Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Criminal Minds: As of 10:25am CST today Thomas Gibson, according to his manager, still has no contract. Does it make you nervous that the CBS upfronts are tomorrow and Thomas Gibson still has no contract?


  1. Yes, it makes me very nervous Tom hasn't signed a contract for the new season.

  2. I still hope this is going to end well... until (and if) I'll be told otherwise. If that happens, though, Criminal Minds will lose one of its most devoted viewers for sure.

  3. The show is going to come back with or without him. With Shemar coming back they have a story line - doesn't mean they have a show. Now - it's more than likely that Paget is going to come back. They may be betting on fan loyalty bringing them both back even if they lost TG. It would suck to lose him and I hope they don't screw that up also. They are doing a great job with the cast. Adding Rachel is AWESOME and people need to realize that you can't keep a cast like this stagnant. You need to keep adding people and keeping it fresh. That doesn't mean booting people but realize people are going to leave - eventually on their own. We need people on the cast to keep the show going. Rachel is an amazing actress and if you think the writers are great then you should trust the arc of the character and the ability of her to blend in with the team.

    Anyway - I suspect TG will be back but with Paget, they have more leverage.

    Sorry for the long post.

  4. It makes me very nervous. I can't imagine a Hotch-less Criminal Minds. Wouldn't want to...

  5. I'm VERY nervous... this is ridiculous!!!! PLEASE settle this!!!

  6. I think the people who decide if TG gets a contract need their heads checked.. Criminal Minds will not work without Hotch, we need him in the show!

  7. Not really. If by the time the writers go back to work at the end of the month there's still no contract, I may start to worry a bit.

  8. It is scary. The show itself promotes great values for it's viewers. Then they turn around and seem to be trying to destroy what people like me look forward to? This show is the only show I willing watch EVERYDAY. If yall take away another family member, how long will the family last?

  9. I don't know if it makes me nervous or furious, but one thing I know...

    No TG / No Hotch = No CM!!!

  10. I'll say this, if Thomas doesn't return and they think by keeping on Rachel Nichols bland and absymal character with or without Paget whom I adore is going to keep me viewing, well, they have another thing coming. I for one will quickly delete Criminal Minds from my DVR and start watching either the X Factor on Fox or Harry's Law on NBC.

  11. I hope this is just a gamble and not the real thing. I love Criminal Minds and it just wouldn't work without Hotch. It might be a good show, but not excellent as it is right now.. Please, somebody, come to your senses and get the men his contract!!! ^^

  12. VERY! No Hotch/TG, no CM for me! Hotch is my favorite character and I won't watch without him as much as I like the others. Come on CBS, give us our Unit Chief back!!!

  13. Yeah! Very nervous, indeed! What is the hold up. I know Thomas said he would love to come back so why are these negotiations stagnating.
    Surely CBS must know by reactions and polls that CM without 'Aaron Hotchner' would cost them a huge part of their fan base.
    Are they waiting on Paget first?
    I know, patience is a virtue but I haven't been virtues for a very long time. :)

  14. Jill, I didn't get nervous because you didn't appear to be nervous. Now I'm biting my nails to the quick. I fully expect Thomas to return; and I hope something materializes by at least tonight or early tomorrow morning. CM cannot withstand the loss of Thomas Gibson.

    I sincerely hope Paget returns as well, she has been sorely missed.

    I can't imagine CM without TG and will not watch without him...period.

  15. Yes, I'm very concerned, but only the talking heads really know what's going on. I love the whole cast of Criminal Minds, the chemistry is phenomenal, they play off one another perfectly but I cannot fathom Criminal Minds without Hotchner, he has been there from the start & losing this character could deteriorate the cohesiveness of the show.

    Loved Mandy Patinkin but the show was still in it's earliest phases & it allowed us to adjust. Thomas Gibson has been Hotchner too long, I'm not sure I'm willing to adjust to his exit.

  16. You would think that after the mistake they made with A.J. Cook they would have learned something. If they make the mistake again they might have just pushed the fans too far. Let's hope they come to there senses and bring the show back intact.

  17. As per usual, those at CBS are underestimating both the fans and the importance of ALL of our team, and that most certainly includes Hotch. No Hotch, no CM for me.

  18. Why do you have to unravel what you just started to fix, CBS? We have AJ & possibly PB back, which is awesome. But that awesomeness will be gone and so will i if TG isn't back too.

  19. Yes, Jill, very nervous. Just when I was starting to get excited about a return to the good old CM I love for Season7 too... now I'm both pissssed off and nervous. TG deserves a good contract, not to be jerked around by CBS. As much as I'd hate to give up CM, I won't be back if Thomas goes. Please make this right, CBS.

  20. I´m worried. What are we going to do without Hotch?
    The rest of the characters are fantastic too, but my favourite is TG´s.
    If he is gone so am I, no more CM for me.

  21. I suppose he will sign if the deal's good enough and if he's still committed to the thing. After six years, that may be the biggest issue.

    If he means to go on and do something else now, CM will adjust. It'll have to. At least the writers would have better warning than with MP or the many changes last Season. Realistically they have to ask TG to be definite as soon as he can because there are still re-entry arcs (bloody HELL!!) to somehow conjure for the two women they have only just chucked out. Much craziness.

    I think I might miss Hotch, but he's not a central character for me so 'nervous' is the wrong word. More sympathetic because he seems to be the main guy for a lot of people who watch. (Puzzling choice to me, but there it is and I know he will be missed horribly if he goes.)

    UK viewer

  22. At CBS:

    - You bring back AJ -> Good
    - You can bring back Paget -> Good
    - You cancel the spin-off -> Good

    RENEW Thomas Gibson to make it PERFECT!

    No TG / No Hotch = NO CM!!!

  23. I can't imagine Criminal Minds without Thomas Gibson. There hasn't been any focus on Hotch over Season 6, nevertheless, he's still the leader of the team, the decision-maker, the one who keeps his BAU family together despite what can happen to them.
    I want to see Thomas back on the show (and Paget too).

    Stop messing with that fantastic show and with its fans, and get Thomas a new contract !!

  24. Yes! I wouldn't be if last year's contract negotiations hadn't gone so horribly wrong, but I'll be nervous until there's a new contract.

  25. Look, I am tired of all of these stupid gams CBS. The other networks are coming up to the plate with what seem like some very good shows. If Thomas Gibson is not signed back on, and if I see no trace of Paget Brewster come season 7, count me in as someone your network has lost on Wednesday nights to either NBC, ABC, or Fox.

  26. yes very nervous, will probably loose lots of devoted viewer including myself, although all actors are very good, but just wont be the same.

  27. very very nervous, not sure it would be the same show without him, would poabably loose a devoted viewer here also,

  28. If Thomas is not back then tomorrow will be a series finale for me.


  29. My username says it all, NoHotchNoCm for me.

    ByeBye CM!

  30. Why CBS?

    Just get a decent contract for TG to sign!

  31. Yes, why does everyone blame CBS for the delay?
    It's a negotiation. Either side could be manipulating the situation or holding out to get their own way.

