hand I am really happy that Paget is happy but on the other hand I love Rachael and I also feel like Paget turned her back on the show when she pursued pilots and now that they have failed she is coming back, and knocking off an interesting character and actress. I hope resigning her doesn't mean that Thomas Gibson is leaving because Criminal Minds would not be remotely the same without him."

    I'm sorry Anoynmous, but what are you talking about? First, the network was the one that was bent on reducing Paget's appearances on the show which sooner or later would have led to her dismissal, given that it was smart that she pursued the pilot otherwise she could have been in a situation where she had no job or other projects to turn to. The only reason the network even considered taking the reduced appearances off the table for Paget is because the fans raised hell that she was being cut like that from the show. From the day she walked off the set, they left the door open for Paget to return because they knew that is what a great majority of the fans wanted. I don't blame Paget one bit for pursuing the pilot as despite the fan uproar she could
    have been axed just like AJ was axed.

    Where once people were saying "Bring back JJ,' they were now saying "Bring back JJ and Prentiss," which says a lot about the characters and the actresses that portrayed them. CBS no doubt saw this all over the place too. As for Nichols's character being interesting, well, that is your opinion but I do not agree with that at all and was every close to tuning out next season if that character returned. I do agree with you that TG needs to get signed and ASAP!

    Welcome back Paget!!!!!

  196. I'm also very excited to see the new credits with the original team next season, and I wish to see already on episode one.
    And I hope they cut all of whistles and blows that they added this season to it, I want the original theme back.

  197. This was fantastic news. Now maybe CM can get back to the place it was before season 6. Frankly this whole situation with AJ's and Paget's departures and the Rachel Nichol's arrival left the same bad taste in my mouth that Stargate did when with the Daniel Jackson/Jonas Quinn fiasco. In the end I never felt Jonas was a great replacement for Daniel and I was thrilled when Michael Shanks(Daniel) came back,although I felt bad for Corin Nemec. He, like Rachel, came into a bad situation and was poorly written.

    I have no problem with Rachel making guest appearances,but on someone else's team, not the BAU. I like the team the way it is now. All they have to do is sign Thomas and make sure they lose MGG and this would be the perfect show again.

  198. OMG!!!! I meant DON'T LOSE MGG!!! His loss would be the end of the show for me!!!!!

  199. Kasey, I was hoping that's what you meant.....otherwise you'd be in big trouble ;)

  200. Yes Kasey, I was about to write something up :)