    UK viewer

  32. Yes, it makes me nervous...but for me it's very simple that NO hotch no CM

  33. That is advertising, I'm sure that tomorrow, before the season finale will the news of Thomas' new contract.
    If that does not happen, CM lose audience and a good story for season 7, when returns Prentiss (which I made ​​for a return home).

  34. I'm not nervous - I'm scared. This has been my favorite show for years and should still have so much life in it - to easily last to the ten year mark. But I cannot imagine it without Thomas Gibson. Even now that JJ will be back. Even now that Shemar has signed his contract. Even if Paget returns, which she probably will.

    They cannot afford such a huge loss as this one, not after this past season of flubs. They will lose many of us, even if we are fans of the others. The show will not be anything close to what we want it to "refresher" course went to work screwing up what was never broken.

    I don't want to lose my show. That may sound selfish but it's just how I feel. It will no longer be the highlight of my week as it has been. Yeah, I have no life, but admit it, you guys, many of you feel the same.

    Damn. I say start praying, everybody. This crossing every body part, not just fingers, is just not getting the job done.

  35. WHY does CBS/ABC insist on screwing with our cast?! I've had the feeling from the beginning that all they want is for the show to fail and they have done very little to convince me otherwise. The fans have had to fight to keep or get back our cast seemingly every year. Do other CBS shows have this problem? I've been watching NCIS from day one and other then the loss of Jenny Shepard/ Lauren Holly after 5 seasons, I can't think of any main cast members being lost.

  36. Is this one of those 11th hour things?

  37. I don't feel nervous. More annoyed and manipulated. I'm trying to ignore this part of the drama and focus on the parts that I really like.

    Still, I would hate to think that this is the question that we're going to have to deal with over the summer instead of: "whose SUV exploded?" or "did the Reaper really shoot to kill?"

    I'd rather not even focus on what the setup question appears to be . . . who are we going to lose from the team? I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

  38. Wonder if the cancellation of Suspect Behaviour will make a difference to the resources available to Original CM? Either in coin or talent?

    UK viewr

  39. I understand that one of the facts that could make Thomas Gibson still contractless for next season might be that he is ready to take off and search for a different project.
    After all, 6 years playing the same character could be more than enough for an actor.

    I would be happy for TG if goes to play a more rewarding character but I would miss him from the show and I am sure will no longer watch it.
    As I said before, Hotch is my favourite BAU guy, he is the heart of the team.

  40. I'm not nervous, just annoyed, especially after it was announced on this blog that we'd get an answer last week and still nothing.

    I'm not going to sit here and bad mouth CBS/ABC because it takes two parties to make a negotiation and frankly I'm a tired of both parties at this point. But then I've never had much patience for millionaires quibbling over money (I'm looking at you NFL).

  41. To all those speculating that Thomas may want to reduce his workload/get out of Criminal Minds:

    He has stated time and again that he is happy in the show and that HE WANTS TO COME BACK!

    No TG / No Hotch = NO CM!!!

  42. No, No, NO. Just. NO.

  43. I dearly hope CBS is not being complete morons about this, and are in final negotiations. Criminal Minds without Thomas Gibson is the same as CSI without William Peterson (i.e. not as good). This would be a HUGE mistake on CBS's part to not re-sign TG, and they've spend the last year paying for their hideous mistakes last summer. The only thing keeping me from panicking is the fact that all the members of NCIS didn't sign until late June. So there is still plenty of time.

  44. It will be more challenging to work the Prentiss storyline if Hotch doesn't come back and JJ becomes the only left who knows "the truth". CM is my favorite show and the team cannot function without Hotch. I am looking forward to seeing the writers' plans to expand each character's storyline(s) in Season 7. CBS should've learned from this season's debacle and come to an agreement quickly with TG so we can all look forward to Season 7. IMO and I agree with many here, no TG/no Hotch = no CM. Period.

  45. I am very nervous. I cannot understand what CBS' problem is. They have a wonderfully talented actor in TG who is nothing but positive when it comes to promoting CM. He is generous with his time with his fans whether it be chats, twitter, submitting items for charity. Hotch is the heart and soul of CM..he is the leader and really holds the team together. I have watched this show since the beginning and love all the characters, but Hotch is and always has been my favorite. My sister and I get together every week to watch the show and although her fave guy is MGG, she said she will no longer watch without TG because he is too important to lose.

    It really is a shame because it appeared things were moving in the right direction for next season, but if TG is not signed it will no longer matter to me and pretty much all the CM fans I know...we will no longer be watching.

    I felt more upbeat about the situation last week after the chat and hearing news that we should hear about his contract this week, but now I am afraid CBS is back to screwing things up.

    S7 holds so much promise if they could just get the cast back to the way it was last season.

    Hope to hear some good news soon.

  46. Not nervous, exactly.

    Anxious. And angry.

  47. No, I'm not nervous. Seems to be just a regular Hollywood dragged out negotiations. Even if it does not turn out well it would not bother me too much. Except for Gideon, I've liked all the regular characters over the seasons of CM. While I don't really want any of the cast to leave, I wouldn't mind so much if the stories are good.


  48. For some reason, I have it in my head that there will be no announcement concerning TG's contract until AFTER the season finale. Don't know why . . . just a hinky feeling that some of this is being done to fill us all with suspence and dread. I mean, after all, the season finale cliffhanger is who will be leaving the BAU.

    I wouldn't be surprised if we didn't hear a thing until just before filming begins in July.

    Now, I could be totally off the mark, but considering Hollyweird is all about the HYPE . . .

    After all, we didn't hear about the AJC or PB fiasco last year until June.

    And yes, I have to agree that it takes both parties to make the negotiations work. I wouldn't blame him at all to be holding out for something that resembles appreciation, since he/the rest of the cast/the show have been passed over for awards/nominations for 6 years.

    Yes, I've read he loves the show and wants to come back to it, but who's to say maybe he doesn't want to be in every show/every minute. That's draining and tiring and so much pressure . . .

    IDK, I'm nervous yes, but it's still early to give CM the kiss of death. After all, it IS an ENSEMBLE cast . .

  49. Really CBS, you get AJ back but will not resign TG???

    Thanks but I'm not interested in Criminal Minds without Hotchner as its Unit Chief.

  50. *Shaking head* You can be that dumb CBS, right?


  51. Wow, there seems to be a lot of thick headed people over at CBS (paging Moonves and Tassler). Alright then, if you don't get the team that you destroyed back together again for season 7, I will no longer watch CM or anything else on CBS. In case you haven't noticed CBS, the other networks have picked up some series that show great promise. You know, this little old upfront thing that is currently going on. CM has been a faithful performer for you, and people have stuck by it despite all of the stupid and unnecessary changes you have made to the show. Now, with the return of AJ, the wonderful hope that Paget will come back, signing Shemar back on, well, these are things that have kept people hopeful for season 7. If Thomas Gibson does not return to complete this hope, well, then, it is hasta la vista for me CBS! Get your acts together before you run another show down into the ground!

  52. I'm nervous on a premier level. They've already bust the family unit apart this season, and have had to hastily undo their madness....so for them now to be doing this....well kinda makes you wonder what they're smoking over there at CBS

  53. I'm obviously not doing a very good job of separating reality from fiction. I'm just livid at the moment, and it's only Tuesday. And there's work to be done and life to be lived. How pathetic am i to be losing sleep over a TV show? But i am. so yeah, i don't have a life. One less thing to fret over is a good thing, isn't it, in the grand scheme of things? And as they say, the show must and will go on without tg/hotch, but i'm not watching. Simples.

  54. If Thomas Gibson doesn't come back, I'm done with the show and I think it would be a very stupid decision

  55. An hour ago it was reported that CM: SB was canceled.
    Please could you confirm?
    If so, simply confirmed what was for us a fact since last year: could not create a spin off, maiming the original series. CM: SB would have been best if its creators had taken in hand with the original, instead, deletes two central characters.
    Sorry for those who participated in this project, but I would never support this project.

  56. Yes, I am very nervous. I won't watch CM without Tom and I do enjoy the show. It's just that I enjoy him best.

  57. No Hotch/TG, no CM for me.

    Simple as that.

    I hope we'll hear about Thomas signing a contract for season 7 (and beyond?) tomorrow, the latest by the end of the week. It severely impairs my viewing pleasure. Can't even fully enjoy watching the older episodes, thinking that the unthinkable might happen. I stopped watching CSI when Grissom left. Even though it was Peterson's own decision, it just felt wrong to me. I'd stop watching NCIS faster than you can say Gibbs should Mark Harmon ever leave. And I definetely would stop watching CM, without Hotch. TG is a great guy and a fantastic actor, his Hotch is a fascinating character and my favorite since episode 1. I would be devastated to lose him (yes, pathetic, I know. I do have a life but still ... )

    So, yes, at the moment I'm scared and nervous and annoyed.

  58. Nervous, concerned, sick at the thought he won't be back for Season 7... I am so happy AJ cook is back and I am happy that Mr. Moore is coming back (with more $$). And of course I hope Ms.Brewster returns as well. BUT it is inconceivable to think of losing Mr. Gibson. There can be no BAU without Hotch!!! Somebody do somethin' to make this work for the love!!! Mr. G., we need you!!!!

  59. Eva aka PinkfoxTuesday, May 17, 2011

    I am getting pretty nervous to be honest. I only became a fan this season but there couldn't be a CM for me without Hotch. After Reid he is my favorite characters.

    The CBS has made a couple of good moves with getting AJ back, canceling SB and giving Paget the chance to return.

    Now they need to get finish what they started and get Hotch and Emily back on the show.

    So get on your horses and get to work, CBS!!!

  60. We need our fearless leader. W/O Hotch there will be no CM in my future.

  61. The only thing keeping me from panicking is the fact that all the members of NCIS didn't sign until late June. So there is still plenty of time.

    If the writers are going back to work on May 31st, it seems like it would make things a bit difficult for them if they didn't know whether or not they needed to write for Hotch, or whether they should write him out.

  62. I'm very nervous that Thomas still has no contract!It's terrible thinking about Criminal Minds without Hotch.I think I would be too sad to watch it without him!:´(
    PLEASE,CBS,don't do that...we need TG!!!

  63. Nope, I'm not splitting hairs or going to worry, I simply won't watch the show if he leaves.


  64. Yes, I’m nervous.

    Don’t find fault, find a remedy…Henry Ford

    CBS/ABC…please provide the contract Thomas needs to sign on the dotted line. I won’t watch Criminal Minds without him.

  65. There was expected news for last week but it did NOT come to fruition. Unfortunately no contract was signed last week. We had hoped that I would be able to make a happy announcement. Lets hope we can do that soon.

  66. So, CBS wants to play hard to get and keep trying to ruin a show that everybody thought it was perfect before this season? Well, they can do that, but they won't get me as a viewer anymore, for any of their shows and I'm sorry to inform most of the shows I watch are on this network. That's exactly what happened last year with 2 1/2 men. I just stopped watching full stop.

    Also, I will love to see next season how this show holds up against American Idol without its lead actor.

    So, good luck CBS. Hope someone with a brain is responsible for your decisions this year. because last year with the way the actresses were fired, your full support for that failed spin-off and your full on support for Charlie Sheen, I though you would know better by now.

    Prove me wrong, why don't you?

  67. Yes, it's only a TV show. Yes, I have a life.

    But not only is Hotch the moral center of the whole team -- and therefore the whole show -- but Thomas Gibson is an enormously talented actor with arguably the most aggressively devoted fan base outside Bieber-land. And, yeah, I'm part of it, and proud to be.

    If you plan to keep the show, then stop the games, stop the hype, give him whatever he wants -- because without TG, as much as I admire the other members of the cast, there's no CM for me.

    And I'm prepared to go another step and say, no CBS.

  68. Just hope all ends well and Thomas will be in CM next season

  69. Not, I am not nervous. After the disappointment of this year; they dismissing two great actresses and contract to terrible R. Nichols; they cannot dismiss Thomas because the series would die with him.

  70. Thomas is Criminal Minds! Hopefully he'll come back otherwise I'm afraid it will be the end of the show :(

  71. So, we get AJ back, the possibility of Paget back and Shemar secured, and we don't have to worry about MGG, Mantegna and Kristen for now, and yet, all of that would have been in vain in case Thomas Gibson is let go.
    What part of this obvious reality don't you guys understand at CBS?

    Another thing you don't seem to understand, what kept this show going steady for 6 seasons it's not just the cases, otherwise the spin off wouldn't have been canceled, it's this ensemble, the ensemble you messed with and then realized you had to put together.
    So you saw your mistake, you fixed it, how can you think about making another one? And then, I'm afraid you won't have the opportunity to fix like you did with the ladies, because I really can't see this show lasting without Hotch.
    I love this show and everyone in it, but he is the glue, the one everyone turns to, talks to, leans on, you can't take that away. Not without compromising the entire show.

    Did you watch 25 to life? I couldn't even finish it because the team didn't make any sense or functioned without Hotch.

    This show needs Aaron Hotchner.
    And you need Thomas Gibson.
    So enough already.
    Sign him and make the fans (your audience) happy.

  72. sf81387,

    You are right that it would make it more difficult for the writers initially to plan stories until they had TG's final status, because he is a central character. I can only imagine how AJ's firing one month into their writing season completely threw a wrench into some of their story ideas. And that is not even to mention the huge tailspin the writers must have been thrown when Mandy abruptly quit.

    I only pointed the NCIS precedent from last year to show that just because negotiations drag on, it doesn't necessarily mean they won't be concluded satisfactorily to all the parties involved. I'm hoping. :)

  73. I'm very nervous and angry about that.

    No TG / No Hotch = No CM for me!!

  74. I'm another one who thinks that the contrat announcement will come after Wed. night's season finale. Why write a cliffhanger if we know all the players are safe. Better to let the fans fret for a while and bump CM ups in all the buzz. I personally think TG will be back.

  75. Its inconceivable that Thomas STILL doesn't have a contract! This actor has done so much for CM, both on and off screen and yet continues to be overlooked by tptb. He has earned a great contract, not this crap limbo. Sign him, please! I certainly won't be watching without him. No Hotch, no CM for this girl. Period.

  76. The fans want their WHOLE team back next year and that especially includes our leader Hotch! Sign TG and give us a well-deserved summer off of stressing over our cast.

    No Hotch, no CM for me either.

  77. Nervous? I'm a complete wreck! Hotch is my favorite character and why I watch CM. Its great we'll prob get our women back (never should have gone in the first place) but without Aaron Hotchner it isn't enough. TG needs a contract! More Hotch!

  78. Why is CM always being picked on? what do fans have to do to get our show left alone? Give TG a raise! Give TG a contract! He's been there since the start and deserves it as much as the rest.
    No Hotch No CM

  79. This is the way you treat your lead?! Come on! Give a key actor his super-duper contract. Hotch is integral to CM, whether or not he's your favorite.

  80. AJ Cook is coming back and that news makes this JJ fan very happy. However, some of JJ's best scenes are playing off the wonderful Thomas Gibson. They get each other so very well, their chemistry is impeccable. Plus they are the guardians of Emily's secret. To have AJ return to a Gibsonless CM would be a very hollow victory.

    CBS, you keep tinkering with our cast, this team (and family) that we all love so very much. They are not replaceable or interchangeable. Please put your best foot forward to keep our wonderful 7 together: AJ, Shemar, Matthew, Joe, Kirsten, and yes....PAGET AND THOMAS! Paget's decision is her own and I hope she decides to return to the family and fandom that adores her BUT Thomas' decision is solely yours CBS. Make the right one!


  81. Well, with the spin-off cancelled, CBS is supposed to have budget to pay Thomas Gibson, so I can't figure out what they're waiting for to ink a new contract (Are they considering getting rid of Rachel Nichols first?-wouldn't mind that, honestly)
    Anyway, they need to have the total cast for Season 7 soon, because the writers need to now who are they penning the stories for...at least, CBS should take them into account!
    ...Or are they waiting until the summer, when all the cast is on holidays, to drop the bomb, like they did last summer with AJ's firing?
    Good news that CM:SB is no longer generating a conflictive budget, but with CBS, one never knows...FINGERS CROSSED, may common sense takes over CBS, if only for next season and for Criminal Minds!

  82. Nervous? No.

    A little annoyed? Yes.

    But it's simple: If Thomas Gibson stays, I'll continue to watch CM. If he doesn't, I won't. That's not a childish threat, it's a fact.

    Hotch was the reason that made me watch CM in the first place, back in Season 1, and although I like all of the original team members, he was the one that made me endure all the ups and downs of the show. I'm very happy that JJ will be back (and hopefully Prentiss), but CM without Hotch wouldn't work for me. The Hotch-less ep made that very clear.

  83. I wish it was signed and sealed but I am still not worried. The 2 Law and Order SVU actors still did not have contracts until June last year. At least that is what has been published. I am confident Thomas will be there.

  84. I am so nervous! Without our unit chief being Hotch, it's gonna be scary hard to pull off. Thomas needs to stay on the cast. He's much needed.

  85. What is CBS thinking? Why can't you resign TG back? Like many have said before me, I will not watch Criminal Minds Season 7 if TG is not back!

  86. We NEED him. Please do whatever it takes to secure that TG/Hotch will be there next season.

  87. I am not nervous. I am resolved that if TG/Hotch is no longer on CM, I will no longer watch it.

    I'm kind of sad. Season 6 will be the first I do NOT buy on DVD since it's been such a mess. And now I may lose a favorite entertainment entirely.

    I'm a little bit angry. This anger is only stoked by the 3rd post on these comments, btw. I try not to feed trolls, but THIS thread is certainly not the place to go on about how AWESOME you think RN is.

    But, no. I'm not nervous.

  88. Oh my yes! I am nervous TG's Aaron Hotchner sets the tone for the show and always has. hotch is grumpy the team is on edge...Hotch is focused the team is razor sharp...how can their even be a CM wo Hotch.

  89. Am I nervous? You bet I am! Criminal Minds is the only tv show that I watch and I watch it because of Hotchner!

  90. I'd also like to add that getting rid of Seaver/Rachel Nichols would go a long way toward appeasing the fans after all we've endured this season. We want our team back the way it belongs, the way it WORKS and that includes Hotch and NOT Seaver. She brings nothing to the show but TG is the team's leader.

  91. I`m not too nervous. I guess he will sign a contract soon after the season finale. They could just be hyping the finale with the news that he has no contract yet. Isn`t that how TV works?

  92. No Thomas Gibson makes me nervous because I want to sit down on Wednesday night next season, watch my favorite show with our Unit Chief SSA Aaron Hotchner played by Thomas Gibson!

    I hope CBS will resign Mr. Gibson soon!

  93. Eva aka PinkfoxTuesday, May 17, 2011

    Niteanjl might have a point though. They might announce it after the season finale they keep us on the edge of our seats...

    I don't know... I am Dutch and I don't understand much of the way things are decided on the other side of the ocean...

    I just pray that both Paget Brewster and Thomas Gibson come back...

  94. Eva aka PinkfoxTuesday, May 17, 2011

    Niteanjl might have a point though. They might announce it after the season finale they keep us on the edge of our seats...

    I don't know... I am Dutch and I don't understand much of the way things are decided on the other side of the ocean...

    I just pray that both Paget Brewster and Thomas Gibson come back...

  95. Just to set the record straight concerning TG's absence in "25 to Life". Everyone seems to be really upset for the wrong reason.

    This had nothing to do with the network/writers except that TG asked for that time off to go play in a gold tournament in the UK. He expressed his gratitude for them working it out in an interview around that time.

  96. I'm not nervous, I'm convinced we'll have to Hotch for Season 7. With the return of AJ and the cancellation of the spin off, I'm sure it will not make more mistakes, listen to the fans.
    About Seaver, I would not mind to stay in the show, while the rest of the team holds together.

  97. Yes at this point I am getting nervous. I want the whole cast back!
    Please CBS give TG a new contract soon!


  98. I just don't get it. With all of the drama that has surrounded this show for the last year and the fan revolt over PB and AJC why would CBS be taking a chance like this? I'm a huge TG fan and without him I don't think I would keep watching but what about the people who still will? Doesn't it matter to CBS that all of this drama is pushing the fans away from the show? All of the uncertainty at the end of each year is only serving to stress people out and upset them. If they keep this up all that is going to happen is that fans that are loyal to the show and have been for six years, like me, are going to stop watching... Because when does it become too much, that the enjoyment of the show no longer surpasses the uncertainties that always surround it. My question to CBS would be this, why should people continue to watch a show on a network that no longer cares about it's fan base? Over 35000 people sign a pole saying that they won't watch the show without Thomas Gibson and it seems like those voices mean nothing to the network. I can't even begin to imagine what he could be asking for that would be worth it to the executive at CBS to possibly cause the show to lose it's viewership, not only from Thomas' loyal fan base but from the other viewers that just say enough is enough. I'm posting this with the hope that someone at CBS reads these posts and sees what this is doing to a show that I have loved and been a loyal viewer of for the last six years.

  99. PLEASE SORT Thomas' contract!!!!! No Hotch, no me, no CM!!! We need Hotch!

  100. I can't believe that CBS can't see the value that they have Thomas Gibson. If Thomas is gone from the show so am I. What do we need to do to get this to go right.

  101. Either way, if Gibson actually asked for the time off and got it during 25 to Life or not, the real point it, it's still the worst episode from this season and this was the worst season of this show, with a lot of uneven episodes to pick from, and that only happened because of how unbalanced the show got thanks to the network's bad decisions.

    And if they think the show can go on without the lead actor, they should sit down and watch that episode and then watch an episode like Hanley Waters (6.20) and see what a different it makes.

    If Thomas Gibson is no longer a part of the show, I will not watch this show, it's simple as that CBS.

    And I'll probably stop watching Big Bang Theory and How I Met Your Mother too, just to avoid your network completely.

  102. Not worried...negotiations are often drawn out. Wouldn't put it past CBS to keep it going, or to keep it a secret, just to up the hype. But if TG leaves I won't be watching.

  103. The spin off has been cancelled. i hope that this to help to Thomas renew your contract

  104. I'm nervous, yes. But I keep in mind that he's said he wants and intends to be back.. so I can wait just awhile longer.

  105. I am not nervous but a bit concerned. I am so happy AJ will be back and that SM will be too. Hope to see Paget back too but all of this would not matter if we loose Hotch/TG because he is the main reason why I love the show so much. So it is simple: no Hotch/TG no CM for me.

  106. I have to agree with Gubegirl, I must not have much of a life since this whole season has made me as nervous as a cat in a room full of rocking chairs.

    I really do want the contract negotiations to be over for this year, but you know, I'm already worried about next year when MGG and JM's contracts are up.

    How bad is that?

  107. Will Not watch CM without Hotch!Tuesday, May 17, 2011

    I'm tired of all this CBS, first you take away AJ and Paget, give us a character, Seaver that make no sense. Now we are getting AJ back but not Thomas? You really think this will work CBS? I can tell you now, it won't I will not watch!

  108. The question for me is Thomas nervous about this? If he's not, then neither am I.

  109. Not nervous. Ticked off. Bad enough that they wrote JJ and Emily out, and now that they're fixing that, they're quibbling over Thomas Gibson, who is the strong leader who empowers his people and holds the team together? This is ridiculous.

    TG has said time and time again that he wants to continue to be a part of the show. I love Shemar and every member of the cast, even if Seaver is still finding her feet. But I honestly don't enjoy seeing Shemar doubling his per-episode income when we still don't know if the team leader will have a contract.

    I feel manipulated and annoyed, and as much as I desperately want Paget Brewster back as Prentiss, I'm not sure even her return would be enough to keep me watching if Thomas Gibson were gone.

  110. I hope that CBS will wake up soon and resign TG. CM without Hotch? I just don't want to think about that!

  111. This man needs to come back to criminal minds!! Thomas we neeed you!!!!

  112. 25 To Life was NOT the worst episode in the history of Criminal Minds. Let's not be overzealous with opinion. The ratings were average, plain and simple. No major loss or bump. Maybe by a few decimals of a point, but that's happened to many episodes.

    It disheartens me that Criminal Minds fans have (in their minds) turned a show with an ensemble cast into the Criminal Minds: Aaron Hotchner. It's an honest turn-off from the show.

    Criminal Minds WILL work without Hotch/Gibson. That's just the sad truth. It WILL work if any of them left. It's been proven in the past, as well as this season, which has been one of my favorites because it was a unique change of pace.

    Do we want to see Gibson go? No. But, it's not going to keep me from watching whether he does or doesn't come back. Prentiss and JJ's leaving didn't keep me from watching. If Shemar hadn't have signed his contract, I would have possibly still watched.

    The show is about profiling, not one character/actor. If it was just about one character/actor, what in the world would set it apart from EVERY OTHER crime drama?

    If Gibson didn't come back, although it would be a terrible thing, I'd be content with either Morgan or Rossi becoming the leader of the team. I think they both could handle being thrust into the spotlight for a while, and I like them both over all, to be frank. If they end up bringing Paget back, then hey, more power to them. We've got one of our originals back!

    Bottom line is, the show can work. No one actor makes the show. We have to be realistic.

  113. Yes, I'm nervous. Even more so, since it seems like things were close to him getting one and then things went crashing down. Somehow that seems worse. I start thinking if things were going well -well enough that a happy announcement was in the works- and then it changed, that whatever changed must have been really horrible.

    I wish I knew exactly what was going on, where the potential deal took a wrong turn, and that I knew both parties and had superpowers of persuasion to make everyone snap into agreement.

  114. Anonymous, we are going to have to agree to disagree on 25 to Life.
    And the reason we are all advocating for TG is because he is the only one without a contract. When Shemar didn't have one, we were advocating for the both of them.

    Again, agree to disagree, because I don't think the show can work without TG, I could barely sit through one episode without him, let alone an entire season.

    And if the show was only about profiling and not the people who catch them, that spin off wouldn't have been canceled TODAY, because that show was also about profiling.

    Bottom line, for me and many others the show can't last without TG, if it can for you, good then, but I've had it with CBS and all this jerking around, if they can throw anything at us and make us watch it, well, I may as well watch any other network instead too.

  115. Nope, I'm not nervous. I'm absolutely sure Thomas will be back next season. Gut feeling. However, I'm getting really impatient. I hope we get the news soon. I'm actually more nervous about Paget's situation. I really want her back. Desperately.
    I do think the characters make this show, at least for me they do. And if they to get rid of either Hotch, Morgan or Reid, I think the show will go downhill. These three guys are invaluable to the show.
    I loved JJ and Emily, still do, but I didn't realize how much I would miss them until they were actually gone. They can't afford to let TG go, it's too much of a gamble, and I don't think they will.
    I hope we can get the season3-5 cast back. They were fantastic and never should have been messed with.

  116. When I first heard the news about the cancellation of the spin-off, I was actually glad because I knew it in my gut that it was not going to last very long, that it would be a network bomb.

    I just hope that Criminal Minds doesn't get negative repercussions from the failure of the spin-off, like an even lower budget or more people gone, but that does not seem to be the case, at least until Thomas Gibson is officially signed on again.

  117. Nervous? Yes!
    CM's has suffered enough & we don't need anymore cuts!!!

  118. Using the spin off to back up your theory can turn this moot, very quickly.

    The original, and a spin off are two very different things. Doesn't mean it had to do with the Thomas Gibson not being on it. People figured, "hey, I have Criminal Minds already. Why watch a spin-off of practically the same thing? I can just stick to the original."

    I'm not underscoring the importance of the cast as a family unit, and how drawn in fans are to that family unit. But, the show doesn't revolve around Thomas Gibson OR Shemar Moore...or A.J. Cook or Paget Brewster, or Lola Glaudini or even Mandy Patinkin. Many, many, MANY fans don't have a favorite. They might be hurt if Gibson is gone, but they'll continue to watch. Season 6 is proof of that with Paget and A.J.'s dismissals. Although they're bringing A.J. back, the ratings have still been solid.

    Just because Criminal Minds without Gibson might not work for a few thousand, doesn't mean it's not gonna work for a few million.

    Advocate away. It's a good thing. I'm not saying anything against it. That's what fans do.

    It's just that saying things like "There is no Criminal Minds without Thomas Gibson," isn't a believable statement, and comes off as more passion if anything.

  119. Them signing Shemar back was the smartest move they ever did, and they doubled his salary. Talk about important. That saved the show for me, and I can rest easy knowing I can come back for Season 7 and still see my Agent Morgan

    Thomas is next to sign his. If he doesn't, big loss for us, but I'm still happy for Shemar. :)

    ~ Lacie

  120. Not nervous. What good is it to be nervous? We can't control it. I don't imagine contract negotiations are easy. I have no background in contract negotiations so just have to trust that this is normal. Yes everyone else is signed, but this is someone's JOB so of course they want to take the time to work it all out.

    Bottom line, too bad we haven't heard, but no need causing needless worry and panic when it's something we aren't involved in.

  121. CBS President c'mon! Do you really need someone to slash water in your face? I would have thought that the whole debacle with AJ Cook and Paget Brewster would have knocked some sense into her.

    Btw Rachel is ok, but she's not JJ. I'm glad they got her back!

  122. I do not believe for one second TG won't sign... this is just hype. May be they have a few details to iron out but it will be announced in the next few days.
    It will be a shame if TG doesn't return, but if he doesn't will the show stop? No. It will adjust as do all other shows that go through change, but I don't think there's cause to panic

  123. When people say "There is no Criminal Minds without Hotch", I think they mean that the show would be too different. So different that some wouldn't watch anymore. At least that's how I see it.

    I personally wouldn't want to watch CM without Hotch but I know that if push comes to shove, I'd still tune in for just a little to see what it's like because I know I'd be curious.

    The ideal situation for me (and others from what I've seen) is the entire cast back together. I'd so love to see that happening for season 7.

    We can only wait and see...

    (Btw, I disagree with the comment about 25 to Life being the worst episode ever. I can think of a lot worse. People are being biased because Hotch wasn't in it. But I will admit that the episode was a little different without him.)


  124. I never said 25 to life was the worst episode of this show's history, I said it was the worst of this season.
    The worst episode of CM is The Fight.
    I would take Honor Among Thieves any day over it.
    And that is my opinion.

    And I'm not prolonging this, because this is a thread for people to comment on how they feel about TG not having a contract, not for people to dismiss one another or disagree on everything.

    Bottom line, as one fan of Criminal Minds from the very beginning I'm saying I can no longer take the network meddling and hurting this show. And I will not watch without TG. And that is all that I had to say.

    Please, carry on without me.

  125. I'm very worried because Thomas is my favorite CM character. I know that I will stop watching Criminal Minds. The season finale for season 6 is tomorrow and knowing thy we're going into the next season and Thomas STILL doesn't have a contract makes me very nervous that he may not be coming back! We've already lost AJ and Paget and they were very well liked and if we lost Thomas Many people will stop watching. Just look at the poll.

  126. I too disagree that 25 to Life was the worse episode ever. There have been worse, but if you a Hotch fan then obviously you are going to miss him.
    I want more than anything to see the cast back together next season, but I have to say that as long as the writing is good this show WILL continue with or without certain cast members.
    Yes it may lose a few viewers, but when the show attracts 13 million viewers plus a few hundred or even thousand won't make any difference.
    Hopefully this whole situation will be resolved soon and everyone can move on.
    I am looking forward to next season whoever is in it...
    Season 6 has been great and I can't wait for the finale.

  127. As I take a step back from this I realize that if I wasn't on this Blog I would know nothing about whether Thomas had a contract or not. And I would go merrily on my way waiting for next season to see how it will turn out. I think it's a case of either:
    1. some manipulation of those of us who pay attention to this;
    2. waiting until after the finale/cliffhanger so there will be some suspense.
    I've said this before, I think TG may not be all that anxious to come back and is wanting a very good deal and is willing to walk if he doesn't get it.
    I agree with sf81387, it takes two to negotiate.
    Would I watch without him? Don't know, he's a huge reason for my enjoyment of the show but I would probably tune in for an episode or two to see how it goes. Can't really imagine CM without him however

  128. My mistake Hanna, I misread your post. My apologies.


  129. Soosan, I just read your post and I agree wholeheartedly.

  130. I'm 100% nervous!!!

  131. I must admit that I am getting more and more nervous. I still want to believe that even CBS wouldn't be so stupid as to not give Thomas a new contract and I will remain hopeful until the end.

    But with that said, if Thomas were to leave Criminal Minds I would definitely not watch season 7. Hotch is the BAU and nothing can ever change that.

    Learn from your mistakes, CBS!

  132. People from CBS: Please!, please! Make your show’s fans happy!!!! Get Thomas Gibson a contract for CM-7!!!

  133. Okay, about 25 to Life. No one is wrong about that episode. Worst episode, best episode, okay episode, not so great episode? Everyone is right, because they all reflect personal individual opinions. It's a subjective judgment. And whatever reason people have for feeling it's the worst episode, or the best, or anything in between is also right. Since I assume people are saying how much they personally enjoyed or didn't enjoy the episode.

    Also, I'd guess that everyone is biased when it comes to assessing whether something is good. Especially if you're speaking as a regular tv watcher and not someone who's giving an objective critical review. Everyone has things they like or don't like and the exclusion or inclusion of those things will effect a person's enjoyment.

  134. I want Thomas to come back but he could be the one making outlandish demands. You can't always get what you want.

  135. Come on CBS, please give TG a new contract! We all want Thomas back!

  136. This news makes me sad and angry. After all they did to butcher this show and its cast last year, they are going to make the same mistake again this year? Well, guess what? I, like many others, will NOT be tuning in. It is as simple as that.

    Seriously? In what Universe is it a logical decision to let Thomas Gibson walk? The Twilight Zone maybe. No Hotch, No CM for me. Plain and simple. The End.

    Bye bye, CM.

  137. 25 to Life is not one of my favorite episodes, not because there was no Hotch (which surprised me), but because of the poor quality of the writing. It started off fine, but from the moment Prentiss found an old videotape copy of the night the guy's family was murdered, that's when things got absurd. When Morgan confronts the unsub of the episode, with his slow clapping, all I could think was "Oh, COME ON!"

    I would expect in a different show, but not in Criminal Minds.

    The most disappointing part was that it was written by Erica Messler, who usually writes much-more stellar episodes. Maybe an off-day.

  138. Very nervous, Hotch-less CM is unacceptable!!!

    No Hotch = No CM

  139. Hotch needs to stay. He is their leader, even Morgan's. They look up to him and rely on him. He isn't Aaron Hotchner, if he isn't SSA Hotch. Being unit chief/in the BAU is an integral part of his character. Unless you kill him in some classless manner the fans will hate, it would be ridiculous to write him off.

  140. I wasn't worried, knowing TG has said repeatedly he wants to come back. But now I really am. Hotch is why I started with CM and why I still watch even after writers were fired and the femalle actors treated like dirt. If TG goes so do I. Yes, the show will probably go on, but it won't be the same CM i fell in love with. Please come to your senses CBS, give him a raise (he deserves it and you doubled SM's!) and a contract! thank you.

  141. No Hotch No more CM. 'nuff said. And I won't be sticking it out to see the carnage.

  142. Lots of fans could write an essay on why Aaron Hotchner is so important to Criminal Minds. I don't get why he's STILL waiting for a contract?? CBS, you need to rectify this and now! No more f'g around with the fandom. No more 'letting actors go'. Hire back TG with a decent offer. I'm another of those seemingly insignificant fans who will quit both CM & CBS without a return of our beloved Unit Chief.

  143. Gubegirl, i'm scared too and have no problem in being selfish about it right now. I've invested in this show for 6 years. I stayed when the writers left, including Andrew Wilder. I stayed when you totally scrrewed over AJ and Paget. I WILL NOT stay if you mess up with Thomas. CM needs Hotch. The fans want TG. What's your problem, CBS?

    No Hotch No CM.

  144. It makes me very nervous! I just got into this show, went through the DVDs in about three weeks, and my love is mostly down to Hotch and TG. I don't know what I'll do if he doesn't come back! Well, I do, I won't watch or buy S7 on DVD, but you know what I mean.

    Sigh. Should've started watching sooner! I would've had more time to enjoy it!

  145. answer to question = v nervous. CBS has tinkered way too much with our show when its not broken. This stress may be cheap thrills for CBS, but it is truly beyond funny for us Hotch fans. Thomas has given a helluva lot to the show and also publicizing it at every turn. Thsi is how he's repaid? I'm not stupid enough to think Hollywood plays fair, but if TG isn't back, I'm playin' somewhere else.


  146. How can CBS continue to give TG so little support, i really donh't get it. He's definitely a critical character and i hated the episode he wasn't in, whatever the reasons. Will never watch another Hotchless episode. Ever. Promise.

  147. Hotch is only my second fave but i'm sick of the crap dealt to CM so if he isn't back next season, its adios to the show. I hear Harry's Law is pretty good!

  148. Hotch is one of the best ever TV characters. I like all the team and was happy to have PB and AJ return but its all for nothing without TG. Sorry, that's the way I feel. No Hotch, no more CM for me.


  149. when they took away Grissom in CSI Vegas I stopped watching, when they took away Goerge Clooney and Dr Green character in ER I stopped watching, and many other show also, please dont disapoint the fans and bring Hotch back now.

  150. I wonder excatly what is holding everything up? Maybe Thomas is asking for more than CBS is ready to give? Although, they double Shemar's salary, so I would think they could offer Thomas a lot more. I just hope a contract is signed soon. I won't watch CM without Hotch! Maybe the contract is already signed and TPTB are with holding the info until after the seasons finale...just a thought!

  151. I'm a Belgian fan, a great CM fan since the beginning and I'm desappointed about season 6.

    So, it makes me nervous too about Tom, but i have a question, TG go to Monte Carlo for a tv serie festival early in june with his family, so why? since we don't have news about his contract?

    Good news, bad news? Has he a contract and waits to tell us?

    So until we know, CM without TG is without me!

    Sorry for my bad english...


  152. syd, your english's perfect.
    I'm very worried as well, this is not going anywhere and I can't really imagine CM without TG.
    Even more: if they had the money to be sure about Morgan, why they didn't spend it before on the unit chief? it would have been reasonable.
    So either it's not a money question or probably it's just hype.
    Or, simply, there is something I don't know.

    Still: no Hotch, no CM.

  153. Pay Gibson whatever he wants, he deserve it! The man is a great actor and a class act.


  154. while i agree that it takes 2 to negotiate, i really can't see Thomas asking for anything completely unrealisitc. he's been a big part of the show's success and promotes it by talking to us fans a lot. CBS needs to give him a good contract and now! Waiting is not ggood publicity, its tiresome.

    No Thomas, no Criminal Minds.

  155. if you put the poll and comments threads of just this single blog, its abundantly clear that a LOT of fans value Hotch/TGs contribution. He deserves an improved contract, just like SM. There are over 40,000 who think the same.

    no hotch no more cm

  156. Nobody replaces Hotch. This character is such a big part of the CM family I couldn't bear if he were gone. Please please please, I want more Hotch, not less or none. :(

  157. I'm not nervous because for me it is very simple, TG is not back then I will watch something else. Maybe that new FOX show, X-Factor.

  158. They should really not mess with a great cast, its hard to find a tv show with a good cast, they have that and more, they all fit together please dont mess that up...this is coming from a MGG fan...we need Hotch/TG it will just feel weird to not see him.

  159. CBS, this should be a no-brainer. TG should be getting the same as your CSI leads, if not more since CM is waaaaaaaaay more successful. Give him a good deal and leave our show alone!

  160. I can't really say it clearer, no thomas for s7 and beyond, no cm/cbs for me.

  161. The greed of CBS makes me sick to my stomach. I get that actors make a lot too but at least they earn it! (or most do, including Mr. Gibson). We want him back! He's so part of or family and we know you have the $.

    no more hotch, no more cm

  162. i refuse to think about cm without hotch. I can't. I love the show because of its chemistry and ALL the cast andd a big part of that is TG. Take it away and you're taking me too. (no hotch no cm)

  163. Hotchless episodes suck! Do yourselves a favour CBS and give us our leader back! I love Thomas Gibson and I love Hotch. He's a big part of why this show is successful and deserves to be recognized for that. Step up to the plate and listen to the fans. We want Hotch!

  164. They are doing a great job with the cast. Adding Rachel is AWESOME and people need to realize that you can't keep a cast like this stagnant.

    I completely disagree that they are doing a great job with the cast. They got rid of 2 actresses that they had to re-hire back. How is that great? Also, I really don't think this is the appropriate time or place to be raving about Rachel Nichols. While I'm sure RN is a nice person, to be perfectly honest, as an actress, she's not that great. IMO she was a subpar replacement for AJ, a subpar replacement for Paget, and for CBS to now think she is going to be a suitable replacement for TG is unfathomable. Compare the acting skills of the two and RN is not only subpar but she doesn't even show up on the radar. NO. Just. NO. NOT ACCEPTABLE.


  165. When the going gets tough, the tough get HOTCH! TG is great as our leader and I don't want anyone else. I want to see his scars. I want to see him deal with his trauma. I want to see him deal with keeping Emily's secret. I want to see more Hotch & Reid. I just want to enjoy my show. Offer a good contract and make my summer.

  166. I was so hyper for next season with AJ back but not anymore. Why would CBS not sign back Thomas? CM will not work without Hotch.

    please, CBS sign back TG, I so don't want to stop watching CM!


  167. okay, just in case you didn't get it CBS;

    No Hotch , No Criminal Minds!!!

  168. Last year it was AJ and Paget, this year SM and TG, next year will we go through this again with JM and MGG?

    Damn tired of all this CBS. Give us a break and sign TG!

  169. If I wasn't nervous before I read this thread, I am now. I'm a huge Thomas Gibson fan and think that he's kicked butt as Aaron Hotchner and has been a HUGE part of the show's success even when the network started its 'tinkering' a couple of years ago. Can't get why this is taking so long. CBS, get a grip. Put a worthy offer out and give us our Hotch back.

  170. Hotch isnt optionalTuesday, May 17, 2011

    the show may go on without hotch/tg but it will do so without me. It would be such a shame because i adore hotch and was really excited about the potential for prentiss to come back. No Hotch and no longer care.

  171. I'm not nervous at all because if the team is not back together for season 7, TG, PB, SM, MGG, KV, JM and AJ, I will simply stop watching the show.

    I'm done with all of the freaking dog and pony antics CBS has up their sleeves. For YEARS you have extracted every ounce of talent you could from this cast, not paying them anywhere near what they are worth per episode. Now when it is time to pay these actors what they are worth, you are balking.

    Screw you and your network if all of these actors are not back on the show for season 7 CBS!

  172. C = complete
    B = bull
    S = sh**

    Give Thomas Gibson a good new contract for all the work he has done for SIX seasons.

    No Hotch No CM for me.

  173. They might as well cancel the show if Hotch or any of our MAIN characters aren't there! Why do we have to go through this kinda crap every summer? The uncertainty really sucks... we funs shouldn't have to go through this at all! A cliff hanger on the show is one thing BUT a cliffhanger with our CAST is just unfair. CBS or whoever is making the decisions needs to GROW UP.

  174. AMEN, Peggy!!!

    Count me out if TG isn't back.

  175. Yes, to answer the question.

    Under "normal" circumstances I'd say no, but CBS has shown an appalling lack of foresight and poor judgement (i.e. the AJ & Paget fiasco) in the past year. Therefore my mind can only boggle with whatever nonsense they come up with next.

    Give the man a well-deserved DECENT contract. Simple.

    **Rolls eyes**

  176. ITA Anon. CBS isn't showing any respect whatsoever, to a well-loved actor who has done nothing but be a large part of making the show great, nor to us fans. I'm sick of it too. Either TG is back or I'm outta here. It is beyond stupid.

  177. @ Olivia:
    pmsl at your CBS comment! ;-))

  178. I not only watch the show (and love it) but I have recruited huge numbers of new CM fans. My family, friends, acquaintances, etc all love the show but hate the stupid politics. STOP fooling around with our cast!!!!!!!!!!

  179. Damit to hell. CBS are real jackasses for fooling around with Thomas Gibson. I am getting sick and tired of being fooled around with. No Thomas/Hotch No Me Period

  180. ^ agree anon. What's left to say?


  181. A Shocked CM fan!Tuesday, May 17, 2011

    I was looking forward to tomorrow's finale until I found this blog. I was so shocked to read that Thomas Gibson was no a lock for next season! How can this be? CM just cannot work without Hotch! It was bad enough to get Seaver but to lose Hotch would just kill off CM!

  182. My business brain is having a really hard time with the current CBS stupidity. It costs more to recruit new fans (which you would have to do if TG were to leave, esp since we all know he does NOT want to). You have already p'o'd a wonderfully loyal fanbase and yet seem intent on testing our patience one last time. Yes, I said 'last' because it will be my last. I enjoy the show and the team but I have a soft spot for Hotch and am a huge Thomas fan. I'll just find myself another show and another network. So stupid, no matter how you look at it.

  183. @teresah thanks for the agreement!

    Of course I want to know that his contract is signed, but opening up discussions about if we are nervous is just causing needless panic and hysteria. Of COURSE people are nervous, it's the nature of fandom. :)

  184. This madness needs to stop. Quit messing with our show. Quit messing with our actors and treating your best assets like ****. Start respecting the fans. Its clear we want all of our original cast back full time so do us all a favor and give that to us. It really isn't asking that much.

    ALL CAST, ALL of the TIME. TG is included in that! Forget about the show otherwise, I'm done even if my sweetie is still there

  185. The show does not need refreshing. It does not need any more upheaval or instability. It needs Hotch/TG. Without him, CM is history for me.

  186. You did it for AJ and SM. Seems like you'll do it for PB. Now its time to do it for TG. We want and need ALL of them. I'm so sick and tired of being 'nervous'. Give TG something decent to sign for his immense hard work. No TG, no CM 4 me.

  187. It is not the end of the world with out Hotchner. NYPD Blue went 6 more seasons w out Jimmy Smits. I don't want to lose him but I'm prepared if we have to. And why are ppl giving Seaver so much bad attention. I embraced her. Not as good as Prentiss but still a good character in my opinion!! Show her some love.... and give TG a new deal!!!

  188. Nervous? HELL YEAH! I don't trust the network idiots at all after last summer. But if they think that fixing that gives them leeway to strike again with a main character, they are sadly wrong. I stand by my fave character. No Hotch, no CM for me.

  189. I don't give a damn what's happened on other shows. I care only about this one. But I'll only care as long as Hotch is a main character. Sure, the show may go on but it'll do that without this Hotch fan. Stop with the picking on CM and give its leading man a great new deal.

  190. Nope, no embracing for that sub par insane answer to a replacement Aaron. I want the team back to the way it was before someone at CBS with too much damn free time thought it was a good idea to get rid of two wonderful characters to replace them with what they got going on now. Please! And now possibly no TG/Hotch.

    The team had better get restored or I am out and so are all of the CM fans that I know. We are all sick of all of the unnecessary drama and stupid show changes caused by CBS.

  191. Smart people learn from their mistakes. Idiots make the same mistakes repeatedly. Be smart, CBS, not idiotic. Hotch is an incredible character and very necessary to the show. Plus 1 to the fans walking out the door if TG isn't back full force for S7.

  192. If CBS doesn't sign Thomas, they are more stupid than I thought. I have already quit watching all but 2 shows on their network and they are getting ready to lose me altogether.....this means their advertisers will be losing me as well.

  193. I loved the first 5.5 seasons but S6 has been a huge disappointment. Sure, part of that was due to the ladies being forced out, but most was Hotch being left out of the forefront. I refuse to imagine the even-worse scenario of NO Hotch and won't hang around if it comes to fruition. Like everyone else here, my ONLY CM includes Thomas!

  194. We want Thomas! How many ways do the fans have to say it, CBS?! Over 40000 polled they won't watch without him. You've had god-knows how many posts telling you how much CM fans care about this character and see him as important. I want my #1 team all back next year and that means my #1 man SSA Aaron Hotchner. I simply will stop with the show if TG isn't signed. Get a grip CBS.


  196. Belinda: Harry's Law is GREAT and worth watching. The Killing is better/different (no comedy what-soever, tho' like David Kelly's shows have) but super suspenseful like FX's Damages.

    Olivia: Re: CBSh--: I totally agree - you go, girl! Call a spade a spade.

    Aaron: I quit watching NYPD Blue which was my previous fave show of all time AS SOON AS JIMMY SMITS LEFT. It was never the same and TV Guide said that when Bobby Simone's heart transplant didn't take, NYPD Blue slipped away as well. And you may embrace Seaver as long as you like, but she is getting no hugs from most of us, who will be happy to hug ANY/ALL of the rest of the cast!

    Thomas: PLEASE SIGN IF THEY ARE OFFERING YOU A DECENT CONTRACT! We don't want to go on without you!

  197. Screw CBS, Advertizers, are YOU listening?! Lose the leading actor and a major major character and you will lose a large chunk of viewers. Less viewers, less bang for your advertizing buck.

    No Hotch/TG and no CM.

    Does that make good marketing sense?

  198. I already don't watch much on CBS, only CM. I watch lots of cable shows, some on NBC. Guess if CM lose TG/Hotch I will done with CBS!

  199. Not just nervous but outraged! How can they do this again! Does anyone at CBS still have a brain?
